예제 #1
         * Generates tree for bounded broadcast. Algorithm works as follows:
         * The goal is to broadcast to all nodes in range (start, end).
         * Given a range (a, b), determine all connections that belong to this range.
         * Let the left connections be l_1, l_2, ..... l_n.
         * Let the right connections be r_1, r_2, ... , r_n.
         * To left connection l_i assign the range [b_{i-1}, b_i).
         * To right connection r_i assign the range [r_i, r_{i-1}]
         * To the connection ln assign range [l_{n-1}, end)
         * To the connection rn assign range (start, r_{n-1}]
        public override void GenerateTree(Channel q, MapReduceArgs mr_args)
            ArrayList gen_list    = mr_args.GenArg as ArrayList;
            string    start_range = gen_list[0] as string;
            AHAddress start_addr  = (AHAddress)AddressParser.Parse(start_range);
            AHAddress end_addr;
            string    end_range;

            /// If users do not specify an end range, this method understands
            /// that users intend to broadcasting the whole range.
            /// Thus, the address of end range is set to (start_address - 2),
            /// the farthest address from the start_addr.
            if (gen_list.Count < 2)
                BigInteger start_int = start_addr.ToBigInteger();
                BigInteger end_int   = start_int - 2;
                end_addr  = new AHAddress(end_int);
                end_range = end_addr.ToString();
                end_range = gen_list[1] as string;
                end_addr  = (AHAddress)AddressParser.Parse(end_range);
            Log("generating child tree, range start: {0}, range end: {1}.", start_range, end_range);
            //we are at the start node, here we go:
            ConnectionTable      tab     = _node.ConnectionTable;
            ConnectionList       structs = tab.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured);
            List <MapReduceInfo> retval  = new List <MapReduceInfo>();

            if (InRange(_this_addr, start_addr, end_addr))
                if (structs.Count > 0)
                    //make connection list in the range.
                    //left connection list is a list of neighbors which are in the range (this node, end of range)
                    //right connection list is a list of neighbors which are in the range (start of range, this node)
                    Brunet.Collections.Pair <List <Connection>, List <Connection> > cons = GetConnectionInfo(_this_addr, start_addr, end_addr, structs);
                    List <Connection> left_cons  = cons.First as List <Connection>;
                    List <Connection> right_cons = cons.Second as List <Connection>;
                    retval = GenerateTreeInRange(start_addr, end_addr, left_cons, true, mr_args);
                    List <MapReduceInfo> ret_right = GenerateTreeInRange(start_addr, end_addr, right_cons, false, mr_args);
                else //this node is a leaf node.
                //MapReduceInfo mr_info = null;
                //Console.WriteLine("no connection in the range: return null info");
            else // _node is out of range. Just pass it to the closest to the middle of range.
                retval = GenerateTreeOutRange(start_addr, end_addr, mr_args);
예제 #2
        // adds a disconnected pair to the pool
        public void AddDisconnectedPair(out Address address1, out Address address2, bool nctunnel)
            address1 = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());
            byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(address1.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2));
            Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
            address2 = new AHAddress(addrbuff);

            AddDisconnectedPair(address1, address2, nctunnel);
예제 #3
파일: Graph.cs 프로젝트: kingctan/brunet
        /// <summary>Calculate the Left AHAddress of the given address.</summary>
        public AHAddress GetLeftNearTarget(AHAddress address)
            BigInteger local_int_add = address.ToBigInteger();

            //must have even addresses so increment twice
            local_int_add -= 2;
            //Make sure we don't overflow:
            BigInteger tbi = new BigInteger(local_int_add % Address.Full);

            return(new AHAddress(tbi));
예제 #4
        public void Test()
            ITunnelOverlap _ito   = new SimpleTunnelOverlap();
            Address        addr_x = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());

            byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2));
            Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
            Address addr_y = new AHAddress(addrbuff);

            ArrayList       addresses = new ArrayList();
            ConnectionTable ct_x      = new ConnectionTable();
            ConnectionTable ct_y      = new ConnectionTable();
            ConnectionTable ct_empty  = new ConnectionTable();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (i * Address.Full / 16));
                Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
                addresses.Add(new AHAddress(addrbuff));

                TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://");
                Edge             fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta, TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp);
                ct_x.Add(new Connection(fe, addresses[i - 1] as AHAddress, "structured", null, null));
                if (i == 10)
                    ct_y.Add(new Connection(fe, addresses[i - 1] as AHAddress, "structured", null, null));

            ConnectionType con_type = ConnectionType.Structured;
            IDictionary    id       = _ito.GetSyncMessage(null, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type));

            Assert.AreEqual(_ito.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0].Address, addresses[9], "Have an overlap!");
            Assert.AreEqual(_ito.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!");
            Assert.AreEqual(addresses.Contains(_ito.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns valid!");
예제 #5
파일: Graph.cs 프로젝트: kingctan/brunet
        public AHAddress GetNearTarget(AHAddress address)
             * try to get at least one neighbor using forwarding through the
             * leaf .  The forwarded address is 2 larger than the address of
             * the new node that is getting connected.
            BigInteger local_int_add = address.ToBigInteger();

            //must have even addresses so increment twice
            local_int_add += 2;
            //Make sure we don't overflow:
            BigInteger tbi = new BigInteger(local_int_add % Address.Full);

            return(new AHAddress(tbi));
예제 #6
파일: Graph.cs 프로젝트: kingctan/brunet
        /// <summary>Calculates a shortcut using a harmonic distribution as in a
        /// Symphony-lke shortcut.</summary>
        protected virtual AHAddress ComputeShortcutTarget(AHAddress addr)
            int    network_size = _addrs.Count;
            double logN         = (double)(Brunet.Address.MemSize * 8);
            double logk         = Math.Log((double)network_size, 2.0);
            double p            = _rand.NextDouble();
            double ex           = logN - (1.0 - p) * logk;
            int    ex_i         = (int)Math.Floor(ex);
            double ex_f         = ex - Math.Floor(ex);
            //Make sure 2^(ex_long+1)  will fit in a long:
            int   ex_long   = ex_i % 63;
            int   ex_big    = ex_i - ex_long;
            ulong dist_long = (ulong)Math.Pow(2.0, ex_long + ex_f);
            //This is 2^(ex_big):
            BigInteger big_one   = 1;
            BigInteger dist_big  = big_one << ex_big;
            BigInteger rand_dist = dist_big * dist_long;

            // Add or subtract random distance to the current address
            BigInteger t_add = addr.ToBigInteger();

            // Random number that is 0 or 1
            if (_rand.Next(2) == 0)
                t_add += rand_dist;
                t_add -= rand_dist;

            BigInteger target_int = new BigInteger(t_add % Address.Full);

            if ((target_int & 1) == 1)
                target_int -= 1;

            byte[] buf = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(target_int);

            Address.SetClass(buf, AHAddress.ClassValue);
            return(new AHAddress(buf));
예제 #7
         * When a node is out of the range, this method is called.
         * This method tries to find the nearest node to the middle of range using greedty algorithm.
         * return list of MapReduceInfo
        private List <MapReduceInfo> GenerateTreeOutRange(AHAddress start, AHAddress end, MapReduceArgs mr_args)
            List <MapReduceInfo> retval    = new List <MapReduceInfo>();
            BigInteger           up        = start.ToBigInteger();
            BigInteger           down      = end.ToBigInteger();
            BigInteger           mid_range = (up + down) / 2;

            if (mid_range % 2 == 1)
                mid_range = mid_range - 1;
            AHAddress mid_addr = new AHAddress(mid_range);

            //if (!mid_addr.IsBetweenFromLeft(start, end) ) {
            if (!InRange(mid_addr, start, end))
                mid_range += Address.Half;
                mid_addr   = new AHAddress(mid_range);
            ArrayList gen_arg = new ArrayList();

            if (NextGreedyClosest(mid_addr) != null)
                AHGreedySender ags         = new AHGreedySender(_node, mid_addr);
                string         start_range = start.ToString();
                string         end_range   = end.ToString();
                MapReduceInfo mr_info = new MapReduceInfo((ISender)ags,
                                                          new MapReduceArgs(this.TaskName,
                Log("{0}: {1}, out of range, moving to the closest node to mid_range: {2} to target node, range start: {3}, range end: {4}",
                    this.TaskName, _node.Address, mid_addr, start, end);
                // cannot find a node in the range.
예제 #8
    ///This tester simply establishes the Brunet network and log the edges made
    static void Main(string[] args)

