static void Upload(string docDir) { if (!ARegistry.GetString(out var user, "kas", @"\Help") || !ARegistry.GetString(out var pass, "kaip", @"\Help") || !ARegistry.GetString(out var pass2, "kaip2", @"\Help") ) { throw new FileNotFoundException("user or password not found in registry"); } //upload pass = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(pass)); var name = @"\_site.tar.bz2"; var path = docDir + name; using (var client = new WebClient()) { client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pass); client.UploadFile("" + name, WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile, path); } AFile.Delete(path); AOutput.Write("Uploaded"); //extract using (var client = new WebClient()) { string r1 = client.DownloadString($"{pass2}"); if (r1 != "done") { AOutput.Write(r1); return; } } AOutput.Write("<>Extracted to <link></link>"); }
/// <summary> /// 执行宏删除指令 /// </summary> /// <exception cref="MacroFormatException"></exception> /// <exception cref="AFile.StartupItemNotFoundException"></exception> /// <exception cref="UnauthorizedAccessException"></exception> private void ExecuteMacroDel() { // MacroDeleteType - Const Instruction if ((Instruction.IndexOf("(") < Instruction.IndexOf(")")) && Instruction.IndexOf(")") != -1 && Instruction.IndexOf(")") == Instruction.Length - 1) { try { AConstInstruction.Delete(AInstruction_Const.GetConstInstructionFromMacroInstruction(Instruction)); return; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } } List <string> macroInstructionParametersRaw = GetMacroInstructionParametersList(); if (macroInstructionParametersRaw.Count < 1) { throw new MacroFormatException(); } foreach (string delItemString in macroInstructionParametersRaw) { switch (GetMacroDelType(delItemString)) { case MacroDelType.STARTUP: AFile.Delete(delItemString); break; case MacroDelType.CONST_QUOTE: ExecuteMacroDelConstQuote(delItemString); break; } } }
static JSettings _Load(string file, Type type, bool useDefault) { JSettings R = null; if (AFile.ExistsAsAny(file)) { try { if (useDefault) { AFile.Delete(file); } else { var b = AFile.LoadBytes(file); var opt = new JsonSerializerOptions { IgnoreNullValues = true, AllowTrailingCommas = true }; R = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(b, type, opt) as JSettings; } } catch (Exception ex) { string es = ex.ToStringWithoutStack(); if (useDefault) { AOutput.Write($"Failed to delete settings file '{file}'. {es}"); } else { string backup = file + ".backup"; try { AFile.Move(file, backup, IfExists.Delete); } catch { backup = "failed"; } AOutput.Write( $@"Failed to load settings from {file}. Will use default settings. {es} Backup: {backup}" ); } } } R ??= Activator.CreateInstance(type) as JSettings; R._file = file; R._loaded = true; //autosave if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref s_loadedOnce, 1) == 0) { AThread.Start(() => { for (; ;) { Thread.Sleep(2000); _SaveAllIfNeed(); } }, sta: false); AProcess.Exit += (unu, sed) => _SaveAllIfNeed(); //info: Core does not call finalizers when process exits } lock (s_list) s_list.Add(R); return(R); }
/// <summary> /// Creates SQLite database containing Windows API declarations. /// </summary> public static void CreateWinapi(string csDir = @"Q:\app\Au\Other\Api", string dataDir = @"Q:\app\Au\Other\Data") { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; string dbFile = dataDir + @"\winapi.db"; AFile.Delete(dbFile); string s = File.ReadAllText(csDir + @"\Api.cs"); using var d = new ASqlite(dbFile); using var trans = d.Transaction(); d.Execute("CREATE TABLE api (name TEXT, def TEXT)"); //note: no PRIMARY KEY. Don't need index. using var statInsert = d.Statement("INSERT INTO api VALUES (?, ?)"); string rxType = @"(?ms)^(?:\[[^\r\n]+\r\n)*internal (?:struct|enum|interface|class) (\w+)[^\r\n\{]+\{(?:\}$|.+?^\})"; string rxFunc = @"(?m)^(?:\[[^\r\n]+\r\n)*internal (?:static extern|delegate) \w+\** (\w+)\(.+;$"; string rxVarConst = @"(?m)^internal (?:const|readonly|static) \w+ (\w+) =.+;$"; foreach (var m in s.RegexFindAll(rxType)) { _Add(m); } foreach (var m in s.RegexFindAll(rxFunc)) { _Add(m); } foreach (var m in s.RegexFindAll(rxVarConst)) { _Add(m); } void _Add(RXMatch m) { statInsert.Bind(1, m[1].Value); statInsert.Bind(2, m.Value); statInsert.Step(); statInsert.Reset(); } trans.Commit(); d.Execute("VACUUM"); Program.Settings.db_copy_winapi = dbFile; AOutput.Write("CreateWinapi done."); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Arrow; }
