public ActionResult ConfirmOrder()
            string            token = Request["token"];
            RequestCheckOrder info  = new RequestCheckOrder();

            info.Merchant_id       = _merchantId;
            info.Merchant_password = _merchantPassword;
            info.Token             = token;
            APICheckoutV3      objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            ResponseCheckOrder result       = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info);

            if (result.errorCode == "00")
                //update status order
                ViewBag.IsSuccess = true;
                ViewBag.Result    = "Thanh toán thành công. Chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ lại sớm nhất.";
                ViewBag.IsSuccess = true;
                ViewBag.Result    = "Có lỗi xảy ra. Vui lòng liên hệ admin.";
        //Khi thanh toán Ngan Luong XOng
        public ActionResult confirm_orderPaymentOnline()
            String            Token = Request["token"];
            RequestCheckOrder info  = new RequestCheckOrder();

            info.Merchant_id       = nganluongInfo.Merchant_id;
            info.Merchant_password = nganluongInfo.Merchant_password;
            info.Token             = Token;
            APICheckoutV3      objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            ResponseCheckOrder result       = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info);

            if (result.errorCode == "00")
                String codeOrder = Session["OrderId"].ToString();
                var    OrderInfo = db.Orders.OrderByDescending(m => m.code == codeOrder).FirstOrDefault();
                OrderInfo.StatusPayment   = 1;
                db.Entry(OrderInfo).State = EntityState.Modified;
                ViewBag.paymentStatus = OrderInfo.StatusPayment;
                ViewBag.Methodpayment = OrderInfo.deliveryPaymentMethod;
                return(View("oderComplete", OrderInfo));
                ViewBag.status = false;

        public ActionResult PaymentReturn(string token, string key, int type = 0)
            string result;

            //Logger.GetInstance().Write("Payment Return URL:");

            if (type == ReturnType.Cancel.GetHashCode() || type == ReturnType.Timeout.GetHashCode() ||
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
                result = DbContext.CancelUrl(key);

            var db      = new DbContext();
            var details = db.GetDetails(key);

            if (details != null && details.ProviderTransRefId == token)
                var info = new RequestCheckOrder();
                info.Merchant_id       = ConfigCode.GetInstance().MerchantID;
                info.Merchant_password = ConfigCode.GetInstance().MerchantPassword;
                info.Token             = token;
                var objApiCheckout = new APICheckoutV3();
                ResponseCheckOrder checkOrderRs = objApiCheckout.GetTransactionDetail(info);

                //Logger.GetInstance().Write("Transaction details:");
                // Logger.GetInstance().Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(checkOrderRs));

                switch (checkOrderRs.transactionStatus)
                case "00":
                    details.PaymentStatus = EnumPaymentStatus.Paid.GetHashCode();

                case "01":
                    details.PaymentStatus = EnumPaymentStatus.Pending.GetHashCode();

                case "02":
                    details.PaymentStatus = EnumPaymentStatus.Unpaid.GetHashCode();

                var updateRs = db.SetDetails(key, details);

                // Build the success url and redirect back to Arcadier
                result = DbContext.SuccessUrl(key, "");
                // Build the failure url and redirect back to Arcadier
                result = DbContext.CancelUrl(key);
예제 #4
        public JsonResult GetLinkNl(string paymentMethod, string strBankcode, string name, string email, string mobile, int uid, string money)
            var info = new RequestInfo
                Merchant_id       = ConfigWeb.MerchantId,
                Merchant_password = ConfigWeb.MerchantPassword,
                Receiver_email    = ConfigWeb.ReceiverEmail,
                cur_code          = "vnd",
                bank_code         = strBankcode,
                Order_code        = DateTime.Now.Ticks + "-UID:" + uid,
                Total_amount      = money,
                fee_shipping      = "0",
                Discount_amount   = "0",
                order_description = "Thanh toan SDT : " + mobile,
                return_url        = ConfigWeb.ReturnUrl,
                cancel_url        = ConfigWeb.CancelUrl,
                Buyer_fullname    = name,
                Buyer_email       = email,
                Buyer_mobile      = mobile,
                Payment_type      = "1" // Thanh toan ngay

            var objNlChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            var result       = objNlChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, paymentMethod);

            if (result.Error_code == "00")
                var objPayment = new PaymentItem
                    buyer_uid          = uid,
                    buyer_fullname     = info.Buyer_fullname,
                    buyer_mobile       = info.Buyer_mobile,
                    total_amount       = Convert.ToInt32(info.Total_amount),
                    order_code         = info.Order_code,
                    payment_method     = info.Payment_method,
                    bank_code          = info.bank_code,
                    payment_type       = info.Payment_type,
                    transaction_status = "01",
                    token        = result.Token,
                    time_request = DateTime.Now,
                    time_receive = DateTime.Now


                    content = result.Checkout_url,
                    error = false
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                content = result.Description,
                error = false
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <ActionResult> GetProvidership(NganLuongPaymentModel nganLuongPayment)
            // Check if the request contains all valid params
            int plan;

            if (nganLuongPayment?.OrderCode == null ||
                !int.TryParse(nganLuongPayment.OrderCode, out plan) ||
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

            // Get current user
            var customerID  = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var userService = this.Service <IUserService>();
            var user        = await userService.GetAsync(customerID);

            // Calculate the date of IsProviderUntil
            // We will save it into Order_code and then get it back on success
            // To validate and set the new IsProviderUntil of user
            DateTime newIsProviderUntil;

            if (user.IsProviderUntil == null || user.IsProviderUntil < DateTime.Now)
                newIsProviderUntil = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30 * plan);
                newIsProviderUntil = user.IsProviderUntil.Value.AddDays(30 * plan);

            //  validate nganluong params before redirect to nganluong
            var info = new RequestInfoTestTemplate
                bank_code         = nganLuongPayment.BankCode,
                Order_code        = user.Id + " - " + newIsProviderUntil.ToString(),
                order_description = "Test becomeProvider, plan = " + plan + "months",
                return_url        = "http://localhost:65358/becomeProvider/success",
                cancel_url        = "http://localhost:65358/",
                Buyer_fullname    = user.FullName,
                Buyer_email       = user.Email,
                Buyer_mobile      = user.PhoneNumber

            var objNLCheckout = new APICheckoutV3();
            var result        = objNLCheckout.GetUrlCheckout(info, nganLuongPayment.PaymentMethod);

            if (result.Error_code == "00")

            return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));
예제 #6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String            Token = Request["token"];
            RequestCheckOrder info  = new RequestCheckOrder();

            info.Merchant_id       = "24338";
            info.Merchant_password = "******";
            info.Token             = Token;
            APICheckoutV3      objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            ResponseCheckOrder result       = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info);

            result_NL.Text = result.errorCode + result.payerName;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get info then redirect to NganLuong
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputData"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult CheckOutNganLuong(NganLuongCheckOut inputData)
            //get data from form
            string payment_method = inputData.option_payment;
            string str_bankcode   = inputData.bankcode;
            bool   isPublic       = inputData.isPublic != "0";
            var    numberofMoney  = inputData.numberMoney == "0" ? inputData.inputMoney : inputData.numberMoney;
            //set data to nganluongAPI
            RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo
                Merchant_id       = WsConstant.NganLuongApi.MerchantId,
                Merchant_password = WsConstant.NganLuongApi.Password,
                Receiver_email    = WsConstant.NganLuongApi.AdminEmail,
                cur_code          = "vnd",
                bank_code         = str_bankcode,
                Order_code        = "chuyen_khoan_ung_ho",
                Total_amount      = numberofMoney,
                fee_shipping      = "0",
                Discount_amount   = "0",
                order_description = "Chuyển tiền ủng hộ thông qua Ngân Lượng",
                return_url        = "http://localhost:2710/#/DonationComplete",
                cancel_url        = "http://localhost:2710/#/DonationFailed",
                Buyer_fullname    = inputData.buyer_fullname,
                Buyer_email       = inputData.buyer_email,
                Buyer_mobile      = inputData.buyer_mobile
            APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method);
            //get and set data to session
            var newDonate = new DonationDTO();

