public static void AddChoiceQuestionAdvanced(BusinessLogicLayer.Entities.FormBuilder.FormField Q, Panel QuestionPanel) { QuestionPanel.ToolTip = Q.FormFieldType.Name; Label QuestionTitle = new Label(); QuestionTitle.Text = String.Format(@"<span class='fb-Title'>{0}</span>", Q.Title); //----- Label IsReqired = new Label(); IsReqired.Text = (Q.IsRequired) ? "*Required" : ""; //----- Label HelpText = new Label(); HelpText.Text = Q.HelpText; //----- ASPxRadioButtonList rbl = new ASPxRadioButtonList(); rbl.ID = "AnswerList" + Q.FormFieldId.ToString(); rbl.Border.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; foreach (FormFieldValue qa in Q.FormFieldValues) { rbl.Items.Add(new ListEditItem(qa.FieldValue, qa.FormFieldValueId)); } if (Q.IsRequired) { rbl.ValidationSettings.CausesValidation = true; rbl.ValidationSettings.ErrorDisplayMode = ErrorDisplayMode.Text; rbl.ValidationSettings.RequiredField.IsRequired = true; } //----- ControlsAdder(QuestionPanel, QuestionsTemplates.Paragraph, new Control[4] { QuestionTitle, IsReqired, HelpText, rbl }, new String[4] { "@QuestionTitle", "@IsRequired", "@HelpText", "@AnswerTextBox" }); }
protected override WebControl CreateEditModeControlCore() { List = new ASPxRadioButtonList(); List.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Vertical; List.RepeatColumns = 2; foreach (object enumValue in enumDescriptor.Values) { List.Items.Add(enumDescriptor.GetCaption(enumValue)); controlsHash.Add(enumValue); } List.SelectedIndexChanged += List_SelectedIndexChanged; //Panel placeHolder = new Panel(); //controlsHash.Clear(); //foreach (object enumValue in enumDescriptor.Values) { // ASPxRadioButton radioButton = new ASPxRadioButton(); // radioButton.ID = "radioButton_" + enumValue.ToString(); // controlsHash.Add(radioButton, enumValue); // radioButton.Text = enumDescriptor.GetCaption(enumValue); // radioButton.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(radioButton_CheckedChanged); // radioButton.GroupName = propertyName; // placeHolder.Controls.Add(radioButton); //} //return placeHolder; return(List); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { clsDeThi_DAL dethi = new clsDeThi_DAL(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = dethi.getDeThi("A2"); listDataList1.DataSource = dt; listDataList1.DataBind(); DataTable dt_CauLuaChon = new DataTable(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { dt_CauLuaChon = dethi.getcauluachon_cauhoi(dt.Rows[i]["MaCauHoi"].ToString()); Image img = listDataList1.Items[i].FindControl("Image1") as Image; if (dt.Rows[i]["HinhAnh"] == DBNull.Value || dt.Rows[i]["HinhAnh"].ToString() == "") { img.Visible = false; } else { img.Visible = true; img.ImageUrl = "~/hinh/" + dt.Rows[i]["HinhAnh"].ToString() + ""; } ASPxRadioButtonList radCauLuaChon = listDataList1.Items[i].FindControl("radCauLuaChon") as ASPxRadioButtonList; radCauLuaChon.DataSource = dt_CauLuaChon; radCauLuaChon.TextField = "NoiDungCLC"; radCauLuaChon.DataBind(); } }
private void renderQuestions() { tblQuestions = getQuestions(); if (validateTicket() > -1) { foreach (DataRow dr in tblQuestions.Rows) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); string detail = dr["Detail"].ToString(); string typeInput = dr["TypeInput"].ToString(); int options = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Options"]); ASPxPanel pnlQuestion = new ASPxPanel(); pnlQuestion.ID = "pnl" + id; pnlQuestion.Style["width"] = "100%"; pnlQuestion.Style["margin-bottom"] = "15px"; ASPxLabel lblDetail = new ASPxLabel(); lblDetail.ID = "Q" + id; lblDetail.Text = detail; lblDetail.Style["font-weight"] = "bold"; lblDetail.Style["margin-bottom"] = "15px"; lblDetail.Style["font-size"] = "15px;"; pnlQuestion.Controls.Add(lblDetail); if (typeInput == "TEXT") { ASPxMemo memo = new ASPxMemo(); memo.ID = "memo" + id; memo.Style["width"] = "100%"; memo.Height = 70; pnlQuestion.Controls.Add(memo); } if (typeInput == "RADIOBUTTON") { ASPxRadioButtonList radio = new ASPxRadioButtonList(); radio.ID = "radio" + id; radio.Style["width"] = "100%"; radio.Style["border"] = "none"; for (int i = 1; i <= options; i++) { radio.Items.Add(new ListEditItem(i.ToString(), i)); } radio.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; radio.SelectedIndex = 0; pnlQuestion.Controls.Add(radio); } phContent.Controls.Add(pnlQuestion); } } else { lblMsg.Text = "Survey does not exist or has already been registered"; popMsg.ShowOnPageLoad = true; } }
