public void WriteData(AMFWriter writer, object data) { NameObjectCollectionBase collection = data as NameObjectCollectionBase; object[] attributes = collection.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute), false); if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0) { DefaultMemberAttribute defaultMemberAttribute = attributes[0] as DefaultMemberAttribute; PropertyInfo pi = collection.GetType().GetProperty(defaultMemberAttribute.MemberName, new Type[] { typeof(string) }); if (pi != null) { ASObject aso = new ASObject(); for (int i = 0; i < collection.Keys.Count; i++) { string key = collection.Keys[i]; object value = pi.GetValue(collection, new object[]{ key }); aso.Add(key, value); } writer.WriteByte(AMF3TypeCode.Object); writer.WriteAMF3Object(aso); return; } } //We could not access an indexer so write out as it is. writer.WriteByte(AMF3TypeCode.Object); writer.WriteAMF3Object(data); }
private void onMailAudited(string sender, ime.notification.NotifyMessage e, NotificationCenter.Stage stage) { if (stage == NotificationCenter.Stage.Receiving) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((System.Action)delegate { if (!DBWorker.IsDBCreated()) return; XElement xml = e.Body as XElement; if (xml == null) return; XElement msgXml = xml.Element("message"); if (msgXml == null) return; ASObject mail = new ASObject(); mail["uuid"] = msgXml.AttributeValue("uuid"); mail["folder"] = "SENDED"; MailWorker.instance.updateMailRecord(mail, new string[] { "folder" }); MailWorker.instance.dispatchMailEvent(MailWorker.Event.Reset, null, null); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((System.Action)delegate { e.Show(); }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle); }, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle); } }
/// <summary> /// This method supports the Fluorine infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. /// </summary> /// <param name="invocationManager"></param> /// <param name="memberInfo"></param> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <param name="arguments"></param> /// <param name="result"></param> public void HandleResult(IInvocationManager invocationManager, MemberInfo memberInfo, object obj, object[] arguments, object result) { if( result is DataSet ) { DataSet dataSet = result as DataSet; ASObject asoResult = new ASObject(_remoteClass); #if !(NET_1_1) foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> entry in invocationManager.Properties) #else foreach(DictionaryEntry entry in invocationManager.Properties) #endif { if( entry.Key is DataTable ) { DataTable dataTable = entry.Key as DataTable; if( dataSet.Tables.IndexOf(dataTable) != -1 ) { if( !dataTable.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("alias") ) asoResult[dataTable.TableName] = entry.Value; else asoResult[ dataTable.ExtendedProperties["alias"] as string ] = entry.Value; } } } invocationManager.Result = asoResult; } }
public void WriteData(AMFWriter writer, object data) { var collection = data as NameObjectCollectionBase; var attributes = collection.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DefaultMemberAttribute), false); if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0) { var defaultMemberAttribute = attributes[0] as DefaultMemberAttribute; var pi = collection.GetType().GetProperty(defaultMemberAttribute.MemberName, new[] { typeof(string) }); if (pi != null) { var aso = new ASObject(); for (var i = 0; i < collection.Keys.Count; i++) { var key = collection.Keys[i]; var value = pi.GetValue(collection, new object[]{ key }); aso.Add(key, value); } writer.WriteASO(ObjectEncoding.AMF0, aso); return; } } //We could not access an indexer so write out as it is. writer.WriteObject(ObjectEncoding.AMF0, data); }
internal NetStatusEventArgs(string message) { _info = new ASObject(); _info["level"] = "error"; _info["code"] = StatusASO.NC_CALL_FAILED; //_info["description"] = message; _info["details"] = message; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the capabilities of the ServiceBrowser as currently implemented. /// Universal Remoting enabled projects may choose to implement all or some of the capabilities of the front-end. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// An array of objects. Each object should be in the format {name:String, version:Number, data:*}. /// </returns> public ASObject getCapabilities() { string version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); ASObject result = new ASObject(); // authentication: This Remoting implementation supports AMF0/AMF3 authentication ASObject asoAuthentication = new ASObject(); asoAuthentication["name"] = "authentication"; asoAuthentication["version"] = "FormsAuthentication"; asoAuthentication["data"] = "true"; result["authentication"] = asoAuthentication; // secure: The user of the service browser must authenticate him/herself with // the unlock method before accessing it. // The roles of all the methods except verifyLogin and getCapabilities should be set // to admin. //ASObject secure = new ASObject(); // codegen: This service browser supports code generation ASObject asoCodegen = new ASObject(); asoCodegen["name"] = "codegen"; asoCodegen["version"] = version; asoCodegen["data"] = CodeGeneratorService.GetCodeTemplates();//.ToArray(typeof(object)) as object[]; result["codegen"] = asoCodegen; result["version"] = version; // codesave: This service browser supports code saving. // data in this case may contain the enabled key. // If enabled is set to false, indicates that the remote class has the remote code // saving capability, but it is disabled because of a lack of permissions in the target directory. // if data is null, assume enabled is true. //ASObject codesave = new ASObject(); return result; }
public ASObject GetInformation() { ASObject info = new ASObject(); info["name"] = "Fluorine .NET Flash Remoting Gateway"; info["version"] = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); return info; }
internal NetStatusEventArgs(Exception exception) { _exception = exception; _info = new ASObject(); _info["level"] = "error"; _info["code"] = StatusASO.NC_CALL_FAILED; //_info["description"] = exception.Message; _info["details"] = exception.Message; }
internal NetStatusEventArgs(string code, Exception exception) { _exception = exception; _info = new ASObject(); _info["level"] = "error"; _info["code"] = code; //_info["description"] = exception.Message; _info["details"] = exception.Message; }
public FluorineFx.ASObject ToRequestObject() { FluorineFx.ASObject retVal = new ASObject(); retVal.Add("sigTime", _sigTime); retVal.Add("token", _token); retVal.Add("flashRevision", _flashRevision); retVal.Add("userId", _userId); return retVal; }
public object ReadData(AMFReader reader, ClassDefinition classDefinition) { ASObject aso = new ASObject(_typeIdentifier); reader.AddAMF3ObjectReference(aso); string key = reader.ReadAMF3String(); aso.TypeName = _typeIdentifier; while (key != string.Empty) { object value = reader.ReadAMF3Data(); aso.Add(key, value); key = reader.ReadAMF3String(); } return aso; }
