private async Task RunUnitTest() { TestStatusMsg("Beginning test suite..."); TestStatusMsg("Testing with " + toolStripTxtConnectionNow.Text); string basepath = txtFolderPath.Text; SerializeGetFileMetadataRequests = chkSerializeGetFileInfoReq.Checked; APIConnector.EndpointMaxRequestsPerSecond = (int)spnRequestsPerSecond.Value; if (basepath.EndsWith("/")) { basepath.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/' }); } string tfoldername = basepath + "/Cloud Elements API Test Folder"; AsyncBasePath = tfoldername; Boolean remnant = false; Boolean fremnant = false; DateTime StartTime = DateTime.Now; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile TestFileStore; //FIRST TEST: Check for folder. If no folder, create test folder. try { // List<Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile> fe = await APIConnector.ListFolderContents(Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.FileSpecificationType.Path, tfoldername, chkWithTags.Checked); Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile Result = await Cloud_Elements_API.FileOperations.GetCloudFileInfo(APIConnector, Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.FileSpecificationType.Path, tfoldername); if (Result != null) { remnant = true; TestStatusMsg("Using existing test folder"); } else { remnant = false; } } //catch (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException e) //{ // //NOTE: handle different http exceptions! // remnant = false; //} catch (Exception ex) { TestStatusMsg("Problem checking if test folder exists: " + ex.Message); throw ex; } if (!remnant) { TestStatusMsg("Test: Creating folder..."); try { Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile newFolder = new Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile(); newFolder.path = tfoldername; //newFolder.tags = new string[] { "sfCE.NET" }; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile Result = await APIConnector.CreateFolder(newFolder); TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Created {0}, id={1}", Result.path,; Task ignoredRefreshFolderTask = RefreshCurrentFolder(); // very naughty, ignore exceptions; ref } catch (Exception ec) { TestStatusMsg("Create Folder failed: " + ec.Message); throw ec; } } TestStatusMsg("Checking for test file..."); try { string TargetPath = tfoldername + "/SFCE_test_file_prime.txt"; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile Result = await Cloud_Elements_API.FileOperations.GetCloudFileInfo(APIConnector, Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.FileSpecificationType.Path, TargetPath); if (Result != null) { TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Test file exists: {0}, id={1}", Result.path,; fremnant = true; TestFileStore = Result; } else { TestStatusMsg("Test file not found"); TestFileStore = null; } } catch (Exception ec) { TestStatusMsg("Check for file failed: " + ec.Message); TestFileStore = null; // throw ec; } double UploadRequiredMS = 0d; if (!fremnant) { //SECOND TEST: Create file. TestStatusMsg("Test: Uploading file..."); try { using (System.IO.Stream teststream = GenerateStreamFromString("This is a dummy test file; its diminutive size is quite reasonable.")) { string MIMEType = Cloud_Elements_API.Tools.FileTypeToMimeContentType("txt"); List <String> TagList = new List <String>(); var sizeInBytes = teststream.Length; string TargetPath = tfoldername + "/SFCE_test_file_prime.txt"; DateTime Started = DateTime.Now; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile Result = await APIConnector.PostFile(teststream, MIMEType, TargetPath, "Temporary test file", TagList.ToArray(), false, sizeInBytes); UploadRequiredMS = DateTime.Now.Subtract(Started).TotalMilliseconds; TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Uploaded {0}, id={1}", Result.path,; TestFileStore = Result; } } catch (Exception eu) { TestStatusMsg("Upload file failed: " + eu.Message); TestFileStore = null; } } else { TestStatusMsg("Skipping file upload"); } //THIRD TEST: Copy File. TestStatusMsg("Test: Copying file..."); double CopyRequiredMS = 0d; try { if (TestFileStore == null) { TestFileStore = await