public void AfterSelectedWorld() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Texture Mapping Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var item in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(item) is ICSTextureMapping texture && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { ItemTypesServer.SetTextureMapping(, new ItemTypesServer.TextureMapping(texture.JsonSerialize())); sb.Append($"{}, "); i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("---------------------------------------------------------"); }
public void ColonyCreated(Colony c) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Happiness Effects Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var item in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(item) is IHappinessEffect effect) { c.HappinessData.HappinessEffects.Add(effect); sb.Append($"{effect.GetType().Name}, "); i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("---------------------------------------------------------"); }
public void OnAddResearchables() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Panda Quests Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var quest in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(quest) is IPandaQuest pandaQuest && !(pandaQuest is IPandaQuest) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pandaQuest.QuestKey)) { sb.Append($"{pandaQuest.QuestKey}, "); Questing.QuestingSystem.QuestPool[pandaQuest.QuestKey] = pandaQuest; i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("------------------------------------------------------"); }
public void AfterItemTypesDefined() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Roaming Job Objective Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var s in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(s) is IRoamingJobObjective roamingJobObjective && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(roamingJobObjective.ItemIndex)) { sb.Append($"{roamingJobObjective.ItemIndex}, "); RoamingJobManager.RegisterObjectiveType(roamingJobObjective); i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("---------------------------------------------------------"); }
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext filterContext) { try { MiniSessionManager.Instance.CommitChanges(filterContext.Exception); if (AllowPartialResponse) { TryToCreatePartialResponse(filterContext); } } catch (Exception x) { filterContext.Exception = x; } HandleException(filterContext); var timer = (Stopwatch)filterContext.Request.Properties["logtimer"]; timer.Stop(); _elapsed = timer.Elapsed; if (!LogEnabled) { return; } IdentityHelper.LogAction( filterContext.ActionContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName, filterContext.ActionContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName, filterContext.Exception == null, filterContext.Exception?.Message); if (!(bool)filterContext.Request.Properties["requestIsLogged"]) { APILogger?.LogExposedAPIAccess(_id, filterContext.ActionContext, _elapsed, false); filterContext.Request.Properties["requestIsLogged"] = true; } }
public void AfterItemTypesDefined() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Tutorials Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var s in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(s) is ITutorial tutorial && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tutorial.Name)) { sb.Append($"{tutorial.Name}, "); TutorialFactory.Tutorials[tutorial.Name] = tutorial; i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("---------------------------------------------------------"); }
public static void OnSavingColony(Colony c, JSONNode n) { try { lock (Objectives) { if (Objectives.ContainsKey(c)) { if (n.HasChild(GameInitializer.NAMESPACE + ".Objectives")) { n.RemoveChild(GameInitializer.NAMESPACE + ".Objectives"); } var objectiveNode = new JSONNode(NodeType.Array); foreach (var node in Objectives[c]) { foreach (var catNode in node.Value) { objectiveNode.AddToArray(catNode.Value.ToJsonNode()); } } n[GameInitializer.NAMESPACE + ".Objectives"] = objectiveNode; } } } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } }
public override void OnResearchComplete(ColonyScienceState manager, EResearchCompletionReason reason) { base.OnResearchComplete(manager, reason); try { foreach (var p in manager.Colony.Owners) { p.GetTempValues(true).Set(TmpValueKey, Value); p.GetTempValues(true).Set(LevelKey, Level); } manager.Colony.TemporaryData.SetAs(TmpValueKey, Value); manager.Colony.TemporaryData.SetAs(LevelKey, Level); if (ResearchComplete != null) { ResearchComplete(this, new ResearchCompleteEventArgs(this, manager)); } } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex, $"Error OnResearchComplete for {TmpValueKey} Level: {Level}."); } }
