public void GetTeams() { btnGo.gameObject.SetActive(false); string code = SessieCode.text; code = code.Trim('"'); Debug.Log(code + "code"); url = "Sessie/toList?code=" + code; //Debug.Log(url); List <string> teamnamen = new List <string>(); teamlijst = new Dictionary <string, int>(); if (SessieCode.text == "666") //dev bypass { teamnamen = new List <string>(); teamlijst.Add("dev", -1); teamnamen.Add("dev"); teamlijst.Add("Bypass", -1); teamnamen.Add("Bypass"); teamlijst.Add("HAXXXX!", -1); teamnamen.Add("HAXXXX!"); SetupPutInTeam(); } else { StartCoroutine(api.Get2(url, GetTeamResult)); } }
public void CheckIfRegisterd(string json) { Debug.Log("Checking..."); if (json != "-1" && json != "") { var N = JSON.Parse(json); Debug.Log(N); textvoornaam = N["voornaam"].Value.ToString(); textachternaam = N["achternaam"].Value.ToString(); Info.Voornaam = textvoornaam; Info.SpelerNaam = textvoornaam + " " + textachternaam; Info.spelerId = N["id"]; Debug.Log("InfoTypes:"); Debug.Log("voornaam: " + Info.Voornaam); Debug.Log("spelernaam: " + Info.SpelerNaam); Debug.Log("spelerid: " + Info.spelerId); if (startcheck) { StartCoroutine(api.Get2("speler/" + Info.spelerId + "/team", CheckInTeam)); Debug.Log("startcheck"); startcheck = false; } button1.interactable = false; button2.interactable = true; updatetext(); registerd = true; Debug.Log(nextlevel); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // change score on screen scoreText.text = CalculateScore().ToString() + "/10"; // check if player is to low and dies if (playerObject.transform.position.y < 0) { StartCoroutine(Dies()); StartCoroutine(api.Get2(teamScoreUrl, (result) => getScores(result))); } // check if player reached end of the game if (playerObject.transform.position.x > eindPositie) { StartCoroutine(Winner()); StartCoroutine(api.Get2(teamScoreUrl, (result) => getScores(result))); } Debug.Log("current score is " + CalculateScore()); try { // check if screen is touched to jump if (Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began) { animator.SetBool("IsJumping", true); jump = true; } } catch (ArgumentException e) { Debug.Log(e); } }
public void EndGameActionfinal(string json, string locatienaam, double score, APICaller API) { Debug.Log("json for score is" + json); if (json == "3") { Debug.Log("score/" + Info.TeamId + "/" + locatienaam + "/" + score); StartCoroutine(API.Get2("score/" + Info.TeamId + "/" + locatienaam + "/" + score, donothing)); StartCoroutine(API.Get2("team/" + Info.TeamId + "/nextpuzzel", donothing)); } EndGameAction(json); }
public IEnumerator UpdateInfo(APICaller _api, Action doLast) { isDone = false; string url = "Speler/" + Info.spelerId.ToString() + "/Team"; StartCoroutine(_api.Get2(url, (result) => { //lamba functie zijn ook een opties om dit op te lossen GetSpeler(result); })); url = "Speler/" + Info.spelerId.ToString(); StartCoroutine(_api.Get2(url, GetSpeler)); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => !isDone)); doLast(); }
void request() { url = "quiz/" + count; Debug.Log(url); WWW www = new WWW(url); StartCoroutine(api.Get2(url, ActionGet)); }
void Update() { if (!_updating) { _updating = true; StartCoroutine(_api.Get2("Team/" + Info.TeamId + "/ActivePuzzel", result)); } }
public IEnumerator UpdateLocatie(APICaller _api, Action doLast) { isDone = false; var url = "puzzel/" + (Info.Diamanten) + "/location"; StartCoroutine(_api.Get2(url, Locatie)); yield return(new WaitUntil(() => !isDone)); doLast(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { url = "speler/register/" + SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier.ToString(); api = gameObject.AddComponent <APICaller>(); levelLoader = gameObject.AddComponent <LevelLoader>(); levelLoader.slider = slider; levelLoader.loadingscreen = loadingscreen; button2.onClick.AddListener(OnClick); Debug.Log(url); StartCoroutine(api.Get2(url, CheckIfRegisterd)); }
void UpdateInfo() { SpelerNaam.text = Info.SpelerNaam; TeamNaam.text = Info.TeamNaam; Diamanten.text = Info.Diamanten.ToString(); Score.text = Info.Score.ToString(); SpelerNaam.text = Info.Voornaam; SessieCode.text = Info.SessieCode; var url = "Team/" + Info.TeamId.ToString() + "/GetScorePosition"; StartCoroutine(api.Get2(url, ScorePos)); }
public void ChangeGameMode(APICaller apicaller) { Debug.Log("changegamemode"); StartCoroutine(apicaller.Get2("team/" + Info.TeamId + "/" + Info.spelerId + "/changegamemode", EndGameAction)); }