      String config_file = args[0];
      NetworkConfiguration network_configuration = NetworkConfiguration.Deserialize(config_file);

      for(int i = 0; i < network_configuration.Nodes.Count; i++){

        NodeConfiguration this_node_configuration = (NodeConfiguration)network_configuration.Nodes[i];
        TransportAddressConfiguration local_ta_configuration = (TransportAddressConfiguration)this_node_configuration.TransportAddresses[0];
        short port = local_ta_configuration.Port;
        SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
        String local_ta = local_ta_configuration.GetTransportAddressURI();
        //We take the local transport address plus the port number to be hashed to obtain a random AHAddress
        byte[] hashedbytes = sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(local_ta + port));
        //inforce type 0
        hashedbytes[Address.MemSize - 1] &= 0xFE;
        AHAddress _local_ahaddress = new AHAddress(hashedbytes);
        Console.WriteLine(_local_ahaddress.ToBigInteger().ToString() + ' ' + local_ta_configuration.Address + ' ' + (port%25000));
예제 #9
        public void Test()
            Address addr_x = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());

            byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2));
            Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
            Address addr_y = new AHAddress(addrbuff);

            List <Connection> connections = new List <Connection>();
            ConnectionTable   ct_x        = new ConnectionTable();
            ConnectionTable   ct_y        = new ConnectionTable();
            ConnectionTable   ct_empty    = new ConnectionTable();
            NCService         ncservice   = new NCService();

            Connection fast_con = null;

            for (int i = 1; i <= 11; i++)
                addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (i * Address.Full / 16));
                Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
                Address    addr = new AHAddress(addrbuff);
                Connection con  = null;

                TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://");
                Edge             fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta, TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp);
                if (i <= 10)
                    con = new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null);
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        ncservice.ProcessSample(DateTime.UtcNow, String.Empty, addr,
                                                new Point(new double[] { 0, 0 }, 0), 0, i * 10);
                    fast_con = new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null);
                    ncservice.ProcessSample(DateTime.UtcNow, String.Empty, addr,
                                            new Point(new double[] { 0, 0 }, 0), 0, 5);

                if (i == 10)

            IRelayOverlap sto = new SimpleRelayOverlap();
            IRelayOverlap nto = new NCRelayOverlap(ncservice);

            ConnectionType    con_type = ConnectionType.Structured;
            List <Connection> pre_cons = new List <Connection>();

            IDictionary id = nto.GetSyncMessage(pre_cons, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type));

            // We do have some pre-existing overlap
            Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], connections[9], "NC: Have an overlap!");
            Assert.AreEqual(sto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], connections[9], "Simple: Have an overlap!");

            // We have no overlap with an empty connection table
            Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!");
            Assert.AreEqual(sto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!");

            // latency[0] == -1
            Assert.AreEqual(connections[1].Address.Equals(nto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true,
                            "NC: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns expected!");
            Assert.AreEqual(ct_x.Contains(con_type, sto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true,
                            "Simple: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns valid!");

            id = nto.GetSyncMessage(pre_cons, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type));
            Assert.AreEqual(fast_con.Address.Equals(nto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true,
                            "NC: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns expected!");
            Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], fast_con, "NC: Have better overlap!");
예제 #10
 public AHAddress GetNearTarget(AHAddress address)
    * try to get at least one neighbor using forwarding through the 
    * leaf .  The forwarded address is 2 larger than the address of
    * the new node that is getting connected.
   BigInteger local_int_add = address.ToBigInteger();
   //must have even addresses so increment twice
   local_int_add += 2;
   //Make sure we don't overflow:
   BigInteger tbi = new BigInteger(local_int_add % Address.Full);
   return new AHAddress(tbi);
예제 #11
    /// <summary>Calculates a shortcut using a harmonic distribution as in a
    /// Symphony-lke shortcut.</summary>
    protected virtual AHAddress ComputeShortcutTarget(AHAddress addr)
      int network_size = _addrs.Count;
      double logN = (double)(Brunet.Address.MemSize * 8);
      double logk = Math.Log( (double) network_size, 2.0 );
      double p = _rand.NextDouble();
      double ex = logN - (1.0 - p)*logk;
      int ex_i = (int)Math.Floor(ex);
      double ex_f = ex - Math.Floor(ex);
      //Make sure 2^(ex_long+1)  will fit in a long:
      int ex_long = ex_i % 63;
      int ex_big = ex_i - ex_long;
      ulong dist_long = (ulong)Math.Pow(2.0, ex_long + ex_f);
      //This is 2^(ex_big):
      BigInteger big_one = 1;
      BigInteger dist_big = big_one << ex_big;
      BigInteger rand_dist = dist_big * dist_long;