static void _CreateRef(string dbFile, string dir1, string dir2) { AFile.Delete(dbFile); using var d = new ASqlite(dbFile); using var trans = d.Transaction(); d.Execute("CREATE TABLE ref (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB)"); using var statInsert = d.Statement("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ref VALUES (?, ?)"); _AddDir(dir1, "WindowsBase", "System.Drawing"); _AddDir(dir2); trans.Commit(); d.Execute("VACUUM"); AOutput.Write("Created " + dbFile); void _AddDir(string dir, params string[] skip) { foreach (var f in AFile.EnumDirectory(dir)) { if (f.IsDirectory) { continue; } if (!f.Name.Ends(".dll", true)) { continue; } var asmName = f.Name.RemoveSuffix(4); if (skip.Contains(asmName)) { continue; } _AddFile(asmName, f.FullPath); //break; } } void _AddFile(string asmName, string asmFile) { //AOutput.Write(asmName); statInsert.Bind(1, asmName); statInsert.Bind(2, File.ReadAllBytes(asmFile)); statInsert.Step(); statInsert.Reset(); } }
void _SaveLayout() { try { if (ZResetLayoutAfterRestart) { AFile.Delete(_xmlFile); return; } AFile.CreateDirectoryFor(_xmlFile); var sett = new XmlWriterSettings() { OmitXmlDeclaration = true, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t" }; AFile.Save(_xmlFile, temp => { using (var x = XmlWriter.Create(temp, sett)) { x.WriteStartDocument(); x.WriteStartElement("panels"); x.WriteAttributeString("version", _asmVersion); _firstSplit.Save(x); x.WriteEndDocument(); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG AOutput.QM2.Write(ex); //cannot Write or show dialog in ctor #else _ = ex; #endif //AOutput.Write(ex); //these don't work, maybe because now is closing app. Never mind, unlikely to fail, and not very important. //ADialog.ShowError("Failed to save panel/toolbar layout", _xmlFile, DFlags.Wider, expandedText: e.ToString()); //MessageBox.Show("aaaa"); } }
void _ApplyTemplates() { for (int i = 0; i < _templCustomText.Length; i++) { string text = _templCustomText[i]; if (text == null) { continue; } var tt = (FileNode.ETempl)(1 << i); var file = FileNode.Templates.FilePathRaw(tt, true); try { if (text == FileNode.Templates.Load(tt, false)) { AFile.Delete(file); } else { AFile.SaveText(file, text); } } catch (Exception ex) { AOutput.Write(ex.ToStringWithoutStack()); } } Program.Settings.templ_use = _templUseCustom; }
static void Compress(string docDir) { var sevenZip = @"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"; AFile.Delete(docDir + @"\_site.tar"); AFile.Delete(docDir + @"\_site.tar.bz2"); int r1 = AExec.RunConsole(out var s, sevenZip, $@"a _site.tar .\_site\*", docDir); if (r1 != 0) { AOutput.Write(s); return; } int r2 = AExec.RunConsole(out s, sevenZip, $@"a _site.tar.bz2 _site.tar", docDir); if (r2 != 0) { AOutput.Write(s); return; } AFile.Delete(docDir + @"\_site.tar"); AOutput.Write("Compressed"); }
static bool _Compile(bool forRun, FileNode f, out CompResults r, FileNode projFolder) { var p1 = APerf.Create(); r = new CompResults(); var m = new MetaComments(); if (!m.Parse(f, projFolder, EMPFlags.PrintErrors)) { return(false); } var err = m.Errors; p1.Next('m'); bool needOutputFiles = m.Role != ERole.classFile; //if for run, don't compile if f role is classFile if (forRun && !needOutputFiles) { r.role = ERole.classFile; return(false); } XCompiled cache = XCompiled.OfCollection(f.Model); string outPath = null, outFile = null, fileName = null; if (needOutputFiles) { if (m.OutputPath != null) { outPath = m.OutputPath; fileName = m.Name + ".dll"; } else { outPath = cache.CacheDirectory; fileName = f.IdString; } outFile = outPath + "\\" + fileName; AFile.CreateDirectory(outPath); } if (m.PreBuild.f != null && !