private static GetPatchResult GetPatch(XmlNode node, string xmlFileName, ASMEncodingUtility asmUtility, List <VariableType> variables) { KeyValuePair <string, string> nameDesc = GetPatchNameAndDescription(node); bool hideInDefault = false; XmlAttribute attrHideInDefault = node.Attributes["hideInDefault"]; if (attrHideInDefault != null) { if (attrHideInDefault.InnerText.ToLower().Trim() == "true") { hideInDefault = true; } } bool isHidden = false; XmlAttribute attrIsHidden = node.Attributes["hidden"]; if (attrIsHidden != null) { if (attrIsHidden.InnerText.ToLower().Trim() == "true") { isHidden = true; } } bool hasDefaultSector = false; //PsxIso.Sectors defaultSector = (PsxIso.Sectors)0; Context context = (asmUtility.EncodingMode == ASMEncodingMode.PSP) ? Context.US_PSP : Context.US_PSX; Type sectorType = ISOHelper.GetSectorType(context); Enum defaultSector = ISOHelper.GetSector(0, context); // (Enum)Enum.ToObject(sectorType, 0); XmlAttribute attrDefaultFile = node.Attributes["file"]; XmlAttribute attrDefaultSector = node.Attributes["sector"]; if (attrDefaultFile != null) { //defaultSector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsxIso.Sectors), attrDefaultFile.InnerText); //defaultSector = (Enum)Enum.Parse(sectorType, attrDefaultFile.InnerText); defaultSector = ISOHelper.GetSector(attrDefaultFile.InnerText, context); hasDefaultSector = true; } else if (attrDefaultSector != null) { //defaultSector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Int32.Parse(attrDefaultSector.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); defaultSector = ISOHelper.GetSectorHex(attrDefaultSector.InnerText, context); hasDefaultSector = true; } XmlNodeList currentLocs = node.SelectNodes("Location"); List <PatchedByteArray> patches = new List <PatchedByteArray>(currentLocs.Count); StringBuilder sbOuterErrorText = new StringBuilder(); Dictionary <PatchedByteArray, string> replaceLabelsContentMap = new Dictionary <PatchedByteArray, string>(); foreach (XmlNode location in currentLocs) { //UInt32 offset = UInt32.Parse( location.Attributes["offset"].InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber ); XmlAttribute offsetAttribute = location.Attributes["offset"]; XmlAttribute fileAttribute = location.Attributes["file"]; XmlAttribute sectorAttribute = location.Attributes["sector"]; XmlAttribute modeAttribute = location.Attributes["mode"]; XmlAttribute offsetModeAttribute = location.Attributes["offsetMode"]; XmlAttribute inputFileAttribute = location.Attributes["inputFile"]; XmlAttribute replaceLabelsAttribute = location.Attributes["replaceLabels"]; XmlAttribute attrLabel = location.Attributes["label"]; XmlAttribute attrSpecific = location.Attributes["specific"]; XmlAttribute attrMovable = location.Attributes["movable"]; XmlAttribute attrAlign = location.Attributes["align"]; XmlAttribute attrStatic = location.Attributes["static"]; string strOffsetAttr = (offsetAttribute != null) ? offsetAttribute.InnerText : ""; string[] strOffsets = strOffsetAttr.Replace(" ", "").Split(','); bool ignoreOffsetMode = false; bool isSpecific = false; bool isSequentialOffset = false; List <SpecificLocation> specifics = FillSpecificAttributeData(attrSpecific, defaultSector); bool isAsmMode = false; bool markedAsData = false; if (modeAttribute != null) { string modeAttributeText = modeAttribute.InnerText.ToLower().Trim(); if (modeAttributeText == "asm") { isAsmMode = true; } else if (modeAttributeText == "data") { markedAsData = true; } } int align = 0; if (attrAlign != null) { Int32.TryParse(sectorAttribute.InnerText, out align); if (align < 0) { align = 0; } } else if (isAsmMode) { align = 4; } if (specifics.Count > 0) { isSpecific = true; List <string> newStrOffsets = new List <string>(specifics.Count); foreach (SpecificLocation specific in specifics) { newStrOffsets.Add(specific.OffsetString); } strOffsets = newStrOffsets.ToArray(); } else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(strOffsetAttr)) && (patches.Count > 0)) { // No offset defined -- offset is (last patch offset) + (last patch size) PatchedByteArray lastPatchedByteArray = patches[patches.Count - 1]; long offset = lastPatchedByteArray.Offset + lastPatchedByteArray.GetBytes().Length; ignoreOffsetMode = true; isSequentialOffset = true; // Advance offset to match up with alignment, if necessary if (align > 0) { int offsetAlign = (int)(offset % align); if (offsetAlign > 0) { offset += (align - offsetAlign); isSequentialOffset = false; } } string strOffset = offset.ToString("X"); strOffsets = new string[1] { strOffset }; } //PsxIso.Sectors sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)0; Enum sector = ISOHelper.GetSector(0, context); // (Enum)Enum.ToObject(sectorType, 0); if (isSpecific) { sector = specifics[0].Sector; } else if (fileAttribute != null) { //sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Enum.Parse( typeof( PsxIso.Sectors ), fileAttribute.InnerText ); //sector = (Enum)Enum.Parse( sectorType, fileAttribute.InnerText ); sector = ISOHelper.GetSector(fileAttribute.InnerText, context); } else if (sectorAttribute != null) { //sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Int32.Parse( sectorAttribute.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber ); //sector = (Enum)Enum.ToObject(sectorType, Int32.Parse(sectorAttribute.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)); sector = ISOHelper.GetSectorHex(sectorAttribute.InnerText, context); } else if (hasDefaultSector) { sector = defaultSector; } else if (patches.Count > 0) { //sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)(patches[patches.Count - 1].Sector); //sector = (Enum)Enum.ToObject(sectorType, patches[patches.Count - 1].Sector); sector = patches[patches.Count - 1].SectorEnum; } else { sbOuterErrorText.AppendLine("Error in patch XML: Invalid file/sector!"); } bool isRamOffset = false; if ((!ignoreOffsetMode) && (offsetModeAttribute != null)) { if (offsetModeAttribute.InnerText.ToLower().Trim() == "ram") { isRamOffset = true; } } string content = location.InnerText; if (inputFileAttribute != null) { try { string strMode = Enum.GetName(typeof(ASMEncodingMode), asmUtility.EncodingMode); string readPath = Path.Combine("Include", inputFileAttribute.InnerText); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(xmlFileName); readPath = Path.Combine(fileInfo.DirectoryName, readPath); using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(readPath, Encoding.UTF8)) { content = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } catch (Exception) { string readPath = inputFileAttribute.InnerText; using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(readPath, Encoding.UTF8)) { content = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } } bool replaceLabels = false; if (replaceLabelsAttribute != null) { if (replaceLabelsAttribute.InnerText.ToLower().Trim() == "true") { replaceLabels = true; } } if (replaceLabels) { StringBuilder sbLabels = new StringBuilder(); foreach (PatchedByteArray currentPatchedByteArray in patches) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPatchedByteArray.Label)) { sbLabels.Append(String.Format(".label @{0}, {1}{2}", currentPatchedByteArray.Label, currentPatchedByteArray.RamOffset, Environment.NewLine)); } } asmUtility.EncodeASM(sbLabels.ToString(), 0); content = asmUtility.ReplaceLabelsInHex(content, true, true); } string label = ""; if (attrLabel != null) { label = attrLabel.InnerText.Replace(" ", ""); } bool isMoveSimple = isAsmMode; if (attrMovable != null) { bool.TryParse(attrMovable.InnerText, out isMoveSimple); } bool isStatic = false; if (attrStatic != null) { bool.TryParse(attrStatic.InnerText, out isStatic); } int ftrOffset = ISOHelper.GetFileToRamOffset(sector, context); int offsetIndex = 0; foreach (string strOffset in strOffsets) { UInt32 offset = UInt32.Parse(strOffset, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); UInt32 ramOffset = offset; UInt32 fileOffset = offset; if (ftrOffset >= 0) { try { if (isRamOffset) { fileOffset -= (UInt32)ftrOffset; } else { ramOffset += (UInt32)ftrOffset; } } catch (Exception) { } } if (context == Context.US_PSX) { ramOffset = ramOffset | PsxIso.KSeg0Mask; } byte[] bytes; string errorText = ""; if (isAsmMode) { string encodeContent = content; StringBuilder sbPrefix = new StringBuilder(); foreach (PatchedByteArray currentPatchedByteArray in patches) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPatchedByteArray.Label)) { sbPrefix.Append(String.Format(".label @{0}, {1}{2}", currentPatchedByteArray.Label, currentPatchedByteArray.RamOffset, Environment.NewLine)); } } foreach (VariableType variable in variables) { sbPrefix.Append(String.Format(".eqv %{0}, {1}{2}", ASMStringHelper.RemoveSpaces(variable.Name).Replace(",", ""), PatcherLib.Utilities.Utilities.GetUnsignedByteArrayValue_LittleEndian(variable.ByteArray), Environment.NewLine)); } encodeContent = sbPrefix.ToString() + content; ASMEncoderResult result = asmUtility.EncodeASM(encodeContent, ramOffset, true); bytes = result.EncodedBytes; errorText = result.ErrorText; } else { AsmPatch.GetBytesResult result = AsmPatch.GetBytes(content, ramOffset, variables); bytes = result.Bytes; errorText = result.ErrorMessage; } /* * bool isCheckedAsm = false; * if (!markedAsData) * { * ASMCheckResult checkResult = asmUtility.CheckASMFromBytes(bytes, ramOffset, true, false, new HashSet<ASMCheckCondition>() { * ASMCheckCondition.LoadDelay, * ASMCheckCondition.UnalignedOffset, * ASMCheckCondition.MultCountdown, * ASMCheckCondition.StackPointerOffset4, * ASMCheckCondition.BranchInBranchDelaySlot * }); * * if (checkResult.IsASM) * { * isCheckedAsm = true; * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkResult.ErrorText)) * { * errorText += checkResult.ErrorText; * } * } * } */ //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText)) // sbOuterErrorText.Append(errorText); PatchedByteArray patchedByteArray = new PatchedByteArray(sector, fileOffset, bytes); patchedByteArray.IsAsm = isAsmMode; patchedByteArray.MarkedAsData = markedAsData; patchedByteArray.IsCheckedAsm = false; // isCheckedAsm; patchedByteArray.IsSequentialOffset = isSequentialOffset; patchedByteArray.IsMoveSimple = isMoveSimple; //patchedByteArray.AsmText = isAsmMode ? content : ""; patchedByteArray.Text = content; patchedByteArray.RamOffset = ramOffset; patchedByteArray.ErrorText = errorText; patchedByteArray.Label = label; patchedByteArray.IsStatic = isStatic; if (replaceLabels) { replaceLabelsContentMap.Add(patchedByteArray, content); } patches.Add(patchedByteArray); offsetIndex++; if (offsetIndex < strOffsets.Length) { if (isSpecific) { sector = specifics[offsetIndex].Sector; ftrOffset = ISOHelper.GetFileToRamOffset(sector, context); } } } } StringBuilder sbEncodePrefix = new StringBuilder(); foreach (PatchedByteArray currentPatchedByteArray in patches) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPatchedByteArray.Label)) { sbEncodePrefix.Append(String.Format(".label @{0}, {1}{2}", currentPatchedByteArray.Label, currentPatchedByteArray.RamOffset, Environment.NewLine)); } } foreach (VariableType variable in variables) { sbEncodePrefix.Append(String.Format(".eqv %{0}, {1}{2}", ASMStringHelper.RemoveSpaces(variable.Name).Replace(",", ""), PatcherLib.Utilities.Utilities.GetUnsignedByteArrayValue_LittleEndian(variable.ByteArray), Environment.NewLine)); } string strEncodePrefix = sbEncodePrefix.ToString(); asmUtility.EncodeASM(strEncodePrefix, 0); foreach (PatchedByteArray patchedByteArray in patches) { string errorText = string.Empty; string replaceLabelsContent; if (replaceLabelsContentMap.TryGetValue(patchedByteArray, out replaceLabelsContent)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(replaceLabelsContent)) { AsmPatch.GetBytesResult result = AsmPatch.GetBytes(asmUtility.ReplaceLabelsInHex(replaceLabelsContent, true, false), (uint)patchedByteArray.RamOffset, variables); patchedByteArray.SetBytes(result.Bytes); errorText += result.ErrorMessage; } } if (patchedByteArray.IsAsm) { string encodeContent = strEncodePrefix + patchedByteArray.Text; ASMEncoderResult result = asmUtility.EncodeASM(encodeContent, (uint)patchedByteArray.RamOffset); patchedByteArray.SetBytes(result.EncodedBytes); errorText += result.ErrorText; } if (!patchedByteArray.MarkedAsData) { HashSet <ASMCheckCondition> checkConditions = new HashSet <ASMCheckCondition>() { ASMCheckCondition.LoadDelay, ASMCheckCondition.UnalignedOffset, ASMCheckCondition.MultCountdown, ASMCheckCondition.StackPointerOffset4, ASMCheckCondition.BranchInBranchDelaySlot }; if (asmUtility.EncodingMode == ASMEncodingMode.PSP) { checkConditions.Remove(ASMCheckCondition.LoadDelay); } ASMCheckResult checkResult = asmUtility.CheckASMFromBytes(patchedByteArray.GetBytes(), (uint)patchedByteArray.RamOffset, true, false, checkConditions); if (checkResult.IsASM) { patchedByteArray.IsCheckedAsm = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkResult.ErrorText)) { errorText += checkResult.ErrorText; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText)) { sbOuterErrorText.Append(errorText); } } currentLocs = node.SelectNodes("STRLocation"); foreach (XmlNode location in currentLocs) { XmlAttribute fileAttribute = location.Attributes["file"]; XmlAttribute sectorAttribute = location.Attributes["sector"]; //PsxIso.Sectors sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)0; Enum sector = ISOHelper.GetSector(0, context); // (Enum)Enum.ToObject(sectorType, 0); if (fileAttribute != null) { //sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Enum.Parse( typeof( PsxIso.Sectors ), fileAttribute.InnerText ); //sector = (Enum)Enum.Parse(sectorType, fileAttribute.InnerText); sector = ISOHelper.GetSector(fileAttribute.InnerText, context); } else if (sectorAttribute != null) { //sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Int32.Parse( sectorAttribute.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber ); //sector = (Enum)Enum.ToObject(sectorType, Int32.Parse(sectorAttribute.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)); sector = ISOHelper.GetSectorHex(sectorAttribute.InnerText, context); } else { throw new Exception(); } string filename = location.Attributes["input"].InnerText; filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(xmlFileName), filename); patches.Add(new STRPatchedByteArray(sector, filename)); } return(new GetPatchResult(nameDesc.Key, nameDesc.Value, patches.AsReadOnly(), hideInDefault, isHidden, sbOuterErrorText.ToString())); }
private static GetPatchResult GetPatch(XmlNode node, string xmlFileName, ASMEncodingUtility asmUtility, List <VariableType> variables) { KeyValuePair <string, string> nameDesc = GetPatchNameAndDescription(node); bool hideInDefault = false; XmlAttribute attrHideInDefault = node.Attributes["hideInDefault"]; if (attrHideInDefault != null) { if (attrHideInDefault.InnerText.ToLower().Trim() == "true") { hideInDefault = true; } } bool hasDefaultSector = false; PsxIso.Sectors defaultSector = (PsxIso.Sectors) 0; XmlAttribute attrDefaultFile = node.Attributes["file"]; XmlAttribute attrDefaultSector = node.Attributes["sector"]; if (attrDefaultFile != null) { defaultSector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsxIso.Sectors), attrDefaultFile.InnerText); hasDefaultSector = true; } else if (attrDefaultSector != null) { defaultSector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Int32.Parse(attrDefaultSector.