      // Add or subtract random distance to the current address
      BigInteger t_add = addr.ToBigInteger();

      // Random number that is 0 or 1
      if( _rand.Next(2) == 0 ) {
        t_add += rand_dist;
      else {
        t_add -= rand_dist;

      BigInteger target_int = new BigInteger(t_add % Address.Full);
      if((target_int & 1) == 1) {
        target_int -= 1;

      byte[]buf = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(target_int);

      Address.SetClass(buf, AHAddress.ClassValue);
      return new AHAddress(buf);
예제 #12
    public void Test()
      Address addr_x = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());
      byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2));
      Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
      Address addr_y = new AHAddress(addrbuff);

      List<Connection> connections = new List<Connection>();
      ConnectionTable ct_x = new ConnectionTable();
      ConnectionTable ct_y = new ConnectionTable();
      ConnectionTable ct_empty = new ConnectionTable();
      NCService ncservice = new NCService();

      Connection fast_con = null;
      for(int i = 1; i <= 11; i++) {
        addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (i * Address.Full / 16));
        Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
        Address addr = new AHAddress(addrbuff);
        Connection con = null;

        TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://");
        Edge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta, TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp);
        if(i <= 10) {
          con = new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null);
          if(i % 2 == 0) {
            ncservice.ProcessSample(DateTime.UtcNow, String.Empty, addr,
                new Point(new double[] {0, 0}, 0), 0, i*10);
        } else {
          fast_con = new Connection(fe, addr, "structured", null, null);
          ncservice.ProcessSample(DateTime.UtcNow, String.Empty, addr,
              new Point(new double[] {0, 0}, 0), 0, 5);

        if(i == 10) {

      ITunnelOverlap sto = new SimpleTunnelOverlap();
      ITunnelOverlap nto = new NCTunnelOverlap(ncservice);

      ConnectionType con_type = ConnectionType.Structured;
      List<Connection> pre_cons = new List<Connection>();
      IDictionary id = nto.GetSyncMessage(pre_cons, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type));

      // We do have some pre-existing overlap
      Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], connections[9], "NC: Have an overlap!");
      Assert.AreEqual(sto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], connections[9], "Simple: Have an overlap!");

      // We have no overlap with an empty connection table
      Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!");
      Assert.AreEqual(sto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!");

      // latency[0] == -1
      Assert.AreEqual(connections[1].Address.Equals(nto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true,
          "NC: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns expected!");
      Assert.AreEqual(ct_x.Contains(con_type, sto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true,
          "Simple: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns valid!");

      id = nto.GetSyncMessage(pre_cons, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type));
      Assert.AreEqual(fast_con.Address.Equals(nto.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true,
          "NC: EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns expected!");
      Assert.AreEqual(nto.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0], fast_con, "NC: Have better overlap!");
예제 #13
 <summary>This method returns matching querying address from caching address.<\summary>
 protected AHAddress AddressTranspose(AHAddress a) {
   BigInteger one = new BigInteger(1);
   BigInteger s_BIN = one << 80;
   BigInteger addr = a.ToBigInteger();
   BigInteger addr_j = addr % s_BIN;
   BigInteger addr_i = (addr - addr_j) / s_BIN;
   BigInteger q = addr_j * s_BIN + addr_i;
   byte[] target = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(q);
   Address.SetClass(target, a.Class);
   AHAddress q_addr = new AHAddress(target);
   return q_addr;
예제 #14
         * Generate tree within the range.
         * return list of MapReduceInfo
        private List <MapReduceInfo> GenerateTreeInRange(AHAddress start, AHAddress end, List <Connection> cons, bool left, MapReduceArgs mr_args)
            //Divide the range and trigger bounded broadcasting again in divided range starting with neighbor.
            //Deivided ranges are (start, n_1), (n_1, n_2), ... , (n_m, end)
            AHAddress            this_minus2 = new AHAddress(_this_addr.ToBigInteger() - 2);
            AHAddress            this_plus2  = new AHAddress(_this_addr.ToBigInteger() + 2);
            List <MapReduceInfo> retval      = new List <MapReduceInfo>();