            newDonate.IsPublic     = isPublic;
            newDonate.DonatedMoney = decimal.Parse(numberofMoney);
            newDonate.TradeCode    = result.Token;
            newDonate.UserId       = inputData.DonateUserId;
            newDonate.EventId      = inputData.DonateEventId;
            newDonate.Content      = inputData.DonateContent;
            Session["DonatedInfo"] = newDonate;
            //return to checkout page or error page
            if (result.Error_code == "00")
                //return Redirect("http://localhost:2710/#/DonationComplete");
                //return Redirect("http://localhost:2710/#/DonationFailed");
예제 #8
        public string NganLuong(string fullname, string mobile, string email, string total)
            string payment_method = "VISA";
            string str_bankcode   = "1234567890";

            RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo();

            info.Merchant_id       = "36680";
            info.Merchant_password = "******";
            info.Receiver_email    = "*****@*****.**";

            info.cur_code  = "vnd";
            info.bank_code = str_bankcode;

            info.Order_code = "ma_don_hang01";
            //info.Total_amount = "10000";
            info.Total_amount      = total;
            info.fee_shipping      = "0";
            info.Discount_amount   = "0";
            info.order_description = "Thanh toan tes thu dong hang";
            info.return_url        = "http://localhost";
            info.cancel_url        = "http://localhost";

            //info.Buyer_fullname = buyer_fullname.Value;
            //info.Buyer_email = buyer_email.Value;
            //info.Buyer_mobile = buyer_mobile.Value;

            info.Buyer_fullname = fullname;
            info.Buyer_email    = email;
            info.Buyer_mobile   = mobile;

            APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method);

            if (result.Error_code == "00")
                //return Redirect(result.Checkout_url);
                //return Redirect(info.cancel_url);
예제 #9
        public ActionResult ThanhToanThanhCong()
            var model  = new PaymentItem();
            var status = Request["error_code"];
            var token  = Request["token"];

            if (status == "00")
                var objCheck = new RequestCheckOrder
                    Merchant_id       = ConfigWeb.MerchantId,
                    Merchant_password = ConfigWeb.MerchantPassword,
                    Token             = token
                var objNlChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                var detailResult = objNlChecout.GetTransactionDetail(objCheck);

                var detailPayment = _iGamePlayerRepository.GetDetailPaymentByToken(detailResult.token);
                if (detailPayment != null && detailPayment.transaction_status != "00" && detailResult.transactionStatus == "00")
                    detailPayment.total_amount       = Convert.ToInt32(detailResult.paymentAmount);
                    detailPayment.transaction_status = detailResult.transactionStatus;
                    detailPayment.transaction_id     = detailResult.transactionId;
                    detailPayment.time_receive       = DateTime.Now;
                    var updatePayment = _iGamePlayerRepository.UpdatePayment(detailPayment);

                    if (ConfigWeb.PercentSale > 0)
                        detailPayment.total_amount = detailPayment.total_amount +
                                                     (detailPayment.total_amount / ConfigWeb.PercentSale);

                    if (detailResult.transactionStatus == "00")
                        var updateMoney = _iGamePlayerRepository.InsertMoney(detailPayment);

예제 #10
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string payment_method = Request.Form["option_payment"];
            string str_bankcode   = Request.Form["bankcode"];

            RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo();

            info.Merchant_id       = "36680";
            info.Merchant_password = "******";
            info.Receiver_email    = "*****@*****.**";

            info.cur_code  = "vnd";
            info.bank_code = str_bankcode;

            info.Order_code        = "ma_don_hang01";
            info.Total_amount      = "10000";
            info.fee_shipping      = "0";
            info.Discount_amount   = "0";
            info.order_description = "Thanh toan tes thu dong hang";
            info.return_url        = "http://localhost";
            info.cancel_url        = "http://localhost";

            info.Buyer_fullname = buyer_fullname.Value;
            info.Buyer_email    = buyer_email.Value;
            info.Buyer_mobile   = buyer_mobile.Value;

            APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method);

            if (result.Error_code == "00")
                txtserverkt.InnerHtml = result.Description;
예제 #11
        public ActionResult NLCallback(String Token)
            AnperoService ws = new AnperoService();

            PaymentConfig[] pc = ws.GetPaymentAPIConfig(StoreID, TokenKey);
            if (pc != null && pc.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < pc.Length; i++)
                    if (pc[i].Name.ToUpper() == "NL")
                        RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder();
                        //for test
                        //info.Merchant_id = "24338";
                        //info.Merchant_password = "******";
                        info.Merchant_id       = pc[i].MerchantId;
                        info.Merchant_password = pc[i].MerchantPassword;
                        info.Token             = Token;
                        APICheckoutV3      objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                        ResponseCheckOrder result       = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info);
                        string             rs           = "Giao dịch Thành công, đơn hàng của quý khách đang được xử lý nhanh chóng";
                        rs += result.description;
                        rs += "<br>";
                        rs += "Số tiền thanh toán: " + result.paymentAmount;
                        rs += "<br>";
                        rs += "Mã giao dịch Ngân Lượng: " + result.transactionId;
                        rs += "<br>";
                        rs += "Mã đơn hàng: " + result.order_code;
                        rs += "<br>";
                        rs += "Tên người thanh toán: " + result.payerName;
                        //update and add cash book
                        ws.UpdateOrderStatus(StoreID, TokenKey, Convert.ToInt32(result.order_code), Convert.ToInt32(result.paymentAmount), "Ngân Lượng (Mã giao dịch Ngân Lượng " + result.transactionId + ")<br />" + rs);
                        ViewBag.Msg = rs;

        public ActionResult Success()
            var    order = new tbl_HoaDon();
            String Token = Request["token"];

            if (Token != null)
                long orderID           = long.Parse(Request["Order_code"]);
                RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder();
                info.Merchant_id       = MerchantID;
                info.Merchant_password = MerchantPassword;
                info.Token             = Token;
                APICheckoutV3      objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                ResponseCheckOrder result       = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info);
                ViewBag.Message    = result.errorCode + result.payerName;
                order.ID           = orderID;
                order.iStatus      = 1;
                order.iMaTrangThai = 1;
                new HoaDonDAO().Update(order);

