예제 #1
파일: Br.cs 프로젝트: sramos30/FlingOS
        public override void PerformStackOperations(ILPreprocessState conversionState, ILOp theOp)
            ASMOps.JmpOp jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.Jump;

            switch ((OpCodes)theOp.opCode.Value)
            case OpCodes.Br:
            case OpCodes.Br_S:

            case OpCodes.Brtrue:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotZero;

            case OpCodes.Brtrue_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotZero;

            case OpCodes.Brfalse:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpZero;

            case OpCodes.Brfalse_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpZero;

            case OpCodes.Beq:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpEqual;

            case OpCodes.Beq_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpEqual;

            case OpCodes.Bne_Un:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotEqual;

            case OpCodes.Bne_Un_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotEqual;

            case OpCodes.Bge:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual;

            case OpCodes.Bge_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual;

            case OpCodes.Bge_Un:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual;

            case OpCodes.Bge_Un_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual;

            case OpCodes.Ble:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual;

            case OpCodes.Ble_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual;

            case OpCodes.Ble_Un:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual;

            case OpCodes.Ble_Un_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual;

            case OpCodes.Blt:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;

            case OpCodes.Blt_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;

            case OpCodes.Blt_Un:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;

            case OpCodes.Blt_Un_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;

            case OpCodes.Bgt:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;

            case OpCodes.Bgt_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;

            case OpCodes.Bgt_Un:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;

            case OpCodes.Bgt_Un_S:
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;

            if (jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpZero || jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotZero)
                //Pop from our stack the test item to use in the condition
                StackItem testItem = conversionState.CurrentStackFrame.Stack.Pop();
            else if (jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpEqual || jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotEqual ||
                     jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual ||
                     jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual ||
                     jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan ||
                     jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan)
                //Pop from our stack the test items to use in the condition
                StackItem itemB = conversionState.CurrentStackFrame.Stack.Pop();
                StackItem itemA = conversionState.CurrentStackFrame.Stack.Pop();
예제 #2
파일: Br.cs 프로젝트: sramos30/FlingOS
        /// <summary>
        /// See base class documentation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="theOp">See base class documentation.</param>
        /// <param name="conversionState">See base class documentation.</param>
        /// <returns>See base class documentation.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotSupportedException">
        /// Thrown if branch test operand value is a floating point value.
        /// </exception>
        public override void Convert(ILConversionState conversionState, ILOp theOp)
            //This will store the offset from the current next op's position
            //to the IL op to jump to.
            int ILOffset = 0;

            //This will store the jump operation - by default, the basic jump op
            ASMOps.JmpOp jumpOp       = ASMOps.JmpOp.Jump;
            bool         UnsignedTest = false;

            ASMOps.JmpOp inverseJumpOp  = ASMOps.JmpOp.None;
            bool         isNegativeTest = false;

            //The value for the jump op to test against - currently always "0" since on jnz and jz ops are used.
            string testVal = "0";

            switch ((OpCodes)theOp.opCode.Value)
            case OpCodes.Br:
                //Load the IL offset as signed Int 32 from the value bytes.
                ILOffset = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);

            case OpCodes.Br_S:
                //Load the IL offset as signed Int 8 from the value bytes.
                ILOffset = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];

            case OpCodes.Brtrue:
                //See above.
                ILOffset = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                //Branch-if-true means we want to do the jump if the operand is not equal to 0
                //i.e. not false
                //Set the jump op to jnz - Jump if Not Zero
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotZero;

            case OpCodes.Brtrue_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                //See above
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotZero;

            case OpCodes.Brfalse:
                //See above
                ILOffset = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                //Branch-if-true means we want to do the jump if the operand is equal to 0
                //i.e. is false
                //Set the jump op to jz - Jump if Zero
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpZero;

            case OpCodes.Brfalse_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                //See above
                jumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpZero;

            case OpCodes.Beq:
                //See above
                ILOffset = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                //Branch-if-equal means we want to do the jump if the operand is equal to the other operand
                //i.e. A == B
                //Set the jump op to je - Jump if equal
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotEqual;

            case OpCodes.Beq_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                //See above
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotEqual;

            case OpCodes.Bne_Un:
                //See above
                ILOffset = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                //Branch-if-equal means we want to do the jump if the operand is equal to the other operand
                //i.e. A == B
                //Set the jump op to je - Jump if not equal
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotEqual;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            case OpCodes.Bne_Un_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                //See above
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotEqual;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            case OpCodes.Bge:
                //See above
                ILOffset = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                //Branch-if-greater-than-or-equal means we want to do the jump if the operand is greater than equal to
                //the other operand
                //i.e. A >= B
                //Set the jump op to jge - Jump if greater than or equal
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;