protected void radioButtonList_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e) { ASPxRadioButtonList rbl = sender as ASPxRadioButtonList; foreach (ListEditItem item in rbl.Items) { item.Text = string.Format("{0} ({1})", item.Text, item.Value); } }
protected void ASPxRadioButtonList1_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ASPxRadioButtonList rb = (ASPxRadioButtonList)sender; GridViewDataItemTemplateContainer templateContainer = (GridViewDataItemTemplateContainer)rb.NamingContainer; rb.ID = string.Format("rb_{0}", templateContainer.VisibleIndex); rb.ClientInstanceName = string.Format("rb_{0}", templateContainer.VisibleIndex); rb.ClientSideEvents.SelectedIndexChanged = string.Format("function(s, e) {{ OnSelectedIndexChangedEventHandler({0}, '{1}'); }}", rb.ClientInstanceName, templateContainer.VisibleIndex); }
protected void gvUser_InitNewRow(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataInitNewRowEventArgs e) { ASPxGridView gridView = sender as ASPxGridView; ASPxRadioButtonList ASPxRadioButtonList2 = gridView.FindEditFormTemplateControl("ASPxRadioButtonList2") as ASPxRadioButtonList; ASPxRadioButtonList ASPxRadioButtonList1 = gridView.FindEditFormTemplateControl("ASPxRadioButtonList1") as ASPxRadioButtonList; ASPxRadioButtonList1.Value = 1; ASPxRadioButtonList1.SelectedIndex = 0; ASPxRadioButtonList2.Value = 2; ASPxRadioButtonList2.SelectedIndex = 0; }
protected void combo_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpCookie c = Request.Cookies["Culture"]; if (c == null) { return; } ASPxRadioButtonList rbl = (sender as ASPxRadioButtonList); ListEditItem item = rbl.Items.FindByValue(c.Value); rbl.SelectedItem = item; }
protected void ASPxButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int startIndex = ASPxGridView1.PageIndex * ASPxGridView1.SettingsPager.PageSize; int endIndex = Math.Min(ASPxGridView1.VisibleRowCount, startIndex + ASPxGridView1.SettingsPager.PageSize); for (int i = startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { ASPxRadioButtonList rb = (ASPxRadioButtonList)ASPxGridView1.FindRowCellTemplateControl(i, (GridViewDataColumn)ASPxGridView1.Columns[4], string.Format("rb_{0}", i)); ASPxComboBox cmb = (ASPxComboBox)ASPxGridView1.FindRowCellTemplateControl(i, (GridViewDataColumn)ASPxGridView1.Columns[5], string.Format("cmb_{0}", i)); ASPxMemo memo = (ASPxMemo)ASPxGridView1.FindRowCellTemplateControl(i, (GridViewDataColumn)ASPxGridView1.Columns[5], string.Format("memo_{0}", i)); //SAVE DATA } }
public override System.Web.UI.Control Build() { base.Build(); ASPxPanel panel = new ASPxPanel(); ASPxRadioButtonList radioList = new ASPxRadioButtonList(); radioList.ClientInstanceName = "radioList"; //是否必填 radioList.ValidationSettings.RequiredField.IsRequired = ModuleField.IsRequired; //选项为空的提示 radioList.ValidationSettings.RequiredField.ErrorText = ModuleField.ErrorText; //排列方式 radioList.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; //代码分类 List <DictionaryItem> itemslist = new List <DictionaryItem>(); using (TestDBEntities entity = new TestDBEntities()) { itemslist = entity.DictionaryItem.Where(oo => oo.DictionaryItemCode.StartsWith(ModuleField.CodeCat) && oo.DictionaryItemCode.Length == 7).ToList(); } foreach (DictionaryItem item in itemslist) { radioList.Items.Add(item.DictionaryItemName, item.DictionaryItemValue); } //默认值与当前值 string selected = ModuleField.CurrentValue == null ? ModuleField.DefaultValue == null ? null : ModuleField.DefaultValue.ToString() : ModuleField.CurrentValue.ToString(); if (selected != null) { radioList.Items.FindByText(selected).Selected = true; } //为RBlist添加改变事件 radioList.ClientSideEvents.SelectedIndexChanged = "function (s,e){RBchange(s);}"; //添加一个隐藏控件 ASPxHiddenField RBhiddenfield = new ASPxHiddenField(); RBhiddenfield.ClientInstanceName = "RBhiddenfield"; RBhiddenfield.Clear(); //写入值 if (selected != null) { RBhiddenfield.Add(radioList.Items.FindByText(selected).Text, radioList.Items.FindByText(selected).Value); } panel.Controls.Add(radioList); panel.Controls.Add(RBhiddenfield); return(panel); }
