예제 #1
	public override AIDynamic GetDynamics(){
		AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
		ai.Angular = 0;

		Vector3 desired_vector = State.Target - trans.position;
		float distance = desired_vector.magnitude;
		float targetSpeed;
		Vector3 targetVelocity;

		if(distance < TARGET_RADIUS){
			this.State.LinearVelocity = Vector3.zero;
			ai.Linear = Vector3.zero;
			return ai;

		if(distance > SLOW_RADIUS)
			targetSpeed = State.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude;
			targetSpeed = State.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude * (distance / SLOW_RADIUS);

		targetVelocity = desired_vector.normalized * targetSpeed;
		ai.Linear = (targetVelocity - State.LinearVelocity) / TIME_TO_TARGET;

		if(ai.Linear.magnitude > this.State.MaxLinearAcceleration)
			ai.Linear = ai.Linear.normalized * this.State.MaxLinearAcceleration;

		return ai;
예제 #2
	public override AIDynamic GetDynamics(){
		AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
		ai.Linear = (trans.position - State.Target).normalized * State.MaxLinearAcceleration;
		ai.Angular = 0;
		return ai;
예제 #3
    public override AIDynamic GetDynamics()
        AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();

        ai.Linear  = Vector3.zero;
        ai.Angular = 0;

        Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;

        for (int i = 0; i < Targets.Length; i++)
            Transform t = Targets[i];
            center += t.position;

        center /= (float)Targets.Length;


        average.position = center;

예제 #4
    public override AIDynamic GetDynamics()
        AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();

        ai.Linear  = Vector3.zero;
        ai.Angular = 0;

        foreach (Transform t in Targets)
            Vector3 direction = (trans.position - t.position).normalized;
            float   distance  = direction.magnitude;

            if (distance < THRESHOLD)
                float strength = DECAY * distance * distance;
                if (State.MaxLinearAcceleration < strength)
                    strength = State.MaxLinearAcceleration;
                ai.Linear += strength * direction;

        //Debug.DrawLine(trans.position, trans.position + 5*ai.Linear, Color.yellow);

예제 #5
    private AIDynamic RunBehaviours()
        AIDynamic movement = new AIDynamic();
        AIDynamic avoidDyn = new AIDynamic();

        //Iterate through behaviours
        foreach (AIBehaviour b in behaviours)
            AIDynamic dyn = b.GetDynamics();

            movement.Angular += dyn.Angular * b.Weight;
            movement.Linear  += dyn.Linear * b.Weight;

            if (b.BehaviourType == AIBehaviourType.ObjectAvoid || b.BehaviourType == AIBehaviourType.CollisionAvoid)
                avoidDyn.Linear += dyn.Linear * b.Weight * 5f;

        if (avoidDyn.Linear.magnitude > 0)
            movement.Linear = avoidDyn.Linear;

예제 #6
    private void PositionUpdate(AIDynamic motion)
        //Set linear velocity to max
        if (state.LinearVelocity.magnitude > state.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude)
            state.LinearVelocity = state.LinearVelocity.normalized * state.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude;

        //Set angular velocity to max
        if (Mathf.Abs(state.AngularVelocity) > Mathf.Abs(state.MaxAngularVelocity))
            state.AngularVelocity = (state.AngularVelocity / Mathf.Abs(state.AngularVelocity)) * state.MaxAngularVelocity;

        //Update position and linear velocity
        this.transform.position += state.LinearVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
        state.LinearVelocity    += motion.Linear * Time.deltaTime;

        //Update orientation and angular velocity
        Vector3 rotation = this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

        rotation.y += state.AngularVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
        this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);
        state.AngularVelocity  += motion.Angular * Time.deltaTime;
예제 #7
	public override AIDynamic GetDynamics(){
		AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
		ai.Linear = Vector3.zero;
		ai.Angular = 0;

		float shortestTime = float.PositiveInfinity;
		Transform firstTarget = null;
		float firstMinSeparation = 0;
		float firstDistance = 0;
		Vector3 firstRelativePos = Vector3.zero;
		Vector3 firstRelativeVel = Vector3.zero;