Cloud_Elements_API.FileOperations.GetCloudFileInfo(APIConnector, Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.FileSpecificationType.Path, tfoldername + "/SFCE_test_file_prime.txt"); } string CopyFileName = tfoldername + "/SFCE_test_file_copy.txt"; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile currentRow = TestFileStore; DateTime Started = DateTime.Now; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile Result = await Cloud_Elements_API.FileOperations.Copy(APIConnector, currentRow, CopyFileName); if (Result == null) { TestStatusMsg(string.Format("?? Copy did not return CloudFile object ", 0)); } else { CopyRequiredMS = DateTime.Now.Subtract(Started).TotalMilliseconds; TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Copied [{0}] to {1}",, Result.path)); if (UploadRequiredMS > 0) { TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Comparison: Upload {0:F1}ms; Copy {1:F1}ms; Pct {2:P2} ", UploadRequiredMS, CopyRequiredMS, CopyRequiredMS / UploadRequiredMS)); } } } catch (Exception ecopy) { TestStatusMsg("Copy File failed: " + ecopy.Message); } //FOURTH TEST: Rename File. TestStatusMsg("Test: Renaming file (by path)..."); try { string oldName = "SFCE_test_file_prime.txt"; string oldPath = tfoldername + "/" + oldName; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.DirectoryEntryType ceType = Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.DirectoryEntryType.File; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile currentRow = TestFileStore; currentRow.path = tfoldername + "/SFCE_test_file_rename_path.txt"; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile Result = await APIConnector.PatchDocEntryMetaData(ceType, Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.FileSpecificationType.Path, oldPath, currentRow); TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Renamed [{0}] to {1}", oldName,; TestFileStore = Result; } catch (Exception er) { TestStatusMsg("Rename file by path failed: " + er.Message); } TestStatusMsg("Test: Renaming file (by ID)..."); try { Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.DirectoryEntryType ceType = Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.DirectoryEntryType.File; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile currentRow = TestFileStore; string oldName =; currentRow.path = tfoldername + "/SFCE_test_file_rename_id.txt"; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile PatchData = new Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile(); =; PatchData.path = currentRow.path; Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile Result = await APIConnector.PatchDocEntryMetaData(ceType, Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.FileSpecificationType.ID,, PatchData); TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Renamed [{0}] to {1}", oldName,; TestFileStore = Result; } catch (Exception er) { TestStatusMsg("Rename file failed: " + er.Message); } //FIFTH TEST: Add two Tags TestStatusMsg("Test: Adding Tags..."); try { for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { string TagToSet = "API Test Tag #" + i.ToString(); Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile currentRow = TestFileStore; TestFileStore = await Cloud_Elements_API.TagOperations.SetTag(APIConnector, currentRow, TagToSet); TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Tag <{0}> added to [{1}] ", TagToSet,; } } catch (Exception etag) { TestStatusMsg("Add Tag failed: " + etag.Message); } //SIXTH TEST: Remove a Tag TestStatusMsg("Test: Deleting Tags..."); try { for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { string TagToDel = "API Test Tag #" + i.ToString(); Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile currentRow = TestFileStore; TestFileStore = await Cloud_Elements_API.TagOperations.DeleteTag(APIConnector, currentRow, TagToDel); TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Tag <{0}> removed from [{1}] ", TagToDel,; } } catch (Exception edt) { TestStatusMsg("Delete Tag failed: " + edt.Message); } //SEVENTH TEST: Async Uploads TestStatusMsg("Test: Multiple ASYNC uploads..."); NumberOfFilesAlreadyUploaded = 0; bool AsyncUploadPassed = false; System.Func <Task <string> > UploadTestAction; Task <Task <string> > AsyncUploadTest = null; Task <string> FinalAwaitableTestTask = null; System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable <Task <string> > AwaitableTestTask; try { string info; // we need to run away from the UI UploadTestAction = new System.Func <Task <string> >(TestMultiFileAsyncUploads); AsyncUploadTest = new Task <Task <string> >(UploadTestAction); AsyncUploadTest.Start(); AwaitableTestTask = AsyncUploadTest.ConfigureAwait(false); FinalAwaitableTestTask = await AwaitableTestTask; info = await FinalAwaitableTestTask; TestStatusMsg(info); AsyncUploadPassed = true; NumberOfFilesAlreadyUploaded = 8; } catch (Exception eu) { TestStatusMsg("Async Uploads failed: " + eu.Message); } if (AsyncUploadPassed) { //SEVENTH TEST: repeat Async Uploads UploadTestAction = new System.Func <Task <string> >(TestMultiFileAsyncUploads); AsyncUploadTest = new Task <Task <string> >(UploadTestAction); TestStatusMsg("Test: Repeat Multiple ASYNC uploads, without waiting..."); AsyncUploadTest.Start(); AwaitableTestTask = AsyncUploadTest.ConfigureAwait(false); } //EIGHTH TEST: Download File TestStatusMsg("Test: Downloading file..."); System.IO.Stream Target = null; try { string TargetPath = tfoldername + string.Format("/SFCE_test_file_{0}.txt", "1"); Cloud_Elements_API.CloudFile FileRow = await Cloud_Elements_API.FileOperations.GetCloudFileInfo(APIConnector, Cloud_Elements_API.CloudElementsConnector.FileSpecificationType.Path, TargetPath); if (FileRow != null) { Cloud_Elements_API.FileContent Result = await APIConnector.GetFile(FileRow); string fn = System.IO.Path.Combine(WorkPath, Result.Disposition); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fn))) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fn)); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(fn)) { System.IO.File.Delete(fn); } Target = new System.IO.FileStream(fn, System.IO.FileMode.Create, System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.FullControl, System.IO.FileShare.None, 16384, System.IO.FileOptions.Asynchronous, null); await Cloud_Elements_API.Tools.StreamCopyWithProgress(Result.ContentStream, Target, Result.ContentLength); Result.ContentStream.Close(); Result.Dispose(); Target.Close(); Target = null; System.IO.FileInfo finfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(fn); TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Stored {1}: {0}", Cloud_Elements_API.Tools.SizeInBytesToString(finfo.Length), Result.Disposition)); int DownloadedHash = Cloud_Elements_API.Tools.FileToString(fn).GetHashCode(); if (DownloadedHash != DownloadTestExpectedHash) { TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Warning: Hash of {0} does not match", fn)); } } else { TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Could not find file to download ({0})", TargetPath)); } } catch (Exception ed) { TestStatusMsg("*** >>>> File download failed: " + ed.Message); } finally { if (Target != null) { Target.Close(); } } if (AsyncUploadPassed) { //NINETH TEST: Async Meta Info TestStatusMsg("Test: Multiple ASYNC File Meta Info reads ..."); NumberOfFilesAlreadyUploaded = 0; System.Func <Task <string> > TestMetaInfoAction; Task <Task <string> > AsyncMetaInfoTest = null; Task <string> FinalAwaitableMetaInfoTask = null; System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable <Task <string> > AwaitableMetaInfoTask; try { // we need to run away from the UI TestMetaInfoAction = new System.Func <Task <string> >(TestAsyncGetFileMeta); AsyncMetaInfoTest = new Task <Task <string> >(TestMetaInfoAction); AsyncMetaInfoTest.Start(); AwaitableMetaInfoTask = AsyncMetaInfoTest.ConfigureAwait(false); FinalAwaitableMetaInfoTask = await AwaitableMetaInfoTask; } catch (Exception eu) { TestStatusMsg("Async Meta Info failed: " + eu.Message); } AwaitableTestTask = AsyncUploadTest.ConfigureAwait(false); FinalAwaitableTestTask = await AwaitableTestTask; string FinalInfo = await FinalAwaitableTestTask; TestStatusMsg(FinalInfo); FinalInfo = await FinalAwaitableMetaInfoTask; TestStatusMsg(FinalInfo); } TestStatusMsg(string.Format("Test suite complete: Elapsed time: {0:F1}s", DateTime.Now.Subtract(StartTime).TotalSeconds)); }