protected void ASPxRadioButtonList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ASPxRadioButtonList rblOptions = sender as ASPxRadioButtonList; switch (rblOptions.SelectedIndex) { case 0: ASPxTreeView1.AllowCheckNodes = false; break; case 1: ASPxTreeView1.AllowCheckNodes = true; PerformActionOnNodesRecursive(ASPxTreeView1.Nodes, delegate(TreeViewNode node) { node.AllowCheck = node.Nodes.Count == 0; }); break; case 2: ASPxTreeView1.AllowCheckNodes = true; PerformActionOnNodesRecursive(ASPxTreeView1.Nodes, delegate(TreeViewNode node) { node.AllowCheck = true; }); break; } }
protected void btnTiepTheo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Lựa chọn đáp án, tính điểm, chuyển câu tiêp theo ASPxRadioButtonList rbl = (ASPxRadioButtonList)this.FindControl("radListDA"); ListEditItem item1 = rbl.SelectedItem; if (item1 != null) { int dadung = (int)Session["dad"]; int dapanchon = Convert.ToInt32(item1.Value); if (dapanchon == (int)Session["dad"]) { //Tăng tổng điểm int diemtong = (int)Session["diem"]; Session["diem"] = diemtong + 1; } } //Chuyển qua câu tiếp theo //Load câu hỏi tiếp theo vào bảng câu hỏi int soch = (int)Session["no_ch"]; if (((ArrayList)Session["dsch"]).Count > soch) { CAUHOI ch1 = (CAUHOI)((ArrayList)Session["dsch"])[(int)Session["no_ch"]]; txtCauHoi.Text = "Câu hỏi " + ((int)Session["no_ch"] + 1).ToString() + ": " + ch1.NOIDUNG; imgCauHoi.ImageUrl = "~/image/" + ch1.HINHANH; //Lấy danh sách đáp án ArrayList dsda = new ArrayList(); dsda = chBus.getDapAn(ch1.MACH); radListDA.Items.Clear(); int index = 1; foreach (DAPAN item in dsda) { if (index == 1) { radListDA.Items.Add("A. " + item.NOIDUNGDA, index); } if (index == 2) { radListDA.Items.Add("B. " + item.NOIDUNGDA, index); } if (index == 3) { radListDA.Items.Add("C. " + item.NOIDUNGDA, index); } if (index == 4) { radListDA.Items.Add("D. " + item.NOIDUNGDA, index); } if ((bool)item.DADUNG) { Session["dad"] = index; } index++; } Session["no_ch"] = (int)Session["no_ch"] + 1; } else { lblNotify.Text = "Kết thúc bài thi, mời bạn Nộp bài thi"; btnTiepTheo.Enabled = false; } }
internal static void BindRadioList(ASPxRadioButtonList rbl, DataTable dt) { rbl.DataSource = dt; rbl.DataBind(); }
protected void gridView_HtmlDataCellPrepared(object sender, ASPxGridViewTableDataCellEventArgs e) { try { ASPxRadioButtonList rdoAdjust = gridView.FindRowCellTemplateControl(e.VisibleIndex, e.DataColumn, "rdoAdjust") as ASPxRadioButtonList; ASPxSpinEdit txtQuantity = gridView.FindRowCellTemplateControl(e.VisibleIndex, e.DataColumn, "txtQuantity") as ASPxSpinEdit; ASPxSpinEdit txtSortNo = gridView.FindRowCellTemplateControl(e.VisibleIndex, e.DataColumn, "txtSortNo") as ASPxSpinEdit; ASPxTextBox txtRemark = gridView.FindRowCellTemplateControl(e.VisibleIndex, e.DataColumn, "txtRemark") as ASPxTextBox; if (rdoAdjust != null) { if (e.DataColumn.FieldName == "adjust_type") { if (adjustDetailList != null) { var row = adjustDetailList.Where(t => == Convert.ToInt32(e.KeyValue)).FirstOrDefault(); if (row != null) { rdoAdjust.Value = row.adjust_type; } if (hdDocStatus.Value == "CF") { rdoAdjust.Enabled = false; } } } } if (txtQuantity != null) { if (e.DataColumn.FieldName == "quantity") { if (adjustDetailList != null) { var row = adjustDetailList.Where(t => == Convert.ToInt32(e.KeyValue)).FirstOrDefault(); if (row != null) { txtQuantity.Value = row.quantity; } } } } if (txtSortNo != null) { if (e.DataColumn.FieldName == "sort_no") { if (adjustDetailList != null) { var row = adjustDetailList.Where(t => == Convert.ToInt32(e.KeyValue)).FirstOrDefault(); if (row != null) { txtSortNo.Value = row.sort_no; } } } } if (txtRemark != null) { if (e.DataColumn.FieldName == "remark") { if (adjustDetailList != null) { var row = adjustDetailList.Where(t => == Convert.ToInt32(e.KeyValue)).FirstOrDefault(); if (row != null) { txtRemark.Value = row.remark; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