		foreach(Transform t in Targets){
			Vector3 relativePos = trans.position - t.position;
			Vector3 relativeVel = t.gameObject.GetComponent<TrooperAI>().GetVelocity() - State.LinearVelocity;
			float relativeSpeed = relativeVel.magnitude;

			float timeToCollision = Vector3.Dot (relativePos, relativeVel) / (relativeSpeed * relativeSpeed);

			float distance = relativePos.magnitude;

			if(distance > THRESHOLD || t.gameObject.GetComponent<TrooperAI>().GetVelocity().magnitude < .1f)

			float minSeparation = distance - relativeSpeed*shortestTime;

			if(minSeparation > 2*RADIUS)

			if((timeToCollision > 0) && timeToCollision < shortestTime){
				shortestTime = timeToCollision;
				firstTarget = t;
				firstMinSeparation = minSeparation;
				firstDistance = distance;
				firstRelativePos = relativePos;
				firstRelativeVel = relativeVel;

		if(firstTarget != null)
		    Debug.DrawLine (trans.position, firstTarget.position, Color.red);

			return ai;

		Vector3 finalRelativePos;

		if(firstMinSeparation <= 0 || firstDistance < 2*RADIUS)
			finalRelativePos = trans.position - firstTarget.position;
			finalRelativePos = firstRelativePos + firstRelativeVel * shortestTime;

		ai.Linear = finalRelativePos.normalized * State.MaxLinearAcceleration;

		Debug.DrawLine (this.trans.position, this.trans.position + ai.Linear*4, Color.cyan);
		return ai;
예제 #8
    public override AIDynamic GetDynamics()
        AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();

        ai.Linear  = (State.Target - trans.position).normalized * State.MaxLinearAcceleration;
        ai.Angular = 0;

예제 #9
    public override AIDynamic GetDynamics()
        AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
        /* For now, simply lerp this out */
        Vector3 rotation = trans.rotation.eulerAngles;

        if (State.LinearVelocity.magnitude > 1f)
            rotation.y     = GetDirectionFromVector2D(State.LinearVelocity);
            trans.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(trans.rotation,
                                             Time.deltaTime * 5);

        /*float rotation = 0;
         * float targetRotation;
         * rotation = GetDirectionFromVector2D (State.LinearVelocity) - trans.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
         * while(rotation > 180)
         *      rotation -= 360;
         * while(rotation < -180)
         *      rotation += 360;
         * float angleMag = Mathf.Abs (rotation);
         * AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
         * ai.Angular = 0;
         * ai.Linear = Vector3.zero;
         * if(angleMag < TARGET_RADIUS){
         *      State.AngularVelocity = 0;
         *      return ai;
         * }
         * if(angleMag > SLOW_RADIUS)
         *      targetRotation = 6f;
         * else
         *      targetRotation = 6f * angleMag / SLOW_RADIUS;
         * targetRotation *= (rotation / angleMag);
         * ai.Angular = trans.rotation.eulerAngles.y - targetRotation;
         * ai.Angular /= TIME_TO_TARGET;
         * float a = Mathf.Abs (ai.Angular);
         * if(a > 2f){
         *      ai.Angular  /= a;
         *      ai.Angular  *= 2f;
         * }*/

예제 #10
	public override AIDynamic GetDynamics(){
		AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
		/* For now, simply lerp this out */
		Vector3 rotation = trans.rotation.eulerAngles;
		if(State.LinearVelocity.magnitude > 1f){
		    rotation.y = GetDirectionFromVector2D(State.LinearVelocity);
		    trans.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(trans.rotation, 
		/*float rotation = 0;
		float targetRotation;

		rotation = GetDirectionFromVector2D (State.LinearVelocity) - trans.rotation.eulerAngles.y;

		while(rotation > 180)
			rotation -= 360;
		while(rotation < -180)
			rotation += 360;

		float angleMag = Mathf.Abs (rotation);
		AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
		ai.Angular = 0;
		ai.Linear = Vector3.zero;

		if(angleMag < TARGET_RADIUS){
			State.AngularVelocity = 0;
			return ai;

		if(angleMag > SLOW_RADIUS)
			targetRotation = 6f;
			targetRotation = 6f * angleMag / SLOW_RADIUS;

		targetRotation *= (rotation / angleMag);

		ai.Angular = trans.rotation.eulerAngles.y - targetRotation;
		ai.Angular /= TIME_TO_TARGET;

		float a = Mathf.Abs (ai.Angular);

		if(a > 2f){
			ai.Angular  /= a;
			ai.Angular  *= 2f;

		return ai;
예제 #11
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {
		AIDynamic movement = new AIDynamic();
		movement = RunBehaviours();

