예제 #1
        public void parse()
            Assembly a;

            a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", "Assembly location = " + a.Location);

            // ============================================
            // Parse the XML Document and populate the database
            // ============================================

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            XORCISMEntities model;

            model = new XORCISMEntities();

            string query = "/NessusClientData_v2/Report";

            XmlNode report;

            report = doc.SelectSingleNode(query);

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", string.Format("Found {0} hosts to parse", report.ChildNodes.Count));

            foreach (XmlNode reportHost in report.ChildNodes)
                string ipAddress;
                ipAddress = reportHost.Attributes["name"].InnerText;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", string.Format("Handling host with IP {0}", ipAddress));

                // =============================================
                // If necessary, create an asset in the database
                // =============================================
                //TODO  ipaddressIPv4
                var myass = from ass in model.ASSET
                            where ass.ipaddressIPv4 == ipAddress //&& ass.AccountID == m_AccountID
                            select ass;
                ASSET asset = myass.FirstOrDefault();

                if (asset == null)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", "Creates a new entry in table ASSET for this IP");

                    asset = new ASSET();
                    //asset.AccountID = m_AccountID;
                    asset.AssetName        = ipAddress;
                    asset.AssetDescription = ipAddress;
                    //TODO  ipaddressIPv4
                    asset.ipaddressIPv4 = ipAddress;
                    asset.Enabled       = true;
                    //asset.JobID = m_JobId;

                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", "This IP already corresponds to an existing asset");

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", "Creating ASSETINSESSION reference");
                ASSETSESSION assinsess = new ASSETSESSION();
                assinsess.AssetID   = asset.AssetID;
                assinsess.SessionID = model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_JobId).SessionID;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", "Update JOB with ASSETINSESSIONID");
                JOB daJob = model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_JobId);
                daJob.AssetSessionID = assinsess.AssetSessionID;

                // =============================
                // Handles every ReportItem tag
                // =============================

                foreach (XmlNode n in reportHost.ChildNodes)
                    if (n.Name.ToUpper() == "ReportItem".ToUpper() && n.ChildNodes != null && n.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                        string protocol = n.Attributes["protocol"].InnerText.ToUpper();
                        int    port     = Convert.ToInt32(n.Attributes["port"].InnerText);

                        VulnerabilityEndPoint vulnerabilityEndPoint = new VulnerabilityEndPoint();
                        vulnerabilityEndPoint.IpAdress = ipAddress;
                        vulnerabilityEndPoint.Protocol = protocol;
                        vulnerabilityEndPoint.Port     = port;

                        VulnerabilityFound vulnerabilityFound = new VulnerabilityFound();
                        vulnerabilityFound.ListItem      = Helper_GetCVE(n);
                        vulnerabilityFound.ListReference = Helper_GetREFERENCE(n);  //TODO: Helper_GetCVE and Helper_GetREFERENCE could be mixed for only 1 parsing
                        vulnerabilityFound.InnerXml      = n.OuterXml;
                        vulnerabilityFound.Description   = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "description");
                        vulnerabilityFound.Solution      = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "solution");
                        vulnerabilityFound.Title         = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "synopsis");
                        vulnerabilityFound.rawresponse   = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "plugin_output");
                        vulnerabilityFound.Result        = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "plugin_output");
                        vulnerabilityFound.Severity      = n.Attributes["severity"].InnerText; //1
                        //vulnerabilityFound.Severity = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "risk_factor");  //None  Low
                        if (HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "exploit_available") == "true")
                            vulnerabilityFound.Exploitable = true;
                        //exploitability_ease   Exploits are available

                            vulnerabilityFound.CVSSBaseScore = float.Parse(HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "cvss_base_score"), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", string.Format("Error parsing CVSS_BASE : Exception = {0}", ex.Message));
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", string.Format("CVSS_BASE =", HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "cvss_base_score")));

                        bool   PatchUpgrade = false;
                        string MSPatch      = "";
                        string title;
                        string Solution;
                        if (HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "patch_publication_date") != "")
                            PatchUpgrade = true;
                        title = n.Attributes["pluginName"].InnerText;
                        Regex objNaturalPattern = new Regex("MS[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]");
                        MSPatch = objNaturalPattern.Match(title).ToString();
                        if (MSPatch != "")
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", "MSPatch=" + MSPatch);
                            PatchUpgrade = true;

                        Solution = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "solution");
                        if (Solution.Contains(" upgrade to "))
                            PatchUpgrade = true;
                        if (Solution.Contains("Upgrade "))
                            PatchUpgrade = true;
                        if (Solution.Contains("has released a set of patches"))
                            PatchUpgrade = true;
                        if (Solution.Contains("Apply the appropriate patch"))
                            PatchUpgrade = true;


                        vulnerabilityFound.PatchUpgrade = PatchUpgrade;
                        vulnerabilityFound.MSPatch      = MSPatch;

                        // ===========
                        // Persistance
                        // ===========

                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", string.Format("Persistance [{0}] [{1}] [{2}]", protocol, port, Helper_ListCVEToString(vulnerabilityFound.ListItem)));

                        int etat = VulnerabilityPersistor.Persist(vulnerabilityFound, vulnerabilityEndPoint, m_JobId, "nessus", model);
                        if (etat == -1)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NESSUS", string.Format("CANNOT IMPORT THIS ASSET !!!! "));

            // TODO
            // VulnerabilityPersistor.UpdateVulnerabilityJob(list_vulnerabilyFound,m_JobId,m_model);
예제 #2
        private void FuncThread()
            XORCISMEntities context;

            context = new XORCISMEntities();

            // Explicitly open the connection.

            // =================
            // Main polling loop
            // =================

                while (true)    //Infinite loop
                    // =============================================================================
                    // PHASE 0 : Look in table SESSION and let's see if there is something to cancel
                    // =============================================================================

                    #region Phase0
                    //Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", "Looking for new session to cancel (those with status = 'ToCancel')");

                    string status;
                    status = XCommon.STATUS.TOCANCEL.ToString();

                    XORCISMModel.SESSION cancelSession;
                    cancelSession = context.SESSION.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Status == status);

                    if (cancelSession != null)
                        // ===============================
                        // Abort the Launch Session thread
                        // ===============================

                        if (m_ListRunningSessionThread.ContainsKey(cancelSession.SessionID) == true)
                            LaunchSessionThreadInfo info;
                            info = m_ListRunningSessionThread[cancelSession.SessionID];

                            Thread musCanceledThread;
                            musCanceledThread = info.Thread;


                            // ==============================
                            // Launch a Cancel Session thread
                            // ==============================

                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Launching cancel session thread (sessionID={0})", cancelSession.SessionID));

                            cancelSession.Status = XCommon.STATUS.CANCELLING.ToString();


                            ParameterizedThreadStart ts;
                            ts = new ParameterizedThreadStart(FuncThreadCancelSession);

                            Thread thread;
                            thread = new Thread(ts);

                            //Canceling after Manager crash/reboot
                            //Session is not in m_ListRunningSessionThread
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Session {0} must be canceled", cancelSession.SessionID));

                            //int accountID;
                            //accountID = (int)model.USERACCOUNT.FirstOrDefault(o => o.UserID == session.UserID).AccountID;

                            // =============================
                            // Cancel the jobs on the agents
                            // =============================

                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Cancelling jobs on agents", cancelSession.SessionID));