protected void gvM_OnRowUpdating(object sender, ASPxDataUpdatingEventArgs e) { ASPxGridView gv = (ASPxGridView)sender; //Get and Process the list of selected records in order to populate the list of pkvals #region process selected records var selected_keys = gvM.GetSelectedFieldValues("StudyMeasSubjID"); ASPxCheckBox chkAllSelected = gv.FindEditFormLayoutItemTemplateControl("chkUpdateAllSelected") as ASPxCheckBox; bool updateALLSelected = chkAllSelected.Checked; List <int> pkvals = new List <int>(); foreach (object key in e.Keys.Values) { int ikey; bool isint = int.TryParse(key.ToString(), out ikey); if (isint) { pkvals.Add(ikey); } } //Add the other selected rows to the update if the user has selected the "Update All" checkbox if (selected_keys.Count > 0 && updateALLSelected) { foreach (object k in selected_keys) { int ikey; bool isint = int.TryParse(k.ToString(), out ikey); if (!pkvals.Contains(ikey)) { pkvals.Add(ikey); } } } #endregion popupdata.AddField(e.NewValues, gvM, "MeasStatusID", "CboMS", DevExpress.Web.ControlType.ASPxComboBox); popupdata.AddField(e.NewValues, gvM, "MeasStatusDetailID", "CboMSD", DevExpress.Web.ControlType.ASPxComboBox); popupdata.AddField(e.NewValues, gvM, "Date", "DateCalendar", DevExpress.Web.ControlType.ASPxDateEdit); popupdata.AddField(e.NewValues, gvM, "Clinician", "CboClin", DevExpress.Web.ControlType.ASPxComboBox); popupdata.AddField(e.NewValues, gvM, "Notes", "notesEditor", DevExpress.Web.ControlType.ASPxMemo); ASPxRadioButtonList rblDate = gv.FindEditFormLayoutItemTemplateControl("rblDate") as ASPxRadioButtonList; if (rblDate.Value != null) { //remove the entered date as we will programmatically assign a different date e.NewValues.Remove("Date"); //Update the date based on the selected mode string mode = rblDate.Value.ToString(); string date_update = dataops.dxGrid_Update_StudyMeasSubj_Dates(mode, pkvals); } string result = dataops.dxGrid_UpdateData("studymeassubjID", pkvals, e.NewValues, "backend", "dbo", "tblStudyMeasSubj"); lblTest.Text = result; gv.CancelEdit(); e.Cancel = true; ViewState["needBind"] = "true"; gvM.DataBind(); }
public static void BindData(ASPxRadioButtonList rbllist, DevExpress.Xpo.Session s, string objectname, string filter = "", params object[] parameter) { try { DynamicDataTableClassInfo classInfo = dynamicClasses[objectname]; if (classInfo != null) { XPServerCollectionSource ds = new XPServerCollectionSource(s, dynamicClasses[objectname], CriteriaOperator.Parse(filter, parameter)); rbllist.DataSource = ds; } else throw new Exception(string.Format("Đối tượng {0} không tìm thấy trong database. Nếu không có dữ liệu hiển thị thì XPOProfiles để xem điều kiện lọc đúng chưa", objectname)); } catch (Exception ex) { SiAuto.Main.LogColored(Color.Red, "Loi BindData:" + ex.ToString()); throw ex; } }
protected void rblMeals_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ASPxRadioButtonList list = sender as ASPxRadioButtonList; list.ValueType = typeof(CommonMeals); }
