예제 #1
        public ATArray WriteTextFunc1(ATArray array, float period)
            ATArray result = AFAvg.Ma(array, period);

            AFGraph.SetChartOptions(0, ChartOptionFlag.ShowArrows | ChartOptionFlag.ShowDates);

            var O1 = AFTools.Ref(Open, -1); var O2 = AFTools.Ref(Open, -2);
            var H1 = AFTools.Ref(High, -1); var H2 = AFTools.Ref(High, -2);
            var L1 = AFTools.Ref(Low, -1); var L2 = AFTools.Ref(Low, -2);
            var C1 = AFTools.Ref(Close, -1); var C2 = AFTools.Ref(Close, -2);

            var hammer           = (((High - Low) > 3 * (Open - Close)) & ((Close - Low) / (0.001f + High - Low) > 0.6f) & ((Open - Low) / (0.001f + High - Low) > 0.6f));
            var InvertedHammer   = (((High - Low) > 3 * (Open - Close)) & ((High - Close) / (0.001f + High - Low) > 0.6f) & ((High - Open) / (0.001f + High - Low) > 0.6f));
            var BearishEngulfing = ((C1 > O1) & (Open > Close) & (Open >= C1) & (O1 >= Close) & ((Open - Close) > (C1 - O1)));
            var BullishEngulfing = ((O1 > C1) & (Close > Open) & (Close >= O1) & (C1 >= Open) & ((Close - Open) > (O1 - C1)));

            var c_Status =

                AFMisc.WriteIf(BearishEngulfing, "Bearish Engulfing",
                               AFMisc.WriteIf(hammer, "hammer",
                                              AFMisc.WriteIf(InvertedHammer, "Inverted hammer",
                                                             AFMisc.WriteIf(BullishEngulfing, "Bullish Engulfing", "No pattern"))));

            Buy    = Close > 0;
            Filter = Buy;

            AFMisc.AddTextColumn(c_Status, "Candle Pattern", 5.6f, Color.Black, Color.White);

            AFMisc.AddColumn(Close, " CURRENT PRICE", 1.2f, AFTools.Iif(Close > AFTools.Ref(Close, -1), Color.Green, Color.Red));
            AFMisc.AddColumn(Volume, " VOLUME TODAY ", 1.2f, AFTools.Iif(Volume > AFAvg.Ma(Volume, 20), Color.Green, Color.Red));

             ****************************************Bullish Candles****************************************/

            var C_sta = AFMisc.WriteIf(BearishEngulfing, "Bearish Engulfing",
                                       AFMisc.WriteIf(hammer, "hammer",
                                                      AFMisc.WriteIf(InvertedHammer, "Inverted hammer",
                                                                     AFMisc.WriteIf(BullishEngulfing, "Bullish Engulfing", "No pattern"))));;

            //AFGraph.Plot(Close, "Price", AFTools.Iif(Close > AFTools.Ref(Close, -1), Color.Green, Color.Red), Style.Candle);
            //Title = AFMisc.EncodeColor(Color.White) + AFInfo.FullName() + "\n" + AFMisc.EncodeColor(Color.Gold) + " Date" + AFDate.Date() + Volume + "\n" + "_____ Candlestick Commentary _____" + "\n" + "_ Bullish Candles:" +
            //AFMisc.EncodeColor(Color.Green) +
            //C_sta + "\n" + AFMisc.EncodeColor(Color.Gold) + "_ Bearish Candles :" + AFMisc.EncodeColor(Color.Red) +
            //C_be + "\n" + AFMisc.EncodeColor(Color.BrightGreen) + "_____ shantesh _____";

            /**********************tool tip************************************************/
            AFMisc.SectionBegin("Shubhalabha help");

            /* GFX TootTip,  prices appears when the mouse is hovered over the top of the
             * bars in the chart panel
             * this is a Drag & Drop AFL,
             * there are two small Buttons enable/disable the ToolTip,  var R= remove & var T=
             * ToolTip
             * ToolTip GFX By Panos Nov-2011 ver 4   ( Link foto  http://bit.ly/oEwSxY )

            AFMisc.Version(5.40f);            // you need to upgrade Amibroker
            AFMisc.RequestTimedRefresh(0.1f); // replace from (0.1) to (1) if you have Error in

            // ---- GFX Tool Tip ---- big box

            // parameters
            var x1Rrect  = AFTools.Param("X1 - x-coordinate of the upper left corner", 10, 0, 1200, 1);
            var y1Rrect  = AFTools.Param("y1 - y-coordinate of the upper left corner", 20, 0, 900, 1);
            var x2Rrect  = AFTools.Param("x2 - x-coordinate of the lower right corner", 300, 0, 400, 1);
            var y2Rrect  = AFTools.Param("y2 - y-coordinate of the lower right corner", 150, 0, 600, 1);
            var FontSize = AFTools.Param("Fonts Size", 9, 8, 13, 1);

            var DX = AFMisc.GetCursorXPosition();
            var DT = AFStr.DateTimeToStr(DX);