                            var jobs = from jc in context.JOB
                                       where jc.SessionID == cancelSession.SessionID
                                       select jc;

                            foreach (JOB J in jobs.ToList())
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Handling job {1}", cancelSession.SessionID, J.JobID));

                                // ====================================
                                // Contact the agent and cancel the job
                                // ====================================

                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Trying to contact the agent", cancelSession.SessionID));

                                    ServiceReferenceAgent.Service1Client service;
                                    service = new ServiceReferenceAgent.Service1Client();

                                    // TODO :
                                    // service.Endpoint.Address = bestAgent.IPAddress;


                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : The agent has been successfully contacted", cancelSession.SessionID));
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Error contacting the agent. Exception = {1} {2}", cancelSession.SessionID, ex.Message, ex.InnerException));
                                    XCommon.Utils.Helper_SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "MANAGER ENGINE ERROR", "CANCELSESSION : Error contacting the agent. Exception =" + ex.Message + " " + ex.InnerException);

                            // =============================
                            // Update table SESSION (Status)
                            // =============================

                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Updating status in table SESSION to CANCELED", cancelSession.SessionID));
                                cancelSession.Status  = XCommon.STATUS.CANCELED.ToString();
                                cancelSession.DateEnd = DateTimeOffset.Now;

                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Error CANCELED. Exception = {1}", cancelSession.SessionID, ex.Message));
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SESSION {0} : CANCELSESSION : Finished", cancelSession.SessionID));
                    #endregion Phase0

                    // =============================================================================
                    // PHASE 1 : Look in table SESSION and let's see if there is something to launch
                    // =============================================================================

                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", "Looking for new session to start (status IDLE)");    //DO NOT COMMENT THIS LINE

                    string Statut = XCommon.STATUS.IDLE.ToString();

                    var session = context.SESSION.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Status == Statut);

                    if (session != null)
                        int sessionID;
                        sessionID = session.SessionID;

                        //Check if the Account and User are still valid
                        USERACCOUNT user = null;
                        user = context.USERACCOUNT.SingleOrDefault(o => o.UserID == session.UserID);
                        if (user.ACCOUNT.ValidUntilDate != null && user.ACCOUNT.ValidUntilDate < DateTimeOffset.Now)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Account not valid for session {0}", sessionID));
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Changing session (sessionID={0}) to CANCELED", sessionID));

                            session.Status = XCommon.STATUS.CANCELED.ToString();
                            if (m_ListRunningSessionThread.ContainsKey(sessionID) == true)
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Session {0} is supposed to be launched but a thread is already running for this session !", sessionID));
                                // =======================
                                // Launch a session thread
                                // =======================

                                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Launching session (sessionID={0})", sessionID));

                                session.Status = XCommon.STATUS.RUNNING.ToString();

                                ParameterizedThreadStart managerThreadStart;
                                managerThreadStart = new ParameterizedThreadStart(FuncThreadLaunchSession);

                                Thread thread;
                                thread = new Thread(managerThreadStart);

                                LaunchSessionThreadInfo info;
                                info = new LaunchSessionThreadInfo(sessionID, thread);


                                // ========================
                                // Put it in the dictionary
                                // ========================

                                m_ListRunningSessionThread.Add(sessionID, info);

                    // ===================================================================================
                    // PHASE 2 : Look in table SESSIONCRON and let's see if we have to create new sessions
                    // ===================================================================================

                    Statut = XCommon.STATUS.IDLE.ToString();

                    var q = context.SESSIONCRON.Where(o => o.Status == Statut);

                    foreach (SESSIONCRON sessionCron in q.ToList())
                        if (sessionCron.DateEnd == null || sessionCron.DateEnd > DateTime.Now)
                            //Check if the Account and User are still valid
                            USERACCOUNT user = null;
                            user = context.USERACCOUNT.SingleOrDefault(o => o.UserID == sessionCron.UserID);
                            if (user.ACCOUNT.ValidUntilDate != null && user.ACCOUNT.ValidUntilDate < DateTimeOffset.Now)
                                //Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Account not valid for entry {0} in table SESSIONCRON", sessionCron.SessionCronID));
                                CrontabSchedule schedule;
                                schedule = CrontabSchedule.Parse(sessionCron.CronExpression);

                                DateTimeOffset start = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                                DateTimeOffset end   = start + TimeSpan.FromDays(2 * 360);

                                var occurrence = schedule.GetNextOccurrences(start, end).GetEnumerator();
                                //                        Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", "SessionCron "+sessionCron.SessionCronID+" Next occurrence=" + occurrence.Current.DayOfWeek.ToString() + " " + occurrence.Current.Day.ToString() + "/" + occurrence.Current.Month.ToString() + "/" + occurrence.Current.Year.ToString() + " " + occurrence.Current.Hour.ToString() + "H" + occurrence.Current.Minute.ToString() + ":" + occurrence.Current.Second.ToString());

                                TimeSpan ts;
                                ts = occurrence.Current - start;
                                if (ts.TotalSeconds <= 5.0)
                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Cron expression for entry {0} in table SESSIONCRON has triggered an execution", sessionCron.SessionCronID));

                                    // ================================
                                    // Extract and parse the parameters
                                    // ================================

                                    Dictionary <string, object> dicoParameters;
                                        MemoryStream ms;
                                        ms = new MemoryStream(sessionCron.Parameters);

                                        BinaryFormatter bf;
                                        bf = new BinaryFormatter();

                                        dicoParameters = (Dictionary <string, object>)bf.Deserialize(ms);
                                    catch (Exception e)
                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Exception while deserializing parameters : {0}", e.Message));

                                    int[] tabAssetID = null;
                                    if (dicoParameters["ASSETS"] != null)
                                        tabAssetID = (int[])dicoParameters["ASSETS"];

                                    // ================================
                                    // Add a new entry in table SESSION
                                    // ================================

                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Adding an entry in table SESSION"));

                                    SESSION tmpSession = new SESSION();
                                        tmpSession.UserID            = sessionCron.UserID;
                                        tmpSession.Status            = XCommon.STATUS.IDLE.ToString();
                                        tmpSession.ServiceCategoryID = sessionCron.ServiceCategoryID;
                                        tmpSession.DateStart         = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                                        tmpSession.DateEnd           = null;
                                        tmpSession.Parameters        = sessionCron.Parameters;
                                        tmpSession.SessionCronID     = sessionCron.SessionCronID;



                                    catch (Exception ex)

                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Error adding entry in table SESSION : Exception = {0} - {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException.Message));
                                        throw ex;

                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("SessionID = {0}", tmpSession.SessionID));

                                    // ============================================
                                    // Add several entries in table ASSETSESSION
                                    // ============================================

                                    if (tabAssetID != null)
                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Adding {0} entries in table ASSETSESSION", tabAssetID.Count()));
                                            foreach (int assetID in tabAssetID)
                                                ASSETSESSION tmpAinS = new ASSETSESSION();
                                                tmpAinS.SESSION = tmpSession;
                                                tmpAinS.AssetID = assetID;
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Error adding entries in table ASSETSESSION : Exception = {0}", ex.Message));
                                            throw ex;