public void AfterWorldLoad() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Panda Zombies Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var monster in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(monster) is IPandaZombie pandaZombie && !(pandaZombie is IPandaBoss) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { sb.Append($"{}, "); PandaMonsterSpawner.PandaZombies.Add(pandaZombie); i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("------------------------------------------------------"); }
public static ColonistInventory Get(NPCBase npc) { ColonistInventory inv = null; if (npc == null) { return(inv); } if (npc.CustomData == null) { npc.CustomData = new JSONNode(); } try { if (!npc.CustomData.TryGetAs(GameInitializer.SETTLER_INV, out inv) || inv == null) { inv = new ColonistInventory(npc); npc.CustomData.SetAs(GameInitializer.SETTLER_INV, inv); } } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } if (inv == null) { inv = new ColonistInventory(npc); } return(inv); }
public void AfterModsLoaded(List <ModLoader.ModDescription> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Connected Block CalculationType Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var s in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(s) is IConnectedBlockCalculationType connectedBlockCalcType && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { sb.Append($"{}, "); ConnectedBlockCalculator.CalculationTypes[] = connectedBlockCalcType; i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("---------------------------------------------------------"); }
public void OnRegisterUpgrades(UpgradesManager upgrades) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Colony Upgrades Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var item in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(item) is IPandaUpgrade upgrade) { upgrades.RegisterUpgrade(upgrade); sb.Append($"{upgrade.UniqueKey}, "); i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("---------------------------------------------------------"); }
public bool StartAPILogging(string cacheID, string InstanceID, bool version) { if (cacheID != null) { try { _forcefullStoppedLogging = false; if (_apiLogger == null) { APILogger = new APIServerLogger(); } APILogger.AddInstanceInformation(InstanceID.ToLower()); if (APILogging.APILogManager.APILogManger == null && APILogger != null && !APILogger.IsLoggingEnabled(InstanceID.ToLower())) { APILogging.APILogManager logmanger = new APILogging.APILogManager(); logmanger.StartLogging(cacheID, version); APILogging.APILogManager.APILogManger = logmanger; AppUtil.LogEvent("API logging sucessfully started on cache " + cacheID, EventLogEntryType.Information); return(true); } else { return(APILogManager.EnableLogging); } } catch { return(false); } } return(false); }
public RecipeUnlockReward(string itemName, string rewardKey, string localizationKey = null, LocalizationHelper localizationHelper = null) { RecipeKey = itemName; RewardKey = rewardKey; LocalizationHelper = localizationHelper; LocalizationKey = localizationKey; if (ServerManager.RecipeStorage.TryGetRecipe(new Recipes.RecipeKey(itemName), out var recipe)) { Recipe = recipe; ServerManager.RecipeStorage.AddScienceRequirement(Recipe); } else { APILogger.Log(, "Item " + itemName + " recipe not found. unable to create RecipeUnlockReward for reward key " + rewardKey); } if (LocalizationHelper == null) { LocalizationHelper = new LocalizationHelper(GameInitializer.NAMESPACE, "Quests"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LocalizationKey)) { LocalizationKey = nameof(RecipeUnlockReward); } }
public void AfterWorldLoad() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Bosses Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var monster in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(monster) is IPandaBoss pandaBoss && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { sb.Append($"{}, "); MonsterManager.AddBoss(pandaBoss); i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("------------------------------------------------------"); }
public static void OnAssemblyLoaded(string path) { var settings = GameInitializer.GetJSONSettingPaths(GameInitializer.NAMESPACE + ".MenuFile"); JObject jObject = new JObject(); foreach (var info in settings) { try { foreach (var jsonNode in info.Value) { try { jObject.Merge(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(File.ReadAllText(info.Key + "/" + jsonNode)), new JsonMergeSettings() { MergeArrayHandling = MergeArrayHandling.Union, MergeNullValueHandling = MergeNullValueHandling.Ignore, PropertyNameComparison = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase }); } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex, "Error loading settings node " + jsonNode); } } } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex, "Error loading settings file " + info.Key + " values " + string.Join(", ", info.Value.ToArray())); } } LoadedMenus = JSON.DeserializeString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jObject)); }