protected void btnSaveQuestions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Int64 ticketID = validateTicket(); if (ticketID > -1) { tblQuestions = getQuestions(); List <SqlParameter> sp; string query = "INSERT INTO tblAnswers values(@Aswer, @OptionValue, @UserAnswer, @DateAnswer, @QuestionsID, @TicketID)"; foreach (DataRow dr in tblQuestions.Rows) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"]); string typeInput = dr["TypeInput"].ToString(); string value = string.Empty; int optionValue = 0; ASPxPanel pnlQuestion = (ASPxPanel)phContent.FindControl("pnl" + id); if (typeInput == "TEXT") { ASPxMemo memo = (ASPxMemo)pnlQuestion.FindControl("memo" + id); if (memo != null) { value = memo.Text; } } if (typeInput == "RADIOBUTTON") { ASPxRadioButtonList radio = (ASPxRadioButtonList)pnlQuestion.FindControl("radio" + id); if (radio != null) { optionValue = Convert.ToInt32(radio.SelectedItem.Value); } } sp = new List <SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@Aswer", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = value }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@OptionValue", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = optionValue }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@UserAnswer", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = User.Identity.Name }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@DateAnswer", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = DateTime.Now }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@QuestionsID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar, Value = id }, new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@TicketID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.BigInt, Value = ticketID } }; DataBase.UpdateDB(sp, query); } query = "UPDATE tblTicket set QuestionUI = null WHERE ID = @ID"; sp = new List <SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter() { ParameterName = "@ID", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.BigInt, Value = ticketID } }; DataBase.UpdateDB(sp, query); lblMsg.Text = "Answers Saved Successfully"; } else { lblMsg.Text = "Survey does not exist or has already been registered"; } popMsg.ShowOnPageLoad = true; }
private static void GetOrSetProperties(HtmlTable tblABM, object entidad, eGetOrSet getOrSet) { ASPxTextBox tx; ucComboBox uc; PropertyInfo myPropInfo; Type entityType; PropertyInfo[] myPropertyInfo; //Recorro las properties de la entidad... //Por cada prop, busco en la tabla, un control tx[PROP], o uc[PROP] que coincida. //Si lo encuentro, lo cargo (Text o SelectedValue) con el valor de la propiedad. //Itero entre las propiedades de la entidad. entityType = entidad.GetType(); myPropertyInfo = entityType.GetProperties((BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)); for (int i = 0; i < myPropertyInfo.Length; i++) { tx = null; uc = null; myPropInfo = ((PropertyInfo)myPropertyInfo[i]); if (myPropInfo.CanRead) { tx = FindTextBoxByName(myPropInfo.Name, tblABM); if (tx != null) { if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.GetFromProperty) { tx.Text = Convert.ToString(myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null)); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.SetToProperty) { myPropInfo.SetValue(entidad, tx.Text, null); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.ClearControls) { tx.Text = string.Empty; } } uc = FindComboBoxByName(myPropInfo.Name, tblABM); if (uc != null) { if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.GetFromProperty) { uc.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null)); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.SetToProperty) { myPropInfo.SetValue(entidad, uc.SelectedValue, null); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.ClearControls) { uc.SelectedValue = string.Empty; } } ASPxSpinEdit sp = (ASPxSpinEdit)FindControlByName("sp" + myPropInfo.Name, tblABM); if (sp != null) { if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.GetFromProperty) { if (myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null) != null) { sp.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null)); } else { sp.Value = null; } } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.SetToProperty) { myPropInfo.SetValue(entidad, sp.Value, null); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.ClearControls) { sp.Value = null; } } ASPxCheckBox cb = (ASPxCheckBox)FindControlByName("cb" + myPropInfo.Name, tblABM); if (cb != null) { if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.GetFromProperty) { cb.