		PositionUpdate (movement);

		animator.SetFloat ("velocity", state.LinearVelocity.magnitude);
		if(state.LinearVelocity.magnitude > 0.1f)
		    animator.speed = state.LinearVelocity.magnitude / state.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude;
			animator.speed = 1;

예제 #12
	public override AIDynamic GetDynamics(){
		if(Time.frameCount%UPDATE_DELAY == 0){
			float r = Random.Range (0f, 1f) - Random.Range (0f, 1f);
			Vector3 wanderCircle = trans.position + trans.forward * WANDER_CIRCLE_DISTANCE;

			State.Target = Quaternion.AngleAxis(WANDER_FREEDOM*r, Vector3.up)*(State.LinearVelocity.normalized)*WANDER_CIRCLE_RADIUS + wanderCircle;

			/* Draw vectors
			Debug.DrawLine(trans.position, wanderCircle, Color.yellow, 4);
			Debug.DrawLine (trans.position, State.Target, Color.blue, 4);
			Debug.DrawLine(State.Target, wanderCircle, Color.red, 4);*/

		AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
		ai.Angular = 0;
	    ai.Linear = (State.Target - trans.position).normalized * State.MaxLinearAcceleration;

		return ai;
예제 #13
	public override AIDynamic GetDynamics(){
		AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
		ai.Linear = Vector3.zero;
		ai.Angular = 0;

		Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;

		for(int i = 0; i < Targets.Length; i++){
			Transform t = Targets[i];
			center += t.position;

		center /= Targets.Length;
		average.position = center;
		return ai;
예제 #14
    public override AIDynamic GetDynamics()
        if (Time.frameCount % UPDATE_DELAY == 0)
            float   r            = Random.Range(0f, 1f) - Random.Range(0f, 1f);
            Vector3 wanderCircle = trans.position + trans.forward * WANDER_CIRCLE_DISTANCE;

            State.Target = Quaternion.AngleAxis(WANDER_FREEDOM * r, Vector3.up) * (State.LinearVelocity.normalized) * WANDER_CIRCLE_RADIUS + wanderCircle;

            /* Draw vectors
             * Debug.DrawLine(trans.position, wanderCircle, Color.yellow, 4);
             * Debug.DrawLine (trans.position, State.Target, Color.blue, 4);
             * Debug.DrawLine(State.Target, wanderCircle, Color.red, 4);*/

        AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();

        ai.Angular = 0;
        ai.Linear  = (State.Target - trans.position).normalized * State.MaxLinearAcceleration;

예제 #15
    public override AIDynamic GetDynamics()
        AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();

        ai.Angular = 0;

        Vector3 desired_vector = State.Target - trans.position;
        float   distance       = desired_vector.magnitude;
        float   targetSpeed;
        Vector3 targetVelocity;

        if (distance < TARGET_RADIUS)
            this.State.LinearVelocity = Vector3.zero;
            ai.Linear = Vector3.zero;

        if (distance > SLOW_RADIUS)
            targetSpeed = State.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude;
            targetSpeed = State.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude * (distance / SLOW_RADIUS);

        targetVelocity = desired_vector.normalized * targetSpeed;

        ai.Linear = (targetVelocity - State.LinearVelocity) / TIME_TO_TARGET;

        if (ai.Linear.magnitude > this.State.MaxLinearAcceleration)
            ai.Linear = ai.Linear.normalized * this.State.MaxLinearAcceleration;

예제 #16
	public override AIDynamic GetDynamics(){

		AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
		ai.Linear = Vector3.zero;
		ai.Angular = 0;

		foreach(Transform t in Targets){
			Vector3 direction = (trans.position - t.position).normalized;
			float distance = direction.magnitude;

			if(distance < THRESHOLD){

				float strength = DECAY * distance * distance;
				if(State.MaxLinearAcceleration < strength)
					strength = State.MaxLinearAcceleration;
				ai.Linear += strength * direction;