public override void Invoke(AMFContext context) { MessageBroker messageBroker = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker(); try { AMFHeader amfHeader = context.AMFMessage.GetHeader(AMFHeader.CredentialsHeader); if (amfHeader != null && amfHeader.Content != null) { string userId = ((ASObject)amfHeader.Content)["userid"] as string; string password = ((ASObject)amfHeader.Content)["password"] as string; //Clear credentials header, further requests will not send the credentials ASObject asoObject = new ASObject(); asoObject["name"] = AMFHeader.CredentialsHeader; asoObject["mustUnderstand"] = false; asoObject["data"] = null;//clear AMFHeader header = new AMFHeader(AMFHeader.RequestPersistentHeader, true, asoObject); context.MessageOutput.AddHeader(header); IPrincipal principal = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().LoginManager.Login(userId, amfHeader.Content as IDictionary); string key = EncryptCredentials(_endpoint, principal, userId, password); ASObject asoObjectCredentialsId = new ASObject(); asoObjectCredentialsId["name"] = AMFHeader.CredentialsIdHeader; asoObjectCredentialsId["mustUnderstand"] = false; asoObjectCredentialsId["data"] = key;//set AMFHeader headerCredentialsId = new AMFHeader(AMFHeader.RequestPersistentHeader, true, asoObjectCredentialsId); context.MessageOutput.AddHeader(headerCredentialsId); } else { amfHeader = context.AMFMessage.GetHeader(AMFHeader.CredentialsIdHeader); if (amfHeader != null) { string key = amfHeader.Content as string; if (key != null) _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().LoginManager.RestorePrincipal(key); } else { _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().LoginManager.RestorePrincipal(); } } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException exception) { for (int i = 0; i < context.AMFMessage.BodyCount; i++) { AMFBody amfBody = context.AMFMessage.GetBodyAt(i); ErrorResponseBody errorResponseBody = new ErrorResponseBody(amfBody, exception); context.MessageOutput.AddBody(errorResponseBody); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (log != null && log.IsErrorEnabled) log.Error(exception.Message, exception); for (int i = 0; i < context.AMFMessage.BodyCount; i++) { AMFBody amfBody = context.AMFMessage.GetBodyAt(i); ErrorResponseBody errorResponseBody = new ErrorResponseBody(amfBody, exception); context.MessageOutput.AddBody(errorResponseBody); } } }
public object ParseQuery(string url, string sql) { ASObject aso = new ASObject(); try { FluorineFx.ServiceBrowser.Sql.ISqlScript sqlScript = FluorineFx.ServiceBrowser.Sql.SqlParserService.Parse(sql); aso["message"] = "Sql statement was parsed and found to be a valid"; } catch (antlr.RecognitionException ex) { aso["message"] = "The specified SQL statement failed to be parsed: " + ex.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { aso["message"] = "The specified SQL statement failed to be parsed: " + ex.Message; } return aso; }
public GGChatUser(ASObject user) { try { if( user.ContainsKey("banned") ) _banned = bool.Parse(user["banned"].ToString()); if (user.ContainsKey("color")) _color = (string)user["color"]; if (user.ContainsKey("id")) _id = int.Parse(user["id"].ToString()); if (user.ContainsKey("level")) _level = int.Parse(user["level"].ToString()); if (user.ContainsKey("name")) _name = (string)user["name"]; if (user.ContainsKey("sex")) _gender = int.Parse(user["sex"].ToString()); } catch { } }
public MessageClient AddSubscriber(string clientId, string endpointId, Subtopic subtopic, Selector selector) { lock(_objLock) { if (subtopic != null) { MessagingAdapter messagingAdapter = _messageDestination.ServiceAdapter as MessagingAdapter; if (messagingAdapter != null) { if (!messagingAdapter.AllowSubscribe(subtopic)) { ASObject aso = new ASObject(); aso["subtopic"] = subtopic.Value; throw new MessageException(aso); } } } if (!_subscribers.Contains(clientId)) { //Set in RtmpService MessageClient messageClient = new MessageClient(clientId, _messageDestination, endpointId); messageClient.Subtopic = subtopic; messageClient.Selector = selector; messageClient.AddSubscription(selector, subtopic); AddSubscriber(messageClient); messageClient.NotifyCreatedListeners(); return messageClient; } else { MessageClient messageClient = _subscribers[clientId] as MessageClient; IClient client = FluorineContext.Current.Client; if (client != null && !client.Id.Equals(messageClient.Client.Id)) { throw new MessageException("Duplicate subscriptions from multiple Flex Clients"); } //Reset the endpoint push state for the subscription to make sure its current because a resubscribe could be arriving over a new endpoint or a new session. messageClient.ResetEndpoint(endpointId); return messageClient; } } }
protected SyncWorker() { sql.Clear(); sql.Append("select * from ML_Mail where is_synced=@is_synced or is_synced=@is_synced1"); using (DataSet ds = new DataSet()) { try { using (SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql.ToString(), DBWorker.GetConnection())) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@is_synced", 1); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@is_synced1", 0); using (SQLiteDataAdapter q = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd)) { q.Fill(ds); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Write(ex.StackTrace); } if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { using (DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { ASObject mail = new ASObject(); foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns) { mail[column.ColumnName] = row[column]; } mailList.Add(mail); } } } } }
public object SubmitQuery(string url, string sql) { Hashtable result = new Hashtable(); try { DomainUrl domainUrl = new DomainUrl(url); Driver driver = DriverFactory.GetDriver(domainUrl); using (IDbConnection dbConnection = driver.OpenConnection()) { IDbCommand command = driver.GetDbCommand(sql, dbConnection); IDbDataAdapter adapter = driver.GetDbDataAdapter(); adapter.SelectCommand = command; DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(dataSet); ASObject asoResult = new ASObject(); DataTable dataTable = dataSet.Tables[0]; ArrayList rows = new ArrayList(dataTable.Rows.Count); for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[i]; ASObject asoRow = new ASObject(); for (int j = 0; j < dataTable.Columns.Count; j++) { DataColumn column = dataTable.Columns[j]; asoRow.Add(column.ColumnName, dataRow[column]); } rows.Add(asoRow); } result["result"] = rows; } } catch (Exception ex) { result["message"] = ex.Message; } return result; }
public PlayerStatCategory(ASObject thebase) : base(thebase) { BaseObject.SetFields(this, Base); }
public AllSummonerData(ASObject obj) : base(obj) { BaseObject.SetFields(this, obj); }
/// <summary> 解锁</summary> public ASObject CommandStart(TGGSession session, ASObject data) { return((new Consume.War.WAR_SKYCITY_UNLOCK()).Execute(, data)); }
/// <summary>跑商消耗</summary> private ASObject CS_BUSINESS(int cmd, TGGSession session, ASObject data) { if (!CommonHelper.IsOpen(session.Player.Role.Kind.role_level, (int)OpenModelType.跑商)) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.BASE_PLAYER_LEVEL_ERROR)); } var aso = new ASObject(); var blldata = data.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Key == "data").Value as ASObject; switch (cmd) { case (int)BusinessCommand.BUSINESS_ACCELERATE: { aso = (new BUSINESS_ACCELERATE()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)BusinessCommand.BUSINESS_PRICE_INFO: { aso = (new BUSINESS_PRICE_INFO()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)BusinessCommand.BUSINESS_PACKET_BUY: { aso = (new BUSINESS_PACKET_BUY()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)BusinessCommand.BUSINESS_GOODS_BUY: { aso = (new BUSINESS_GOODS_BUY()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)BusinessCommand.BUSINESS_BUY_CAR: { aso = (new BUSINESS_BUY_CAR()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)BusinessCommand.BUSINESS_GOODS_ADD: { aso = (new BUSINESS_GOODS_ADD()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)BusinessCommand.BUSINESS_BUY_BARGAIN: { aso = (new BUSINESS_BUY_BARGAIN()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)BusinessCommand.BUSINESS_AREA_OPEN: { aso = (new BUSINESS_AREA_OPEN()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)BusinessCommand.BUSINESS_FREE_TAX: { aso = (new BUSINESS_FREE_TAX()).Execute(, blldata); break; } } return(aso); }