public Hashtable GetAPILogging(string cacheID, string instanceID) { Hashtable data = new Hashtable(); List <Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Monitoring.APILogging.APIRuntimeLogItem> apiLogData = null; try { if (cacheID != null) { if (_forcefullStoppedLogging || _apiLogger == null) { throw new APILoggingException("Logging has been stopped due to connection lost"); } if (APILogging.APILogManager.APILogManger != null) { long startTime = APILogger.GetInstanceStartTime(instanceID.ToLower()); if (startTime != -1) { apiLogData = APILogging.APILogManager.APILogManger.GetEntry(ref startTime); } lock (_lock) { data.Add("items", apiLogData); } APILogger.UpdateInstanceStartTime(instanceID.ToLower(), startTime); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return(data); }
public static bool GetBestWeapon(NPC.NPCBase npc, int limit) { var hasItem = false; try { if (npc != null) { var inv = ColonistInventory.Get(npc); var stock = npc.Colony.Stockpile; hasItem = !inv.Weapon.IsEmpty(); IWeapon bestWeapon = null; if (hasItem) { bestWeapon = WeaponFactory.WeaponLookup[inv.Weapon.Id]; } foreach (var wep in WeaponFactory.WeaponLookup.Values.Where(w => w as IPlayerMagicItem == null && w is WeaponMetadata weaponMetadata && weaponMetadata.ItemType != null).Cast <WeaponMetadata>()) { if (stock.Contains(wep.ItemType.ItemIndex) && bestWeapon == null || stock.Contains(wep.ItemType.ItemIndex) && bestWeapon != null && bestWeapon.Damage.TotalDamage() < wep.Damage.TotalDamage() && stock.AmountContained(ItemId.GetItemId( > limit) { bestWeapon = wep; } } if (bestWeapon != null) { var wepId = ItemId.GetItemId(; if (hasItem && inv.Weapon.Id != wepId || !hasItem) { hasItem = true; stock.TryRemove(wepId); if (!inv.Weapon.IsEmpty()) { stock.Add(inv.Weapon.Id); } inv.Weapon = new ItemState { Id = wepId, Durability = bestWeapon.WepDurability }; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } return(hasItem); }
public void OnAddResearchables() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Research Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var s in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(s) is IPandaResearch pandaResearch && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { sb.Append( + ", "); pandaResearch.BeforeRegister(); for (var l = 1; l <= pandaResearch.NumberOfLevels; l++) { var research = new PandaResearchable(pandaResearch, l); research.ResearchComplete += pandaResearch.ResearchComplete; foreach (var item in research.Recipes) { if (item.UnlockType == Science.ERecipeUnlockType.Recipe) { if (ServerManager.RecipeStorage.TryGetRecipe(new Recipes.RecipeKey(item.Identifier), out var recipe)) { ServerManager.RecipeStorage.AddScienceRequirement(recipe); } } else { if (ServerManager.RecipeStorage.TryGetRecipes(item.Identifier, out var recipe)) { for (int r = 0; r < recipe.Count; r++) { ServerManager.RecipeStorage.AddScienceRequirement(recipe[r]); } } } } research.Register(); } pandaResearch.OnRegister(); i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("---------------------------------------------------------"); }
public void AfterItemTypesDefined() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); APILogger.LogToFile("-------------------Recipes Loaded----------------------"); var i = 0; foreach (var item in LoadedAssembalies) { if (Activator.CreateInstance(item) is ICSRecipe recipe && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { var requirements = new List <InventoryItem>(); var results = new List <RecipeResult>(); recipe.JsonSerialize(); foreach (var ri in recipe.requires) { if (ItemTypes.IndexLookup.TryGetIndex(ri.type, out var itemIndex)) { requirements.Add(new InventoryItem(itemIndex, ri.amount)); } } foreach (var ri in recipe.results) { results.Add(ri); } var newRecipe = new Recipe(, requirements, results, recipe.defaultLimit, 0, (int)recipe.defaultPriority); ServerManager.RecipeStorage.AddLimitTypeRecipe(recipe.Job, newRecipe); if (recipe.JobBlock != null && recipe.JobBlock.Count != 0) { foreach (var block in recipe.JobBlock) { if (!ServerManager.RecipeStorage.BlockNameToLimitTypeMapping.ContainsKey(block)) { ServerManager.RecipeStorage.AddBlockToRecipeMapping(block, recipe.Job); } } } sb.Append($"{}, "); i++; if (i > 5) { i = 0; sb.AppendLine(); } } } APILogger.LogToFile(sb.ToString()); APILogger.LogToFile("---------------------------------------------------------"); }
//Ref menu is added for change LocalStorage -> avoid client error public static bool LoadItem(JSONNode item, ref NetworkMenu menu, Players.Player player, out List <IItem> menuItem) { string itemType = item.GetAs <string>("type").Trim().ToLower(); bool found = false; menuItem = null; switch (itemType) { case "patchnotes": if (item.TryGetAsOrDefault <string>("mod", out string mod, "")) { var info = default(JSONNode); foreach (var modJson in GameInitializer.AllModInfos.Values) { if (modJson.TryGetAs("name", out string modName) && string.Equals(mod, modName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { info = modJson; break; } } if (info.TryGetAs <JSONNode>("patchnotes", out var patchNotesJson)) { int i = 0; menuItem = new List <IItem>(); foreach (var node in patchNotesJson.LoopArray()) { i++; node.TryGetAsOrDefault("version", out string version, "Undefined"); menuItem.Add(new Label(new LabelData("Version " + version, UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 24, LabelData.ELocalizationType.None))); if (node.TryGetAs <JSONNode>("notes", out var versionNotesJson)) { foreach (var note in versionNotesJson.LoopArray()) { menuItem.Add(new Label(new LabelData(" * " + note.ToString().Replace("\"", ""), UnityEngine.TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 14, LabelData.ELocalizationType.None))); } } if (i > 10) { break; } } } } else { APILogger.Log(, "found patchnotes wiki item but mod property was not found"); } found = true; break;