                    // =====
                    // Sleep
                    // =====

                    Thread.Sleep(5000); //Hardcoded
            catch (ThreadAbortException exThreadAbort)
                //int SessionId;
                //XORCISMModel.SESSION musBeCanceledSession;
                //musBeCanceledSession=context.SESSION.SingleOrDefault(s => s.SessionID == SessionId);
                //if (musBeCanceledSession != null)
                //    musBeCanceledSession.Status = XCommon.STATUS.TOCANCEL.ToString();
                //    context.SaveChanges();
                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("ThreadError in main polling loop : Exception = {0}", exThreadAbort.Message));
                XCommon.Utils.Helper_SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "ThreadError in XManager", "MyException = " + exThreadAbort.Message + " " + exThreadAbort.InnerException);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER ENGINE", string.Format("Error in main polling loop : Exception = {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException));
                XCommon.Utils.Helper_SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Error in XManager", "MyException = " + ex.Message + " " + ex.InnerException);
예제 #3
        public void parse()
            Assembly a;

            a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "Assembly location = " + a.Location);

            // ===================================================
            // Parses the XML Document and populates the database
            // ===================================================

            //   Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "data = " + m_data);

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            //TODO: Input Validation (XML)

            XORCISMEntities model;

            model = new XORCISMEntities();

            string query = "/netsparker/target";    //Hardcoded

            XmlNode report;

            report = doc.SelectSingleNode(query);

            string ipAddress = string.Empty;

            ipAddress = HelperGetChildInnerText(report, "url"); //Hardcoded
            if (ipAddress.Substring(ipAddress.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
                ipAddress = ipAddress.Substring(0, ipAddress.Length - 1);
            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", string.Format("Handling host with IP {0}", ipAddress));

            // ===============================================
            // If necessary, creates an asset in the database
            // ===============================================

            //TODO  ipaddressIPv4
            var myass = from ass in model.ASSET
                        where ass.ipaddressIPv4 == ipAddress //&& ass.AccountID == m_AccountID
                        select ass;
            ASSET asset = myass.FirstOrDefault();

            if (asset == null)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "Creates a new entry in table ASSET for this IP");

                asset = new ASSET();
                //asset.AccountID = m_AccountID;
                asset.AssetName        = ipAddress;
                asset.AssetDescription = ipAddress;
                //TODO  ipaddressIPv4
                asset.ipaddressIPv4 = ipAddress;
                asset.Enabled       = true;
                //asset.JobID = m_JobId;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "This IP already corresponds to an existing asset");

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "Creating ASSETINSESSION reference");
            ASSETSESSION assinsess = new ASSETSESSION();

            assinsess.AssetID   = asset.AssetID;
            assinsess.SessionID = model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_JobId).SessionID;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "Update JOB with ASSETINSESSIONID");
            JOB daJob = model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_JobId);

            daJob.AssetSessionID = assinsess.AssetSessionID;

            query = "/netsparker";  //Hardcoded

            report = doc.SelectSingleNode(query);

            foreach (XmlNode n in report.ChildNodes)
                if (n.Name.ToUpper() == "vulnerability".ToUpper() && n.ChildNodes != null && n.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                    if (n.Attributes["confirmed"].InnerText == "True")
                        VulnerabilityEndPoint vulnerabilityEndPoint = new VulnerabilityEndPoint();
                        vulnerabilityEndPoint.IpAdress = ipAddress;
                        vulnerabilityEndPoint.Protocol = "TCP"; // "http";    //https ... A VOIR
                        vulnerabilityEndPoint.Port     = 80;    //443 ... A VOIR

                        VulnerabilityFound vulnerabilityFound = new VulnerabilityFound();
                        //vulnerabilityFound.ListItem = Helper_GetCVE(n);
                        vulnerabilityFound.InnerXml = n.OuterXml;
                        string url = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "url");
                        vulnerabilityFound.Url = url;
                        if (url.ToLower().Contains("https://"))
                            vulnerabilityEndPoint.Port = 443;
                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", string.Format("Url: {0}", url));
                        //vulnerabilityFound.Type = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "type");
                        vulnerabilityFound.Title       = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "type");
                        vulnerabilityFound.Description = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "type");

                        vulnerabilityFound.Severity = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "severity");
                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", string.Format("Severity: {0}", HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "severity")));
                        vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameterType  = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "vulnerableparametertype");
                        vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameter      = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "vulnerableparameter");
                        vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameterValue = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "vulnerableparametervalue");
                        //  <info name="Found E-mails">[email protected]</info>
                        //  <info name="Identified Internal Path(s)">/var/www/webscantest/vulnsite/picshare/upload.pl</info>
                        vulnerabilityFound.Consequence = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "extrainformation");

                        bool   PatchUpgrade = false;
                        string MSPatch      = "";

                         * <classification>
                         *  <OWASP>A1</OWASP>
                         *  <WASC>19</WASC>
                         *  <CWE>89</CWE>
                         *  <CAPEC>66</CAPEC>
                         * </classification>
                        foreach (XmlNode classif in n.ChildNodes)
                            //Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "classif n.ChildNodes: " + classif.Name);
                            if (classif.Name.ToUpper() == "classification".ToUpper() && classif.ChildNodes != null && classif.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "OWASP: " + HelperGetChildInnerText(classif, "OWASP"));
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "WASC: " + HelperGetChildInnerText(classif, "WASC"));
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "CWE: " + HelperGetChildInnerText(classif, "CWE"));
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", "CAPEC: " + HelperGetChildInnerText(classif, "CAPEC"));

                        int etat = VulnerabilityPersistor.Persist(vulnerabilityFound, vulnerabilityEndPoint, m_JobId, "netsparker", model);
                        if (etat == -1)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER NETSPARKER", string.Format("CANNOT IMPORT THIS ASSET !!!! "));
예제 #4
        public void parse()
            Assembly a;

            a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER SkipfishImport", "Assembly location = " + a.Location);

            // ============================================
            // Parse the Document and populate the database
            // ============================================

            XORCISMEntities model;

            model = new XORCISMEntities();

            string ipAddress;

            ipAddress = "";
            string protocol = "WWW";  //Hardcoded
            int    port     = 80;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER SkipfishImport", string.Format("Handling host with IP {0}", ipAddress));

            // =============================================
            // If necessary, create an asset in the database
            // =============================================
            var myass = from ass in model.ASSET
                        where ass.ipaddressIPv4 == ipAddress //&& ass.AccountID == m_AccountID
                        select ass;
            ASSET asset = myass.FirstOrDefault();

            if (asset == null)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER SkipfishImport", "Creates a new entry in table ASSET for this IP");

                asset = new ASSET();
                //asset.AccountID = m_AccountID;
                asset.AssetName        = ipAddress;
                asset.AssetDescription = ipAddress;
                asset.ipaddressIPv4    = ipAddress;
                asset.Enabled          = true;
                //asset.JobID = m_JobId;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER SkipfishImport", "This IP already corresponds to an existing asset");

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER SkipfishImport", "Creating ASSETINSESSION reference");
            ASSETSESSION assinsess = new ASSETSESSION();

            assinsess.AssetID   = asset.AssetID;
            assinsess.SessionID = model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_JobId).SessionID;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER SkipfishImport", "Update JOB with ASSETINSESSIONID");
            JOB daJob = model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_JobId);

            daJob.AssetSessionID = assinsess.AssetSessionID;