public AggregatedStats(ASObject obj) : base(obj) { BaseObject.SetFields(this, obj); }
public override void Invoke(AMFContext context) { MessageOutput messageOutput = context.MessageOutput; for (int i = 0; i < context.AMFMessage.BodyCount; i++) { AMFBody amfBody = context.AMFMessage.GetBodyAt(i); //Check for Flex2 messages if (amfBody.IsEmptyTarget) { object content = amfBody.Content; if (content is IList) { content = (content as IList)[0]; } IMessage message = content as IMessage; if (message != null) { Client client = null; HttpSession session = null; if (FluorineContext.Current.Client == null) { IClientRegistry clientRegistry = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry; string clientId = message.GetFlexClientId(); if (!clientRegistry.HasClient(clientId)) { lock (clientRegistry.SyncRoot) { if (!clientRegistry.HasClient(clientId)) { client = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry.GetClient(clientId) as Client; } } } if (client == null) { client = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry.GetClient(clientId) as Client; } FluorineContext.Current.SetClient(client); } session = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().SessionManager.GetHttpSession(HttpContext.Current); FluorineContext.Current.SetSession(session); //Context initialized, notify listeners. if (session != null && session.IsNew) { session.NotifyCreated(); } if (client != null) { if (session != null) { client.RegisterSession(session); } if (client.IsNew) { client.Renew(_endpoint.ClientLeaseTime); client.NotifyCreated(); } } /* * RemotingConnection remotingConnection = null; * foreach (IConnection connection in client.Connections) * { * if (connection is RemotingConnection) * { * remotingConnection = connection as RemotingConnection; * break; * } * } * if (remotingConnection == null) * { * remotingConnection = new RemotingConnection(_endpoint, null, client.Id, null); * remotingConnection.Initialize(client, session); * } * FluorineContext.Current.SetConnection(remotingConnection); */ } } else { //Flash remoting AMFHeader amfHeader = context.AMFMessage.GetHeader(AMFHeader.AMFDSIdHeader); string amfDSId = null; if (amfHeader == null) { amfDSId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"); ASObject asoObjectDSId = new ASObject(); asoObjectDSId["name"] = AMFHeader.AMFDSIdHeader; asoObjectDSId["mustUnderstand"] = false; asoObjectDSId["data"] = amfDSId;//set AMFHeader headerDSId = new AMFHeader(AMFHeader.RequestPersistentHeader, true, asoObjectDSId); context.MessageOutput.AddHeader(headerDSId); } else { amfDSId = amfHeader.Content as string; } Client client = null; HttpSession session = null; if (FluorineContext.Current.Client == null) { IClientRegistry clientRegistry = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry; string clientId = amfDSId; if (!clientRegistry.HasClient(clientId)) { lock (clientRegistry.SyncRoot) { if (!clientRegistry.HasClient(clientId)) { client = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry.GetClient(clientId) as Client; } } } if (client == null) { client = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry.GetClient(clientId) as Client; } } FluorineContext.Current.SetClient(client); session = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().SessionManager.GetHttpSession(HttpContext.Current); FluorineContext.Current.SetSession(session); //Context initialized, notify listeners. if (session != null && session.IsNew) { session.NotifyCreated(); } if (client != null) { if (session != null) { client.RegisterSession(session); } if (client.IsNew) { client.Renew(_endpoint.ClientLeaseTime); client.NotifyCreated(); } } } } }
/// <summary>指令处理</summary> public ASObject Switch(int commandNumber, TGGSession session, ASObject data) { return(Switch((int)ModuleNumber.FAMILY, commandNumber, session, data)); }
public PlayerStatsSummary(ASObject body) : base(body) { BaseObject.SetFields(this, body); }
public static MeshData exportMeshData(Mesh mesh, GameObject gameObject) { MeshData data = new MeshData(); /*pos*/ Vector3[] vectors = formatVertices(mesh.vertices, TransformToMatrix4x4(gameObject.transform)); /*normal*/ Vector3[] normals = mesh.normals; /*uv*/ Vector2[] uvs = mesh.uv; Vector4[] tangnets = mesh.tangents; Color[] colors = mesh.colors; data.vertex = vector3toByte(vectors, normals, uvs, tangnets, colors); int numVertices = vectors.Length; data.numVertices = numVertices; int offset = 0; ASObject variables = new ASObject(); if (null != vectors && numVertices == vectors.Length) { variables.Add("pos", new Variable(3, offset)); offset += 3; } if (null != normals && numVertices == normals.Length) { variables.Add("normal", new Variable(3, offset)); offset += 3; } // if(null != tangnets && 0 != tangnets.Length){ // variables.Add("tangnet",new Variable(4,offset)); // offset += 4; // } if (null != uvs && numVertices == uvs.Length) { variables.Add("uv", new Variable(2, offset)); offset += 2; } if (null != colors && numVertices == colors.Length) { variables.Add("color", new Variable(4, offset)); offset += 4; } variables.Add("data32PerVertex", new Variable(offset, offset)); data.data32PerVertex = offset; data.variables = variables; data.index = ToUnit16(mesh.triangles); data.numTriangles = mesh.triangles.Length / 3; data.hitare = toHitArea(mesh.bounds); return(data); }
public PublicSummoner(ASObject obj) : base(obj) { BaseObject.SetFields(this, obj); }
/// <summary>武将修行模块</summary> private ASObject CS_ROLETRAIN(int cmd, TGGSession session, ASObject data) { switch (cmd) { case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_HOME_NPC_REFRESH: if (!CommonHelper.IsOpen(session.Player.Role.Kind.role_level, (int)OpenModelType.自宅)) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.BASE_PLAYER_LEVEL_ERROR)); } break; case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_ROLE_START: case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_ROLE_ACCELERATE: case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_ROLE_LOCK: if (!CommonHelper.IsOpen(session.Player.Role.Kind.role_level, (int)OpenModelType.修行)) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.BASE_PLAYER_LEVEL_ERROR)); } break; default: if (!CommonHelper.IsOpen(session.Player.Role.Kind.role_level, (int)OpenModelType.武将宅)) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.BASE_PLAYER_LEVEL_ERROR)); } break; } var aso = new ASObject(); var blldata = data.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Key == "data").Value as ASObject; switch (cmd) { case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_ROLE_START: { aso = (new TRAIN_ROLE_START()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_ROLE_ACCELERATE: { aso = (new TRAIN_ROLE_ACCELERATE()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_ROLE_LOCK: { aso = (new TRAIN_ROLE_LOCK()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_HOME_NPC_REFRESH: { aso = (new TRAIN_HOME_NPC_REFRESH()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_TEA_INSIGHT: { aso = (new TRAIN_TEA_INSIGHT()).Execute(, blldata); break; } case (int)RoleTrainCommand.TRAIN_HOME_FIGHT_BUY: { aso = (new TRAIN_HOME_FIGHT_BUY()).Execute(, blldata); break; } } return(aso); }