		//Debug.DrawLine(trans.position, trans.position + 5*ai.Linear, Color.yellow);

		return ai;
예제 #17
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        AIDynamic movement = new AIDynamic();

        movement = RunBehaviours();


        animator.SetFloat("velocity", state.LinearVelocity.magnitude);
        if (state.LinearVelocity.magnitude > 0.1f)
            animator.speed = state.LinearVelocity.magnitude / state.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude;
            animator.speed = 1;

예제 #18
	private AIDynamic RunBehaviours(){
		AIDynamic movement = new AIDynamic();
		AIDynamic avoidDyn = new AIDynamic();

		//Iterate through behaviours
		foreach(AIBehaviour b in behaviours){
			AIDynamic dyn = b.GetDynamics();

		    movement.Angular += dyn.Angular * b.Weight;
			movement.Linear += dyn.Linear * b.Weight;

			if(b.BehaviourType == AIBehaviourType.ObjectAvoid || b.BehaviourType == AIBehaviourType.CollisionAvoid)
				avoidDyn.Linear += dyn.Linear * b.Weight * 5f;

		if(avoidDyn.Linear.magnitude > 0){
			movement.Linear = avoidDyn.Linear;

		return movement;
예제 #19
	public override AIDynamic GetDynamics(){
		AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();
		ai.Linear = Vector3.zero;
		ai.Angular = 0;

		if(State.LinearVelocity.magnitude < 0.3f)
			return ai;

		bool hit1 = false;
		bool hit2 = false;
		bool hit3 = false;
		Vector3 ray = State.LinearVelocity.normalized;
		Vector3 ray_left = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-20, Vector3.up) * ray;
		Vector3 ray_right =  Quaternion.AngleAxis(20, Vector3.up) * ray;
		RaycastHit ray_info1; //left
		RaycastHit ray_info2 ; //middle
		RaycastHit ray_info3; //right

		RaycastHit min_hit = new RaycastHit();
		min_hit.distance = RAYLENGTH + 1f;

		if(Physics.Raycast(new Ray(trans.position, ray_left), out ray_info1, WHISKER)){
		    min_hit = ray_info1;
			hit1 = true;

		if(Physics.Raycast(new Ray(trans.position, ray), out ray_info2, RAYLENGTH) && 
		   ray_info2.distance < min_hit.distance){
			min_hit = ray_info2;
			hit2 = true;

		if(Physics.Raycast(new Ray(trans.position, ray_right), out ray_info3, WHISKER) && 
		   ray_info3.distance < min_hit.distance){
			min_hit = ray_info3;
			hit3 = true;

		Debug.DrawLine (trans.position, trans.position + ray_left * WHISKER, Color.blue);
		Debug.DrawLine (trans.position, trans.position + ray * RAYLENGTH, Color.cyan);
		Debug.DrawLine (trans.position, trans.position + ray_right * WHISKER, Color.blue);

		if(hit2 && !(hit1 || hit3)){
			Vector3 perm_target = State.Target;
			State.Target = trans.position + ray_right * 4f;
			ai = seeker.GetDynamics();
			State.Target = perm_target;
			return ai;
	    else if(hit1 || hit2 || hit3){
			Vector3 perm_target = State.Target;
			Vector3 normal = min_hit.normal * MARGIN;

			State.Target = min_hit.point + normal;
			ai = seeker.GetDynamics();
			State.Target = perm_target;
			return ai;
			return ai;
예제 #20
    public override AIDynamic GetDynamics()
        AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();

        ai.Linear  = Vector3.zero;
        ai.Angular = 0;

        if (State.LinearVelocity.magnitude < 0.3f)

        bool       hit1      = false;
        bool       hit2      = false;
        bool       hit3      = false;
        Vector3    ray       = State.LinearVelocity.normalized;
        Vector3    ray_left  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-20, Vector3.up) * ray;
        Vector3    ray_right = Quaternion.AngleAxis(20, Vector3.up) * ray;
        RaycastHit ray_info1;         //left
        RaycastHit ray_info2;         //middle
        RaycastHit ray_info3;         //right

