public NOP(ASMLine _prev)
                if (_prev == null)

                Section    = _prev.Section;
                _prev.Next = this;
                Previous   = _prev;
            public RET(ASMLine _prev)
                if (_prev == null)

                Section    = _prev.Section;
                _prev.Next = this;
                Previous   = _prev;

                Action = SolveAction.Finished;
            public CMP(ASMLine _prev, string[] split)
                if (_prev == null)

                Section    = _prev.Section;
                _prev.Next = this;
                Previous   = _prev;

                R1 = split[1].Replace(",", "");
                R2 = split[2];
            public JUMP(ASMLine _prev, string[] split)
                if (_prev == null)

                Section    = _prev.Section;
                _prev.Next = this;
                Previous   = _prev;

                Enum.TryParse(split[0], true, out Type);

                To = split[1] == "short" ? split[2] : split[1];
            internal static bool TryParse(string ASMLine, ASMLine Current, out ASMLine Out)
                Out     = null;
                ASMLine = ASMLine.ToLower().Trim();
                string[] split = null;

                if (ASMLine.Length < 1)
                    return(false); //empty line
                if (ASMLine[0] == ';')
                    return(false); //comment line, end of section
                //section headers
                if ((split = ASMLine.Split(':')).Length > 1 && Regex.IsMatch(split[0], "^[a-z_0-9]+$"))
                    return((Out = new SectionHeader(split[0])) != null);

                split = SPR.Split(ASMLine);

                switch (split[0])
                case "nop":
                    return((Out = new NOP(Current)) != null);

                case "movzx":
                    return((Out = new MOVZX(Current, split)) != null);

                case "cmp":
                    return((Out = new CMP(Current, split)) != null);

                case "jnb":
                case "jbe":
                case "jmp":
                    return((Out = new JUMP(Current, split)) != null);

                case "retn":
                    return((Out = new RET(Current)) != null);

                    throw new NotImplementedException($"Unable to parse instruction {split[0]}");
            public MOVZX(ASMLine _prev, string[] split)
                if (_prev == null)

                Section    = _prev.Section;
                _prev.Next = this;
                Previous   = _prev;

                Register  = split[1].Replace(",", "");
                BPOffset  = Convert.ToInt32(split[2].Replace("[rbp+var_", "").Replace("]", ""), 16);
                BPOffset *= -1;
                DebugVarName = split[2];
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(FName);
            ASM_Map = new Dictionary <string, ASMLine>();

            ASMLine Current = null;

            foreach (string line in lines)
                if (ASMLine.TryParse(line, Current, out ASMLine Next))
                    if (Current == null || Current.Section != Next.Section)
                        if (!ASM_Map.ContainsKey(Next.Section))
                            ASM_Map[Next.Section] = Next;

                    Current = Next;

            char EDX = (char)0, EAX = (char)0;

            char[] Stack = new char[StackSize];

            Random r = new Random(SEED);
            string IString = $"flag{{{new string(Enumerable.Repeat(__CHARSET__, BaseInSize - 6).Select(s => s[r.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray())}}}";

            IString.CopyTo(0, Stack, 0, BaseInSize);

            Solve(ref Stack, ref EDX, ref EAX);