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null)); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.SetToProperty) { myPropInfo.SetValue(entidad, cb.Checked, null); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.ClearControls) { cb.Checked = false; } } ASPxRadioButtonList rb = (ASPxRadioButtonList)FindControlByName("rb" + myPropInfo.Name, tblABM); if (rb != null) { if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.GetFromProperty) { rb.SelectedItem = rb.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null)).Trim()); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.SetToProperty) { if (rb.SelectedItem != null) { myPropInfo.SetValue(entidad, rb.SelectedItem.Value, null); } else { myPropInfo.SetValue(entidad, null, null); } } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.ClearControls) { rb.SelectedIndex = -1; } } ASPxTimeEdit te = (ASPxTimeEdit)FindControlByName("te" + myPropInfo.Name, tblABM); if (te != null) { if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.GetFromProperty) { if (myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null) != null) { te.DateTime = ConvertToDateTime((TimeSpan)myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null)); } else { te.DateTime = DateTime.MinValue; } } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.SetToProperty) { myPropInfo.SetValue(entidad, ConvertToTimeSpan(te.DateTime), null); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.ClearControls) { te.DateTime = DateTime.MinValue; } } ASPxDateEdit de = (ASPxDateEdit)FindControlByName("de" + myPropInfo.Name, tblABM); if (de != null) { if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.GetFromProperty) { if (myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null) != null) { de.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(myPropInfo.GetValue(entidad, null)); } else { de.Value = null; } } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.SetToProperty) { myPropInfo.SetValue(entidad, de.Date, null); } else if (getOrSet == eGetOrSet.ClearControls) { de.Value = null; } } } } }
private void BuildControls(ABMControl[] controls) { HtmlTableRow tr; HtmlTableCell td; tblControls.Rows.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < controls.Length; i++) { tr = new HtmlTableRow(); td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.Width = "20%"; td.Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = controls[i].Title }); tr.Cells.Add(td); td = new HtmlTableCell(); td.Align = "Left"; if (controls[i].TextBox != null) { controls[i].TextBox.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage); controls[i].TextBox.ID = "tx" + controls[i].FieldName; td.Controls.Add(controls[i].TextBox); } else if (controls[i].ComboBox != null) { controls[i].ComboBox.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage); controls[i].ComboBox.ID = "uc" + controls[i].FieldName; td.Controls.Add(controls[i].ComboBox); } else if (controls[i].Control != null) { if (controls[i].Control is ASPxSpinEdit) { ASPxSpinEdit spinEdit = (ASPxSpinEdit)controls[i].Control; spinEdit.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage); spinEdit.ID = "sp" + controls[i].FieldName; td.Controls.Add(spinEdit); } if (controls[i].Control is ASPxCheckBox) { ASPxCheckBox checkBox = (ASPxCheckBox)controls[i].Control; checkBox.Width = new Unit(30, UnitType.Pixel); checkBox.ID = "cb" + controls[i].FieldName; td.Controls.Add(checkBox); } if (controls[i].Control is ASPxRadioButtonList) { ASPxRadioButtonList radioButtonList = (ASPxRadioButtonList)controls[i].Control; radioButtonList.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage); radioButtonList.ID = "rb" + controls[i].FieldName; td.Controls.Add(radioButtonList); if (controls[i].Items != null) { foreach (Item item in controls[i].Items) { radioButtonList.Items.Add(item.Name, item.Value); } } } } tr.Cells.Add(td); tblControls.Rows.Add(tr); } }