        RaycastHit min_hit = new RaycastHit();

        min_hit.distance = RAYLENGTH + 1f;

        if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(trans.position, ray_left), out ray_info1, WHISKER))
            min_hit = ray_info1;
            hit1    = true;

        if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(trans.position, ray), out ray_info2, RAYLENGTH) &&
            ray_info2.distance < min_hit.distance)
            min_hit = ray_info2;
            hit2    = true;

        if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(trans.position, ray_right), out ray_info3, WHISKER) &&
            ray_info3.distance < min_hit.distance)
            min_hit = ray_info3;
            hit3    = true;

        Debug.DrawLine(trans.position, trans.position + ray_left * WHISKER, Color.blue);
        Debug.DrawLine(trans.position, trans.position + ray * RAYLENGTH, Color.cyan);
        Debug.DrawLine(trans.position, trans.position + ray_right * WHISKER, Color.blue);

        if (hit2 && !(hit1 || hit3))
            Vector3 perm_target = State.Target;
            State.Target = trans.position + ray_right * 4f;
            ai           = seeker.GetDynamics();
            State.Target = perm_target;
        else if (hit1 || hit2 || hit3)
            Vector3 perm_target = State.Target;
            Vector3 normal      = min_hit.normal * MARGIN;

            State.Target = min_hit.point + normal;
            ai           = seeker.GetDynamics();
            State.Target = perm_target;
예제 #21
    public override AIDynamic GetDynamics()
        AIDynamic ai = new AIDynamic();

        ai.Linear  = Vector3.zero;
        ai.Angular = 0;

        float     shortestTime       = float.PositiveInfinity;
        Transform firstTarget        = null;
        float     firstMinSeparation = 0;
        float     firstDistance      = 0;
        Vector3   firstRelativePos   = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3   firstRelativeVel   = Vector3.zero;

        foreach (Transform t in Targets)
            Vector3 relativePos   = trans.position - t.position;
            Vector3 relativeVel   = t.gameObject.GetComponent <TrooperAI>().GetVelocity() - State.LinearVelocity;
            float   relativeSpeed = relativeVel.magnitude;

            float timeToCollision = Vector3.Dot(relativePos, relativeVel) / (relativeSpeed * relativeSpeed);

            float distance = relativePos.magnitude;

            if (distance > THRESHOLD || t.gameObject.GetComponent <TrooperAI>().GetVelocity().magnitude < .1f)

            float minSeparation = distance - relativeSpeed * shortestTime;

            if (minSeparation > 2 * RADIUS)

            if ((timeToCollision > 0) && timeToCollision < shortestTime)
                shortestTime       = timeToCollision;
                firstTarget        = t;
                firstMinSeparation = minSeparation;
                firstDistance      = distance;
                firstRelativePos   = relativePos;
                firstRelativeVel   = relativeVel;

        if (firstTarget != null)
            Debug.DrawLine(trans.position, firstTarget.position, Color.red);

        if (!firstTarget)

        Vector3 finalRelativePos;

        if (firstMinSeparation <= 0 || firstDistance < 2 * RADIUS)
            finalRelativePos = trans.position - firstTarget.position;
            finalRelativePos = firstRelativePos + firstRelativeVel * shortestTime;

        ai.Linear = finalRelativePos.normalized * State.MaxLinearAcceleration;

        Debug.DrawLine(this.trans.position, this.trans.position + ai.Linear * 4, Color.cyan);
예제 #22
	private void PositionUpdate(AIDynamic motion){
		//Set linear velocity to max
		if(state.LinearVelocity.magnitude > state.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude)
			state.LinearVelocity = state.LinearVelocity.normalized * state.MaxLinearVelocity.magnitude;
		//Set angular velocity to max
		if(Mathf.Abs (state.AngularVelocity) > Mathf.Abs (state.MaxAngularVelocity))
			state.AngularVelocity = (state.AngularVelocity / Mathf.Abs (state.AngularVelocity)) * state.MaxAngularVelocity;

		//Update position and linear velocity
		this.transform.position += state.LinearVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
		state.LinearVelocity += motion.Linear * Time.deltaTime;
		//Update orientation and angular velocity
		Vector3 rotation = this.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
		rotation.y += state.AngularVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
		this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (rotation);
		state.AngularVelocity += motion.Angular * Time.deltaTime;