_RunPrePostBuildScript(false, m, outFile)) { return(false); } var po = m.CreateParseOptions(); var trees = new CSharpSyntaxTree[m.CodeFiles.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < trees.Length; i++) { var f1 = m.CodeFiles[i]; trees[i] = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(f1.code, po, f1.f.FilePath, Encoding.UTF8) as CSharpSyntaxTree; //info: file path is used later in several places: in compilation error messages, run time stack traces (from PDB), Visual Studio debugger, etc. // Our AOutputServer.SetNotifications callback will convert file/line info to links. It supports compilation errors and run time stack traces. } //p1.Next('t'); string asmName = m.Name; if (m.Role == ERole.editorExtension) { asmName = asmName + "|" + (++c_versionCounter).ToString(); //AssemblyLoadContext.Default cannot load multiple assemblies with same name } var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create(asmName, trees, m.References.Refs, m.CreateCompilationOptions()); //p1.Next('c'); #if PDB string pdbFile = null; #endif MemoryStream pdbStream = null; string xdFile = null; Stream xdStream = null; Stream resNat = null; ResourceDescription[] resMan = null; EmitOptions eOpt = null; if (needOutputFiles) { _AddAttributes(ref compilation, needVersionEtc: m.Role == ERole.miniProgram || m.Role == ERole.exeProgram); //create debug info always. It is used for run-time error links. #if PDB pdbStream = new MemoryStream(); if (m.OutputPath != null) { pdbFile = Path.ChangeExtension(outFile, "pdb"); eOpt = new EmitOptions(debugInformationFormat: DebugInformationFormat.Pdb, pdbFilePath: pdbFile); //eOpt = new EmitOptions(debugInformationFormat: DebugInformationFormat.PortablePdb, pdbFilePath: pdbFile); //smaller, but not all tools support it } else { //eOpt = new EmitOptions(debugInformationFormat: DebugInformationFormat.Embedded); //no, it is difficult to extract, because we load assembly from byte[] to avoid locking. We instead append portable PDB stream to the assembly stream. eOpt = new EmitOptions(debugInformationFormat: DebugInformationFormat.PortablePdb); //adds < 1 KB; almost the same compiling speed. Separate pdb file is 14 KB; 2 times slower compiling, slower loading. } #else if (m.OutputPath != null) { //we don't use classic pdb file becouse of this error after switching to .NET Core: // Unexpected error writing debug information -- 'The version of Windows PDB writer is older than required: 'diasymreader.dll'' eOpt = new EmitOptions(debugInformationFormat: DebugInformationFormat.Embedded); } else { pdbStream = new MemoryStream(); //eOpt = new EmitOptions(debugInformationFormat: DebugInformationFormat.Embedded); //no, it is difficult to extract, because we load assembly from byte[] to avoid locking. We instead append portable PDB stream to the assembly stream. eOpt = new EmitOptions(debugInformationFormat: DebugInformationFormat.PortablePdb); //adds < 1 KB; almost the same compiling speed. Separate pdb file is 14 KB; 2 times slower compiling, slower loading. } #endif if (m.XmlDocFile != null) { xdStream = AFile.WaitIfLocked(() => File.Create(xdFile = APath.Normalize(m.XmlDocFile, outPath))); } resMan = _CreateManagedResources(m); if (err.ErrorCount != 0) { err.PrintAll(); return(false); } if (m.Role == ERole.exeProgram || m.Role == ERole.classLibrary) { resNat = _CreateNativeResources(m, compilation); } if (err.ErrorCount != 0) { err.PrintAll(); return(false); } //EmbeddedText.FromX //it seems we can embed source code in PDB. Not tested. } //p1.Next(); var asmStream = new MemoryStream(8000); var emitResult = compilation.Emit(asmStream, pdbStream, xdStream, resNat, resMan, eOpt); if (needOutputFiles) { xdStream?.Dispose(); resNat?.Dispose(); //info: compiler disposes resMan } //p1.Next('e'); var diag = emitResult.Diagnostics; if (!diag.IsEmpty) { foreach (var d in diag) { if (d.