public static IRoamingJobObjective GetCallbacks(string objectiveName) { if (ObjectiveCallbacks.ContainsKey(objectiveName)) { return(ObjectiveCallbacks[objectiveName]); } APILogger.Log($"Unknown objective {objectiveName}."); return(null); }
public static void OnUpdate() { if (GameInitializer.WorldLoaded && _nextUpdate < Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble) { lock (Objectives) { foreach (var machine in Objectives) { foreach (var category in machine.Value) { var invalidKeys = new List <Vector3Int>(); foreach (var state in category.Value) { try { if (!state.Value.PositionIsValid()) { invalidKeys.Add(state.Key); } else { state.Value.RoamingJobSettings.DoWork(machine.Key, state.Value); foreach (var objectiveLoad in state.Value.ActionEnergy) { if (objectiveLoad.Value <= 0 && state.Value.RoamingJobSettings.ActionCallbacks.TryGetValue(objectiveLoad.Key, out var objectiveAction)) { Indicator.SendIconIndicatorNear(state.Value.Position.Add(0, 1, 0).Vector, new IndicatorState(OBJECTIVE_REFRESH, objectiveAction.ObjectiveLoadEmptyIcon.Id, true, false)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } } foreach (var key in invalidKeys) { category.Value.Remove(key); } } } } _nextUpdate = Time.SecondsSinceStartDouble + OBJECTIVE_REFRESH; } }
public WrapperCache(Cache cache) { _webCache = cache; try { _debugConfigurations = new DebugAPIConfiguraions(); _apiLogger = new APILogger(cache.CacheId, _debugConfigurations); } catch (Exception) { } }
public PandaResearchable(IPandaResearch pandaResearch, int currentLevel) { Conditions = new List <IResearchableCondition>(); RecipeUnlocks = new List <RecipeUnlock>(); Dependencies = new List <string>(); try { List <IResearchableCondition> researchableConditions; if (pandaResearch.Conditions != null && (pandaResearch.Conditions.TryGetValue(currentLevel, out researchableConditions) || pandaResearch.Conditions.TryGetValue(0, out researchableConditions))) { Conditions.AddRange(researchableConditions); } List <string> dependancies = null; if (pandaResearch.Dependancies != null && !pandaResearch.Dependancies.TryGetValue(currentLevel, out dependancies)) { pandaResearch.Dependancies.TryGetValue(0, out dependancies); } Initialize(currentLevel,, pandaResearch.BaseValue, pandaResearch.IconDirectory, dependancies, pandaResearch.BaseIterationCount, pandaResearch.AddLevelToName); List <InventoryItem> inventoryItems; if (pandaResearch.RequiredItems != null && (pandaResearch.RequiredItems.TryGetValue(currentLevel, out inventoryItems) || pandaResearch.RequiredItems.TryGetValue(0, out inventoryItems))) { AddCraftingCondition(inventoryItems, currentLevel); } List <RecipeUnlock> listUnlocks; if (pandaResearch.Unlocks != null && (pandaResearch.Unlocks.TryGetValue(currentLevel, out listUnlocks) || pandaResearch.Unlocks.TryGetValue(0, out listUnlocks))) { RecipeUnlocks.AddRange(listUnlocks); } Register(currentLevel,; } catch (NullReferenceException nullRef) { APILogger.LogToFile(nullRef.StackTrace); APILogger.LogToFile(nullRef.Message); APILogger.LogError(nullRef); } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } }
public static void OnCreatedColony(Colony c) { foreach (var extension in GetCallbacks <IOnColonyCreatedExtender>()) { try { extension.ColonyCreated(c); } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } } }
public static void AddItemTypes(Dictionary <string, ItemTypesServer.ItemTypeRaw> itemTypes) { foreach (var extension in GetCallbacks <IAddItemTypesExtender>()) { try { extension.AddItemTypes(itemTypes); } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } } }
public static void OnChangedBlock(ModLoader.OnTryChangeBlockData tryChangeBlockData) { foreach (var extension in GetCallbacks <IOnChangedBlockExtender>()) { try { extension.OnChangedBlock(tryChangeBlockData); } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } } }
public static void OnSendAreaHighlights(Players.Player player, List <AreaJobTracker.AreaHighlight> list, List <ushort> showWhileHoldingTypes) { foreach (var extension in GetCallbacks <IOnSendAreaHighlightsExtender>()) { try { extension.OnSendAreaHighlights(player, list, showWhileHoldingTypes); } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } } }
public void OnLoadModJSONFiles(List <ModLoader.LoadModJSONFileContext> contexts) { foreach (var extension in GetCallbacks <IOnLoadModJSONFilesExtender>()) { try { extension.OnLoadModJSONFiles(contexts); } catch (Exception ex) { APILogger.LogError(ex); } } }