            case OpCodes.Bge_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                //See above
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;

            case OpCodes.Bge_Un:
                //See above : This is unsigned variant
                ILOffset     = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                UnsignedTest = true;
                //See above
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;

            case OpCodes.Bge_Un_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset     = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                UnsignedTest = true;
                //See above
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;

            case OpCodes.Ble:
                //See above
                ILOffset = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                //Branch-if-less-than-or-equal means we want to do the jump if the operand is less than equal to
                //the other operand
                //i.e. A <= B
                //Set the jump op to jle - Jump if less than or equal
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;

            case OpCodes.Ble_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                //See above
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;

            case OpCodes.Ble_Un:
                //See above : This is unsigned variant
                ILOffset     = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                UnsignedTest = true;
                //See above
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;

            case OpCodes.Ble_Un_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset     = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                UnsignedTest = true;
                //See above
                jumpOp        = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual;
                inverseJumpOp = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;

            case OpCodes.Blt:
                //See above
                ILOffset = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                //Branch-if-less-than means we want to do the jump if the operand is less than
                //the other operand
                //i.e. A < B
                //Set the jump op to jl - Jump if less than
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            case OpCodes.Blt_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                //See above
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            case OpCodes.Blt_Un:
                //See above : This is unsigned variant
                ILOffset     = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                UnsignedTest = true;
                //See above
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            case OpCodes.Blt_Un_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset     = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                UnsignedTest = true;
                //See above
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            case OpCodes.Bgt:
                //See above
                ILOffset = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                //Branch-if-greater-than means we want to do the jump if the operand is greater than
                //the other operand
                //i.e. A > B
                //Set the jump op to jg - Jump if greater than
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            case OpCodes.Bgt_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                //See above
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            case OpCodes.Bgt_Un:
                //See above : This is unsigned variant
                ILOffset     = Utilities.ReadInt32(theOp.ValueBytes, 0);
                UnsignedTest = true;
                //See above
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            case OpCodes.Bgt_Un_S:
                //See above
                ILOffset     = (int)(sbyte)theOp.ValueBytes[0];
                UnsignedTest = true;
                //See above
                jumpOp         = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan;
                isNegativeTest = true;

            if (ILOffset == 0)
                //Err..why bother jumping at all if the offset is 0?
                conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Comment("No jump insert - pointless 0 distance jump"));
                //Get the IL number of the next op
                int startILNum = theOp.NextOffset;
                //Add the offset to get the IL op num to jump to
                int ILNumToGoTo = startILNum + ILOffset;

                //Find the IL op to jump to
                ILOp opToGoTo         = conversionState.Input.At(ILNumToGoTo);
                int  opToGoToPosition = conversionState.PositionOf(opToGoTo);
                int  currOpPosition   = conversionState.PositionOf(theOp);

                //If the jump op is not a straightforward jump i.e. has one or more conditions
                if (jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpZero || jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotZero)
                    //Pop from our stack the test item to use in the condition
                    StackItem testItem = conversionState.CurrentStackFrame.Stack.Pop();

                    if (testItem.isFloat)
                        //SUPPORT - floats
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Branch test based on float not supported!");
                    //If the test item is Int64 or UInt64
                    else if (testItem.sizeOnStackInBytes == 8)
                        //Compare first 32 bits (low bits)
                        //Then (if necessary) compare second 32 bits (high bits)

                        //Pop the low bits
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Pop()
                            Size = ASMOps.OperandSize.Dword, Dest = "EAX"
                        //Compare the low bits to the test value
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Cmp()
                            Arg2 = testVal, Arg1 = "EAX"
                        //Pre-emptively pop the high bits
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Pop()
                            Size = ASMOps.OperandSize.Dword, Dest = "EAX"