/// <summary>消费</summary> public ASObject CommandStart(TGGSession session, ASObject data) { #if DEBUG XTrace.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", "CONSUME", "消费"); #endif #region 参数说明 //goodsType:int GoodsType 物品类型 //module:int ModuleNumber 模块号 //cmd:int 命令号 //data:Object 业务数据 #endregion var module = int.Parse(data.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Key == "module").Value.ToString()); var cmd = int.Parse(data.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Key == "cmd").Value.ToString()); var bll_data = new ASObject(); switch (module) { #region 模块 case (int)ModuleNumber.BUSINESS: { bll_data = CS_BUSINESS(cmd, session, data); break; } case (int)ModuleNumber.BAG: { bll_data = CS_Prop(cmd, session, data); break; } case (int)ModuleNumber.ROLE: { bll_data = CS_ROLE(cmd, session, data); break; } case (int)ModuleNumber.EQUIP: { bll_data = CS_EQUIP(cmd, session, data); break; } case (int)ModuleNumber.TASK: { bll_data = CS_TASK(cmd, session, data); break; } case (int)ModuleNumber.ROLETRAIN: { bll_data = CS_ROLETRAIN(cmd, session, data); break; } case (int)ModuleNumber.FAMILY: { bll_data = CS_FAMILY(cmd, session, data); break; } case (int)ModuleNumber.ARENA: { bll_data = CS_ARENA(cmd, session, data); break; } case (int)ModuleNumber.APPRAISE: { bll_data = CS_APPRAISE(cmd, session, data); break; } case (int)ModuleNumber.PRISON: { bll_data = CS_PRISON(cmd, session, data); break; } #endregion } return(new ASObject(Common.GetInstance().BuildData(session.Player, module, cmd, bll_data))); }
public async Task <IActionResult> DoBadgeToken([FromBody] BadgeTokenModel model) { var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.Username); if (user == null) { user = new APUser { UserName = model.Username, Email = model.Username + "@badge.local" }; await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); var uobj = model.Username; var name = model.Username; var obj = new ASObject(); obj["type"].Add(new ASTerm("Person")); obj["preferredUsername"].Add(new ASTerm(name)); obj["name"].Add(new ASTerm(name)); var id = await _entityData.UriFor(_entityStore, obj); obj["id"].Add(new ASTerm(id)); var inbox = await _newCollection("inbox", id); var outbox = await _newCollection("outbox", id); var following = await _newCollection("following", id); var followers = await _newCollection("followers", id); var likes = await _newCollection("likes", id); var blocks = await _newCollection("blocks", id); var blocked = await _newCollection("blocked", id); var blocksData = blocks.Data; blocksData["_blocked"].Add(new ASTerm(blocked.Id)); blocks.Data = blocksData; obj["following"].Add(new ASTerm(following.Id)); obj["followers"].Add(new ASTerm(followers.Id)); obj["blocks"].Add(new ASTerm(blocks.Id)); obj["likes"].Add(new ASTerm(likes.Id)); obj["inbox"].Add(new ASTerm(inbox.Id)); obj["outbox"].Add(new ASTerm(outbox.Id)); var userEntity = await _entityStore.StoreEntity(APEntity.From(obj, true)); await _entityStore.CommitChanges(); _context.UserActorPermissions.Add(new UserActorPermission { UserId = user.Id, ActorId = userEntity.Id, IsAdmin = true }); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } var u = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Username, model.Password, false, false); if (!u.Succeeded) { return(Unauthorized()); } var firstActor = await _context.UserActorPermissions.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a.User == user); var claims = new Claim[] { new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Sub, user.Id), new Claim(JwtTokenSettings.ActorClaim, firstActor.ActorId) }; var jwt = new JwtSecurityToken( issuer: _tokenSettings.Issuer, audience: _tokenSettings.Audience, claims: claims, notBefore: DateTime.UtcNow, expires: DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(7)), signingCredentials: _tokenSettings.Credentials ); var encodedJwt = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(jwt); return(Json(new BadgeTokenResponse { Actor = firstActor.ActorId, Token = encodedJwt })); }
/// <summary>切换场景</summary> public ASObject CommandStart(SocketServer.TGGSession session, ASObject data) { #if DEBUG XTrace.WriteLine("{0}:{1} - {2}", "ENTER_SCENE", "切换场景", session.Player.User.player_name); #endif var result = (int)ResultType.SUCCESS; var sceneid = Convert.ToInt32(data.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Key == "id").Value); var userid =; var userscene = session.Player.Scene; #if DEBUG XTrace.WriteLine("玩家{0}当前场景---{1}\t", session.Player.User.player_name, userscene.scene_id); XTrace.WriteLine("玩家{0}当前坐标---{1},{2}\t", session.Player.User.player_name, userscene.X, userscene.Y); #endif var basescene = Variable.BASE_SCENE.FirstOrDefault(q => == sceneid); if (basescene == null || userscene == null) { return(BuildData((int)ResultType.SCENE_BASEDATA_WRONG, null)); } if (userscene.scene_id == sceneid) { return(BuildData((int)ResultType.SCENE_ENTER_SAME, null)); } //1.表示开启 0表示未开启 if (basescene.enabled == 0) { return(BuildData((int)ResultType.SCENE_CITY_UNOPEN, null)); } var basebornpoint = Variable.BASE_ROLEBORNPOINT.FirstOrDefault(q => == basescene.bornPoint); if (basebornpoint == null) { return(BuildData((int)ResultType.SCENE_BASEDATA_WRONG, null)); } var otherplays = Core.Common.Scene.GetOtherPlayers(userid, userscene.scene_id, (int)ModuleNumber.SCENE); //同场景内的其他玩家 //推送玩家离开场景信息 foreach (var item in otherplays) //调用推送 { #if DEBUG XTrace.WriteLine("向{0}玩家推送{1}离开场景---{2}\t\n", item.player_name, session.Player.User.player_name, userscene.scene_id); #endif var tokenTest = new CancellationTokenSource(); var temp = new Common.ScenePush() { user_id = userid, other_user_id = item.user_id }; Task.Factory.StartNew(m => { var t = m as Common.ScenePush; if (t == null) { return; } new PLAYER_EXIT_SCENET().CommandStart(t.user_id, t.other_user_id); tokenTest.Cancel(); }, temp, tokenTest.Token); } SceneDataSave(sceneid, userscene, session.Player.Scene, basebornpoint); var newotherplays = Core.Common.Scene.GetOtherPlayers(userid, userscene.scene_id, (int)ModuleNumber.SCENE); //同场景内的其他玩家 foreach (var item in newotherplays) //向新场景玩家推送玩家进入 { #if DEBUG XTrace.WriteLine("玩家{0}当前坐标---{1},{2}\t", session.Player.User.player_name, userscene.X, userscene.Y); XTrace.WriteLine("向{0}玩家推送{1}进入当前场景---{2}\t", item.player_name, session.Player.User.player_name, userscene.scene_id); #endif var tokenTest = new CancellationTokenSource(); var temp = new Common.ScenePush() { user_id = userid, other_user_id = item.user_id, user_scene = userscene }; Task.Factory.StartNew(m => { var t = m as Common.ScenePush; if (t == null) { return; } new PLAYER_ENTER_SCENE().CommandStart(t.user_scene, t.user_id, t.other_user_id); tokenTest.Cancel(); }, temp, tokenTest.Token); } return(BuildData(result, newotherplays)); }
/// <summary>开启格子</summary> public ASObject CommandStart(TGGSession session, ASObject data) { return((new Consume.PROP_OPEN_GRID()).Execute(, data)); }
/// <summary> 据点规模提升 </summary> public ASObject CommandStart(TGGSession session, ASObject data) { if (!data.ContainsKey("id")) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.FRONT_DATA_ERROR)); } var id = Convert.ToInt32(data.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Key == "id").Value); //id:[double] 据点基表id var userid =; var off =; var extend = session.Player.UserExtend; var city = (new Share.War()).GetWarCity(id, userid);//tg_war_city.GetEntityByBaseId(id); if (city == null) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.NO_DATA)); } if (city.size >= 5) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.WAR_SIZE_MAX)); } var size = city.size + 1; var basesize = Variable.BASE_WARCITYSIZE.FirstOrDefault(m => == size); var baseoffice = Variable.BASE_OFFICE.FirstOrDefault(m => == off); if (basesize == null || baseoffice == null) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.BASE_TABLE_ERROR)); } var count = extend.war_total_own + basesize.own - city.own; if (count > baseoffice.total_own) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.WAR_NOT_OWN)); } if (basesize.boom > city.boom) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.WAR_BOOM_DEFICIENCY)); } if (basesize.strong > city.strong) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.WAR_STRONG_DEFICIENCY)); } if (basesize.peace > city.peace) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.WAR_PEACE_DEFICIENCY)); } city.size = size; city.own = basesize.own; extend.war_total_own = count; city.Update(); extend.Update(); session.Player.UserExtend = extend; (new Share.War()).SaveWarCityAll(city); var temp = view_war_city.GetEntityById(; (new Share.War()).SendCityBuild(temp); return(Common.GetInstance().BulidData(temp, (int)WarCityCampType.OWN)); }