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden) { continue; } err.AddErrorOrWarning(d, f); if (d.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error && d.Id == "CS0009") { MetaReferences.RemoveBadReference(d.GetMessage()); } } err.PrintAll(); } if (!emitResult.Success) { if (needOutputFiles) { AFile.Delete(outFile); #if PDB if (pdbFile != null) { AFile.Delete(pdbFile); } #endif if (xdFile != null) { AFile.Delete(xdFile); } } return(false); } if (needOutputFiles) { //If there is no [STAThread], will need MTA thread. if (m.Role == ERole.miniProgram || m.Role == ERole.exeProgram) { bool hasSTAThread = compilation.GetEntryPoint(default)?.GetAttributes().Any(o => o.ToString() == "System.STAThreadAttribute") ?? false;
static void _Main() { bool isConsole = AOutput.IsConsoleProcess; if (!isConsole) { AOutput.QM2.UseQM2 = true; AOutput.Clear(); } var docfx = @"Q:\Programs\DocFx\docfx.exe"; var objDir = @"Q:\Temp\Au\DocFX\obj"; var docDir = @"Q:\app\Au\Other\DocFX\_doc"; var siteDir = docDir + @"\_site"; var apiDir = docDir + @"\api"; //ProcessYamlFile(apiDir + @"\Au.AaaDocFX.yml", true); return; //ProcessHtmlFiles(siteDir, true); return; //ProcessToc(siteDir); return; //Compress(docDir); return; //Upload(docDir); return; //CompressAndUpload(docDir); return; foreach (var v in Process.GetProcessesByName("docfx")) { v.Kill(); } if (isConsole) { int k = 0; foreach (var v in AWnd.FindAll(@"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "ConsoleWindowClass")) { if (k++ > 0) { v.Close(); } } } AFile.Delete(siteDir); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(docDir); var t1 = ATime.PerfMilliseconds; using (var fw = new FileSystemWatcher(apiDir, "*.yml")) { fw.Changed += (sen, e) => { //AOutput.Write(e.Name); if (e.Name.Starts("Au.", true)) { ProcessYamlFile(e.FullPath, false); } }; fw.EnableRaisingEvents = true; fw.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite; bool serving = false; try { AExec.RunConsole(o => { AOutput.Write(o); if (o.Starts("Serving")) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } }, docfx, $@"docfx.json --intermediateFolder ""{objDir}"" --serve"); // --force } catch (OperationCanceledException) { serving = true; } //if(!serving) { ADialog.Show("error?"); return; } //need if this process is not hosted if (!serving) { return; } } var t2 = ATime.PerfMilliseconds; ProcessHtmlFiles(siteDir, false); var t3 = ATime.PerfMilliseconds; AOutput.Write("speed (s):", (t2 - t1) / 1000, (t3 - t2) / 1000); //AWnd.Find("* Chrome").Activate(); //AKeys.Key("F5"); 1.s(); if (1 == ADialog.Show("Upload?", null, "1 Yes|2 No" /*, secondsTimeout: 5*/)) { CompressAndUpload(docDir); } //Delete obj folder if big. Each time it grows by 10 MB, and after a day or two can be > 1 GB. After deleting builds slower by ~50%. if (AFile.More.CalculateDirectorySize(objDir) / 1024 / 1024 > 500) { AOutput.Write("Deleting obj folder."); AFile.Delete(objDir); } //info: if DocFX starts throwing stack overflow exception, delete the obj folder manually. It is likely to happen after many refactorings in the project. }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the specified file. /// </summary> /// <param name="file">The file.</param> /// <returns>Whether the file was deleted or not.</returns> public static bool Delete(AFile file) { Exceptions.NotNullException<AFile>(file, nameof(file)); return file.Delete(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates documentation provider for assembly <i>asmPath</i>. /// Returns null if its xml file does not exist. /// Returns _DocumentationProvider if xml file is big and found or successfully created and successfully loaded database for it. /// Else returns XmlDocumentationProvider. /// </summary> public static DocumentationProvider Create(string asmPath) { if (s_d.TryGetValue(asmPath, out var dp)) { return(dp); } var xmlPath = Path.ChangeExtension(asmPath, "xml"); if (!AFile.GetProperties(xmlPath, out var px)) { return(null); } if (px.Size >= 10_000) { var md5 = new Au.Util.AHash.MD5(); md5.Add(xmlPath.Lower()); var dbPath = AFolders.ThisAppTemp + md5.Hash.ToString() + ".db"; try { if (!AFile.GetProperties(dbPath, out var pd) || pd.LastWriteTimeUtc != px.LastWriteTimeUtc) { //ADebug.Print($"creating db: {asmPath} -> {dbPath}"); AFile.Delete(dbPath); using (var d = new ASqlite(dbPath)) { using var trans = d.Transaction(); d.Execute("CREATE TABLE doc (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, xml TEXT)"); using var statInsert = d.Statement("INSERT INTO doc VALUES (?, ?)"); var xr = AExtXml.LoadElem(xmlPath); foreach (var e in xr.Descendants("member")) { var name = e.Attr("name"); //remove <remarks> and <example>. foreach (var v in e.Descendants("remarks").ToArray()) { v.Remove(); } foreach (var v in e.Descendants("example").ToArray()) { v.Remove(); } using var reader = e.CreateReader(); reader.MoveToContent(); var xml = reader.ReadInnerXml(); //AOutput.Write(name, xml); statInsert.BindAll(name, xml).Step(); statInsert.Reset(); } trans.Commit(); d.Execute("VACUUM"); } File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(dbPath, px.LastWriteTimeUtc); } var db = new ASqlite(dbPath, SLFlags.SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY); //never mind: we don't dispose it on process exit s_d[asmPath] = dp = new _DocumentationProvider { _db = db }; return(dp); } catch (Exception ex) { ADebug.Print(ex.ToStringWithoutStack()); } } return(XmlDocumentationProvider.CreateFromFile(xmlPath)); }
static void _CreateDoc(string dbFile, string dir1, string dir2) { AFile.Delete(dbFile); using var d = new ASqlite(dbFile, sql: "PRAGMA page_size = 8192;"); //8192 makes file smaller by 2-3 MB. using var trans = d.Transaction(); d.Execute("CREATE TABLE doc (name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, xml TEXT)"); using var statInsert = d.Statement("INSERT INTO doc VALUES (?, ?)"); using var statDupl = d.Statement("SELECT xml FROM doc WHERE name=?"); var haveRefs = new List <string>(); var uniq = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //name -> asmName //using var textFile = File.CreateText(Path.ChangeExtension(dbFile, "txt")); //test. Compresses almost 2 times better than db. _AddDir(dir1, "WindowsBase"); _AddDir(dir2); statInsert.BindAll(".", string.Join("\n", haveRefs)).Step(); trans.Commit(); d.Execute("VACUUM"); AOutput.Write("Created " + dbFile); void _AddDir(string dir, params string[] skip) { foreach (var f in AFile.EnumDirectory(dir)) { if (f.IsDirectory) { continue; } if (!f.Name.Ends(".xml", true)) { continue; } var asmName = f.Name.RemoveSuffix(4); if (skip.Contains(asmName)) { continue; } if (!AFile.ExistsAsFile(dir + asmName + ".dll")) { AOutput.Write("<><c 0x808080>" + f.Name + "</c>"); continue; } _AddFile(asmName, f.FullPath); //break; } } void _AddFile(string asmName, string xmlFile) { //AOutput.Write(asmName); haveRefs.Add(asmName); var xr = AExtXml.LoadElem(xmlFile); foreach (var e in xr.Descendants("member")) { var name = e.Attr("name"); //remove <remarks> and <example>. Does not save much space, because .NET xmls don't have it. foreach (var v in e.Descendants("remarks").ToArray()) { v.Remove(); } foreach (var v in e.Descendants("example").ToArray()) { v.Remove(); } using var reader = e.CreateReader(); reader.MoveToContent(); var xml = reader.ReadInnerXml(); //AOutput.Write(name, xml); //textFile.WriteLine(name); textFile.WriteLine(xml); textFile.WriteLine("\f"); if (uniq.TryGetValue(name, out var prevRef)) { if (!statDupl.Bind(1, name).Step()) { throw new AuException(); } var prev = statDupl.GetText(0); if (xml != prev && asmName != "System.Linq") { AOutput.Write($"<>\t{name} already defined in {prevRef}\r\n<c 0xc000>{prev}</c>\r\n<c 0xff0000>{xml}</c>"); } statDupl.Reset(); } else { statInsert.BindAll(name, xml).Step(); uniq.Add(name, asmName); } statInsert.Reset(); } } }