            StreamReader monStreamReader = new StreamReader("samples.js");  //Hardcoded
            string       curline         = monStreamReader.ReadLine();
            bool         issue_samples   = false;
            int          currentseverity = 0;
            string       curvulntype     = "";

            while (curline != null)
                if (issue_samples)
                    if (curline.Contains("'url':"))
                        curline = curline.Trim();
                        char[]   splitter1 = { ',' };
                        string[] words1    = curline.Split(splitter1);
                        string   vulnurl   = words1[0].Replace("{ 'url': '", "");
                        vulnurl = vulnurl.Substring(0, vulnurl.Length - 1);
                        string vulnparam = words1[1].Replace("'extra': '", "");
                        vulnparam = vulnparam.Substring(0, vulnparam.Length - 1).Trim();
                        string vulninfodir = words1[2].Replace("'dir': '", "");
                        vulninfodir = vulninfodir.Replace("' } ]", "");
                        vulninfodir = vulninfodir.Replace("' }", "").Trim();

                        if (currentseverity > 0)
                            VulnerabilityEndPoint vulnerabilityEndPoint = new VulnerabilityEndPoint();
                            vulnerabilityEndPoint.IpAdress = ipAddress;
                            vulnerabilityEndPoint.Protocol = protocol;
                            vulnerabilityEndPoint.Port     = port;

                            VulnerabilityFound vulnerabilityFound = new VulnerabilityFound();
                            //vulnerabilityFound.PatchUpgrade = PatchUpgrade;
                            //vulnerabilityFound.MSPatch = MSPatch;
                            vulnerabilityFound.Title    = vulntypeSkipfish(curvulntype);
                            vulnerabilityFound.Severity = currentseverity.ToString();
                            vulnerabilityFound.Url      = vulnurl;
                            //vulnerabilityFound.rawrequest=    vulninfodir+"/request.dat";
                            //vulnerabilityFound.rawresponse=   vulninfodir+"/response.dat";
                            vulnerabilityFound.Result = vulnparam;

                            // ===========
                            // Persistance
                            // ===========

                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER SkipfishImport", string.Format("Persistance [{0}] [{1}] [{2}]", protocol, port, Helper_ListCVEToString(vulnerabilityFound.ListItem)));

                            int etat = VulnerabilityPersistor.Persist(vulnerabilityFound, vulnerabilityEndPoint, m_JobId, "skipfish", model);
                            if (etat == -1)
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER SkipfishImport", string.Format("CANNOT IMPORT THIS ASSET !!!! "));

                             * //severity=0
                             * INFORMATION myinfo = new INFORMATION();
                             * myinfo.Title = vulntypeSkipfish(curvulntype);
                             * myinfo.Severity = currentseverity.ToString();
                             * myinfo.Url = vulnurl;
                             * //myinfo.rawrequest=    vulninfodir+"/request.dat";
                             * //myinfo.rawresponse=   vulninfodir+"/response.dat";
                             * myinfo.Result = vulnparam;
                             * myinfo.JobID = m_JobId;
                             * model.AddToINFORMATION(myinfo);
                             * model.SaveChanges();

                if (curline.Contains("'severity': 4"))
                    currentseverity = 4;
                    char[]   splitter1 = { ',' };
                    string[] words1    = curline.Split(splitter1);
                    curvulntype = words1[1].Replace(" 'type': ", "");
                if (curline.Contains("'severity': 3"))
                    currentseverity = 3;
                    char[]   splitter1 = { ',' };
                    string[] words1    = curline.Split(splitter1);
                    curvulntype = words1[1].Replace(" 'type': ", "");
                if (curline.Contains("'severity': 2"))
                    currentseverity = 2;
                    char[]   splitter1 = { ',' };
                    string[] words1    = curline.Split(splitter1);
                    curvulntype = words1[1].Replace(" 'type': ", "");
                if (curline.Contains("'severity': 1"))
                    currentseverity = 1;
                    char[]   splitter1 = { ',' };
                    string[] words1    = curline.Split(splitter1);
                    curvulntype = words1[1].Replace(" 'type': ", "");
                if (curline.Contains("'severity': 0"))
                    currentseverity = 0;
                    char[]   splitter1 = { ',' };
                    string[] words1    = curline.Split(splitter1);
                    curvulntype = words1[1].Replace(" 'type': ", "");
                //Where am I?
                if (curline.Contains("var issue_samples"))
                    issue_samples = true;

                     * ligne = ligne.Trim();
                     * char[] splitter1 = { ' ' };
                     * string[] words1 = ligne.Split(splitter1);
                     * cmd1 = "./msfcli " + words1[0].Trim() + " T";
                curline = monStreamReader.ReadLine();


            // A VOIR
            // VulnerabilityPersistor.UpdateVulnerabilityJob(list_vulnerabilyFound,m_JobId,m_model);
예제 #5
        //public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)
        //    if (composite == null)
        //    {
        //        throw new ArgumentNullException("composite");
        //    }
        //    if (composite.BoolValue)
        //    {
        //        composite.StringValue += "Suffix";
        //    }
        //    return composite;

        public int CreateSession(int serviceCategoryID, Guid userID, byte[] parameters, Decimal PeasCount, Decimal PeasValue)
            //Where Magic happens
            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", "Entering CreateSession()");
            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("ServiceCategoryID = {0}", serviceCategoryID));
            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("UserID            = {0}", userID.ToString()));

            Dictionary<string, object> dicoParameters;

                MemoryStream ms;
                ms = new MemoryStream(parameters);

                BinaryFormatter bf;
                bf = new BinaryFormatter();

                dicoParameters = (Dictionary<string, object>)bf.Deserialize(ms);
            catch (Exception e)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Exception while deserializing parameters : {0}", e.Message));
                return -1;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Size of parameters = {0} bytes", parameters.Length));

            int[] tabAssetID        = null;
            int MaxPages;
            string FileName         = string.Empty;
            string nmapAddress      = string.Empty;
            string cronExpression   = string.Empty;
            string sip              = string.Empty;
            string extrange         = string.Empty;
            string policy           = string.Empty;
            string strategie        = string.Empty;
            switch (serviceCategoryID)  //TODO Hardcoded
                case 1:             // Vulnerability Assessment
                    tabAssetID      = (int[])dicoParameters["ASSETS"];
                    cronExpression  = (string)dicoParameters["CRONEXPRESSION"];
                    policy          = (string)dicoParameters["POLICY"];
                    strategie       = (string)dicoParameters["STRATEGY"];

                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Number of assets  = {0}", tabAssetID.Length));
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Cron Expression   = {0}", cronExpression));


                case 2:             //WAS   (Web Application Scanning)
                    tabAssetID      = (int[])dicoParameters["ASSETS"];
                    cronExpression  = (string)dicoParameters["CRONEXPRESSION"];
                    policy          = (string)dicoParameters["POLICY"];
                    strategie       = (string)dicoParameters["STRATEGY"];

                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Number of assets  = {0}", tabAssetID.Length));
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Cron Expression   = {0}", cronExpression));

                case 3:
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", "NO parameters defined in XManagerService Service1.cs for service category 3");

                case 4:             //PCI DSS
                    tabAssetID      = (int[])dicoParameters["ASSETS"];
                    cronExpression  = (string)dicoParameters["CRONEXPRESSION"];
                    policy          = "PCI DSS";
                    strategie       = "Compliance PCI DSS"; //(string)dicoParameters["STRATEGY"];

