예제 #1
        public static APIThingEnd fromThingEnd(ThingEnd sourceThingEnd, bool loadParents, bool loadChilds)
            APIThingEnd result = new APIThingEnd();

            result.ID                 = sourceThingEnd.ID;
            result.LastIOID           = sourceThingEnd.LastIOID;
            result.LastIOTimeStamp    = sourceThingEnd.LastIOTimeStamp;
            result.LastIOTimeStampUTC = sourceThingEnd.LastIOTimeStampUTC;
            result.LastIOValue        = sourceThingEnd.LastIOValue;

            #region Load MasterTypes
            result.EndPointType = APIEndPointTypeAdapter.fromEndPointType(sourceThingEnd.EndPointType);


            #region Load Parents
            if (loadParents)
                result.Thing          = TypesMapper.APIThingAdapter.fromThing(sourceThingEnd.Thing, false, false);
                result.LastIOEndPoint = TypesMapper.APIEndPointAdapter.fromEndpoint(sourceThingEnd.EndPointIO.Endpoint, false, false);


            #region Load Childs


예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get List of ThingEnds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">Page Number.</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Items count per page.</param>
        /// <param name="loadParents">Enable or Disable loading the Parents objects.</param>
        /// <param name="loadChilds">Enable or Disable loading the Childs objects.</param>
        /// <param name="searchFor">Search text as per the 'Title' field.</param>
        /// <param name="locationID">Filter by Location ID. You can keep it null or empty to ignore this filter.</param>
        /// <param name="thingID">Filter by Thing ID. You can keep it null or empty to ignore this filter.</param>
        /// <param name="thingCategoryID">Filter by ThingCategory ID. You can keep it null or empty to ignore this filter.</param>
        /// <param name="endpointTypeID">Filter by EndPointType ID. You can keep it null or empty to ignore this filter.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public APIThingEndResponseModels.GetThingEndsList GetThingEndsList(string searchFor, long?locationID, long?thingID, long?thingCategoryID, long?endpointTypeID, bool loadThing, bool loadEndpoint, int pageNumber, int pageSize)
            APIThingEndResponseModels.GetThingEndsList result = new APIThingEndResponseModels.GetThingEndsList();

            IPagedList <ThingEnd> thingEndsPL = uof_Repositories.repoThingEnds.GetPagedList(searchFor, locationID, thingID, thingCategoryID, endpointTypeID, endpointTypeID, pageNumber, pageSize);
            List <ThingEnd>       thingEnds   = thingEndsPL.ToList();

            List <APIThingEnd> listAPIThingEnds = new List <APIThingEnd>();

            foreach (ThingEnd te in thingEnds)
                APIThingEnd apiThingEnd = TypesMapper.APIThingEndAdapter.fromThingEnd(te, loadThing, loadThing);
            result.ThingEnds = listAPIThingEnds;

            PagingInfoResponseModel pagingInfo = new PagingInfoResponseModel();

            pagingInfo.CurrentPage  = thingEndsPL.PageNumber;
            pagingInfo.ItemsPerPage = thingEndsPL.PageSize;
            pagingInfo.ItemsCount   = thingEndsPL.TotalItemCount;
            pagingInfo.PagesCount   = thingEndsPL.PageCount;
            result.PagingInfo       = pagingInfo;

예제 #3
        public static APIThingEnd fromThingEnd(ThingEnd sourceThingEnd)
            APIThingEnd result = new APIThingEnd();

            result.ID                 = sourceThingEnd.ID;
            result.Thing              = TypesMapper.APIThingAdapter.fromThing(sourceThingEnd.Thing);
            result.EndPointType       = TypesMapper.APIEndPointTypeAdapter.fromEndPointType(sourceThingEnd.EndPointType);
            result.LastIOID           = sourceThingEnd.LastIOID;
            result.LastIOTimeStamp    = sourceThingEnd.LastIOTimeStamp;
            result.LastIOTimeStampUTC = sourceThingEnd.LastIOTimeStampUTC;
            result.LastIOValue        = sourceThingEnd.LastIOValue;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get List of ThingEnds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">Page Number.</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Items count per page.</param>
        /// <param name="loadParents">Enable or Disable loading the Parents objects.</param>
        /// <param name="loadChilds">Enable or Disable loading the Childs objects.</param>
        /// <param name="searchFor">Search text as per the 'Title' field.</param>
        /// <param name="locationID">Filter by Location ID. You can keep it null or empty to ignore this filter.</param>
        /// <param name="thingID">Filter by Thing ID. You can keep it null or empty to ignore this filter.</param>
        /// <param name="thingCategoryID">Filter by ThingCategory ID. You can keep it null or empty to ignore this filter.</param>
        /// <param name="endpointTypeID">Filter by EndPointType ID. You can keep it null or empty to ignore this filter.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <APIThingEnd> GetThingEnds(int pageNumber, int pageSize, bool loadParents, bool loadChilds, string searchFor, long locationID, long thingID, long thingCategoryID, long endpointTypeID)
            List <APIThingEnd> result    = new List <APIThingEnd>();
            List <ThingEnd>    thingEnds = db.ThingEnds.Where(e =>

