예제 #1
    //Ambush Point determination function for Melee-based classes
    public Vector3 LookForAmbushPoint(AI_Logic.Strategy strategy, Transform agent, Transform threat, int a)
        /*Generates a waypoint for the agent to go to in order to achieve a certain strategy/goal
         * e.g. sneaking up on the threat;backing off to avoid more danger; approaching the threat to get better shooting accuracy
        Vector3 ambushPoint = Vector3.zero;

        //generating an ambush point around the threat's radius
        if (strategy == AI_Logic.Strategy.Sneak)
            Vector3 radius   = agent.position - threat.position;
            float   theta    = 5 * rand.Next(1, 9);       //theta is in range [5, 45)
            int     angleDir = rand.Next(1, 10);          //random sign:- or +
            if (angleDir < 5)
                theta = theta * (-1);

            Vector3 delta_Position = Quaternion.AngleAxis(theta, Vector3.up) * (-threat.forward.normalized); //find a point behind the threat and rotate by theta
            float   radius_Length  = 5.09f + (float)rand.Next(0, Mathf.Max((int)radius.magnitude - 5, 1));   //randomize the radius length
            delta_Position = delta_Position * radius_Length;                                                 //scale the change in position
            ambushPoint    = threat.position + delta_Position;                                               //offset threat's position by delta_Position
            Vector3 radius         = agent.position - threat.position;
            Vector3 delta_Position = Quaternion.AngleAxis(15 * rand.Next(1, 24), Vector3.up) * radius.normalized;            //rotate radius by random angle theta E [15,360]
            float   radius_Length  = 1.0f;
            if (strategy == AI_Logic.Strategy.Approach)
                radius_Length = 5.09f + (float)rand.Next(0, Mathf.Max((int)radius.magnitude - 5, 1));                 //reduce the radius between the agent and threat

            else if (strategy == AI_Logic.Strategy.StepBack)
                radius_Length = (float)rand.Next((int)(radius.magnitude + 5), (int)(radius.magnitude + 40));
            delta_Position = delta_Position * radius_Length;
            ambushPoint    = threat.position + delta_Position;

예제 #2
    //Ambush Point determination function for Gun-based classes
    public Vector3 LookForAmbushPoint(AI_Logic.Strategy strategy, Transform agent, Transform threat)
        if (agent.GetComponent <EnemyCharacter> ().enemyType == "Gun")
            GameObject[] enemies           = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");
            Vector2      computationVector = Vector3.zero;
            //separation part of the boid algorithm
            for (int a = 0; a < enemies.Length; a++)
                if ((enemies[a].transform.position - agent.transform.position).magnitude < neighboringDistance)
                    computationVector.x += agent.transform.position.x - enemies [a].transform.position.x;
                    computationVector.y += agent.transform.position.z - enemies [a].transform.position.z;

            computationVector.x /= enemies.Length;
            computationVector.y /= enemies.Length;

            Vector3 waypoint = new Vector3(computationVector.x, computationVector.y, agent.transform.position.z) * -5;
            Vector3 ambushPoint = Vector3.zero;

            //generating an ambush point around the threat's radius
            if (strategy == AI_Logic.Strategy.Sneak)
                Vector3 radius   = agent.position - threat.position;
                float   theta    = 5 * rand.Next(1, 9);           //theta is in range [5, 45)
                int     angleDir = rand.Next(1, 10);              //random sign:- or +
                if (angleDir < 5)
                    theta = theta * (-1);

                Vector3 delta_Position = Quaternion.AngleAxis(theta, Vector3.up) * (-threat.forward.normalized); //find a point behind the threat and rotate by theta
                float   radius_Length  = 5.09f + (float)rand.Next(0, Mathf.Max((int)radius.magnitude - 5, 1));   //randomize the radius length
                delta_Position = delta_Position * radius_Length;                                                 //scale the change in position
                ambushPoint    = threat.position + delta_Position;                                               //offset threat's position by delta_Position
                Vector3 radius         = agent.position - threat.position;
                Vector3 delta_Position = Quaternion.AngleAxis(15 * rand.Next(1, 24), Vector3.up) * radius.normalized;                //rotate radius by random angle theta E [15,360]
                float   radius_Length  = 1.0f;
                if (strategy == AI_Logic.Strategy.Approach)
                    radius_Length = 5.09f + (float)rand.Next(0, Mathf.Max((int)radius.magnitude - 5, 1));                     //reduce the radius between the agent and threat

                else if (strategy == AI_Logic.Strategy.StepBack)
                    radius_Length = (float)rand.Next((int)(radius.magnitude + 5), (int)(radius.magnitude + 40));
                delta_Position = delta_Position * radius_Length;
                ambushPoint    = threat.position + delta_Position;