                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Number of assets  = {0}", tabAssetID.Length));
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Cron Expression   = {0}", cronExpression));

                case 5:
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", "NO parameters defined in XManagerService Service1.cs for service category 5");
                case 6:             // VOIP Scanner
                    tabAssetID = (int[])dicoParameters["ASSETS"];
                    sip = (string)dicoParameters["SIP"];
                    extrange = (string)dicoParameters["EXTRANGE"];
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Number of assets  = {0}", tabAssetID.Length));

                case 7:             // Web Anti-malware Monitoring
                    tabAssetID = (int[])dicoParameters["ASSETS"];
                    cronExpression = (string)dicoParameters["CRONEXPRESSION"];
                    MaxPages = (int)dicoParameters["MaxPages"];
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Service Malware Monitoring:Number of assets  = {0}", tabAssetID.Length));
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Cron Expression   = {0}", cronExpression));
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Service Malware Monitoring:MaxPages  = {0}", MaxPages));

                case 8:             // Web Site Monitoring
                    tabAssetID = (int[])dicoParameters["ASSETS"];
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Number of assets  = {0}", tabAssetID.Length));

                case 9:
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", "NO parameters defined in XManagerService Service1.cs for service category 9");

                case 10:            // Discovery

                    nmapAddress = (string)dicoParameters["TARGET"];
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Target = {0}", nmapAddress));

                case 11:
                case 12:
                case 13:             // Import
                case 14:
                case 15:
                    FileName = (string)dicoParameters["FILENAME"];
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Import File : Filename = {0}", FileName));

                case 16:             //Information Gathering (OSINT)
                    tabAssetID = (int[])dicoParameters["ASSETS"];
                    cronExpression = (string)dicoParameters["CRONEXPRESSION"];
                    policy = (string)dicoParameters["POLICY"];
                    strategie = (string)dicoParameters["STRATEGY"];

                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Number of assets  = {0}", tabAssetID.Length));
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Cron Expression   = {0}", cronExpression));


            XORCISMEntities context = new XORCISMEntities();

            // ===============================================
            // Add a new entry in table SESSION or SESSIONCRON
            // ===============================================

            int id;

            if (cronExpression == "")
                // ================================
                // Add a new entry in table SESSION
                // ================================

                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Adding an entry in table SESSION"));

                SESSION tmpSession = new SESSION();
                    tmpSession.UserID               = userID;
                    tmpSession.Status = XCommon.STATUS.IDLE.ToString();
                    tmpSession.ServiceCategoryID    = serviceCategoryID;
                    tmpSession.DateEnd              = null;
                    tmpSession.DateStart            = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                    tmpSession.Parameters           = parameters;


                catch (Exception ex)
                    USER user;
                    user = context.USERS.SingleOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userID);
                    ACCOUNT userAccount;
                    userAccount = context.USERACCOUNT.SingleOrDefault(o => o.UserID == user.UserId).ACCOUNT;

                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Error adding entry in table SESSION : Exception = {0} - {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException.Message));
                    throw ex;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("SessionID = {0}", tmpSession.SessionID));
                //Random random = new Random();                
                //    tmpSession.SessionID = tmpSession.SessionID + random.Next(20, 200);
                //    context.SaveChanges();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Error random SESSION : Exception = {0} - {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException.Message));
                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("NewRandomSessionID = {0}", tmpSession.SessionID));

                id = tmpSession.SessionID;

                // ============================================
                // Add several entries in table ASSETSESSION
                // ============================================

                if (tabAssetID != null)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Adding {0} entries in table ASSETSESSION", tabAssetID.Count()));

                        foreach (int assetID in tabAssetID)
                            ASSETSESSION tmpAinS = new ASSETSESSION();
                            tmpAinS.SESSION = tmpSession;
                            tmpAinS.AssetID = assetID;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Error adding entries in table ASSETSESSION : Exception = {0}", ex.Message));
                        throw ex;
                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Adding an entry in table SESSIONCRON"));

                SESSIONCRON tmpSessionCron = new SESSIONCRON();
                    tmpSessionCron.UserID               = userID;
                    tmpSessionCron.CronExpression       = cronExpression;
                    tmpSessionCron.Parameters           = parameters;
                    tmpSessionCron.Status = XCommon.STATUS.IDLE.ToString();
                    tmpSessionCron.ServiceCategoryID    = serviceCategoryID;
                    tmpSessionCron.DateStart            = DateTimeOffset.Now;         //TODO Non il faut que ce soit les dates de start/end du cron A VOIR TODO
                    tmpSessionCron.DateEnd              = null;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("Error adding entry in table SESSIONCRON : Exception = {0} - {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException.Message));
                    throw ex;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", string.Format("SessionCronID = {0}", tmpSessionCron.SessionCronID));

                id = tmpSessionCron.SessionCronID;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("MANAGER SERVICE", "Leaving CreateSession()");

            // Finished
            return id;
예제 #6
        public void parse()
            Assembly a;

            a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", "Assembly location = " + a.Location);

            // ============================================
            // Parse the XML Document and populate the database
            // ============================================

            //   Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", "data = " + m_data);

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            XORCISMEntities model;

            model = new XORCISMEntities();

            string query = "/ScanGroup/Scan";   //Hardcoded

            XmlNode report;

            report = doc.SelectSingleNode(query);

            string ipAddress = string.Empty;

            ipAddress = HelperGetChildInnerText(report, "StartURL");    //Hardcoded
            if (ipAddress.Substring(ipAddress.Length - 1, 1) == "/")
                ipAddress = ipAddress.Substring(0, ipAddress.Length - 1);
            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", string.Format("Handling host with IP {0}", ipAddress));

            // ===============================================
            // If necessary, creates an asset in the database
            // ===============================================
            var myass = from ass in model.ASSET
                        where ass.ipaddressIPv4 == ipAddress //&& ass.AccountID == m_AccountID
                        select ass;
            ASSET asset = myass.FirstOrDefault();

            if (asset == null)
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", "Creates a new entry in table ASSET for this IP");

                asset = new ASSET();
                //asset.AccountID = m_AccountID;
                asset.AssetName        = ipAddress;
                asset.AssetDescription = ipAddress;
                asset.ipaddressIPv4    = ipAddress;
                asset.Enabled          = true;
                //asset.JobID = m_JobId;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", "This IP already corresponds to an existing asset");

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", "Creating ASSETINSESSION reference");
            ASSETSESSION assinsess = new ASSETSESSION();

            assinsess.AssetID   = asset.AssetID;
            assinsess.SessionID = model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_JobId).SessionID;

            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", "Update JOB with ASSETINSESSIONID");
            JOB daJob = model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_JobId);

            daJob.AssetSessionID = assinsess.AssetSessionID;

            query = "/ScanGroup/Scan/ReportItems";

            report = doc.SelectSingleNode(query);

            foreach (XmlNode n in report.ChildNodes)
                if (n.Name.ToUpper() == "ReportItem".ToUpper() && n.ChildNodes != null && n.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                    //TODOs HARDCODED
                    VulnerabilityEndPoint vulnerabilityEndPoint = new VulnerabilityEndPoint();
                    vulnerabilityEndPoint.IpAdress = ipAddress;
                    vulnerabilityEndPoint.Protocol = "TCP"; // "http";    //https ... A VOIR
                    vulnerabilityEndPoint.Port     = 80;    //443 ... A VOIR