                                                              ((e.Thing.Title.Contains(searchFor) || (searchFor == null || searchFor == "")) &&
                                                               ((e.ThingID == thingID) || (thingID == null || thingID == 0)) &&
                                                               ((e.EndPointTypeID == endpointTypeID) || (endpointTypeID == null || endpointTypeID == 0)) &&
                                                               ((e.Thing.CategoryID == thingCategoryID) || (thingCategoryID == null || thingCategoryID == 0)) &&
                                                               ((e.Thing.LinkThingsLocations.Any(l => l.LocationID == locationID)) || (locationID == null || locationID == 0))
                                                              )).OrderBy(o => o.ThingID).ThenBy(o => o.EndPointTypeID)
                                           .Skip(pageSize * (pageNumber - 1)).Take(pageSize).ToList();

            foreach (ThingEnd te in thingEnds)
                APIThingEnd apiThingEnd = new APIThingEnd();
                apiThingEnd = TypesMapper.APIThingEndAdapter.fromThingEnd(te, loadParents, loadChilds);

예제 #5
        public static APIThing fromThing(Thing sourceThing, bool loadParents, bool loadChilds)
            APIThing result = new APIThing();

            result.ID       = sourceThing.ID;
            result.Title    = sourceThing.Title;
            result.UTC_Diff = sourceThing.UTC_Diff;

            #region Load Master Types
            result.ThingsType = TypesMapper.APIThingsTypeAdapter.fromThingsType(sourceThing.ThingCategory);


            #region Parents
            if (loadParents)
                #region Locations
                List <APILocation> apiLocations = new List <APILocation>();
                List <Location>    locations    = db.Locations.Where(l => l.LinkThingsLocations.Any(ll => ll.LocationID == l.ID)).ToList();
                foreach (Location location in locations)
                    APILocation apiLocation = TypesMapper.APILocationAdapter.fromLocation(location, false, false);
                result.Locations = apiLocations;


            #region Load Childs
            if (loadChilds)
                #region EndPoints
                List <APIEndPoint> apiEndPoints = new List <APIEndPoint>();
                foreach (Endpoint endpoint in sourceThing.Endpoints)
                    APIEndPoint apiEndpoint = TypesMapper.APIEndPointAdapter.fromEndpoint(endpoint, false, false);
                result.EndPoints = apiEndPoints;

                #region ThingEnds
                List <APIThingEnd> apiThingEnds = new List <APIThingEnd>();
                foreach (ThingEnd thingEnd in sourceThing.ThingEnds)
                    APIThingEnd apiThingEnd = TypesMapper.APIThingEndAdapter.fromThingEnd(thingEnd, false, false);
                result.ThingEnds = apiThingEnds;

                #region APIThingExtensionValues
                List <APIThingExtensionValue> apiThingExtensionValues = new List <APIThingExtensionValue>();
                foreach (ThingExtensionValue thingExtensionValue in sourceThing.ThingExtensionValues)
                    APIThingExtensionValue apiThingExtensionValue = TypesMapper.APIThingExtensionValueAdapter.fromThingExtensionValue(thingExtensionValue, true, false);
                result.APIThingExtensionValues = apiThingExtensionValues;

            result.ThingEndsCount = sourceThing.ThingEnds.Count;

            List <APIEndPoint> apiEnds = new List <APIEndPoint>();
            //foreach(Endpoint end in sourceThing.Endpoints)
            //    APIEndPoint apiEnd = new APIEndPoint();
            //    apiEnd = TypesMapper.APIEndPointAdapter.fromEndpoint(end);
            //    apiEnds.Add(apiEnd);
            //result.EndPoints = apiEnds;