/// <summary> 推送协议 </summary> /// <param name="session">session</param> /// <param name="aso">aso</param> public void SendProtocol(TGGSession session, ASObject aso) { var pv = session.InitProtocol((int)ModuleNumber.FIGHT, (int)FightCommand.FIGHT_PERSONAL_JOIN, (int)ResponseType.TYPE_SUCCESS, aso); session.SendData(pv); }
/// <summary> 推送玩家离开家族</summary> public void CommandStart(TGGSession session) { ASObject aso = BuildData(); LogPush(session, aso); }
/// <summary>指令处理</summary> public ASObject Switch(int moduleNumber, int commandNumber, TGGSession session, ASObject data) { if (commandNumber != (int)TaskCommand.TASK_UPDATE || moduleNumber != (int)ModuleNumber.TASKUPDATE) { return(null); } var aso = new ASObject(); var task = new Task_Update(); aso = task.CommandStart(session, data); task.Dispose(); return(aso); }
public bool Logout() { bool result = false; if (_loginCommand != null) { result = _loginCommand.Logout(this.Principal); if (this.IsPerClientAuthentication) { if (FluorineContext.Current.Client != null) { FluorineContext.Current.Client.Principal = null; } } else { if (FluorineContext.Current.Session != null) { FluorineContext.Current.Session.Invalidate(); } } } else { if (FluorineContext.Current.Session != null) { FluorineContext.Current.Session.Invalidate(); } if (log.IsErrorEnabled) { log.Error(__Res.GetString(__Res.Security_LoginMissing)); } //FluorineFx.Messaging.SecurityException se = new FluorineFx.Messaging.SecurityException(NoLoginCommand, FluorineFx.Messaging.SecurityException.ServerAuthorizationCode); //throw se; throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(__Res.GetString(__Res.Security_LoginMissing)); } if (HttpContext.Current != null) { /* * HttpCookie authCookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies.Get(FormsAuthCookieName); * if (authCookie != null) * { * FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value); * if (ticket != null && ticket.UserData != null && ticket.UserData.StartsWith(FluorineContext.FluorineTicket)) * { * HttpRuntime.Cache.Remove(ticket.UserData); * } * } */ FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); } if (AMFContext.Current != null) { AMFContext amfContext = AMFContext.Current; AMFHeader amfHeader = amfContext.AMFMessage.GetHeader(AMFHeader.CredentialsIdHeader); if (amfHeader != null) { amfContext.AMFMessage.RemoveHeader(AMFHeader.CredentialsIdHeader); ASObject asoObjectCredentialsId = new ASObject(); asoObjectCredentialsId["name"] = AMFHeader.CredentialsIdHeader; asoObjectCredentialsId["mustUnderstand"] = false; asoObjectCredentialsId["data"] = null;//clear AMFHeader headerCredentialsId = new AMFHeader(AMFHeader.RequestPersistentHeader, true, asoObjectCredentialsId); amfContext.MessageOutput.AddHeader(headerCredentialsId); } } return(result); }
public void onRemotingException(string callUID, string methodName, string message, string code, ASObject exception, AsyncOption option) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(message); }
public MessageObject(ASObject obj) : base(obj) { BaseObject.SetFields(this, obj); }
public void saveMailRecord(ASObject record, string entityName = "ML_Mail") { string sql = @"INSERT INTO " + entityName + @" ( uuid, owner_user_id, message_id, subject, sender, mail_to, reply_to, mail_from, contact_mail, flags, cc, bcc, attachments, contents, text_body, html_body, create_time, send_time, mail_date, mail_type, mail_account, mail_file, reply_for, reply_header, folder, mail_uid, client_or_server, is_synced, mail_from_label, mail_to_label, priority, is_seen, ip_from, reviewer_id, reviewer_name, operator_id, operator_name ) VALUES ( @uuid, @owner_user_id, @message_id, @subject, @sender, @mail_to, @reply_to, @mail_from, @contact_mail, @flags, @cc, @bcc, @attachments, @contents, @text_body, @html_body, @create_time, @send_time, @mail_date, @mail_type, @mail_account, @mail_file, @reply_for, @reply_header, @folder, @mail_uid, @client_or_server, @is_synced, @mail_from_label, @mail_to_label, @priority, @is_seen, @ip_from, @reviewer_id, @reviewer_name, @operator_id, @operator_name )"; SQLiteCommand cmd = null; try { cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sql, DBWorker.GetConnection()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uuid", record["uuid"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@owner_user_id", record["owner_user_id"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@message_id", record["message_id"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subject", record["subject"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sender", record["sender"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mail_to", record["mail_to"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mail_to_label", record["mail_to_label"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reply_to", record["reply_to"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mail_from", record["mail_from"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mail_from_label", record["mail_from_label"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@contact_mail", record["contact_mail"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@flags", record["flags"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cc", record["cc"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bcc", record["bcc"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@attachments", record["attachments"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@contents", record["contents"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@text_body", record["text_body"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@html_body", record["html_body"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@create_time", record["create_time"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mail_date", record["mail_date"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@send_time", record["send_time"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mail_type", record["mail_type"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mail_account", record["mail_account"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mail_file", record["mail_file"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reply_for", record["reply_for"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reply_header", record["reply_header"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@folder", record["folder"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mail_uid", record["mail_uid"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@client_or_server", record["client_or_server"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@is_synced", record["is_synced"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@is_seen", record["is_seen"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ip_from", record["ip_from"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@priority", record["priority"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reviewer_id", record["reviewer_id"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reviewer_name", record["reviewer_name"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@operator_id", record["operator_id"]); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@operator_name", record["operator_name"]); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(ex.StackTrace); } finally { if (cmd != null) { cmd.Dispose(); } } }