/// <summary> /// For Binding the DevExpress RadioButton List /// </summary> /// <param name="rbl"></param> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <param name="strValue"></param> /// <param name="strText"></param> public static void BindRadioButtonList(ASPxRadioButtonList rbl, DataTable dt, string strValue, string strText) { //clsDataFunctionsBAL objFunctions = null; try { if (DataTableHasRows(dt)) { rbl.DataSource = dt; rbl.ValueField = strValue; rbl.TextField = strText; rbl.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //objFunctions = new clsDataFunctionsBAL(); //objFunctions.SaveErrorLog(ex.Message, m_strModule, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); } finally { // objFunctions = null; } }
public static void AddGridQuestionAdvanced(BusinessLogicLayer.Entities.FormBuilder.FormField Q, Panel QuestionPanel) { QuestionPanel.ToolTip = Q.FormFieldType.Name; Label QuestionTitle = new Label(); QuestionTitle.Text = String.Format(@"<span class='fb-Title'>{0}</span>", Q.Title); //----- Label IsReqired = new Label(); IsReqired.Text = (Q.IsRequired) ? "*Required" : ""; //----- Label HelpText = new Label(); HelpText.Text = Q.HelpText; HtmlTable table = new HtmlTable(); int counter = 1; #region Header Row HtmlTableRow row = new HtmlTableRow(); row.ID = "RowHeader" + Q.FormFieldId; HtmlTableCell cellInit1 = new HtmlTableCell(); HtmlTableCell cellInit2 = new HtmlTableCell(); HtmlTableCell cellInit3 = new HtmlTableCell(); cellInit1.Attributes.Add("class", "ss-gridnumbers"); cellInit2.Attributes.Add("class", "ss-gridnumbers ss-spacer"); cellInit2.Attributes.Add("style", "width: 6.25%;"); row.Cells.Add(cellInit1); //row.Cells.Add(cellInit2); foreach (BusinessLogicLayer.Entities.FormBuilder.FormFieldColumn column in Q.FormFieldColumns) { HtmlTableCell cell = new HtmlTableCell(); cell.Attributes.Add("class", "ss-gridnumbers"); cell.Attributes.Add("style", "width: 12.5%;"); Label label = new Label(); label.CssClass = "ss-gridnumber"; label.Text = column.FieldColumnValue; cell.Controls.Add(label); row.Cells.Add(cell); } table.Rows.Add(row); #endregion #region Content Rows foreach (FormFieldValue qa in Q.FormFieldValues) { HtmlTableRow bodyRow = new HtmlTableRow(); bodyRow.ID = "Row" + qa.FormFieldValueId.ToString(); if(counter % 2 == 0) bodyRow.Attributes.Add("class", "ss-gridrow ss-grid-row-odd"); else bodyRow.Attributes.Add("class", "ss-gridrow ss-grid-row-even"); HtmlTableCell cellMain = new HtmlTableCell(); cellMain.Attributes.Add("class", "ss-gridrow ss-leftlabel"); cellMain.InnerText = qa.FieldValue; bodyRow.Cells.Add(cellMain); //HtmlTableCell cellSpacer = new HtmlTableCell(); //cellSpacer.Attributes.Add("class", "ss-gridrow ss-spacer"); //cellSpacer.Attributes.Add("style", "width: 6.25%;"); //bodyRow.Cells.Add(cellSpacer); HtmlTableCell cellContent = new HtmlTableCell(); cellContent.ColSpan = Q.FormFieldColumns.Count; ASPxRadioButtonList rbl = new ASPxRadioButtonList(); rbl.ID = String.Format("GridColumnList_{0}_{1}", counter, Q.FormFieldId); rbl.RepeatColumns = Q.FormFieldColumns.Count; rbl.Width = new Unit("100%"); rbl.Border.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; if (Q.IsRequired) { rbl.ValidationSettings.CausesValidation = true; rbl.ValidationSettings.ErrorDisplayMode = ErrorDisplayMode.Text; rbl.ValidationSettings.RequiredField.IsRequired = true; } foreach (BusinessLogicLayer.Entities.FormBuilder.FormFieldColumn column in Q.FormFieldColumns) { rbl.Items.Add(new ListEditItem("", String.Format("{0}_{1}", column.FormFieldColumnId, qa.FormFieldValueId))); } cellContent.Controls.Add(rbl); bodyRow.Cells.Add(cellContent); table.Rows.Add(bodyRow); counter++; } #endregion //----- ControlsAdder(QuestionPanel, QuestionsTemplates.Paragraph, new Control[4] { QuestionTitle, IsReqired, HelpText, table}, new String[4] { "@QuestionTitle", "@IsRequired", "@HelpText", "@AnswerTextBox" }); }