예제 #13
 public ActionResult DonationComplete()
         //check exist DonatedInfo Session
         if (Session["DonatedInfo"] == null)
             //Get data in session and transactiondetail and return to view
             var newDonate = (DonationDTO)Session["DonatedInfo"];
             newDonate.DonatedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm dd/MM/yy");
             RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder();
             info.Merchant_id       = "48283";
             info.Merchant_password = "******";
             info.Token             = newDonate.TradeCode;
             APICheckoutV3      objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
             ResponseCheckOrder result       = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info);
             using (var db = new DonationDAL())
             using (var db = new EventDAL())
                 newDonate.EventName = db.GetEventNameById(newDonate.EventId);
             return(PartialView("~/Views/Donation/_DonationDone.cshtml", newDonate));
     catch (Exception)
예제 #14
        //Khi thanh toán Ngan Luong XOng
        public ActionResult confirm_orderPaymentOnline()
            String            Token = Request["token"];
            RequestCheckOrder info  = new RequestCheckOrder();

            info.Merchant_id       = nganluongInfo.Merchant_id;
            info.Merchant_password = nganluongInfo.Merchant_password;
            info.Token             = Token;
            APICheckoutV3      objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            ResponseCheckOrder result       = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info);

            if (result.errorCode == "00")
                var cart = Session[SessionCart];
                var list = new List <Cart_item>();
                ViewBag.cart           = (List <Cart_item>)cart;
                Session["SessionCart"] = null;
                var OrderInfo = db.Orders.OrderByDescending(m => m.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                    = OrderInfo.deliveryname;
                   = OrderInfo.deliveryemail;
                ViewBag.address           = OrderInfo.deliveryaddress;
                ViewBag.code              = OrderInfo.code;
                   = OrderInfo.deliveryphone;
                OrderInfo.StatusPayment   = 1;
                db.Entry(OrderInfo).State = EntityState.Modified;
                ViewBag.paymentStatus = OrderInfo.StatusPayment;
                ViewBag.Methodpayment = OrderInfo.deliveryPaymentMethod;
                ViewBag.status = false;

예제 #15
        public IActionResult ExecutePayment(string buyer_fullname, string buyer_email,
                                            string buyer_mobile, string option_payment, string bankcode)
            string payment_method = option_payment;
            string str_bankcode   = bankcode;

            RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo();

            info.Merchant_id       = "48305";
            info.Merchant_password = "******";
            info.Receiver_email    = "*****@*****.**";

            //mk nl ac1d19ab3a0450d7b6d0c3b885448a86
            // secrrt d0c398afaa9c40c3abffc82127a38354
            //api b6dc94eff0e64a3cafbe6927921bfe03

            info.cur_code  = "vnd";
            info.bank_code = str_bankcode;

            //int id_new = db.HoaDon.Max(m => m.MaHd) + 1;
            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
            // Voucher voucher = db.Voucher.SingleOrDefault(s => s.NgayBatDau <= currentDate && s.NgayHetHan >= currentDate);
            double giamGia = 0;
            // if (voucher != null)
            // {
            //    giamGia = (double)voucher.GiamGia;
            double totalAmount = 0;

            totalAmount = Double.Parse(HttpContext.Session.GetString("TongTien"));

            info.Order_code        = "1";//(id_new + 1).ToString();
            info.Total_amount      = totalAmount.ToString();
            info.fee_shipping      = "0";
            info.Discount_amount   = giamGia.ToString();
            info.order_description = "Thanh toan test thu dong hang";
            info.return_url        = "" + HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("OrderId").ToString();
            info.cancel_url        = "http://calhost:44138";

            info.Buyer_fullname = buyer_fullname;
            info.Buyer_email    = buyer_email;
            info.Buyer_mobile   = buyer_mobile;

            APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method);

            if (result.Error_code == "00")
                //SaveOrder(totalAmount, "nganluong");
            // txtserverkt.InnerHtml = result.Description;
예제 #16
        public ActionResult ExecutePayment(string buyer_fullname, string buyer_email,
                                           string buyer_mobile, string option_payment, string bankcode)
            string payment_method = option_payment;
            string str_bankcode   = bankcode;

            RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo();

            info.Merchant_id       = "48305";
            info.Merchant_password = "******";
            info.Receiver_email    = "*****@*****.**";

            //mk nl ac1d19ab3a0450d7b6d0c3b885448a86
            // secrrt d0c398afaa9c40c3abffc82127a38354
            //api b6dc94eff0e64a3cafbe6927921bfe03

            info.cur_code  = "vnd";
            info.bank_code = str_bankcode;

            //int id_new = db.HoaDon.Max(m => m.MaHd) + 1;
            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
            // Voucher voucher = db.Voucher.SingleOrDefault(s => s.NgayBatDau <= currentDate && s.NgayHetHan >= currentDate);
            double giamGia = 0;
            // if (voucher != null)
            // {
            //    giamGia = (double)voucher.GiamGia;
            double tt       = (double)Session["Total"];
            double tygiaUSD = 0;

            using (THUONGMAIDIENTUEntities db = new THUONGMAIDIENTUEntities())
                var TG = db.TYGIAUSDs.FirstOrDefault();
                tygiaUSD = (double)TG.tygia;

            double totalAmount = Session["Total"].ToInt() * tygiaUSD;

            info.Order_code        = "1";//(id_new + 1).ToString();
            info.Total_amount      = totalAmount.ToString();
            info.fee_shipping      = "0";
            info.Discount_amount   = giamGia.ToString();
            info.order_description = "Thanh toan test thu dong hang";
            //info.return_url = "" + HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("OrderId").ToString();
            //info.return_url = BaseURL.GetURL();
            info.return_url = "" + "/cart/Thanhcong";
            info.cancel_url = "" + "cart/Cancel/";

            info.Buyer_fullname = buyer_fullname;
            info.Buyer_email    = buyer_email;
            info.Buyer_mobile   = buyer_mobile;

            APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
            ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method);

            if (result.Error_code == "00")
                //SaveOrder(totalAmount, "nganluong");
            // txtserverkt.InnerHtml = result.Description;
예제 #17
        public ActionResult CreateOrder(string orderViewModel)
            var order = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <OrderViewModel>(orderViewModel);

            var orderNew = new Order();


            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                orderNew.CustomerId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                orderNew.CreatedBy  = User.Identity.GetUserName();

            var cart = GetCart();
            List <OrderDetail> orderDetails = new List <OrderDetail>();

            foreach (var item in cart)
                var detail = new OrderDetail();
                detail.ProductID = item.ProductId;
                detail.Quantity  = item.Quantity;
                detail.Price     = item.Product.Price;
                _productService.SellProduct(item.ProductId, item.Quantity);
            var orderReturn = _orderService.Create(ref orderNew, orderDetails);

            // get ID Order.
            TempData["OrderID"] = orderReturn.ID;
            if (order.PaymentMethod == "CASH")
                    status = true,
                    data = "CASH"
                var         currentLink = ConfigHelper.GetByKey("CurrentLink");
                RequestInfo info        = new RequestInfo();
                info.Merchant_id       = _merchantId;
                info.Merchant_password = _merchantPassword;
                info.Receiver_email    = _merchantEmail;

                info.cur_code  = "vnd";
                info.bank_code = order.BankCode;

                info.Order_code        = orderReturn.ID.ToString();
                info.Total_amount      = orderDetails.Sum(x => x.Quantity * x.Price).ToString();
                info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                info.order_description = "Thanh toán đơn hàng tại BigShop";
                info.return_url        = currentLink + "xac-nhan-don-hang.html";
                info.cancel_url        = currentLink + "huy-don-hang.html";

                info.Buyer_fullname = order.CustomerName;
                info.Buyer_email    = order.CustomerEmail;
                info.Buyer_mobile   = order.CustomerMobile;

                APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, order.PaymentMethod);
                if (result.Error_code == "00")
                        status = true,
                        urlCheckout = result.Checkout_url,
                        message = result.Description
                        status = false,
                        message = result.Description
        public async Task <IActionResult> Checkout([FromForm] ShippingInfo shippingInfo,
                                                   CancellationToken requestAborted)
            if (_cart.LineItems.Count() == 0)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Sorry, your cart is empty!");
            var formCollection = await HttpContext.Request.ReadFormAsync();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                shippingInfo.LineItems = _cart.LineItems;

                await _repository.SaveOrderAsync(shippingInfo);

                var         currentLink = "http://localhost:17352/";
                RequestInfo info        = new RequestInfo();
                info.Merchant_id       = merchantId;
                info.Merchant_password = merchantPassword;
                info.Receiver_email    = merchantEmail;

                var money = shippingInfo.LineItems.Sum(e => e.Product.Price * e.Quanlity) * 20000;

                info.cur_code          = "vnd";
                info.bank_code         = shippingInfo.BankCode;
                info.Order_code        = shippingInfo.ShippingInfoID + "dasdasdas";
                info.Total_amount      = money + "";
                info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                info.order_description = "Thanh toán đơn hàng";
                info.return_url        = currentLink + "xac-nhan-don-hang.html";
                info.cancel_url        = currentLink + "huy-don-hang.html";

                info.Buyer_fullname = shippingInfo.Name;
                info.Buyer_email    = shippingInfo.Email;
                info.Buyer_mobile   = shippingInfo.PhoneNumber;

                APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                ResponseInfo  result       = await objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckoutAsync(info);

                //ResponseInfo result = await objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckoutAsync(info, order.PaymentMethod);
                if (result.Error_code == "00")
                    //return Json(new
                    //    status = true,
                    //    urlCheckout = result.Checkout_url,
                    //    message = result.Description
                        status = false,
                        message = result.Description,
                        result = result.Error_code

                // Save all changes
                // await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(requestAborted);

예제 #19
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string rs = "0";

                string op      = context.Request["op"].ToLower();
                string captcha = context.Request["captcha"];
                int    price   = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["price"].Replace(@".", string.Empty).Replace(@".", string.Empty));
                int    orderId = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["orderId"].Replace(@",", string.Empty));

                string name       = context.Request["name"];
                string shipingFee = context.Request["shipingFee"];
                string email      = context.Request["email"];
                string phone      = context.Request["phone"];

                Boolean valid = true;

                if (price <= 0 || orderId <= 0)
                    valid = false;
                    rs    = "Tiền thanh toán không hợp lệ";
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(captcha) && valid)
                    valid = false;
                    rs    = "Vui lòng click vào ô kiểm tra";
                if (valid)
                    AnperoService   ws       = new AnperoService();
                    int             st       = Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storeID"]);
                    string          TokenKey = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["storeTokenKey"];
                    PaymentConfig[] pa       = ws.GetPaymentAPIConfig(st, TokenKey);
                    switch (op.ToUpper())
                    case "LN":

                        if (pa != null && pa.Length > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < pa.Length; i++)
                                if (pa[i].Isdefault && pa[i].PaymentCode.ToUpper() == "NL")
                                    string payment_method    = context.Request["payment_method"];
                                    string str_bankcode      = context.Request["bankcode"];
                                    string order_description = context.Request["detail"];
                                    string DomainName        = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + @"://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;

                                    Anpero.PaymentApi.NganLuong.RequestInfo info = new Anpero.PaymentApi.NganLuong.RequestInfo();
                                    info.Merchant_id       = pa[i].MerchantId.ToString();
                                    info.Merchant_password = pa[i].MerchantPassword;

                                    //info.Merchant_id = "24338";
                                    //info.Merchant_password = "******";

                                    info.Receiver_email = pa[i].Email;

                                    info.cur_code  = "vnd";
                                    info.bank_code = str_bankcode;

                                    info.Order_code        = orderId.ToString();
                                    info.Total_amount      = price.ToString();
                                    info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                                    info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                                    info.order_description = order_description;
                                    info.return_url        = DomainName + "/API/NLCallback";
                                    info.cancel_url        = DomainName + "/API/NLCancel";

                                    info.Buyer_fullname = name;
                                    info.Buyer_email    = email;
                                    info.Buyer_mobile   = phone;

                                    APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                                    ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method);

                                    if (result.Error_code == "00")
                                        rs = result.Checkout_url;
                                        rs = result.Description + " (" + result.Description + ")";

                    case "AL2":
                        if (pa != null && pa.Length > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < pa.Length; i++)
                                if (pa[i].Isdefault && pa[i].PaymentCode.ToUpper() == "AL")
                                    string order_description = context.Request["detail"];
                                    string DomainName        = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + @"://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
                                    //DomainName = "";

                                    AlepayCheckout client            = new AlepayCheckout();
                                    AlepayInstallmentOrderModel data = new AlepayInstallmentOrderModel();
                                    //AlepayOrderModel data = new AlepayOrderModel();
                                    int month = 0;
                                    int.TryParse(context.Request["month"], out month);
                                    data.paymentMethod = context.Request["paymentMethod"];
                                    if (month != 0)
                                        data.month = month;
                                    data.bankCode = context.Request["bankCode"];

                                    data.amount           = Convert.ToInt32(price);
                                    data.tokenKey         = pa[i].Token;
                                    data.checkoutType     = 2;
                                    data.returnUrl        = DomainName + "/API/AlepayCallback";
                                    data.orderCode        = orderId.ToString();
                                    data.orderDescription = order_description;
                                    data.cancelUrl        = DomainName + "/API/NLCancel";
                                    data.buyerEmail       = email;
                                    data.buyerName        = name;
                                    data.buyerAddress     = context.Request["Address"];
                                    data.buyerCountry     = "Viet Nam";
                                    data.buyerCity        = "Viet Nam";
                                    data.buyerPhone       = phone;
                                    data.customMerchantId = orderId.ToString();
                                    data.allowDomestic    = false;
                                    data.installment      = true;
                                    AlepayUltil alepayUltil = new AlepayUltil();
                                    data.signature = alepayUltil.GetSignature(data, pa[i].ChecksumKey);
                                    var postData = client.GetRedirectUrl(data);
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(postData.code) && Convert.ToInt32(postData.code) == 0)
                                        rs = postData.checkoutUrl;
                                        rs = postData.message;

                    case "AL":
                        if (pa != null && pa.Length > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < pa.Length; i++)
                                if (pa[i].Isdefault && pa[i].PaymentCode.ToUpper() == "AL")
                                    string order_description = context.Request["detail"];
                                    string DomainName        = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + @"://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;
                                    //DomainName = "";

                                    AlepayCheckout   client = new AlepayCheckout();
                                    AlepayOrderModel data   = new AlepayOrderModel();

                                    data.amount           = Convert.ToInt32(price);
                                    data.tokenKey         = pa[i].Token;
                                    data.checkoutType     = 4;
                                    data.returnUrl        = DomainName + "/API/AlepayCallback";
                                    data.orderCode        = orderId.ToString();
                                    data.orderDescription = order_description;
                                    data.cancelUrl        = DomainName + "/API/NLCancel";
                                    data.buyerEmail       = email;
                                    data.buyerName        = name;
                                    data.buyerAddress     = context.Request["Address"];
                                    data.buyerCountry     = "Viet Nam";
                                    data.buyerCity        = "Viet Nam";
                                    data.buyerPhone       = phone;
                                    data.customMerchantId = orderId.ToString();
                                    data.allowDomestic    = true;
                                    AlepayUltil alepayUltil = new AlepayUltil();
                                    data.signature = alepayUltil.GetSignature(data, pa[i].ChecksumKey);
                                    var postData = client.GetRedirectUrl(data);
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(postData.code) && Convert.ToInt32(postData.code) == 0)
                                        rs = postData.checkoutUrl;
                                        rs = postData.message;

            catch (Exception ex)