            AFGraph.GfxSelectPen(Color.LightBlue, 3);        // round box
            AFGraph.GfxSelectSolidBrush(Color.LightYellow);  // inside box
            //	GfxRoundRect( 15, 80, 120, 180, 15, 15 );  // size of the big box
            AFGraph.GfxRoundRect(x1Rrect, y1Rrect, x2Rrect + x1Rrect, y2Rrect + y1Rrect, 15, 15);
            // size of the big box
            AFGraph.GfxSelectFont("Arial", FontSize, 700, ATFloat.False);
            AFGraph.GfxSetTextColor(AFTools.ParamColor("Fonts Color", Color.Black));
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("*********** Shubhalabha pattern finder *********** ", 5 + x1Rrect, y1Rrect + FontSize);

            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("Day " + AFDate.Date(), 5 + x1Rrect, 20 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("Close : " + AFTools.Ref(Close, 0), 5 + x1Rrect, 40 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("Open : " + AFTools.Ref(Open, 0), 5 + x1Rrect, 60 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("High : " + AFTools.Ref(High, 0), 5 + x1Rrect, 80 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            //    AFGraph.GfxTextOut("Low : " + AFDate.Lookup(Low, DX), 5 + x1Rrect, 52 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            //    AFGraph.GfxTextOut(" %    : " + AFMath.Prec(AFDate.Lookup(AFInd.Roc(Close, 1), DX), 2) + " %", 5 + x1Rrect,
            //66 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            //    AFGraph.GfxTextOut("High-Low  : " + AFMath.Prec(AFDate.Lookup(High - Low, DX), 4), 5 + x1Rrect, 79 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            //    AFGraph.GfxSetTextColor(Color.Green);
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("Candlestick Pattern  : \n" + C_sta, 5 + x1Rrect, 100 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            //  AFGraph.GfxTextOut(" Bearish Candles Commentary  : \n" + C_be, 5 + x1Rrect, 110 + y1Rrect + FontSize);



예제 #2
        public ATArray shubhafinalscannerFunc1(ATArray array, float period)
            ATArray result = AFAvg.Ma(array, period);

            var O1 = AFTools.Ref(Open, -1); var O2 = AFTools.Ref(Open, -2);
            var H1 = AFTools.Ref(High, -1); var H2 = AFTools.Ref(High, -2);
            var L1 = AFTools.Ref(Low, -1); var L2 = AFTools.Ref(Low, -2);
            var C1 = AFTools.Ref(Close, -1); var C2 = AFTools.Ref(Close, -2);

            /*Body Colors*/
            var WhiteCandle = Close >= Open;
            var BlackCandle = Open > Close;

            /*Single candle Pattern */
            var smallBodyMaximum = 0.0025f; //less than 0.25%
            var LargeBodyMinimum = 0.01f;   //greater than 1.0%
            var ShortWhitecandle = (Open >= Close * (1 - smallBodyMaximum) & WhiteCandle);
            var ShortblackCandle = (Close >= Open * (1 - smallBodyMaximum) & BlackCandle);

            var LongwhiteCandle      = (Close >= Open * (1 + LargeBodyMinimum) & WhiteCandle);
            var LongBlackCandle      = (Close <= Open * (1 - LargeBodyMinimum) & BlackCandle);
            var whitemarubozu        = ((Close > Open) & (High == Close) & (Open == Low));
            var blackmarubozu        = ((Open > Close) & (High == Open) & (Close = Low));
            var marubozuclosingblack = LongBlackCandle & High > Open & Low == Close;
            var marubozuopeningblack = LongBlackCandle & High == Open & Low < Close;
            var marubozuclosingwhite = LongwhiteCandle & High == Close & Open > Low;
            var marubozuopeningwhite = LongwhiteCandle & High > Close & Open == Low;

            var hammer1          = (((High - Low) > 3 * (Open - Close)) & ((Close - Low) / (0.001f + High - Low) > 0.6f) & ((Open - Low) / (0.001f + High - Low) > 0.6f));
            var InvertedHammer1  = (((High - Low) > 3 * (Open - Close)) & ((High - Close) / (0.001f + High - Low) > 0.6f) & ((High - Open) / (0.001f + High - Low) > 0.6f));
            var BearishEngulfing = ((C1 > O1) & (Open > Close) & (Open >= C1) & (O1 >= Close) & ((Open - Close) > (C1 - O1)));
            var BullishEngulfing = ((O1 > C1) & (Close > Open) & (Close >= O1) & (C1 >= Open) & ((Close - Open) > (O1 - C1)));

            /* Add AFInfo.Name in column*/

            var c_Status =
                AFMisc.WriteIf(marubozuclosingwhite, "marubozuclosingwhite",
                               AFMisc.WriteIf(marubozuopeningwhite, "marubozuopeningwhite",
                                              AFMisc.WriteIf(marubozuopeningblack, "marubozuopeningblack",
                                                             AFMisc.WriteIf(marubozuclosingblack, "marubozuclosingblack",
                                                                            AFMisc.WriteIf(blackmarubozu, "blackmarubozu",
                                                                                           AFMisc.WriteIf(whitemarubozu, "whitemarubozu",
                                                                                                          AFMisc.WriteIf(ShortWhitecandle, "ShortWhitecandle",
                                                                                                                         AFMisc.WriteIf(ShortblackCandle, "ShortblackCandle",
                                                                                                                                        AFMisc.WriteIf(LongwhiteCandle, "LongwhiteCandle",
                                                                                                                                                       AFMisc.WriteIf(LongBlackCandle, "LongBlackCandle",

