예제 #1
    void Update()
        inDanger = enmDect.enemyDetect;
        if (closest_enemyPoint != null)
            AIControl_Blue aiBlue = closest_enemyPoint.GetComponent <AIControl_Blue>();
            targetEnemyInPrison = aiBlue.inPrison;
        //if (closest_teammatePoint != null)
        //	AIControl aiTeammate = closest_teammatePoint.GetComponent<AIControl>();
        //	targetTeammateInPrison = aiTeammate.inPrison;
        //if (hasBall)
        //if (getHit)
        //	if (rb != null)
        //	{
        //		Destroy(rb);
        //	}

        //	}
예제 #2
    GameObject findTargetEnemy(GameObject[] enemies)
        GameObject closest  = null;       //you will return this as the person you find.
        float      distance = Mathf.Infinity;
        Vector3    position = transform.position;

        foreach (GameObject enemy in enemies)        //go through all players in map
            var diff        = (enemy.transform.position - position);
            var curDistance = diff.sqrMagnitude;
            if (curDistance < distance)            //is this player closer than the last one?
                //AIControl_Blue aiBlueCurrent = enemy.GetComponent<AIControl_Blue>();
                aiBlueCurrent = enemy.GetComponent <AIControl_Blue>();
                //bool currentTargetEnemyInPrison = aiBlueCurrent.inPrison;
                currentTargetEnemyInPrison = aiBlueCurrent.goPrison;
                //bool currentTargetEnemyGoPrison = aiBlueCurrent.goPrison;
                //if (!currentTargetEnemyInPrison && !currentTargetEnemyGoPrison)
                if (!currentTargetEnemyInPrison)
                    closest  = enemy;                   //this is the closest player
                    distance = curDistance;             //set the closest distance
        if (closest != null)
            return(closest.gameObject);           //this is the closest player
            if (winNotSet)
                winNotSet    = false;
                winText.text = "Red Win !";
                //return null;
    GameObject findTeammate(GameObject[] teammates)
        GameObject closest  = null;       //you will return this as the person you find.
        float      distance = Mathf.Infinity;
        Vector3    position = transform.position;

        foreach (GameObject teammate in teammates)        //go through all players in map
            var diff        = (teammate.transform.position - position);
            var curDistance = diff.sqrMagnitude;
            if (curDistance < distance)            //is this player closer than the last one?
                //AIControl_Blue aiBlueCurrent = enemy.GetComponent<AIControl_Blue>();
                teammateCurrent = teammate.GetComponent <AIControl_Blue>();
                //bool currentTargetEnemyInPrison = aiBlueCurrent.inPrison;
                //currentTargetEnemyInPrison = aiBlueCurrent.goPrison;

                currentTeammateInPrison = teammateCurrent.goPrison;
                //bool currentTargetEnemyGoPrison = aiBlueCurrent.goPrison;
                //if (!currentTargetEnemyInPrison && !currentTargetEnemyGoPrison)
                if (currentTeammateInPrison)
                    closest  = teammate;                   //this is the closest player
                    distance = curDistance;                //set the closest distance
        if (closest != null)
            return(closest.gameObject);           //this is the closest player
예제 #4
    void Shoot()
        getHitRed = false;
        if (inDanger)
            state = AIControl.State.HIDE;
        if (getHit)
            if (hasBall)
                if (rb != null)
            getHit   = false;
            goPrison = true;
            state    = AIControl.State.SIDELANE;
        GameObject shootPlace = findCloestLocation(shootPoint);

        if (hasBall)
            if (!shootBall)
                Component halo = GetComponent("Halo");
                halo.GetType().GetProperty("enabled").SetValue(halo, false, null);
            if (reachDestination())
                if (rb != null)
                    Vector3 newballPosition = this.transform.forward + this.transform.forward;
                    //print("pos: " + newballPosition.ToString());
                    newballPosition      += this.transform.position;
                    newballPosition.y     = 1.54f;
                    rb.transform.position = newballPosition;
                    Rigidbody redBall_rb = rb.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    ////redBall_rb.AddForce(transform.right * 10000);//cannon's x axis

                    closest_teammatePoint = findTeammate(teammatePoint);

                    // target - current position, then normailize it.
                    closest_enemyPoint = findTargetEnemy(enemyPoint);
                    if (closest_teammatePoint != null)
                        //AIControl aiTeammate = closest_teammatePoint.GetComponent<AIControl>();
                        Vector3 enemyDirect = closest_teammatePoint.transform.position;
                        enemyDirect.y = 1.6f;
                        Vector3 shootDirect = enemyDirect - (rb.transform.position);
                        Vector3 testVector  = new Vector3(1, 0, 1);
                        shootDirect = shootDirect.normalized;
                        redBall_rb.AddForce(shootDirect * thrustForce, ForceMode.Impulse);
                        hasBall    = false;
                        shootReach = false;
                        shootBall  = true;
                        state = AIControl.State.GETBALL;
                    else if (closest_enemyPoint != null)
                        AIControl_Blue aiBlue = closest_enemyPoint.GetComponent <AIControl_Blue>();
                        targetEnemyInPrison = aiBlue.inPrison;
                        Vector3 enemyDirect = closest_enemyPoint.transform.position;
                        enemyDirect.y = 1.6f;
                        Vector3 shootDirect = enemyDirect - (rb.transform.position);
                        // adding randominess
                        float x_random = UnityEngine.Random.Range(-5.0f, 5.0f);
                        shootDirect.x += x_random;
                        Vector3 testVector = new Vector3(1, 0, 1);
                        shootDirect = shootDirect.normalized;
                        redBall_rb.AddForce(shootDirect * thrustForce, ForceMode.Impulse);
                        hasBall    = false;
                        shootReach = false;
                        shootBall  = true;
                        state = AIControl.State.GETBALL;
        if (hasBall && !shootBall)
            //print("sylvia is here 1");
            if (rb != null)
                Vector3 playerPos = navMeshAgent.transform.position;
                Vector3 ballPos   = playerPos + ballHeightOffset;
                rb.transform.position = ballPos;
                //print ("sylvia is here 2");
                //rb = Instantiate(redBall, ballPos, navMeshAgent.transform.rotation);