                    VulnerabilityFound vulnerabilityFound = new VulnerabilityFound();
                    //vulnerabilityFound.ListItem = Helper_GetCVE(n);

                    vulnerabilityFound.InnerXml = n.OuterXml;
                    //To eliminate VULNERABILITY (Value) duplicates:

                     * string pattern = @"ReportItem id=""\d\d?\d?""";
                     * string s = Regex.Replace(n.OuterXml, pattern, "ReportItem id=\"0\"");
                     * vulnerabilityFound.InnerXml = s;
                    string url = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Affects");     //Server
                    vulnerabilityFound.Url = url;
                    if (url.ToLower().Contains("https://"))
                        vulnerabilityEndPoint.Port = 443;
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", string.Format("Url: {0}", url));
                    vulnerabilityFound.Type = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Type");
                    if (HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "IsFalsePositive") == "False")
                        vulnerabilityFound.IsFalsePositive = false;
                        vulnerabilityFound.IsFalsePositive = true;
                    vulnerabilityFound.Title = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Name");
                    vulnerabilityFound.Description = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Description");
                    //Extract the CVEs
                    List <VulnerabilityFound.Item> ListCVEs = new List <VulnerabilityFound.Item>();
                    //MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Description"), "CVE-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]");
                    MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Description"), @"CVE-(19|20)\d\d-(0\d{3}|[1-9]\d{3,})");            //myRegexCVE

                    foreach (Match match in matches)
                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", string.Format("CVE: {0}", match.Groups[1].Value));
                        VulnerabilityFound.Item item;
                        item       = new VulnerabilityFound.Item();
                        item.ID    = "cve";
                        item.Value = match.Groups[1].Value;

                    string mySeverity = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Severity");
                    switch (mySeverity)
                    case "high":
                        mySeverity = "High";

                    case "medium":
                        mySeverity = "Medium";

                    case "low":
                        mySeverity = "Low";
                        //case "info"

                    vulnerabilityFound.Severity = mySeverity;
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", string.Format("Severity: {0}", mySeverity));
                    string DetailsAnalysis = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Details");
                    if (DetailsAnalysis.Contains("URL encoded GET"))
                        vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameterType = "GET";         //should be Querystring for Netsparker
                        var regex = new Regex(@"URL encoded GET input <b><font color=""dark"">(.*?)</font></b>");
                        var match = regex.Match(DetailsAnalysis);
                        if (match.Success)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", string.Format("VulnerableParameter: {0}", match.Groups[1].Value));
                            vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameter = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            regex = new Regex(@"was set to <b><font color=""dark"">(.*?)</font></b>");
                            match = regex.Match(DetailsAnalysis);
                            if (match.Success)
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", string.Format("VulnerableParameterValue: {0}", match.Groups[1].Value));
                                vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameterValue = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    if (DetailsAnalysis.Contains("URL encoded POST"))
                        vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameterType = "POST";         //should be Post for Netsparker
                        var regex = new Regex(@"URL encoded POST input <b><font color=""dark"">(.*?)</font></b>");
                        var match = regex.Match(DetailsAnalysis);
                        if (match.Success)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", string.Format("VulnerableParameter: {0}", match.Groups[1].Value));
                            vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameter = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            regex = new Regex(@"was set to <b><font color=""dark"">(.*?)</font></b>");
                            match = regex.Match(DetailsAnalysis);
                            if (match.Success)
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", string.Format("VulnerableParameterValue: {0}", match.Groups[1].Value));
                                vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameterValue = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    //vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameterType = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "vulnerableparametertype");
                    //vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameter = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "vulnerableparameter");
                    //in <Details>:
                    //URL encoded GET input <b><font color="dark">id</font></b> was set to <b><font color="dark">4-2+2*3-6</font></b>
                    //URL encoded GET input <b><font color="dark">id</font></b> was set to <b><font color="dark">1'</font></b><br/>Error message found: <pre wrap="virtual"><font color="blue">supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result</font></pre>
                    //URL encoded POST input <b><font color="dark">name</font></b> was set to <b><font color="dark">'&quot;()&amp;%1&lt;ScRiPt &gt;prompt(983150)&lt;/ScRiPt&gt;</font></b>
                    //vulnerabilityFound.VulnerableParameterValue = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "vulnerableparametervalue");

                    List <VulnerabilityFound.Reference> ListReferences = new List <VulnerabilityFound.Reference>();
                    foreach (XmlNode nchild in n.ChildNodes)
                        if (nchild.Name.ToUpper() == "TechnicalDetails".ToUpper() && nchild.ChildNodes != null && nchild.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                            vulnerabilityFound.rawrequest = HelperGetChildInnerText(nchild, "Request");
                            vulnerabilityFound.rawresponse = HelperGetChildInnerText(nchild, "Response");
                        if (nchild.Name.ToUpper() == "References".ToUpper() && nchild.ChildNodes != null && nchild.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                            foreach (XmlNode reference in nchild)
                                 * REFERENCE myReference = new REFERENCE();
                                 * myReference.Source = HelperGetChildInnerText(reference, "Database");
                                 * myReference.Url = HelperGetChildInnerText(reference, "URL");
                                 * model.AddToREFERENCE(myReference);

                                VulnerabilityFound.Reference refvuln = new VulnerabilityFound.Reference();
                                refvuln.Title = HelperGetChildInnerText(reference, "Database");
                                string refurl = HelperGetChildInnerText(reference, "URL").ToLower();
                                refvuln.Url    = refurl;
                                refvuln.Source = HelperGetChildInnerText(reference, "Database");
                                //Try to harmonise the Source with the other imports (ie: exploits)
                                //TODO: Use a Common Function
                                if (refurl.Contains("/bugtraq/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "BUGTRAQ";
                                if (refurl.Contains("marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=bugtraq"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "BUGTRAQ";
                                if (refurl.Contains("securityfocus.com/bid"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "BID";
                                if (refurl.Contains("osvdb.org/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "OSVDB";
                                if (refurl.Contains("xforce.iss.net/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "XF";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.iss.net/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "XF";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.ciac.org/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "CIAC";
                                if (refurl.Contains("ciac.llnl.gov/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "CIAC";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.cert.org/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "CERT";
                                if (refurl.Contains("sunsolve.sun.org/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "SUN";
                                if (refurl.Contains("sunsolve.sun.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "SUN";
                                if (refurl.Contains("patches.sgi.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "SGI";
                                if (refurl.Contains("microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "MSKB";
                                if (refurl.Contains("ftp.sco.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "SCO";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.trustix.org/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "TRUSTIX";
                                if (refurl.Contains("ftp.freebsd.org/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "FREEBSD";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.secunia.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "SECUNIA";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.vupen.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "VUPEN";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.securitytracker.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "SECTRACK";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.redhat.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "REDHAT";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.exploit-db.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "EXPLOIT-DB";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.milw0rm.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "MILW0RM";
                                if (refurl.Contains("www.microsoft.com/"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "MS";
                                if (refurl.Contains("seclists.org/fulldisclosure"))
                                    refvuln.Source = "FULLDISC";
                    vulnerabilityFound.ListReference = ListReferences;
                    vulnerabilityFound.ListItem      = ListCVEs;
                    vulnerabilityFound.Result        = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Details");
                    vulnerabilityFound.Consequence   = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Impact");
                    vulnerabilityFound.Solution      = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Recommendation");
                    vulnerabilityFound.DetailedInformation = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "DetailedInformation");

                    bool   PatchUpgrade = false;
                    string MSPatch      = "";

                    int etat = VulnerabilityPersistor.Persist(vulnerabilityFound, vulnerabilityEndPoint, m_JobId, "acunetix", model);
                    if (etat == -1)
                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER ACUNETIX", string.Format("CANNOT IMPORT THIS ASSET !!!! "));
예제 #7
            public void parse()
                Assembly a;
                a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "Assembly location = " + a.Location);