public PlayerStatSummaries(ASObject obj) : base(obj) { PlayerStatSummarySet = new PlayerStatSummaryList(); BaseObject.SetFields(this, obj); }
/// <summary> /// 与服务器同步邮件信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="record"></param> public void syncUserMail(ASObject record) { if (record == null) return; AsyncOption option = new AsyncOption("MailManager.syncUserMail"); option.asyncData = record; option.showWaitingBox = false;"MailManager.syncUserMail", new object[] { record }, this, option); }
public BaseObject(ASObject obj) { Base = obj; }
/// <summary> /// 更新邮件记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="mail"></param> /// <param name="updateFields"></param> public void updateMailRecord(ASObject mail, string[] updateFields) { if (mail == null || updateFields == null || updateFields.Length == 0) return; string sql = @"update ML_Mail set "; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(sql); foreach (string field in updateFields) { sb.Append(field).Append("=@").Append(field).Append(","); } if (sb.ToString().LastIndexOf(",") != -1) sb.Remove(sb.ToString().LastIndexOf(","), 1); if(mail.ContainsKey("id")) sb.Append(" where id=@id"); else sb.Append(" where uuid=@uuid"); SQLiteCommand cmd = null; try { cmd = new SQLiteCommand(sb.ToString(), DBWorker.GetConnection()); if (mail.ContainsKey("id")) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", mail["id"]); else cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uuid", mail["uuid"]); foreach (string field in updateFields) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + field, mail[field]); } cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(ex.StackTrace); } finally { if (cmd != null) { cmd.Dispose(); } } }
/// <summary>指令处理</summary> public ASObject Switch(int moduleNumber, int commandNumber, TGGSession session, ASObject data) { #if DEBUG var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); #endif if (!CommonHelper.IsOpen(session.Player.Role.Kind.role_level, (int)OpenModelType.家族)) { return(CommonHelper.ErrorResult(ResultType.BASE_PLAYER_LEVEL_ERROR)); } var aso = new ASObject(); //指令匹配 switch (commandNumber) { case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_JOIN: { aso = FAMILY_JOIN.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_CREATE: { aso = FAMILY_CREATE.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_APPLY: { aso = FAMILY_APPLY.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_UPDATE: { aso = FAMILY_UPDATE.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_NOTICE_UPDATE: { aso = FAMILY_NOTICE_UPDATE.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_DONATE: { aso = FAMILY_DONATE.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_RECEIVE: { aso = FAMILY_RECEIVE.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_EXIT: { aso = FAMILY_EXIT.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_INVITE: { aso = FAMILY_INVITE.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_INVITE_REPLY: { aso = FAMILY_INVITE_REPLY.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_APPLY_PROCESS: { aso = FAMILY_APPLY_PROCESS.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_REMOVE: { aso = FAMILY_REMOVE.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_DISSOLVE: { aso = FAMILY_DISSOLVE.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_OFFICE: { aso = FAMILY_OFFICE.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_LOG: { aso = FAMILY_LOG.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } case (int)FamilyCommand.FAMILY_APPLY_LIST: { aso = FAMILY_APPLY_LIST.GetInstance().CommandStart(session, data); break; } } #if DEBUG sw.Stop(); XTrace.WriteLine("指令 {1} 运行总耗时:{0} 毫秒", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString(), GetType().Namespace); #endif return(aso); }
public bool BlackList(ASObject mail, string type) { bool IsChange = false; string folder = mail.getString("folder"); if (folder == "INBOX") IsChange = true; if (folder == "SPAM") IsChange = true; if (!IsChange) return false; string toFolder = null; if (type == "email_b") {"MailManager.addBlackList", new object[] { mail.getString("contact_mail"), null, mail.getString("mail_from_label") }); toFolder = "SPAM"; } else if (type == "email_w") {"MailManager.removeBlackList", new object[] { mail.getString("contact_mail"), null }); toFolder = "INBOX"; } else if (type == "domain_b") { string contact_mail = mail.getString("contact_mail"); string[] spilts = contact_mail.Split('@'); if (spilts.Length != 2) return false;"MailManager.addBlackList", new object[] { null, spilts[1], mail.getString("mail_from_label") }); toFolder = "SPAM"; } else if (type == "domain_w") { string contact_mail = mail.getString("contact_mail"); string[] spilts = contact_mail.Split('@'); if (spilts.Length != 2) return false;"MailManager.removeBlackList", new object[] { null, spilts[1] }); toFolder = "INBOX"; } if (folder == toFolder) return false; mail["folder"] = toFolder; updateMail(mail, new string[] { "folder" }); return true; }
public bool MoveFolder(ASObject mail, string toFolder) { string folder = mail.getString("folder"); if (toFolder == folder) return false; if (folder == "DRAFT" || folder == "OUTBOX" || folder == "DSBOX" || folder == "SENDED") return false; mail["folder"] = toFolder; updateMail(mail, new string[] { "folder" }); return true; }
public PlayerParticipant(ASObject thebase) : base(thebase) { BaseObject.SetFields(this, thebase); }
public void ParseMail(ASObject mailRecord) { string store_path = Desktop.instance.ApplicationPath + "/mail/"; string file = mailRecord["mail_file"] as string; DirectoryInfo dirinfo = Directory.GetParent(store_path + file); if (!dirinfo.Exists) dirinfo.Create(); if (!File.Exists(store_path + file)) { using (WebClient w = new WebClient()) { w.DownloadFile(Desktop.getAbsoluteUrl("docroot/attachments" + file), store_path + file); } } string uid = mailRecord["uuid"] as string; dirinfo = Directory.GetParent(store_path + file); string dir = dirinfo.FullName + "/" + uid + ".parts"; if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(store_path + file, FileMode.Open)) { using (Mail_Message m = Mail_Message.ParseFromStream(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding("GBK"))) { string charset = null; if (m.ContentType != null && m.ContentType.Param_Charset != null) charset = m.ContentType.Param_Charset; if (charset != null && String.Compare(charset, "GBK", true) != 0 && String.Compare(charset, "gb2312", true) != 0) { fs.Position = 0; using (Mail_Message _m = Mail_Message.ParseFromStream(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding(charset))) { parseMIMEContent(_m, uid, dir, mailRecord); } } else parseMIMEContent(m, uid, dir, mailRecord); } } }
internal NetStatusEventArgs(ASObject info) { _info = info; }