                                                                                                                                                                      AFMisc.WriteIf(BearishEngulfing, "Bearish Engulfing",
                                                                                                                                                                                     AFMisc.WriteIf(hammer1, "hammer",
                                                                                                                                                                                                    AFMisc.WriteIf(InvertedHammer1, "Inverted hammer",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AFMisc.WriteIf(BullishEngulfing, "Bullish Engulfing", "No pattern"))))))))))))));

            Buy    = Close > 0;
            Filter = Buy;

            AFMisc.AddTextColumn(c_Status, "Candle Pattern", 5.6f, Color.Black, Color.White);

            AFMisc.AddColumn(Close, " CURRENT PRICE", 1.2f, AFTools.Iif(Close > AFTools.Ref(Close, -1), Color.Black, Color.White));
            AFMisc.AddColumn(Volume, " Volume TODAY ", 1.2f, AFTools.Iif(Volume > AFAvg.Ma(Volume, 20), Color.Black, Color.White));

             ****************************************Bullish Candles****************************************/

            var C_sta =
                AFMisc.WriteIf(marubozuclosingwhite, "marubozuclosingwhite",
                               AFMisc.WriteIf(marubozuopeningblack, "marubozuopeningblack",
                                              AFMisc.WriteIf(marubozuclosingwhite, "marubozuclosingwhite",
                                                             AFMisc.WriteIf(marubozuclosingblack, "marubozuclosingblack",
                                                                            AFMisc.WriteIf(blackmarubozu, "blackmarubozu",
                                                                                           AFMisc.WriteIf(whitemarubozu, "whitemarubozu",
                                                                                                          AFMisc.WriteIf(ShortWhitecandle, "ShortWhitecandle",
                                                                                                                         AFMisc.WriteIf(ShortblackCandle, "ShortblackCandle",
                                                                                                                                        AFMisc.WriteIf(LongwhiteCandle, "LongwhiteCandle",
                                                                                                                                                       AFMisc.WriteIf(LongBlackCandle, "LongBlackCandle",

                                                                                                                                                                      AFMisc.WriteIf(BearishEngulfing, "Bearish Engulfing",
                                                                                                                                                                                     AFMisc.WriteIf(hammer1, "hammer",
                                                                                                                                                                                                    AFMisc.WriteIf(InvertedHammer1, "Inverted hammer",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AFMisc.WriteIf(BullishEngulfing, "Bullish Engulfing", "No pattern"))))))))))))));;

            AFMisc.Version(5.40f);            // you need to upgrade Amibroker
            AFMisc.RequestTimedRefresh(0.1f); // replace from (0.1) to (1) if you have Error in

            // ---- GFX Tool Tip ---- big box

            // parameters
            var x1Rrect  = AFTools.Param("X1 - x-coordinate of the upper left corner", 10, 0, 1200, 1);
            var y1Rrect  = AFTools.Param("y1 - y-coordinate of the upper left corner", 20, 0, 900, 1);
            var x2Rrect  = AFTools.Param("x2 - x-coordinate of the lower right corner", 300, 0, 400, 1);
            var y2Rrect  = AFTools.Param("y2 - y-coordinate of the lower right corner", 150, 0, 600, 1);
            var FontSize = AFTools.Param("Fonts Size", 9, 8, 13, 1);

            var DX = AFMisc.GetCursorXPosition();
            var DT = AFStr.DateTimeToStr(DX);

            AFGraph.GfxSelectPen(Color.LightBlue, 3);        // round box
            AFGraph.GfxSelectSolidBrush(Color.LightYellow);  // inside box
            //	GfxRoundRect( 15, 80, 120, 180, 15, 15 );  // size of the big box
            AFGraph.GfxRoundRect(x1Rrect, y1Rrect, x2Rrect + x1Rrect, y2Rrect + y1Rrect, 15, 15);
            // size of the big box
            AFGraph.GfxSelectFont("Arial", FontSize, 700, ATFloat.False);
            AFGraph.GfxSetTextColor(AFTools.ParamColor("Fonts Color", Color.Black));
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("*********** Shubhalabha pattern finder *********** ", 5 + x1Rrect, y1Rrect + FontSize);

            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("AFDate.Day " + AFDate.Date(), 5 + x1Rrect, 20 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("Close : " + AFTools.Ref(Close, 0), 5 + x1Rrect, 40 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("Open : " + AFTools.Ref(Open, 0), 5 + x1Rrect, 60 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("High : " + AFTools.Ref(High, 0), 5 + x1Rrect, 80 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
            AFGraph.GfxTextOut("Candlestick Pattern  : \n" + C_sta, 5 + x1Rrect, 100 + y1Rrect + FontSize);