                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

                #region HackCenzic
                string filename;
                filename = @"C:\Cenzic_webscan.xml";             //Hardcoded


                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("HackFile should be located at : " + filename));

                // ============================================
                // Parse the XML Document and populate the database
                // ============================================

                string protocol = string.Empty;
                //int port = -1;
                string service = string.Empty;
                //bool PatchUpgrade = false;
                //string title;
                //string MSPatch = "";
                //string Solution;

                m_data = m_data.Replace("Configurable format #", "Configurable");   //Hardcoded
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("m_data = {0}", m_data));
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "Loading the XML document");


                catch (Exception ex)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Exception = {0} / {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException == null ? "" : ex.InnerException.Message));

                XORCISMEntities model;
                model = new XORCISMEntities();

                string query = "/AssessmentRunData/SmartAttacks/SmartAttacksData";  //Hardcoded

                XmlNodeList report;
                report = null;
                    report = doc.SelectNodes(query);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Error SelectNodes({0}) : Exception = {1}", query, ex.Message));

                //We should retrieve the target for an import
                string m_target = string.Empty;
                string patterntoken = "<Url>(.*?)</Url>";
                MatchCollection matchesurl = Regex.Matches(m_data, patterntoken);
                foreach (Match match in matchesurl)
                    m_target = match.Value.Replace("<Url>", "").Replace("</Url>", "");
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "target: " + m_target);

                int myPort = 80;
                if (m_target.Contains("https://"))
                    myPort = 443;
                //Check if we have a custom port, ex:
                string strTargetTest = m_target;
                strTargetTest = strTargetTest.Replace("http://", "");
                strTargetTest = strTargetTest.Replace("https://", "");
                    if (strTargetTest.Contains(":"))
                        char[] splitter = { ':' };
                        string[] strSplit = strTargetTest.Split(splitter);
                        strTargetTest = strSplit[1];
                        if (strTargetTest.Contains("/"))
                            strSplit = strTargetTest.Split(new Char[] { '/' });
                            strTargetTest = strSplit[0];
                            myPort = Convert.ToInt32(strTargetTest);
                        catch (FormatException e)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", strTargetTest + " is not a sequence of digits.");
                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Custom Port:{0}", strTargetTest));
                        if (strTargetTest.Contains("/"))
                            string[] strSplit = strTargetTest.Split(new Char[] { '/' });
                            strTargetTest = strSplit[0];
                            if (m_target.Contains("https://"))
                                m_target = "https://" + strTargetTest;
                            if (m_target.Contains("http://"))
                                m_target = "http://" + strTargetTest;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Error in strTargetTest : Exception = {0}", ex.Message));

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "the m_target=" + m_target);

                // ===============================================
                // If necessary, creates an asset in the database
                // ===============================================
                var myass = from ass in model.ASSET
                            where ass.ipaddressIPv4 == m_target //&& ass.AccountID == m_AccountID
                            select ass;
                ASSET asset = myass.FirstOrDefault();

                if (asset == null)
                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "Creates a new entry in table ASSET for this IP");

                    asset = new ASSET();
                    //asset.AccountID = m_AccountID;
                    asset.AssetName = m_target;
                    asset.AssetDescription = m_target;
                    asset.ipaddressIPv4 = m_target;
                    asset.Enabled = true;
                    //asset.JobID = m_jobId;

                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "This IP already corresponds to an existing asset");

                int m_assetId = asset.AssetID;
                int m_sessionId = (int)model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_jobId).SessionID;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "Creating ASSETINSESSION reference");
                ASSETSESSION assinsess = new ASSETSESSION();
                assinsess.AssetID = asset.AssetID;
                assinsess.SessionID = m_sessionId;  // model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_jobId).SessionID;

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "Update JOB with ASSETINSESSIONID");
                JOB daJob = model.JOB.Single(x => x.JobID == m_jobId);
                daJob.AssetSessionID = assinsess.AssetSessionID;

                VulnerabilityEndPoint vulnerabilityEndPoint = new VulnerabilityEndPoint();
                vulnerabilityEndPoint.IpAdress = m_target;
                vulnerabilityEndPoint.Protocol = "TCP"; // "http";
                vulnerabilityEndPoint.Port = myPort;
                vulnerabilityEndPoint.Service = "WWW";

                int myEndpointID = 0;
                var testEndpoint = from e in model.ENDPOINT
                                   where e.AssetID == m_assetId && e.SessionID == m_sessionId
                                   select e;
                if (testEndpoint.Count() == 0)
                    ENDPOINT newEndpoint = new ENDPOINT();
                    newEndpoint.AssetID = m_assetId;
                    newEndpoint.SessionID = m_sessionId;
                    newEndpoint.ProtocolName = "TCP"; // "http";
                    newEndpoint.PortNumber = myPort;
                    newEndpoint.Service = "WWW";
                    myEndpointID = newEndpoint.EndPointID;
                    myEndpointID = testEndpoint.FirstOrDefault().EndPointID;
                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("myEndpointID:{0}", myEndpointID));

                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("JobID:" + m_jobId + " Found {0} SmartAttacks to parse", report.Count));

                foreach (XmlNode reportHost in report)
                    // ==================================
                    // Handle every SmartAttacksData tag
                    // ==================================

                    string myInnerXml = string.Empty;
                    string myTitle = string.Empty;
                    string myDescription = string.Empty;
                    string myConsequence = string.Empty;
                    string myResult = string.Empty;
                    string mySolution = string.Empty;

                    string myCVE = string.Empty;
                    MatchCollection myCVEs;
                    string myPCI = string.Empty;
                    string myMessage = string.Empty;

                    foreach (XmlNode n in reportHost.ChildNodes)
                        XmlNodeList Childs = n.ChildNodes;

                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Coucou 1"));
                            if (n.Name == "SmartAttackInfo")
                                myInnerXml = n.OuterXml;
                                myTitle = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "SmartAttackName");
                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("JobID:" + m_jobId + " Found SmartAttackName:{0}", myTitle));
                                Regex myRegex = new Regex("PCI [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]");

                                myPCI = myRegex.Match(myTitle).ToString();
                                if (myPCI != "")
                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "PCI=" + myPCI);

