예제 #1
    public static void Example()
        string strPath;
        string asdf;
        int    intOpenOutputFile;
        int    intOpenInputFile;
        bool   isDebug;
        string strTitle;
        float  textWidth;
        int    testVar;
        int    intCopyForm;
        long   longStartPrinting;
        int    some_var;
        int    intLinearizeFile;
        string grade;
        int    count;
        int    currentPage;

        strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

        // Instantiate Object
        APToolkitNET.Toolkit oTK = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit();

        asdf = "asdf" + "1234" + strPath + "asdf.pdf";
        // Create the new PDF file
        intOpenOutputFile = oTK.OpenOutputFile(strPath + "new.pdf");
        if (intOpenOutputFile != 0)
            ErrorHandler("OpenOutputFile", intOpenOutputFile);

        // Open the template PDF
        intOpenInputFile = oTK.OpenInputFile(strPath + "PDF.pdf");
        if (intOpenInputFile != 0)
            ErrorHandler("OpenInputFile", intOpenInputFile);

        // Add a 'Confidential' watermark by setting text transparency
        // Rotation and color of the text along with the fill mode are set
        oTK.SetHeaderFont("Helvetica", 90);
        oTK.SetHeaderTextTransparency(0.6f, 0.6f);
        oTK.SetHeaderTextStrokeColor(255, 0, 0, 0);
        oTK.SetHeaderText(154, 184, "Confidential");
        oTK.MyProperty = 1;
        oTK.Debug      = "jkl;";
        isDebug        = oTK.Debug;

        // Add a 'Top Secret' watermark by placing text in the background
        oTK.SetHeaderFont("Helvetica", 72);
        oTK.SetHeaderTextColor(200, 200, 200, 0);
        oTK.SetHeaderText(154, 300, "Top Secret");

        // Add the document title to the bottom center of the page
        oTK.SetHeaderFont("Helvetica", 12);
        strTitle  = "Lorem Ipsum";
        textWidth = oTK.GetHeaderTextWidth(strTitle);
        oTK.SetHeaderText((612 - textWidth) / 2, 32, strTitle);

        // Add page numbers to the bottom left of the page
        oTK.SetHeaderFont("Helvetica", 12);
        oTK.SetHeaderWPgNbr(72, 32, "Page %p", 1);

        // Add a mulitline print box for an 'approved' message in header
        oTK.SetHeaderTextColorCMYK(0, 0, 0, 20);
        oTK.SetHeaderTextStrokeColorCMYK(0, 0, 0, 80);
        oTK.SetHeaderMultilineText("Helvetica", 22, 344, 766, 190, 86, "Approved on January 17th, 2021", 2);

        // Add some lines to the footer and top right corner of the page
        oTK.SetHeaderGreyBar(72, 52, 468, 1, 0.8f);
        oTK.SetHeaderHLine(340, 544, 724, 1);
        oTK.SetHeaderVLine(724, 648, 544, 1);
        testVar = oTK.GetUniqueID + ".pdf";

        // Use the Header Image properties to add some images to the footer
        // Net comment
        oTK.SetHeaderImage(strPath + "BMP.bmp", 375.0f, 13.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, true);
        oTK.SetHeaderJPEG(strPath + "JPEG.jpg", 436.0f, 9.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, true);
        oTK.SetHeaderTIFF(strPath + "TIFF.tif", 500.0f, 15.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, true);

        // Copy the template (with the stamping changes) to the new file
        // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
        intCopyForm = oTK.CopyForm(0, 0);
        if (intCopyForm != 1)
            ErrorHandler("CopyForm", intCopyForm);
        longStartPrinting = oTK.StartPrinting(strPath + "PDF.pdf");
        if (longStartPrinting != 0)
            ErrorHandler("StartPrinting", longStartPrinting);
        longStartPrinting = oTK.StartPrinting("file.ps", "file.pdf");
        if (longStartPrinting > 1)
            ErrorHandler("StartPrinting", longStartPrinting);
        longStartPrinting = oTK.StartPrinting("file.ps", "file.pdf");
        if (longStartPrinting < 1)
            ErrorHandler("StartPrinting", longStartPrinting);
        if (some_var == 0)
            intLinearizeFile = oTK.LinearizeFile(strPath + "PDF.pdf", strPath + "new.pdf", "");
            if (intLinearizeFile > 0)
                ErrorHandler("LinearizeFile", intLinearizeFile);
        if (some_var > 0)
            intLinearizeFile = oTK.LinearizeFile(strPath + "PDF.pdf", strPath + "new.pdf", "");
            if (intLinearizeFile > 0)
                ErrorHandler("LinearizeFile", intLinearizeFile);
        if (some_var < 0)
            oTK.conmment("This is true statement");
            // This is an else
            ErrorHandler("asdf", 234);

        // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
        // Snippet with variables
        // Snippet comment from variable!
        oTK.SetSnippetPropertyToInt = 1;
        oTK.ArrayProperty           = "Array of numbers and strings";
        oTK.ArrayProperty           = 1;
        oTK.ArrayProperty           = 18.38f;
        // nil
        // Instantiate Object
        APServer.Server oSVR = new APServer.Server();


        // Release Object
        oSVR = null;

        // Server
            line 2