                        //If we are testing for not equal to zero:
                        if (jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotZero)
                            //If the low bits are not zero, do the jump
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                                JumpType = jumpOp, DestILPosition = opToGoToPosition
                            //Otherwise, test if the high bits are not 0
                            //We use "cmp" not "test" as "cmp" uses +/- test val, "test" uses & with test val.
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Cmp()
                                Arg2 = testVal, Arg1 = "EAX"
                            //If the high bits are not zero, do the jump
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                                JumpType = jumpOp, DestILPosition = opToGoToPosition
                        //If we are testing for equal to zero:
                        else if (jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpZero)
                            //If the low bits are not zero, jump to the end of these test as condition has not been met
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                                JumpType = ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotZero, DestILPosition = currOpPosition, Extension = "End"
                            //Otherwise, test if the high bits are zero
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Cmp()
                                Arg2 = testVal, Arg1 = "EAX"
                            //If they are, do the jump
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                                JumpType = jumpOp, DestILPosition = opToGoToPosition
                            //Insert the end label to be jumped to if condition is not met (see above)
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Label()
                                ILPosition = currOpPosition, Extension = "End"
                            //Check that no extra ops have been added in the switch block above!
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported 64-bit branch op!");
                    //If the test item is Int32 or UInt32
                    else if (testItem.sizeOnStackInBytes == 4)
                        //Pop the test item
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Pop()
                            Size = ASMOps.OperandSize.Dword, Dest = "EAX"
                        //Compare the test item to the test value
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Cmp()
                            Arg2 = testVal, Arg1 = "EAX"
                        //Do the specified jump
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                            JumpType = jumpOp, DestILPosition = opToGoToPosition
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid stack operand sizes!");
                else if (jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpEqual || jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpNotEqual ||
                         jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThanEqual ||
                         jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThanEqual ||
                         jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpLessThan ||
                         jumpOp == ASMOps.JmpOp.JumpGreaterThan)
                    //Pop from our stack the test items to use in the condition
                    StackItem itemB = conversionState.CurrentStackFrame.Stack.Pop();
                    StackItem itemA = conversionState.CurrentStackFrame.Stack.Pop();

                    if (itemA.isFloat || itemB.isFloat)
                        //SUPPORT - floats
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Branch test based on float not supported!");
                    else if (itemA.sizeOnStackInBytes != itemB.sizeOnStackInBytes)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Branch test operands must be same size!");
                    else if (itemA.sizeOnStackInBytes == 8)
                        //Pop the test item B
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Pop()
                            Size = ASMOps.OperandSize.Dword, Dest = "EBX"
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Pop()
                            Size = ASMOps.OperandSize.Dword, Dest = "ECX"
                        //Pop the test item A
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Pop()
                            Size = ASMOps.OperandSize.Dword, Dest = "EAX"
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Pop()
                            Size = ASMOps.OperandSize.Dword, Dest = "EDX"

                        if (!isNegativeTest)
                            //Compare test item A high bits to test item B high bits
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Cmp()
                                Arg2 = "ECX", Arg1 = "EDX"
                            //If they are not equal, abort the testing
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                                JumpType = inverseJumpOp, DestILPosition = currOpPosition, Extension = "End", UnsignedTest = UnsignedTest
                            //Else the igh bits are equal so test low bits
                            //Compare test item A low bits to test item B low bits
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Cmp()
                                Arg2 = "EBX", Arg1 = "EAX"
                            //Do the specified jump
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                                JumpType = jumpOp, DestILPosition = opToGoToPosition, UnsignedTest = UnsignedTest

                            //Insert the end label to be jumped to if condition is not met (see above)
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Label()
                                ILPosition = currOpPosition, Extension = "End"
                            //Compare test item A high bits to test item B high bits
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Cmp()
                                Arg2 = "ECX", Arg1 = "EDX"
                            //Do the specified jump
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                                JumpType = jumpOp, DestILPosition = opToGoToPosition, UnsignedTest = UnsignedTest
                            //Compare test item A low bits to test item B low bits
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Cmp()
                                Arg2 = "EBX", Arg1 = "EAX"
                            //Do the specified jump
                            conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                                JumpType = jumpOp, DestILPosition = opToGoToPosition, UnsignedTest = UnsignedTest
                    else if (itemA.sizeOnStackInBytes == 4)
                        //Pop the test item B
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Pop()
                            Size = ASMOps.OperandSize.Dword, Dest = "EBX"
                        //Pop the test item A
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Pop()
                            Size = ASMOps.OperandSize.Dword, Dest = "EAX"
                        //Compare test item A to test item B
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Cmp()
                            Arg2 = "EBX", Arg1 = "EAX"
                        //Do the specified jump
                        conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                            JumpType = jumpOp, DestILPosition = opToGoToPosition, UnsignedTest = UnsignedTest
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Branch test based on supplied stack item sizes not supported!");
                    //Do the straightforward jump...
                    conversionState.Append(new ASMOps.Jmp()
                        JumpType = jumpOp, DestILPosition = opToGoToPosition