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); hasDefaultSector = true; } XmlNodeList currentLocs = node.SelectNodes("Location"); List <PatchedByteArray> patches = new List <PatchedByteArray>(currentLocs.Count); StringBuilder sbOuterErrorText = new StringBuilder(); foreach (XmlNode location in currentLocs) { //UInt32 offset = UInt32.Parse( location.Attributes["offset"].InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber ); XmlAttribute offsetAttribute = location.Attributes["offset"]; XmlAttribute fileAttribute = location.Attributes["file"]; XmlAttribute sectorAttribute = location.Attributes["sector"]; XmlAttribute modeAttribute = location.Attributes["mode"]; XmlAttribute offsetModeAttribute = location.Attributes["offsetMode"]; XmlAttribute inputFileAttribute = location.Attributes["inputFile"]; XmlAttribute replaceLabelsAttribute = location.Attributes["replaceLabels"]; XmlAttribute attrLabel = location.Attributes["label"]; XmlAttribute attrSpecific = location.Attributes["specific"]; XmlAttribute attrMovable = location.Attributes["movable"]; string strOffsetAttr = (offsetAttribute != null) ? offsetAttribute.InnerText : ""; string[] strOffsets = strOffsetAttr.Replace(" ", "").Split(','); bool ignoreOffsetMode = false; bool isSpecific = false; bool isSequentialOffset = false; List <SpecificLocation> specifics = FillSpecificAttributeData(attrSpecific, defaultSector); if (specifics.Count > 0) { isSpecific = true; List <string> newStrOffsets = new List <string>(specifics.Count); foreach (SpecificLocation specific in specifics) { newStrOffsets.Add(specific.OffsetString); } strOffsets = newStrOffsets.ToArray(); } else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(strOffsetAttr)) && (patches.Count > 0)) { // No offset defined -- offset is (last patch offset) + (last patch size) PatchedByteArray lastPatchedByteArray = patches[patches.Count - 1]; long offset = lastPatchedByteArray.Offset + lastPatchedByteArray.GetBytes().Length; string strOffset = offset.ToString("X"); strOffsets = new string[1] { strOffset }; ignoreOffsetMode = true; isSequentialOffset = true; } PsxIso.Sectors sector = (PsxIso.Sectors) 0; if (isSpecific) { sector = specifics[0].Sector; } else if (fileAttribute != null) { sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsxIso.Sectors), fileAttribute.InnerText); } else if (sectorAttribute != null) { sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Int32.Parse(sectorAttribute.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } else if (hasDefaultSector) { sector = defaultSector; } else if (patches.Count > 0) { sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)(patches[patches.Count - 1].Sector); } else { throw new Exception("Error in patch XML: Invalid file/sector!"); } bool asmMode = false; bool markedAsData = false; if (modeAttribute != null) { string modeAttributeText = modeAttribute.InnerText.ToLower().Trim(); if (modeAttributeText == "asm") { asmMode = true; } else if (modeAttributeText == "data") { markedAsData = true; } } bool isRamOffset = false; if ((!ignoreOffsetMode) && (offsetModeAttribute != null)) { if (offsetModeAttribute.InnerText.ToLower().Trim() == "ram") { isRamOffset = true; } } string content = location.InnerText; if (inputFileAttribute != null) { using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(inputFileAttribute.InnerText, Encoding.UTF8)) { content = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } bool replaceLabels = false; if (replaceLabelsAttribute != null) { if (replaceLabelsAttribute.InnerText.ToLower().Trim() == "true") { replaceLabels = true; } } if (replaceLabels) { foreach (PatchedByteArray currentPatchedByteArray in patches) { StringBuilder sbLabels = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPatchedByteArray.Label)) { sbLabels.Append(String.Format(".label @{0}, {1}{2}", currentPatchedByteArray.Label, currentPatchedByteArray.RamOffset, Environment.NewLine)); } asmUtility.EncodeASM(sbLabels.ToString(), 0); } content = asmUtility.ReplaceLabelsInHex(content, true); } string label = ""; if (attrLabel != null) { label = attrLabel.InnerText.Replace(" ", ""); } bool isMoveSimple = asmMode; if (attrMovable != null) { bool.TryParse(attrMovable.InnerText, out isMoveSimple); } Nullable <PsxIso.FileToRamOffsets> ftrOffset = null; try { ftrOffset = (PsxIso.FileToRamOffsets)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsxIso.FileToRamOffsets), "OFFSET_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(PsxIso.Sectors), sector)); } catch (Exception) { ftrOffset = null; } int offsetIndex = 0; foreach (string strOffset in strOffsets) { UInt32 offset = UInt32.Parse(strOffset, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); UInt32 ramOffset = offset; UInt32 fileOffset = offset; if (ftrOffset.HasValue) { try { if (isRamOffset) { fileOffset -= (UInt32)ftrOffset; } else { ramOffset += (UInt32)ftrOffset; } } catch (Exception) { } } ramOffset = ramOffset | 0x80000000; // KSEG0 byte[] bytes; string errorText = ""; if (asmMode) { string encodeContent = content; StringBuilder sbPrefix = new StringBuilder(); foreach (PatchedByteArray currentPatchedByteArray in patches) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPatchedByteArray.Label)) { sbPrefix.Append(String.Format(".label @{0}, {1}{2}", currentPatchedByteArray.Label, currentPatchedByteArray.RamOffset, Environment.NewLine)); } } foreach (VariableType variable in variables) { sbPrefix.Append(String.Format(".eqv %{0}, {1}{2}", ASMStringHelper.RemoveSpaces(",", ""), AsmPatch.GetUnsignedByteArrayValue_LittleEndian(variable.byteArray), Environment.NewLine)); } encodeContent = sbPrefix.ToString() + content; ASMEncoderResult result = asmUtility.EncodeASM(encodeContent, ramOffset); bytes = result.EncodedBytes; errorText = result.ErrorText; } else { bytes = GetBytes(content); } bool isCheckedAsm = false; if (!markedAsData) { ASMCheckResult checkResult = asmUtility.CheckASMFromBytes(bytes, ramOffset, true, false, new HashSet <ASMCheckCondition>() { ASMCheckCondition.LoadDelay, ASMCheckCondition.UnalignedOffset, ASMCheckCondition.MultCountdown, ASMCheckCondition.StackPointerOffset4, ASMCheckCondition.BranchInBranchDelaySlot }); if (checkResult.IsASM) { isCheckedAsm = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkResult.ErrorText)) { errorText += checkResult.ErrorText; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText)) { sbOuterErrorText.Append(errorText); } PatchedByteArray patchedByteArray = new PatchedByteArray(sector, fileOffset, bytes); patchedByteArray.IsAsm = asmMode; patchedByteArray.MarkedAsData = markedAsData; patchedByteArray.IsCheckedAsm = isCheckedAsm; patchedByteArray.IsSequentialOffset = isSequentialOffset; patchedByteArray.IsMoveSimple = isMoveSimple; patchedByteArray.AsmText = asmMode ? content : ""; patchedByteArray.RamOffset = ramOffset; patchedByteArray.ErrorText = errorText; patchedByteArray.Label = label; patches.Add(patchedByteArray); offsetIndex++; if (offsetIndex < strOffsets.Length) { if (isSpecific) { sector = specifics[offsetIndex].Sector; try { ftrOffset = (PsxIso.FileToRamOffsets)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsxIso.FileToRamOffsets), "OFFSET_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(PsxIso.Sectors), sector)); } catch (Exception) { ftrOffset = null; } } } } } currentLocs = node.SelectNodes("STRLocation"); foreach (XmlNode location in currentLocs) { XmlAttribute fileAttribute = location.Attributes["file"]; XmlAttribute sectorAttribute = location.Attributes["sector"]; PsxIso.Sectors sector = (PsxIso.Sectors) 0; if (fileAttribute != null) { sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsxIso.Sectors), fileAttribute.InnerText); } else if (sectorAttribute != null) { sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Int32.Parse(sectorAttribute.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } else { throw new Exception(); } string filename = location.Attributes["input"].InnerText; filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(xmlFileName), filename); patches.Add(new STRPatchedByteArray(sector, filename)); } return(new GetPatchResult(nameDesc.Key, nameDesc.Value, patches.AsReadOnly(), hideInDefault, sbOuterErrorText.ToString())); }