/// <summary> /// 发送阅读回折邮件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sHtmlText">邮件内容</param> /// <param name="from">发送人</param> /// <param name="to">接收人</param> public void sendReceiptMail(string sHtmlText, string subject, ASObject from, string[] to) { using (MemoryStreamEx stream = new MemoryStreamEx(32000)) { Mail_Message m = new Mail_Message(); m.MimeVersion = "1.0"; m.Date = DateTime.Now; m.MessageID = MIME_Utils.CreateMessageID(); m.Subject = subject; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string p in to) { if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append(","); sb.Append(p); } m.To = Mail_t_AddressList.Parse(sb.ToString()); //--- multipart/alternative ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIME_h_ContentType contentType_multipartAlternative = new MIME_h_ContentType(MIME_MediaTypes.Multipart.alternative); contentType_multipartAlternative.Param_Boundary = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace('-', '.'); MIME_b_MultipartAlternative multipartAlternative = new MIME_b_MultipartAlternative(contentType_multipartAlternative); m.Body = multipartAlternative; //--- text/plain ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIME_Entity entity_text_plain = new MIME_Entity(); MIME_b_Text text_plain = new MIME_b_Text(MIME_MediaTypes.Text.plain); entity_text_plain.Body = text_plain; text_plain.SetText(MIME_TransferEncodings.QuotedPrintable, Encoding.UTF8, sHtmlText); multipartAlternative.BodyParts.Add(entity_text_plain); //--- text/html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIME_Entity entity_text_html = new MIME_Entity(); MIME_b_Text text_html = new MIME_b_Text(MIME_MediaTypes.Text.html); entity_text_html.Body = text_html; text_html.SetText(MIME_TransferEncodings.QuotedPrintable, Encoding.UTF8, sHtmlText); multipartAlternative.BodyParts.Add(entity_text_html); MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord headerwordEncoder = new MIME_Encoding_EncodedWord(MIME_EncodedWordEncoding.Q, Encoding.UTF8); m.ToStream(stream, headerwordEncoder, Encoding.UTF8); stream.Position = 0; SMTP_Client.QuickSendSmartHost(null, from.getString("send_address", ""), from.getInt("send_port", 25), from.getBoolean("is_send_ssl", false), from.getString("account"), PassUtil.Decrypt(from.getString("password")), from.getString("account"), to, stream); } }
public static bool IsActivity(ASObject @object) { return(@object["actor"].Count > 0); }
/// <summary> /// 保存邮件并同步邮件到服务器,采用异步方式,但必须保证执行顺序 /// </summary> /// <param name="mail">邮件记录</param> /// <param name="fields">保存或同步的字段</param> public void updateMail(ASObject mail, string[] updateFields) { // 保存邮件到本地并同步到服务器 try { if (mail == null || updateFields == null) return; updateMailRecord(mail, updateFields); syncUserMail(mail); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
public static bool IsActor(ASObject @object) { return(@object.Type.Any(Actors.Contains)); }
private void parseMIMEContent(Mail_Message m, string uid, string dir, ASObject record) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xml = doc.CreateElement("message"); doc.AppendChild(xml); StringBuilder attachments = new StringBuilder(); MIME_Entity[] entities = m.GetAllEntities(true); Map<string, string> content_id_file = new Map<string, string>(); StringBuilder textHtml = new StringBuilder(); textHtml.Append(@"<html><head><meta http-equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=utf-8""></head><body>"); bool hasText = false; foreach (MIME_Entity e in entities) { try { if (e.Body.MediaType.ToLower() == MIME_MediaTypes.Text.html) continue; else if (e.Body.MediaType.ToLower() == MIME_MediaTypes.Text.plain) continue; else if (e.Body is MIME_b_SinglepartBase) { MIME_b_SinglepartBase p = (MIME_b_SinglepartBase)e.Body; Stream data = p.GetDataStream(); string fPath = ""; string fileName = e.ContentType.Param_Name; if (fileName == null) fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); else attachments.Append(fileName).Append(";"); fileName = fileName.Replace(' ', '_'); fPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, fileName); using (FileStream afs = File.Create(fPath)) { Net_Utils.StreamCopy(data, afs, 4096); } data.Close(); string contentId = e.ContentID; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contentId)) { contentId = contentId.Trim(); if (contentId.StartsWith("<")) contentId = contentId.Substring(1); if (contentId.EndsWith(">")) contentId = contentId.Substring(0, contentId.Length - 1); content_id_file.Add(contentId, fileName); } XmlElement part = doc.CreateElement("PART"); part.SetAttribute("type", "file"); part.SetAttribute("content-id", contentId); part.SetAttribute("filename", fileName); part.SetAttribute("description", e.ContentDescription); if (e.ContentType != null) part.SetAttribute("content-type", e.ContentType.ToString()); xml.AppendChild(part); } } catch (Exception) { } } foreach (MIME_Entity e in entities) { try { if (e.Body.MediaType.ToLower() == MIME_MediaTypes.Text.html) { string html = ((MIME_b_Text)e.Body).Text; //处理html中的内嵌图片 if (content_id_file.Count > 0) { foreach (string key in content_id_file.Keys) { html = html.Replace("cid:" + key, content_id_file[key]); } } XmlElement part = doc.CreateElement("PART"); part.SetAttribute("type", "html"); part.AppendChild(doc.CreateCDataSection(html)); xml.AppendChild(part); string charset = "GBK"; if (e.ContentType != null && e.ContentType.Param_Charset != null) charset = e.ContentType.Param_Charset; else if (m.ContentType != null && m.ContentType.Param_Charset != null) charset = m.ContentType.Param_Charset; string html_charset = getHtmlEncoding(html); if (html_charset == null) { int index = html.IndexOf("<head>", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); if (index != -1) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); index = index + "<head>".Length; sb.Append(html.Substring(0, index)); sb.Append(@"<meta http-equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=").Append(charset).Append(@""">"); sb.Append(html.Substring(index)); html = sb.ToString(); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"<html><head><meta http-equiv=""content-type"" content=""text/html; charset=").Append(charset).Append(@""">"); sb.Append("</head><body>"); sb.Append(html); sb.Append("</body></html>"); html = sb.ToString(); } html_charset = charset; } Encoding encoding = null; try { encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(html_charset); } catch (Exception) { } if (encoding == null) { try { encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(charset); } catch (Exception) { } } if (encoding == null) encoding = Encoding.UTF8; StreamWriter hfs = new StreamWriter(dir + "/" + uid + ".html", false, encoding); hfs.Write(html); hfs.Close(); } else if (e.Body.MediaType.ToLower() == MIME_MediaTypes.Text.plain) { XmlElement part = doc.CreateElement("PART"); part.SetAttribute("type", "text"); string text = ((MIME_b_Text)e.Body).Text; part.AppendChild(doc.CreateCDataSection(text)); xml.AppendChild(part); if (hasText) textHtml.Append("<hr/>"); hasText = true; text = text.Replace(" ", " "); text = text.Replace("\n", "<br/>"); textHtml.Append(text); } } catch (Exception) { } } textHtml.Append("</body></html>"); if (hasText) { try { using (StreamWriter hfs = new StreamWriter(dir + "/" + uid + ".text.html", false, Encoding.UTF8)) { hfs.Write(textHtml.ToString()); } } catch (Exception) { } } record["attachments"] = attachments.ToString(); record["contents"] = doc.OuterXml; }
public SpellBookPage(ASObject obj) : base(obj) { BaseObject.SetFields(this, obj); }
public ChampionDTO(ASObject obj) : base(obj) { BaseObject.SetFields(this, obj); }