            if (cons.Count != 0) //make sure if connection list is not empty!
                //con_list is sorted.
                AHAddress last;
                if (left)
                    last = end;
                    last = start;
                string rg_start, rg_end;
                //the first element of cons is the nearest.
                //Let's start with the farthest neighbor first.
                for (int i = (cons.Count - 1); i >= 0; i--)
                    ArrayList  gen_arg   = new ArrayList();
                    Connection next_c    = cons[i];
                    AHAddress  next_addr = (AHAddress)next_c.Address;
                    ISender    sender    = next_c.State.Edge;
                    if (i == 0) // The last bit
                        if (left)
                            // the left nearest neighbor
                            rg_start = this_plus2.ToString();
                            rg_end   = last.ToString();
                            // the right nearest neighbor
                            rg_start = last.ToString();
                            rg_end   = this_minus2.ToString();
                        if (left) //left connections
                            rg_start = next_addr.ToString();
                            rg_end   = last.ToString();
                        else //right connections
                            rg_start = last.ToString();
                            rg_end   = next_addr.ToString();
                    MapReduceInfo mr_info = new MapReduceInfo(sender,
                                                              new MapReduceArgs(this.TaskName,
                    Log("{0}: {1}, adding address: {2} to sender list, range start: {3}, range end: {4}",
                        this.TaskName, _node.Address, next_c.Address,
                        gen_arg[0], gen_arg[1]);
                    if (left)
                        last = new AHAddress(next_addr.ToBigInteger() - 2);
                        last = new AHAddress(next_addr.ToBigInteger() + 2);
    // adds a disconnected pair to the pool
    public void AddDisconnectedPair(out Address address1, out Address address2, bool nctunnel)
      address1 = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());
      byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(address1.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2));
      Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
      address2 = new AHAddress(addrbuff);

      AddDisconnectedPair(address1, address2, nctunnel);
예제 #16
    public void Test()
      ITunnelOverlap _ito = new SimpleTunnelOverlap();
      Address addr_x = new AHAddress(new RNGCryptoServiceProvider());
      byte[] addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (Address.Full / 2));
      Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
      Address addr_y = new AHAddress(addrbuff);

      ArrayList addresses = new ArrayList();
      ConnectionTable ct_x = new ConnectionTable();
      ConnectionTable ct_y = new ConnectionTable();
      ConnectionTable ct_empty = new ConnectionTable();
      for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
        addrbuff = Address.ConvertToAddressBuffer(addr_x.ToBigInteger() + (i * Address.Full / 16));
        Address.SetClass(addrbuff, AHAddress._class);
        addresses.Add(new AHAddress(addrbuff));

        TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://");
        Edge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta, TransportAddress.TAType.Tcp);
        ct_x.Add(new Connection(fe, addresses[i - 1] as AHAddress, "structured", null, null));
        if(i == 10) {
          ct_y.Add(new Connection(fe, addresses[i - 1] as AHAddress, "structured", null, null));

      ConnectionType con_type = ConnectionType.Structured;
      IDictionary id = _ito.GetSyncMessage(null, addr_x, ct_x.GetConnections(con_type));
      Assert.AreEqual(_ito.EvaluateOverlap(ct_y.GetConnections(con_type), id)[0].Address, addresses[9], "Have an overlap!");
      Assert.AreEqual(_ito.EvaluateOverlap(ct_empty.GetConnections(con_type), id).Count, 0, "No overlap!");
      Assert.AreEqual(addresses.Contains(_ito.EvaluatePotentialOverlap(id)), true, "EvaluatePotentialOverlap returns valid!");