            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
        public ActionResult Payment(string sTenNguoiNhan, string sEmail, string sSoDienThoai, string sDiaChi, string FormOfPayment, string sBankCode, FormCollection formcollection)
            var    order        = new tbl_HoaDon();
            var    userSession  = (UserLogin)Session[Common.CommonConstants.USER_SESSION];
            var    TenTinhThanh = formcollection["hdnTenTinhThanh"];
            var    TenQuanHuyen = formcollection["hdnTenQuanHuyen"];
            string diachi       = TenQuanHuyen + ", " + TenTinhThanh;

            if (userSession != null)
                order.IDKhachHang = userSession.UserID;
            order.dNgayTao        = DateTime.Now;
            order.sTenNguoiNhan   = sTenNguoiNhan;
            order.sEmailNguoiNhan = sEmail;
            order.sSDTnguoiNhan   = sSoDienThoai;
            order.sDiaChi         = sDiaChi + ", " + TenQuanHuyen + ", " + TenTinhThanh;
            order.sFormOfPayment  = FormOfPayment;
            order.iMaTrangThai    = 1;

                var     id        = new HoaDonDAO().Insert(order);
                var     cart      = (List <GioHangItems>)Session[CartSession];
                var     detailDao = new Model.DAO.ChiTietHoaDonDAO();
                decimal total     = 0;
                foreach (var item in cart)
                    var divsp       = new SanPhamDAO();
                    var orderDetail = new tbl_ChiTietHoaDon();
                    orderDetail.IDSanPham = item.SanPham.ID;
                    orderDetail.IDHoaDon  = id;
                    orderDetail.sGhiChu   = item.sGhiChu;
                    orderDetail.iSoLuong  = item.SoLuong;
                    if (item.SanPham.dGiaKhuyenMai != null && item.SanPham.dGiaKhuyenMai != 0)
                        orderDetail.dDonGia = item.SanPham.dGiaKhuyenMai;
                        orderDetail.dDonGia = item.SanPham.dGiaBan;
                    if (item.SanPham.dGiaKhuyenMai != null && item.SanPham.dGiaKhuyenMai != 0)
                        total += (item.SanPham.dGiaKhuyenMai.GetValueOrDefault(0) * item.SoLuong);
                        total += (item.SanPham.dGiaBan.GetValueOrDefault(0) * item.SoLuong);
                    divsp.divSanPham(item.SanPham.ID, item.SoLuong);
                    //ViewBag.Total = total;
                if (!FormOfPayment.Equals("COD"))
                    RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo();
                    info.Merchant_id       = MerchantID;
                    info.Merchant_password = MerchantPassword;
                    info.Receiver_email    = MerchantEmail;

                    info.cur_code  = "vnd";
                    info.bank_code = sBankCode;

                    info.Order_code        = id.ToString();
                    info.Total_amount      = total.ToString();
                    info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                    info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                    info.order_description = "Thanh toán đơn hàng Myhands Store";
                    info.return_url        = currentLink + "/hoan-thanh";
                    info.cancel_url        = currentLink + "/loi-thanh-toan";

                    info.Buyer_fullname = sTenNguoiNhan;
                    info.Buyer_email    = sEmail;
                    info.Buyer_mobile   = sSoDienThoai;

                    APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                    ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, FormOfPayment);

                    if (result.Error_code == "00")
                        //return Redirect("/hoan-thanh");
                string content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/Assets/Client/Templates/MailForm.html"));

                content = content.Replace("{{sTenNguoiNhan}}", sTenNguoiNhan);
                content = content.Replace("{{sSoDienThoai}}", sSoDienThoai);
                content = content.Replace("{{sEmail}}", sEmail);
                content = content.Replace("{{sDiaChi}}", sDiaChi + diachi);
                content = content.Replace("{{Total}}", total.ToString("N0"));
                var toEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ToEmailAddress"].ToString();

                new Mail().SendMail(sEmail, "Đơn hàng mới từ MyHandsStore", content);
                new Mail().SendMail(toEmail, "Đơn hàng mới từ MyHandsStore", content);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string script = "<script>alert('" + ex.Message + "');</script>";

            Session[CartSession] = null;
예제 #21
        public ActionResult CreateOrder(string orderViewModel)
            Session["NotRegister"] = true;
            var order = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <OrderViewModel>(orderViewModel);

            var orderNew = new Order();


            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                orderNew.CustomerId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                orderNew.CreatedBy  = User.Identity.GetUserName();

            var cart = (List <ShoppingCartViewModel>)Session[CommonConstants.SessionCart];
            List <OrderDetail> orderDetails = new List <OrderDetail>();
            bool isEnough = true;

            foreach (var item in cart)
                var detail = new OrderDetail();
                detail.ProductID = item.Id;
                detail.Quantity  = item.Quantity;
                detail.Price     = item.SalePrice - (item.PromotionPrice.HasValue ? item.PromotionPrice.Value : 0);
                detail.Discount  = item.PromotionPrice;

                //isEnough =_productService.SellProduct(item.ProductId, item.Quantity);
                isEnough = true;
            if (isEnough)
                orderNew.TotalAmount   = orderDetails.Sum(x => x.Price);
                orderNew.TotalDiscount = orderDetails.Sum(x => x.Discount);
                var orderReturn = _orderService.Create(ref orderNew, orderDetails);

                if (order.PaymentMethod == "CASH" || order.PaymentMethod == "CK")
                        status = true
                    var         currentLink = ConfigHelper.GetByKey("CurrentLink");
                    RequestInfo info        = new RequestInfo();
                    info.Merchant_id       = merchantId;
                    info.Merchant_password = merchantPassword;
                    info.Receiver_email    = merchantEmail;

                    info.cur_code  = "vnd";
                    info.bank_code = order.BankCode;

                    info.Order_code        = orderReturn.ID.ToString();
                    info.Total_amount      = orderDetails.Sum(x => x.Quantity * x.Price).ToString();
                    info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                    info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                    info.order_description = "Thanh toán đơn hàng tại";
                    info.return_url        = currentLink + "xac-nhan-don-hang.html";
                    info.cancel_url        = currentLink + "huy-don-hang.html";

                    info.Buyer_fullname = order.CustomerName;
                    info.Buyer_email    = order.CustomerEmail;
                    info.Buyer_mobile   = order.CustomerMobile;

                    APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                    ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, order.PaymentMethod);
                    if (result.Error_code == "00")
                            status = true,
                            urlCheckout = result.Checkout_url,
                            message = result.Description
                            status = false,
                            message = result.Description
                    status = false,
                    message = "Không đủ hàng."
예제 #22
        public ActionResult VeXeThanhToan(ThanhToanVeXeModel model, FormCollection form)
            if (Session["DAT_MUA_VE_XE_ID"] == null)
            var customer = _workContext.CurrentCustomer;

            Address address = null;

            if (model.diachigiaohang.Id > 0)
                address = _addressService.GetAddressById(model.diachigiaohang.Id);
            address = model.diachigiaohang.ToEntity(address);
            address.CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            //some validation
            if (address.CountryId == 0)
                address.CountryId = null;
            if (address.StateProvinceId == 0)
                address.StateProvinceId = null;
            if (address.QuanHuyenId == 0)
                address.QuanHuyenId = null;
            if (address.Id > 0)
            int OrderId = 0;

            if (model.HinhThucThanhToan == "CHONVE")
                // Đơn hàng do xử lý
                // chờ xác nhận điện thoại
                // return
                vn.worldsms.wcf.APISMS apisms = new vn.worldsms.wcf.APISMS();

                var    Sender = "CHONVE.VN";
                Random rdn    = new Random();
                Session["maXacThuc"] = rdn.Next(1000, 9999);

                var Msg = "Ma xac thuc cua ban la: " + Session["maXacThuc"];

                var Phone = model.diachigiaohang.PhoneNumber;

                var Username = "******";

                var Password = "******";

                string result = apisms.PushMsg2Phone(Sender, Msg, Phone, Username, Password);
                int    kq     = Convert.ToInt32(result);
                if (kq == 1)
                    return(RedirectToAction("XacThucDatVe", "VeXeKhach"));
                    return(RedirectToAction("VeXeThanhToan", "VeXeKhach"));
                _phoiveService.ThanhToan(Session["DAT_MUA_VE_XE_ID"].ToString(), _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id, address, out OrderId);
                //gửi đơn hàng cho ngân lượ
                RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo();
                info.Merchant_id       = CommonHelper.Merchant_Id;
                info.Merchant_password = CommonHelper.Merchant_Password;
                info.Receiver_email    = "*****@*****.**";
                info.cur_code          = "vnd";
                info.bank_code         = model.BankCode;
                info.Payment_method    = model.HinhThucThanhToan;
                info.Order_code        = OrderId.ToString();
                info.Total_amount      = model.TongTien.ToString();
                info.time_limit        = CommonHelper.Time_Limit;
                info.return_url        = CommonHelper.Return_Url;
                info.cancel_url        = CommonHelper.Cancel_Url;
                info.Buyer_fullname    = model.diachigiaohang.FullName;
                info.Buyer_email       = model.diachigiaohang.Email;
                info.Buyer_mobile      = model.diachigiaohang.PhoneNumber;
                APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, model.HinhThucThanhToan);

                if (result.Error_code == "00")
                    model.ErrorSentOrder = objNLChecout.GetErrorMessage(result.Error_code);
예제 #23
        public ActionResult ThanhToanThanhCong()
            int orderId = 0;
            var model   = new ThanhToanVeXeModel();
            var _token  = Request["token"];

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_token))
                RequestCheckOrder info = new RequestCheckOrder();
                info.Merchant_id       = CommonHelper.Merchant_Id;
                info.Merchant_password = CommonHelper.Merchant_Password;
                info.Token             = _token;
                APICheckoutV3      objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                ResponseCheckOrder result       = objNLChecout.GetTransactionDetail(info);
                if (result.errorCode == "00")
                    orderId = Convert.ToInt32(result.order_code);
                    model.HinhThucThanhToan = result.paymentMethod;
                    if (result.paymentMethod != "CHONVE")
                        var _order = _orderService.GetOrderById(orderId);
                        if (result.transactionStatus == "00")
                            _order.PaymentStatusId = (int)PaymentStatus.Paid;
                            _order.PaymentStatusId = (int)PaymentStatus.Authorized;
                        var phoives = _phoiveService.GetPhoiVeByOrderId(orderId);
                        foreach (var item in phoives)
                            item.TrangThaiId = (int)ENTrangThaiPhoiVe.DaThanhToan;
                        //update trang thai phoi vé về chưa thanh toán

            //thiet dat thong tin noi nhan
            var countries = new List <Nop.Core.Domain.Directory.Country>();


            var diachigiaohang = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.ShippingAddress;

            if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer.Addresses.Count > 0)
                diachigiaohang = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Addresses.First();

                address: diachigiaohang,
                excludeProperties: false,
                addressSettings: _addressSettings,
                localizationService: _localizationService,
                stateProvinceService: _stateProvinceService,
                diachiService: _diachiService,
                addressAttributeFormatter: _addressAttributeFormatter,
                loadCountries: () => countries);
            //lay thong tin ve xe
            var phoive = _phoiveService.GetPhoiVeByCustomer(_workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id);

            for (int i = 0; i < phoive.Count(); i++)
                orderId = phoive[i].OrderId;

            model.phoiveinfos = _phoiveService.GetPhoiVeByOrderId(orderId);
            //cho thanh toan qua lau, nen het han giu cho ve
            if (model.phoiveinfos.Count == 0)
            model.nguonvexeinfo = _vexeService.GetNguonVeXeById(model.phoiveinfos[0].NguonVeXeId.GetValueOrDefault(0));
            model.nhaxeinfo     = _nhaxeService.GetNhaXeById(model.nguonvexeinfo.NhaXeId);
            model.NgayDi        = model.phoiveinfos[0].NgayDi;
            model.NgayDi        = model.NgayDi.AddHours(model.nguonvexeinfo.ThoiGianDi.Hour).AddMinutes(model.nguonvexeinfo.ThoiGianDi.Minute);
            model.NgayVe        = model.NgayDi.AddHours(Convert.ToDouble(model.nguonvexeinfo.LichTrinhInfo.SoGioChay));
            model.TongTien      = decimal.Zero;
            model.KyHieuGhe     = "";
            foreach (var pv in model.phoiveinfos)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.KyHieuGhe))
                    model.KyHieuGhe = pv.sodoghexequytac.Val;
                    model.KyHieuGhe += "," + pv.sodoghexequytac.Val;
                model.TongTien += pv.GiaVeHienTai;
            ViewBag.OrderId = orderId;
예제 #24
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            string rs = "0";

                string op      = context.Request["op"].ToLower();
                string captcha = context.Request["captcha"];
                int    price   = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["price"]);
                int    orderId = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["orderId"]);

                string  name       = context.Request["name"];
                string  shipingFee = context.Request["shipingFee"];
                string  email      = context.Request["email"];
                string  phone      = context.Request["phone"];
                Boolean valid      = true;
                if (price <= 0 || orderId <= 0)
                    valid = false;
                    rs    = "Tiền thanh toán không hợp lệ";
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(captcha) && valid)
                    valid = false;
                    rs    = "Vui lòng click vào ô kiểm tra";
                if (valid)
                    switch (op)
                    case "nlcheckout":
                        string payment_method    = context.Request["payment_method"];
                        string str_bankcode      = context.Request["bankcode"];
                        string order_description = context.Request["detail"];
                        string DomainName        = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + @"://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;

                        Anpero.PaymentApi.NganLuong.RequestInfo info = new Anpero.PaymentApi.NganLuong.RequestInfo();
                        info.Merchant_id       = "36680";
                        info.Merchant_password = "******";
                        info.Receiver_email    = "*****@*****.**"; //must be register email
                        info.cur_code          = "vnd";
                        info.bank_code         = str_bankcode;

                        info.Order_code        = orderId.ToString();
                        info.Total_amount      = price.ToString();
                        info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                        info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                        info.order_description = order_description;
                        info.return_url        = DomainName + "/API/NLCallback";
                        info.cancel_url        = DomainName + "/API/NLCancel";

                        info.Buyer_fullname = name;
                        info.Buyer_email    = email;
                        info.Buyer_mobile   = phone;

                        APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                        ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method);

                        if (result.Error_code == "00")
                            rs = result.Checkout_url;
                            rs = result.Description + " (" + result.Error_code + ")";

            catch (Exception)

            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
예제 #25
        public async Task <System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult> BookingReceipt(string error_code, string token, int?canceledBookingID = null)
            var userID         = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var bookingService = this.Service <IBookingReceiptService>();

            // If the customer cancel the booking, delete it and redirect him to homepage
            if (canceledBookingID != null)
                var bookingReceipt = bookingService.Get(br => br.CustomerID == userID &&
                                                        br.ID == canceledBookingID &&
                                                        br.IsPending == true).FirstOrDefault();

                if (bookingReceipt == null)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            // If the transaction went smoothy, check the returned info + MD5 token
            var info = new RequestCheckOrderTestTemplate {
                Token = token
            var objNLCheckout = new APICheckoutV3();
            var result        = objNLCheckout.GetTransactionDetail(info);

            if (result.errorCode == "00")
                // Try to get the bookingReceiptID
                    var bookingID = int.Parse(result.order_code);

                    var bookingReceipt = bookingService.Get(br => br.CustomerID == userID &&
                                                            br.ID == bookingID &&
                                                            br.IsPending == true).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (bookingReceipt == null)
                        return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

                    bookingReceipt.IsPending = false;

                    // Send alert email
                    SystemService sysService = new SystemService();
                    await sysService.SendBookingAlertEmailToCustomer(bookingReceipt);

                    await sysService.SendBookingAlertEmailToProvider(bookingReceipt);

                    return(View("~/Areas/Customer/Views/Booking/BookingReceipt.cshtml", bookingReceipt));
                catch (FormatException e)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

            return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));
예제 #26
        public System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult BookVehicle(BookingConfirmViewModel bookingModel, NganLuongPaymentModel nganLuongPayment)
            var user = HttpContext.GetOwinContext()
                       .GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>()

            // Check if the request contains all valid params
            if (bookingModel?.Action == null || bookingModel.Receipt?.ID == null || nganLuongPayment == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

            var bookingService = this.Service <IBookingReceiptService>();
            var bookingReceipt = bookingService.Get(br => br.ID == bookingModel.Receipt.ID &&
                                                    br.CustomerID == user.Id &&

            if (bookingReceipt == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

            // Act based on the received action's name
            switch (bookingModel.Action)
            case "delete":
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            case "change":
                var vehicleID = bookingReceipt.VehicleID;
                return(RedirectToAction("VehicleInfo", "Home", new { id = vehicleID }));

            case "pay":

                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Bad request"));

            // Only "pay" action left to handle
            // Now validate nganluong params before redirect to nganluong

            var info = new RequestInfoTestTemplate
                bank_code         = nganLuongPayment.BankCode,
                Order_code        = nganLuongPayment.OrderCode,
                order_description = "Test booking",
                return_url        = "http://localhost:65358/bookingReceipt",
                cancel_url        = "http://localhost:65358/bookingReceipt?canceledBookingID=" + bookingModel.Receipt.ID,
                Buyer_fullname    = user.FullName,
                Buyer_email       = user.Email,
                Buyer_mobile      = user.PhoneNumber,
                time_limit        = Constants.BOOKING_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT_IN_MINUTES.ToString()

            var objNLCheckout = new APICheckoutV3();
            var result        = objNLCheckout.GetUrlCheckout(info, nganLuongPayment.PaymentMethod);

            if (result.Error_code == "00")

            return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <ActionResult> Success(string error_code, string token)
            // Check the returned info + MD5 token
            var info = new RequestCheckOrderTestTemplate {
                Token = token
            var objNLCheckout = new APICheckoutV3();
            var result        = objNLCheckout.GetTransactionDetail(info);

            if (result.errorCode == "00")
                // Try to get the new IsProviderUntil datetime
                    // Separate the userID and IsProviderUntil Datetime from order_code
                    var words = result.order_code.Split(new[] { " - " }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                    if (words.Length != 2)
                        return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

                    var userID = words[0];
                    // Get current user
                    var userService = this.Service <IUserService>();
                    var user        = await userService.GetAsync(userID);

                    // Validate the user
                    if (user == null)
                        return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

                    var isProviderUntil = DateTime.Parse(words[1]);

                    // Validate the new datetime
                    if (isProviderUntil < DateTime.Now)
                        return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

                    user.IsProviderUntil = isProviderUntil;

                    // Add role provider if the user havent already had that role
                    if (user.AspNetRoles.All(r => r.Name != "Provider"))
                        var providerRole = await this.Service <IRoleService>().GetAsync("2");



                    // Send alert email
                    var sysService = new SystemService();
                    await sysService.SendBecomeProviderAlertEmail(user.Email, user);

                    return(View("~/Areas/Customer/Views/BecomeProvider/Success.cshtml", user));
                catch (FormatException e)
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));

            return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(400, "Invalid request"));
        public JsonResult AgreeToPay(AgreementViewModel vm)
            string redirectUrl  = "";
            string errorMessage = "";
            var    db           = new DbContext();


                var details = db.GetDetails(vm.CashKey);
                if (details != null)
                    details.AgreedDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    var info = new RequestInfo();
                    info.Merchant_id       = ConfigCode.GetInstance().MerchantID;
                    info.Merchant_password = ConfigCode.GetInstance().MerchantPassword;
                    info.Receiver_email    = ConfigCode.GetInstance().ReceiverEmail;

                    info.cur_code       = "vnd";
                    info.Payment_method = vm.OptionPayment;
                    info.bank_code      = vm.BankCode;
                    info.Order_code     = details.InvoiceNo;
                    info.Total_amount   = details.Total;
                    info.Buyer_fullname = vm.FullName;
                    info.Buyer_email    = vm.Email;
                    info.Buyer_mobile   = vm.Phone;

                    //Optional fields
                    info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                    info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                    info.order_description = "";
                    // End of optional fields

                    string host    = HttpContext.Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority;
                    string baseUrl = string.Format("{0}/nganluong/return?", host);
                    info.return_url = baseUrl + "key=" + vm.CashKey;
                    info.cancel_url = baseUrl + "key=" + vm.CashKey + "&type=" + ReturnType.Cancel.GetHashCode();
                    info.time_limit = baseUrl + "key=" + vm.CashKey + "&type=" + ReturnType.Timeout.GetHashCode();


                    var          objApiCheckout = new APICheckoutV3();
                    ResponseInfo checkoutRs     = objApiCheckout.GetUrlCheckout(info, vm.OptionPayment);

                    //Logger.GetInstance().Write("Check out response:");

                    if (checkoutRs.Error_code == "00")
                        details.ProviderTransRefId = checkoutRs.Token;
                        bool result = db.SetDetails(vm.CashKey, details);
                        if (result)
                            redirectUrl = checkoutRs.Checkout_url;
                            errorMessage = Resources.Application.CommonErrorMessage;
                            Logger.GetInstance().Write(string.Format("[Key={0}] Check out succeeded but failed to update NL Token", vm.CashKey));
                        errorMessage = string.Format("Error Description: {0}. <br/> {1}", checkoutRs.Description, Resources.Application.CommonErrorMessage);
                        Logger.GetInstance().Write(string.Format("[Key={0}] Failed to check out(Code={1};Desc={2})", vm.CashKey, checkoutRs.Error_code, checkoutRs.Description));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.GetInstance().Write(ex, string.Format("[Key={0}]Exception thrown in AgreeToPay", vm.CashKey));
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
                redirectUrl          = "";

            // Use js to redirect to NL check out URL.
            return(Json(new { result = redirectUrl, message = errorMessage }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #29
        public ActionResult Index(Morder order)
            Random rand          = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            int    numIterations = 0;

            numIterations = rand.Next(1, 100000);
            DateTime time = DateTime.Now;

            string orderCode      = numIterations + "" + time;
            string sumOrder       = Request["sumOrder"];
            string payment_method = Request["option_payment"];

            // Neu Ship COde
            if (payment_method.Equals("COD"))
                // cap nhat thong tin sau khi dat hang thanh cong

                saveOrder(order, "COD", 2, orderCode);
                var cart = Session[SessionCart];
                var list = new List <Cart_item>();
                ViewBag.cart           = (List <Cart_item>)cart;
                Session["SessionCart"] = null;
                var listProductOrder = db.Orderdetails.Where(m => m.orderid == order.ID);
            //Neu Thanh toan MOMO
            else if (payment_method.Equals("MOMO"))
                //request params need to request to MoMo system
                string endpoint    = momoInfo.endpoint;
                string partnerCode = momoInfo.partnerCode;
                string accessKey   = momoInfo.accessKey;
                string serectkey   = momoInfo.serectkey;
                string orderInfo   = momoInfo.orderInfo;
                string returnUrl   = momoInfo.returnUrl;
                string notifyurl   = momoInfo.notifyurl;

                string amount    = sumOrder;
                string orderid   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                string requestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                string extraData = "";

                //Before sign HMAC SHA256 signature
                string rawHash = "partnerCode=" +
                                 partnerCode + "&accessKey=" +
                                 accessKey + "&requestId=" +
                                 requestId + "&amount=" +
                                 amount + "&orderId=" +
                                 orderid + "&orderInfo=" +
                                 orderInfo + "&returnUrl=" +
                                 returnUrl + "&notifyUrl=" +
                                 notifyurl + "&extraData=" +

                log.Debug("rawHash = " + rawHash);

                MoMoSecurity crypto = new MoMoSecurity();
                //sign signature SHA256
                string signature = crypto.signSHA256(rawHash, serectkey);
                log.Debug("Signature = " + signature);

                //build body json request
                JObject message = new JObject
                    { "partnerCode", partnerCode },
                    { "accessKey", accessKey },
                    { "requestId", requestId },
                    { "amount", amount },
                    { "orderId", orderid },
                    { "orderInfo", orderInfo },
                    { "returnUrl", returnUrl },
                    { "notifyUrl", notifyurl },
                    { "extraData", extraData },
                    { "requestType", "captureMoMoWallet" },
                    { "signature", signature }
                log.Debug("Json request to MoMo: " + message.ToString());
                string  responseFromMomo = PaymentRequest.sendPaymentRequest(endpoint, message.ToString());
                JObject jmessage         = JObject.Parse(responseFromMomo);

                saveOrder(order, "Cổng thanh toán MOMO", 2, orderid);
            //Neu Thanh toan Ngan Luong
            else if (payment_method.Equals("NL"))
                string      str_bankcode = Request["bankcode"];
                RequestInfo info         = new RequestInfo();
                info.Merchant_id       = nganluongInfo.Merchant_id;
                info.Merchant_password = nganluongInfo.Merchant_password;
                info.Receiver_email    = nganluongInfo.Receiver_email;
                info.cur_code          = "vnd";
                info.bank_code         = str_bankcode;
                info.Order_code        = orderCode;
                info.Total_amount      = sumOrder;
                info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                info.order_description = "Thanh toán ngân lượng cho đơn hàng";
                info.return_url        = nganluongInfo.return_url;
                info.cancel_url        = nganluongInfo.cancel_url;
                info.Buyer_fullname    = order.deliveryname;
                info.Buyer_email       = order.deliveryemail;
                info.Buyer_mobile      = order.deliveryphone;
                APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method);
                // neu khong gap loi gi
                if (result.Error_code == "00")
                    saveOrder(order, "Cổng thanh toán Ngân Lượng", 2, orderCode);
                    // chuyen sang trang ngan luong
                    ViewBag.errorPaymentOnline = result.Description;
            //Neu Thanh Toán ATM online
            else if (payment_method.Equals("ATM_ONLINE"))
                string      str_bankcode = Request["bankcode"];
                RequestInfo info         = new RequestInfo();
                info.Merchant_id       = nganluongInfo.Merchant_id;
                info.Merchant_password = nganluongInfo.Merchant_password;
                info.Receiver_email    = nganluongInfo.Receiver_email;
                info.cur_code          = "vnd";
                info.bank_code         = str_bankcode;
                info.Order_code        = orderCode;
                info.Total_amount      = sumOrder;
                info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                info.order_description = "Thanh toán ngân lượng cho đơn hàng";
                info.return_url        = nganluongInfo.return_url;
                info.cancel_url        = nganluongInfo.cancel_url;
                info.Buyer_fullname    = order.deliveryname;
                info.Buyer_email       = order.deliveryemail;
                info.Buyer_mobile      = order.deliveryphone;
                APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, payment_method);
                // neu khong gap loi gi
                if (result.Error_code == "00")
                    saveOrder(order, "ATM Online qua ngân lượng", 2, orderCode);
                    ViewBag.errorPaymentOnline = result.Description;
예제 #30
        // tạo order khi click thanh toán
        public ActionResult CreatOrder(string orderViewModel)
            // order(chứa thông tin người mua hàng)
            // orderDetail(chứ số lượng sp,sp)
            var order = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <OrderViewModel>(orderViewModel);

            var orderNew = new Order();


            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                orderNew.CustomerID = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                orderNew.CreatedBy  = User.Identity.GetUserName();

            var cartSession = (List <ShoppingCartViewModel>)Session[CommonConstants.SessionCart];
            List <OrderDetail> orderDetails = new List <OrderDetail>();
            bool isEnough = true;

            foreach (var item in cartSession)
                var detail = new OrderDetail();
                detail.ProductID = item.ProductId;
                detail.Quantity  = item.Quantity;
                isEnough = _productService.SellProduct(item.ProductId, item.Quantity); // tính số sp còn lại
            if (isEnough == true)
                //_orderService.Create(orderNew, orderDetails);
                var orderReturn = _orderService.Create(ref orderNew, orderDetails);

                // thanh toán tiền mặt
                if (order.PaymentMethod == "CASH")
                        status = true
                {  // thanh toán bằng ATM,Ngân Lượng
                    var currentLink = ConfigHelper.GetByKey("CurrentLink");

                    RequestInfo info = new RequestInfo();
                    info.Merchant_id       = merchantId;
                    info.Merchant_password = merchantPassword;
                    info.Receiver_email    = merchantEmail;

                    info.cur_code  = "vnd";
                    info.bank_code = order.BankCode;

                    info.Order_code        = orderReturn.ID.ToString();
                    info.Total_amount      = orderDetails.Sum(x => x.Quantity * x.Price).ToString();
                    info.fee_shipping      = "0";
                    info.Discount_amount   = "0";
                    info.order_description = "Thanh toán đơn hàng tại NonameShop";
                    info.return_url        = currentLink + "xac-nhan-don-hang.html";
                    info.cancel_url        = currentLink + "huy-don-hang.html";

                    info.Buyer_fullname = order.CustomerName;
                    info.Buyer_email    = order.CustomerEmail;
                    info.Buyer_mobile   = order.CustomerMobile;

                    APICheckoutV3 objNLChecout = new APICheckoutV3();
                    ResponseInfo  result       = objNLChecout.GetUrlCheckout(info, order.PaymentMethod);
                    if (result.Error_code == "00")
                            status = true,
                            urlCheckout = result.Checkout_url,// chuyển hướng qua ngân lượng
                            message = result.Description
                            status = false,
                            message = result.Description
                    status = false,
                    message = "Không đủ hàng"