/// <summary>添加黑名单指令</summary> public ASObject CommandStart(TGGSession session, ASObject data) { #if DEBUG XTrace.WriteLine("{0}:{1}", "FRIEND_BLACKLIST", "添加黑名单指令"); #endif var name = data.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Key == "name").Value.ToString(); var friend = tg_user.GetUserByName(name); if (friend == null) { return(ResultError((int)ResultType.FRIEND_NO_DATA_ERROR)); } if (friend.player_name == session.Player.User.player_name) { return(ResultError((int)ResultType.FRIEND_ON_ONESELF)); } //if (!Variable.OnlinePlayer.ContainsKey( return new ASObject(Common.GetInstance().BuildData((int)ResultType.FRIEND_OFFONLINE_ERROR)); var count = tg_friends.GetFindCountByState(, (int)FriendStateType.FRIEND); var rule = Variable.BASE_RULE.FirstOrDefault(m => == "19002"); if (rule == null) { return(ResultError((int)ResultType.BASE_TABLE_ERROR)); } var _max = Convert.ToInt32(rule.value); if (count >= _max) { return(ResultError((int)ResultType.FRIEND_MAX_ERROR)); } var entity = tg_friends.GetFindEntity(,; if (entity != null) { if (entity.friend_state == (int)FriendStateType.BLACKLIST) { return(ResultError((int)ResultType.FRIEND_BLACKLIST_EXIST)); } } else { entity = new tg_friends() { user_id =, friend_id =, }; } #if DEBUG XTrace.WriteLine("id {0} user_id {1} friend_id {2} friend_state {3}",, entity.user_id, entity.friend_id, entity.friend_state); #endif entity.friend_state = (int)FriendStateType.BLACKLIST; #if DEBUG XTrace.WriteLine("更新状态后 id {0} user_id {1} friend_id {2} friend_state {3}",, entity.user_id, entity.friend_id, entity.friend_state); #endif try { entity.Save(); if (!session.Player.BlackList.Contains(entity.friend_id)) { session.Player.BlackList.Add(entity.friend_id); } } catch { return(ResultError((int)ResultType.DATABASE_ERROR)); } var model = view_user_role_friend.GetFindById(; var view_friend = Common.GetInstance().CheckSingleOnline(model); return(new ASObject(Common.GetInstance().BuildData((int)ResultType.SUCCESS, view_friend))); }
public override void Invoke(AMFContext context) { MessageOutput messageOutput = context.MessageOutput; for (int i = 0; i < context.AMFMessage.BodyCount; i++) { AMFBody amfBody = context.AMFMessage.GetBodyAt(i); //Check for Flex2 messages if (amfBody.IsEmptyTarget) { object content = amfBody.Content; if (content is IList) content = (content as IList)[0]; IMessage message = content as IMessage; if (message != null) { Client client = null; HttpSession session = null; if (FluorineContext.Current.Client == null) { IClientRegistry clientRegistry = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry; string clientId = message.GetFlexClientId(); if (!clientRegistry.HasClient(clientId)) { lock (clientRegistry.SyncRoot) { if (!clientRegistry.HasClient(clientId)) { client = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry.GetClient(clientId) as Client; } } } if (client == null) client = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry.GetClient(clientId) as Client; FluorineContext.Current.SetClient(client); } session = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().SessionManager.GetHttpSession(HttpContext.Current); FluorineContext.Current.SetSession(session); //Context initialized, notify listeners. if (session != null && session.IsNew) session.NotifyCreated(); if (client != null) { if (session != null) client.RegisterSession(session); if (client.IsNew) { client.Renew(_endpoint.ClientLeaseTime); client.NotifyCreated(); } } /* RemotingConnection remotingConnection = null; foreach (IConnection connection in client.Connections) { if (connection is RemotingConnection) { remotingConnection = connection as RemotingConnection; break; } } if (remotingConnection == null) { remotingConnection = new RemotingConnection(_endpoint, null, client.Id, null); remotingConnection.Initialize(client, session); } FluorineContext.Current.SetConnection(remotingConnection); */ } } else { //Flash remoting AMFHeader amfHeader = context.AMFMessage.GetHeader(AMFHeader.AMFDSIdHeader); string amfDSId = null; if (amfHeader == null) { amfDSId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"); ASObject asoObjectDSId = new ASObject(); asoObjectDSId["name"] = AMFHeader.AMFDSIdHeader; asoObjectDSId["mustUnderstand"] = false; asoObjectDSId["data"] = amfDSId;//set AMFHeader headerDSId = new AMFHeader(AMFHeader.RequestPersistentHeader, true, asoObjectDSId); context.MessageOutput.AddHeader(headerDSId); } else amfDSId = amfHeader.Content as string; Client client = null; HttpSession session = null; if (FluorineContext.Current.Client == null) { IClientRegistry clientRegistry = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry; string clientId = amfDSId; if (!clientRegistry.HasClient(clientId)) { lock (clientRegistry.SyncRoot) { if (!clientRegistry.HasClient(clientId)) { client = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry.GetClient(clientId) as Client; } } } if (client == null) client = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().ClientRegistry.GetClient(clientId) as Client; } FluorineContext.Current.SetClient(client); session = _endpoint.GetMessageBroker().SessionManager.GetHttpSession(HttpContext.Current); FluorineContext.Current.SetSession(session); //Context initialized, notify listeners. if (session != null && session.IsNew) session.NotifyCreated(); if (client != null) { if (session != null) client.RegisterSession(session); if (client.IsNew) { client.Renew(_endpoint.ClientLeaseTime); client.NotifyCreated(); } } } } }
private ClassDefinition CreateClassDefinition(object obj) { ClassDefinition definition = null; ClassMember member; Type type = obj.GetType(); bool externalizable = type.GetInterface(typeof(IExternalizable).FullName, true) != null; bool dynamic = false; string className = null; if (obj is IDictionary) { if ((obj is ASObject) && (obj as ASObject).IsTypedObject) { ASObject obj2 = obj as ASObject; ClassMember[] memberArray = new ClassMember[obj2.Count]; int index = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> pair in obj2) { member = new ClassMember(pair.Key, BindingFlags.Default, MemberTypes.Custom); memberArray[index] = member; index++; } className = obj2.TypeName; definition = new ClassDefinition(className, memberArray, externalizable, dynamic); classDefinitions[className] = definition; return(definition); } dynamic = true; return(new ClassDefinition(string.Empty, ClassDefinition.EmptyClassMembers, externalizable, dynamic)); } if (obj is IExternalizable) { className = type.FullName; definition = new ClassDefinition(FluorineConfiguration.Instance.GetCustomClass(className), ClassDefinition.EmptyClassMembers, true, false); classDefinitions[type.FullName] = definition; return(definition); } List <string> list = new List <string>(); List <ClassMember> list2 = new List <ClassMember>(); foreach (PropertyInfo info in obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { string name = info.Name; if (info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TransientAttribute), true).Length <= 0) { if ((info.GetGetMethod() == null) || (info.GetGetMethod().GetParameters().Length > 0)) { string str3 = __Res.GetString("Reflection_PropertyIndexFail", new object[] { string.Format("{0}.{1}", type.FullName, info.Name) }); if (log.get_IsWarnEnabled()) { log.Warn(str3); } } else if (!list.Contains(name)) { list.Add(name); BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance; try { PropertyInfo property = obj.GetType().GetProperty(name); } catch (AmbiguousMatchException) { bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly; } member = new ClassMember(name, bindingFlags, info.MemberType); list2.Add(member); } } } foreach (FieldInfo info3 in obj.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { if ((info3.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NonSerializedAttribute), true).Length <= 0) && (info3.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TransientAttribute), true).Length <= 0)) { member = new ClassMember(info3.Name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance, info3.MemberType); list2.Add(member); } } ClassMember[] members = list2.ToArray(); className = type.FullName; definition = new ClassDefinition(FluorineConfiguration.Instance.GetCustomClass(className), members, externalizable, dynamic); classDefinitions[type.FullName] = definition; return(definition); }