private static void GetPatch(XmlNode node, string xmlFileName, ASMEncodingUtility asmUtility, out string name, out string description, out IList <PatchedByteArray> staticPatches, out List <bool> outDataSectionList) { GetPatchNameAndDescription(node, out name, out description); XmlNodeList currentLocs = node.SelectNodes("Location"); List <PatchedByteArray> patches = new List <PatchedByteArray>(currentLocs.Count); List <bool> isDataSectionList = new List <bool>(currentLocs.Count); foreach (XmlNode location in currentLocs) { UInt32 offset = UInt32.Parse(location.Attributes["offset"].InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); XmlAttribute fileAttribute = location.Attributes["file"]; XmlAttribute sectorAttribute = location.Attributes["sector"]; XmlAttribute modeAttribute = location.Attributes["mode"]; XmlAttribute offsetModeAttribute = location.Attributes["offsetMode"]; XmlAttribute inputFileAttribute = location.Attributes["inputFile"]; XmlAttribute replaceLabelsAttribute = location.Attributes["replaceLabels"]; PsxIso.Sectors sector = (PsxIso.Sectors) 0; if (fileAttribute != null) { sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsxIso.Sectors), fileAttribute.InnerText); } else if (sectorAttribute != null) { sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Int32.Parse(sectorAttribute.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } else { throw new Exception(); } bool asmMode = false; bool markedAsData = false; if (modeAttribute != null) { string modeAttributeText = modeAttribute.InnerText.ToLower().Trim(); if (modeAttributeText == "asm") { asmMode = true; } else if (modeAttributeText == "data") { markedAsData = true; } } bool isRamOffset = false; if (offsetModeAttribute != null) { if (offsetModeAttribute.InnerText.ToLower().Trim() == "ram") { isRamOffset = true; } } UInt32 ramOffset = offset; UInt32 fileOffset = offset; try { PsxIso.FileToRamOffsets ftrOffset = (PsxIso.FileToRamOffsets)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsxIso.FileToRamOffsets), "OFFSET_" + fileAttribute.InnerText); if (isRamOffset) { fileOffset -= (UInt32)ftrOffset; } else { ramOffset += (UInt32)ftrOffset; } } catch (Exception) { } ramOffset = ramOffset | 0x80000000; // KSEG0 string content = location.InnerText; if (inputFileAttribute != null) { using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(inputFileAttribute.InnerText, Encoding.UTF8)) { content = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } bool replaceLabels = false; if (replaceLabelsAttribute != null) { if (replaceLabelsAttribute.InnerText.ToLower().Trim() == "true") { replaceLabels = true; } } if (replaceLabels) { content = asmUtility.ReplaceLabelsInHex(content, true); } byte[] bytes; if (asmMode) { bytes = asmUtility.EncodeASM(content, ramOffset).EncodedBytes; } else { bytes = GetBytes(content); } patches.Add(new PatchedByteArray(sector, fileOffset, bytes)); isDataSectionList.Add(markedAsData); } currentLocs = node.SelectNodes("STRLocation"); foreach (XmlNode location in currentLocs) { XmlAttribute fileAttribute = location.Attributes["file"]; XmlAttribute sectorAttribute = location.Attributes["sector"]; PsxIso.Sectors sector = (PsxIso.Sectors) 0; if (fileAttribute != null) { sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Enum.Parse(typeof(PsxIso.Sectors), fileAttribute.InnerText); } else if (sectorAttribute != null) { sector = (PsxIso.Sectors)Int32.Parse(sectorAttribute.InnerText, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } else { throw new Exception(); } string filename = location.Attributes["input"].InnerText; filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(xmlFileName), filename); patches.Add(new STRPatchedByteArray(sector, filename)); } staticPatches = patches.AsReadOnly(); outDataSectionList = isDataSectionList; }