                                //Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("myInnerXml:{0}", myInnerXml));
                                myDescription = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Description");
                                myConsequence = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "HowItWorks");
                                myResult = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Impact");
                                mySolution = HelperGetChildInnerText(n, "Remediation");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("JobID:" + m_jobId + " Error in SmartAttackInfo : Exception = {0}", ex.Message));
                        if (n.Name == "ReportItems")
                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Coucou 2"));
                            foreach (XmlNode x in n.ChildNodes)
                                foreach (XmlNode ReportItem in x.ChildNodes)
                                    myMessage = "";
                                    if (ReportItem.Name == "ReportItemType")
                                        if (ReportItem.InnerText == "Information")
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Information"));
                                                INFORMATION newInformation = new INFORMATION();
                                                newInformation.Title = myTitle;
                                                newInformation.Description = myDescription;
                                                newInformation.Consequence = myConsequence;
                                                newInformation.Result = myResult;
                                                newInformation.Solution = mySolution;
                                                newInformation.Severity = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Severity");
                                                newInformation.HarmScore = int.Parse(HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "HarmScore"));
                                                myMessage = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Message");
                                                newInformation.Message = myMessage;
                                                //TODO A FAIRE
                                                //Matching avec les références
                                                newInformation.Url = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Url");
                                                newInformation.rawrequest = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "HttpRequest");
                                                newInformation.rawresponse = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "HttpResponse");
                                                if (myPCI != "")
                                                    newInformation.PCI_FLAG = true;
                                                newInformation.JobID = m_jobId;
                                                newInformation.EndPointID = myEndpointID;
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("JobID:" + m_jobId + " Error in Information : Exception = {0}. {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException));
                                        if (ReportItem.InnerText == "Warning")
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Warning"));
                                                VulnerabilityFound vulnerabilityFound = new VulnerabilityFound();
                                                vulnerabilityFound.InnerXml = myInnerXml;
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Title = myTitle;
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Adding SmartAttackName:{0}", myTitle));
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Description = myDescription;
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Consequence = myConsequence;
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Result = myResult;
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Solution = mySolution;

                                                if (myPCI != "")
                                                    vulnerabilityFound.PCI_FLAG = true;

                                                vulnerabilityFound.Severity = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Severity");
                                                //Low, Medium, High
                                                //Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("WARNING Severity:{0}", HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Severity")));
                                                vulnerabilityFound.HarmScore = int.Parse(HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "HarmScore"));
                                                myMessage=HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Message");
                                                //vulnerabilityFound.Message = myMessage; //not exact because same VULNERABILITY will have various Messages
                                                vulnerabilityFound.rawresponse = myMessage;

                                                    //Regex objNaturalPattern = new Regex("CVE-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]");
                                                    Regex myRegexCVE = new Regex(@"CVE-(19|20)\d\d-(0\d{3}|[1-9]\d{3,})");  //TODO: Update this?
                                                    myCVE = objNaturalPattern.Match(myMessage).ToString();
                                                    if (myCVE != "")
                                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "CVE=" + myCVE);
                                                    List<VulnerabilityFound.Item> l;
                                                    l = new List<VulnerabilityFound.Item>();
                                                    myCVEs = myRegexCVE.Matches(myMessage);
                                                    foreach (Match match in myCVEs)
                                                        foreach (Capture capture in match.Captures)
                                                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Index={0}, CVE={1}", capture.Index, capture.Value));
                                                            VulnerabilityFound.Item item;
                                                            item = new VulnerabilityFound.Item();
                                                            item.Value = capture.Value;
                                                            item.ID = "cve";
                                                    vulnerabilityFound.ListItem = l;

                                                vulnerabilityFound.Url = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Url");
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Url={0}", HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Url")));
                                                vulnerabilityFound.rawrequest = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "HttpRequest");
                                                //vulnerabilityFound.rawresponse = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "HttpResponse");

                                                //*** Compliances? voir en bas
                                                int VulnID = VulnerabilityPersistor.Persist(vulnerabilityFound, vulnerabilityEndPoint, m_jobId, "cenzic", model);
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("JobID:" + m_jobId + " Error in Warning : Exception = {0}. {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException));
                                        if (ReportItem.InnerText == "Vulnerable")
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Vulnerable"));
                                                VulnerabilityFound vulnerabilityFound = new VulnerabilityFound();
                                                vulnerabilityFound.InnerXml = myInnerXml;
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Title = myTitle;
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Adding SmartAttackName:{0}", myTitle));
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Description = myDescription;
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Consequence = myConsequence;
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Result = myResult;
                                                vulnerabilityFound.Solution = mySolution;

                                                vulnerabilityFound.Severity = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Severity");
                                                //Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("VULNERABLE Severity:{0}", HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Severity")));
                                                vulnerabilityFound.HarmScore = int.Parse(HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "HarmScore"));
                                                myMessage = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Message");
                                                //vulnerabilityFound.Message = myMessage;
                                                vulnerabilityFound.rawresponse = myMessage;

                                                    //Regex objNaturalPattern = new Regex("CVE-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]");
                                                Regex myRegexCVE = new Regex(@"CVE-(19|20)\d\d-(0\d{3}|[1-9]\d{3,})");
                                                    myCVE = objNaturalPattern.Match(myMessage).ToString();
                                                    if (myCVE != "")
                                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "CVE=" + myCVE);

                                                    List<VulnerabilityFound.Item> l;
                                                    l = new List<VulnerabilityFound.Item>();
                                                    myCVEs = myRegexCVE.Matches(myMessage);
                                                    foreach (Match match in myCVEs)
                                                        foreach (Capture capture in match.Captures)
                                                            Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Index={0}, CVE={1}", capture.Index, capture.Value));
                                                            VulnerabilityFound.Item item;
                                                            item = new VulnerabilityFound.Item();
                                                            item.Value = capture.Value;
                                                            item.ID = "cve";
                                                    vulnerabilityFound.ListItem = l;

                                                vulnerabilityFound.Url = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Url");
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Url={0}", HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "Url")));
                                                vulnerabilityFound.rawrequest = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "HttpRequest");
                                                //vulnerabilityFound.rawresponse = HelperGetChildInnerText(x, "HttpResponse");

                                                if (myPCI != "")
                                                    vulnerabilityFound.PCI_FLAG = true;
                                                    int VulnID = VulnerabilityPersistor.Persist(vulnerabilityFound, vulnerabilityEndPoint, m_jobId, "cenzic", model);

                                                    List<int> myIds = new List<int>();
                                                    var id = from o in model.COMPLIANCECATEG
                                                             where o.Title == myTitle &&
                                                             o.COMPLIANCE.Title == "PCIDSS"
                                                             select o.ComplianceCategID;
                                                    int Id = id.FirstOrDefault();


                                                    List<int> Compliances = new List<int>();
                                                    Compliances = myIds;
                                                    Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Vulnerability persisted , VulnID = {0} & Compliance count = {1}", VulnID, Compliances.Count));
                                                    var V = from tmpVuln in model.VULNERABILITYFOUND
                                                            where tmpVuln.VulnerabilityFoundID == VulnID
                                                            select tmpVuln;

                                                    VULNERABILITYFOUND VF = V.FirstOrDefault();

                                                    foreach (int i in Compliances)
                                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Categorie Compliance => ", i));
                                                        var C = from Comp in model.COMPLIANCECATEG
                                                                where Comp.ComplianceCategID == i
                                                                select Comp;

                                                        COMPLIANCECATEG myCompliance = new COMPLIANCECATEG();
                                                        myCompliance = C.FirstOrDefault();


                                                        Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", "Mapping Compliance-Vulnerability Added");
                                                    int VulnID = VulnerabilityPersistor.Persist(vulnerabilityFound, vulnerabilityEndPoint, m_jobId, "cenzic", model);
                                            catch (Exception ex)
                                                Utils.Helper_Trace("XORCISM PROVIDER Cenzic Import", string.Format("Error in Vulnerable : Exception = {0}. {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException));