private void adoPrimaryRS_WillChangeRecord(ADODB.EventReasonEnum adReason, int cRecords, ref ADODB.EventStatusEnum adStatus, ADODB.Recordset pRecordset) { //This is where you put validation code //This event gets called when the following actions occur bool bCancel = false; switch (adReason) { case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnAddNew: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnClose: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnDelete: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnFirstChange: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnMove: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnRequery: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnResynch: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnUndoAddNew: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnUndoDelete: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnUndoUpdate: break; case ADODB.EventReasonEnum.adRsnUpdate: break; } //bCancel = True // adStatus = adStatusCantDeny }
public System.Data.DataTable selectTest(ADODB.Connection cn) { string sql = "select * from users"; System.Data.DataTable dt = conn.ExecuteScalar(sql, cn); return dt; }
public ADODB.Recordset selectTest2(ADODB.Connection cn) { string sql = "select top 1 * from users"; var rs5 = conn.Execute(sql, cn); return rs5; }
public static bool GetBoolField(ADODB.Field field) { if (field.Value == null) return false; else return bool.Parse(field.Value.ToString()); }
public static void Update_ADODB_from_ADO(DataTable inTable, ref ADODB.Recordset adoRs) { // ADODB.Recordset result = adoRs.Clone(ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); ADODB.Fields adoFields = adoRs.Fields; System.Data.DataColumnCollection inColumns = inTable.Columns; //Delete adoRs.MoveFirst(); while (!adoRs.EOF) { adoRs.Delete(); adoRs.MoveNext(); } //Add foreach (DataRow dr in inTable.Rows) { adoRs.AddNew(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value); for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < inColumns.Count; columnIndex++) { adoFields[columnIndex].Value = dr[columnIndex]; } } }
public static string GetStringField(ADODB.Field field) { if (field.Value == null) return ""; else return field.Value.ToString().Trim(); }
public FormGroups(DataRow row, ADODB db) { tf_formGroupId = row.IsNull("tf_GroupId") ? "" : (string)row["tf_GroupId"]; tf_formGroupName = row.IsNull("tf_GroupName") ? "" : (string)row["tf_GroupName"]; tf_numCols = row.IsNull("tf_numCols") ? 1 : (int)row["tf_numCols"]; tf_groupFields = FormgroupFields.getlstdata(tf_formGroupId, db); }
public FormScheme(DataRow row, ADODB db) { tf_schemeId = row.IsNull("tf_schemeId") ? "" : (string)row["tf_schemeId"]; tf_windowWidth = row.IsNull("tf_windowWidth") ? -1 : (int)row["tf_windowWidth"]; tf_windowHeight = row.IsNull("tf_windowHeight") ? -1 : (int)row["tf_windowHeight"]; tf_schemeLayout = row.IsNull("tf_schemeLayout") ? "" : (string)row["tf_schemeLayout"]; tf_schemeGroups = FormGroups.getlstdata(tf_schemeId, db); }
public GridSchemeGroup(DataRow row, ADODB db) { tf_gridGroupId = row.IsNull("tf_GroupId") ? "" : (string)row["tf_GroupId"]; tf_gridGroupName = row.IsNull("tf_GroupName") ? "" : (string)row["tf_GroupName"]; tf_isShowHeaderSpans = row.IsNull("tf_isShowHeaderSpans") ? false : (Boolean)row["tf_isShowHeaderSpans"]; tf_isLocked = row.IsNull("tf_isLocked") ? false : (Boolean)row["tf_isLocked"]; tf_groupFields = GridGroupFields.getlstdata(tf_gridGroupId, db); }
public void ExecuteQuery(string sql, ADODB.Connection cn2) { if (rs.State == 1) { rs.Close(); } rs.Open(sql, cn2, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1); }
public static ADODB.Recordset getRSwaitron(ref object sql, ref ADODB.Connection cn) { ADODB.Recordset functionReturnValue = default(ADODB.Recordset); functionReturnValue = new ADODB.Recordset(); functionReturnValue.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient; functionReturnValue.Open(sql, cn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic); return functionReturnValue; }
public static DateTime GetDateTimeField(ADODB.Field field) { if (field.Value == null) return DateTime.MinValue; else if (field.Value.ToString().Trim() == "") return DateTime.MinValue; else return DateTime.Parse(field.Value.ToString()); }
public static int GetIntField(ADODB.Field field) { if (field.Value == null) return 0; else if (field.Value.ToString().Trim() == "") return 0; else return int.Parse(field.Value.ToString()); }
public Geocode(string roadsTableName, string pointsTableName, ADODB.Connection odbcDatabaseConnection, double Lon, double Lat) { this.roadsTableName = roadsTableName; this.pointsTableName = pointsTableName; this.odbcDatabaseConnection = odbcDatabaseConnection; this.Lon = Lon; this.Lat = Lat; }
public System.Data.DataTable ExecuteScalar(string sql, ADODB.Connection cn2) { rs.Open(sql, cn2, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1); System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter ol = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(); System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable(); ol.Fill(dt, rs); rs.Close(); return dt; }
public ADODB.Recordset Execute(string sql, ADODB.Connection cn2) { if (rs.State == 1) { rs.Close(); } rs.Open(sql, cn2, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, -1); return rs; }
public static double GetDoubleField(ADODB.Field field) { if (field.Value == null) return 0; else if (field.Value.ToString().Trim() == "") return 0; else return double.Parse(field.Value.ToString()); }
public void LoadMenu( ) { ADODB db = new ADODB(); if (db.Open()) { // 顶级菜单 root = this.LoadMenu(db, "0"); db.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// condition /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="condition"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Dictionary <string, object> > LoadMenu(ADODB db, string condition) { List <Dictionary <string, object> > lst = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); string sql = String.Format("select * from sm_menu where _parent='{0}' and _permission <= {1} order by id asc", condition, this.permission); DataTable dt = db.exec_dataset(sql); if (dt != null) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { string key, value; int ivalue; key = dc.ColumnName; switch (key) { case "_text": case "_moduleName": case "_extraParams": case "_xtype": value = dr.IsNull(key) ? "" : (string)dr[key]; dic.Add(key, value); break; // 字符换为十六进制 case "_glyph": ivalue = dr.IsNull(key) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32((string)dr[key], 16); dic.Add(key, ivalue); break; // 不为0表示有子项 case "_child": value = dr.IsNull(key) ? "" : (string)dr[key]; if (value.Length > 0 && value != "0") { dic.Add("items", this.LoadMenu(db, value)); } break; default: break; } } lst.Add(dic); } } return(lst); }
private void adoPrimaryRS_WillChangeRecord(ADODB.EventReasonEnum adReason, int cRecords, ref ADODB.EventStatusEnum adStatus, ADODB.Recordset pRecordset) { int lQuantity = 0; if (adoPrimaryRS.Fields("StockTakeDeposit_Quantity").OriginalValue != adoPrimaryRS.Fields("StockTakeDeposit_Quantity").Value) { lQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(adoPrimaryRS.Fields("StockTakeDeposit_Quantity").Value) - Convert.ToInt32(adoPrimaryRS.Fields("StockTakeDeposit_Quantity").OriginalValue); modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("UPDATE WarehouseDepositItemLnk SET WarehouseDepositItemLnk.WarehouseDepositItemLnk_Quantity = [WarehouseDepositItemLnk]![WarehouseDepositItemLnk_Quantity]+(" + lQuantity + ") WHERE (((WarehouseDepositItemLnk.WarehouseDepositItemLnk_WarehouseID)=" + adoPrimaryRS.Fields("StockTakeDeposit_WarehouseID").Value + ") AND ((WarehouseDepositItemLnk.WarehouseDepositItemLnk_DepositID)=" + adoPrimaryRS.Fields("StockTakeDeposit_DepositID").Value + ") AND ((WarehouseDepositItemLnk.WarehouseDepositItemLnk_DepositTypeID)=" + adoPrimaryRS.Fields(1).Value + "));"); modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute("UPDATE Company INNER JOIN DayEndDepositItemLnk ON Company.Company_DayEndID = DayEndDepositItemLnk.DayEndDepositItemLnk_DayEndID SET DayEndDepositItemLnk.DayEndDepositItemLnk_QuantityShrink = [DayEndDepositItemLnk]![DayEndDepositItemLnk_QuantityShrink]+" + lQuantity + " WHERE (((DayEndDepositItemLnk.DayEndDeposittemLnk_DepositID)=" + adoPrimaryRS.Fields("StockTakeDeposit_DepositID").Value + ") AND ((DayEndDepositItemLnk.DayEndDeposittemLnk_DepositType)=" + adoPrimaryRS.Fields(1).Value + "));"); doDiskFlush(); } }
public int GetLastID(ADODB db) { int result = -1; string sql = String.Format("SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('{0}')", table); DataTable dt = db.exec_dataset(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = dt.Rows[0]; decimal temp = row.IsNull(0) ? -1 : (decimal)row[0]; result = (int)temp; } return(result); }
private void adoPrimaryRS_WillChangeRecord(ADODB.EventReasonEnum adReason, int cRecords, ref ADODB.EventStatusEnum adStatus, ADODB.Recordset pRecordset) { int lQuantity = 0; if (adoPrimaryRS.Fields("Reference").OriginalValue != adoPrimaryRS.Fields("Reference").Value) { //cnndb.Execute "Update PastelDescription Set Narrative =' } if (adoPrimaryRS.Fields("AccountNumber").OriginalValue != adoPrimaryRS.Fields("AccountNumber").Value) { //cnnDB.Execute "Update PastelDescription Set AccountNumber =' " } }
static public List <FormgroupFields> getlstdata(string id, ADODB db) { List <FormgroupFields> lst = null; DataTable dt = db.exec_dataset(FormgroupFields.getquerysql(id)); if (dt != null) { lst = new List <FormgroupFields>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { FormgroupFields obj = new FormgroupFields(row, db); lst.Add(obj); } } return(lst); }
static public List <GridSchemeGroup> getlstdata(string id, ADODB db) { List <GridSchemeGroup> lst = null; DataTable dt = db.exec_dataset(GridSchemeGroup.getquerysql(id)); if (dt != null) { lst = new List <GridSchemeGroup>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { GridSchemeGroup obj = new GridSchemeGroup(row, db); lst.Add(obj); } } return(lst); }
private DataTable ADODBRecordset_to_ADODataTable(ADODB.Recordset adoRs) { string tableName = "adoTable"; try { tableName = adoRs.Properties["Unique Table"].Value.ToString(); } catch { // No existe el nombre de la tabla. } tableName = (tableName == "") ? "adoTable" : tableName; ADODB.Recordset dummyrs = adoRs.Clone(ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly); OleDbDataAdapter myDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(); DataSet myDS = new DataSet(); myDA.Fill(myDS, dummyrs, tableName); dummyrs = null; return myDS.Tables[0]; }
public Summary(DataRow row, ADODB db) { tf_moduleName = row.IsNull("tf_moduleName") ? "" : (string)row["tf_moduleName"]; tf_title = row.IsNull("tf_title") ? "" : (string)row["tf_title"]; tf_glyph = row.IsNull("tf_glyph") ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32((string)row["tf_glyph"], 16); tf_shortname = row.IsNull("tf_shortname") ? "" : (string)row["tf_shortname"]; tf_englishName = row.IsNull("tf_englishName") ? "" : (string)row["tf_englishName"]; tf_englishShortName = row.IsNull("tf_englishShortName") ? "" : (string)row["tf_englishShortName"]; tf_description = row.IsNull("tf_description") ? "" : (string)row["tf_description"]; tf_primaryKey = row.IsNull("tf_primaryKey") ? "" : (string)row["tf_primaryKey"]; tf_nameFields = row.IsNull("tf_nameFields") ? "" : (string)row["tf_nameFields"]; tf_fields = Fields.getlstdata(tf_moduleName, db); tf_gridSchemes = GridScheme.getlstdata(tf_moduleName, db); tf_formSchemes = FormScheme.getlstdata(tf_moduleName, db); }
/// <summary> /// 返回受影响的条数 /// </summary> /// <param name="db"></param> /// <param name="action"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int execSQL(ADODB db, string action /*, HttpContext context*/) { int result = -1; string sql = ""; if (lst != null) { action = action.ToLower(); switch (action) { case "add": //增加 应该一次只加一条数据 foreach (Dictionary <string, object> dic in lst) { sql = getAddSQL(dic); } break; case "delete": sql = getDeleteSQL(); break; case "edit": //修改 应该一次只修改一条数据 foreach (Dictionary <string, object> dic in lst) { sql = getUpdateSQL(dic); } break; default: break; } if (sql.Length > 0) { msql = sql; //context.Response.Write(sql); result = db.execNonQuery(sql); } } return(result); }
public void LoadData( ) { ADODB db = new ADODB(); if (db.Open()) { DataTable dt = db.exec_dataset(Summary.getquerysql()); root = new List <Summary>(); if (dt != null) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { Summary obj = new Summary(row, db); root.Add(obj); } } db.Close(); } return; }
protected DataTable RecordSetToDataTable(ADODB.Recordset record) { OleDbDataAdapter custDA = new OleDbDataAdapter(); DataTable custTable = new DataTable(); custDA.Fill(custTable, record); return custTable; }
private void adoPrimaryRS_FieldChangeComplete(int cFields, object Fields, ADODB.Error pError, ref ADODB.EventStatusEnum adStatus, ADODB.Recordset pRecordset) { string sql = null; sql = "DELETE From PriceChannelLnk WHERE (((PriceChannelLnk.PriceChannelLnk_StockItemID)=" + adoPrimaryRS.Fields("CatalogueChannelLnk_StockItemID").Value + ") AND ((PriceChannelLnk.PriceChannelLnk_Quantity)=" + adoPrimaryRS.Fields("CatalogueChannelLnk_Quantity").Value + ") AND ((PriceChannelLnk.PriceChannelLnk_ChannelID)=" + adoPrimaryRS.Fields("CatalogueChannelLnk_ChannelID").Value + "));"; modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute(sql); sql = "INSERT INTO PriceChannelLnk ( PriceChannelLnk_StockItemID, PriceChannelLnk_Quantity, PriceChannelLnk_ChannelID, PriceChannelLnk_Price ) SELECT CatalogueChannelLnk.CatalogueChannelLnk_StockItemID, CatalogueChannelLnk.CatalogueChannelLnk_Quantity, CatalogueChannelLnk.CatalogueChannelLnk_ChannelID, " + pRecordset.Fields("CatalogueChannelLnk_Price").Value + " AS Price From CatalogueChannelLnk WHERE (((CatalogueChannelLnk.CatalogueChannelLnk_StockItemID)=" + pRecordset.Fields("CatalogueChannelLnk_StockItemID").Value + ") AND ((CatalogueChannelLnk.CatalogueChannelLnk_Quantity)=" + pRecordset.Fields("CatalogueChannelLnk_Quantity").Value + ") AND ((CatalogueChannelLnk.CatalogueChannelLnk_ChannelID)=" + pRecordset.Fields("CatalogueChannelLnk_ChannelID").Value + ") AND ((CatalogueChannelLnk.CatalogueChannelLnk_PriceSystem)<>" + pRecordset.Fields("CatalogueChannelLnk_Price").Value + "));"; modRecordSet.cnnDB.Execute(sql); }
private void RecToExchange(ADODB.Record Rec) { Rec.Fields["nw:mo:no"].Value = OrderNo; Rec.Fields["nw:partno"].Value = ItemNo; if (Item != null) Rec.Fields["nw:part:revision"].Value = Item.CustomerRevision; Rec.Fields["nw:part:tmxrefno"].Value = CustomerItemNo; Rec.Fields["nw:material"].Value = Material; Rec.Fields["nw:parttype"].Value = ItemType; Rec.Fields["nw:partname"].Value = ItemName; Rec.Fields["nw:strprice"].Value = OurPrice.ToString(); Rec.Fields["nw:cpo:item:strprice"].Value = CustomerPrice.ToString(); Rec.Fields["nw:mo:origin"].Value = Origin; Rec.Fields["nw:customer"].Value = Customer; Rec.Fields["nw:mo:destination"].Value = Destination; Rec.Fields["nw:mo:moveqty"].Value = int.Parse(MoveQty.ToString()); Rec.Fields["nw:mo:arrivedqty"].Value = int.Parse(ArrivedQty.ToString()); Rec.Fields["nw:cpo:item:shipmethod"].Value = ShipMethod; //Rec.Fields.Append("nw:mo:movedate", ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adFileTime); if (CompDate.Year > 2000) Rec.Fields["nw:mo:compdate"].Value = CompDate; if (MoveDate.Year > 2000) Rec.Fields["nw:mo:movedate"].Value = MoveDate; // DateTime.Today; Rec.Fields["nw:cpo:no"].Value = SalesOrderNo; // SOLine.OrderNo; Rec.Fields["nw:cpo:item:index"].Value = SalesOrderIndex; // SOLine.OrderIndex; Rec.Fields["nw:mo:refno"].Value = RefNo; Rec.Fields["nw:mo:reftype"].Value = RefType;// "CPO"; Rec.Fields["nw:mo:sotype"].Value = SoType; // "FQC"; Rec.Fields["nw:mo:status"].Value = OrderStatus; Rec.Fields["nw:history"].Value = History; }
public bool addFacturas(bool defectos, bool contado, xTangoFacturaData data, out ADODB.Recordset adoReporte) { bool resultado = false; // Clase para el alta de comprobantes. XTANGO_GV.Comprobantes xComprobantes; try { xComprobantes = (XTANGO_GV.Comprobantes)Activator.CreateInstance (Type.GetTypeFromProgID("XTango_GV.Comprobantes")); object reporte = null; if (contado) { resultado = xComprobantes.Add_FacturaContado(tangoLogOn, data.rsFacEncabezado as object, data.rsFacRenglones as object, data.rsFacImpuestos as object, data.rsFonEncabezado as object, data.rsFonRenglones as object, defectos, ref reporte); } else { resultado = xComprobantes.Add_FacturaCtaCorriente(tangoLogOn, data.rsFacEncabezado as object, data.rsFacRenglones as object, data.rsFacImpuestos as object, data.rsFacCuotas as object, defectos, ref reporte); } // if (!resultado) { throw new XTangoException("Fallo al agregar facturas"); } adoReporte = (ADODB.Recordset)reporte; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Excepciones.XTangoException("Error al agregar facturas: " + ex.Message); } finally { xComprobantes = null; } return resultado; }
private void InitFromRec(ADODB.Record Rec) { CellLine = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:cellline"]); FQCInspectionDate = ExchangeHelper.GetDateTimeField(Rec.Fields["nw:fqc:inspectiondate"]); FQCInspector = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:fqc:inspector"]); ActiveQty = ExchangeHelper.GetDoubleField(Rec.Fields["nw:js:activeqty"]); IrNo = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:js:irno"]); Location = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:js:location"]); NeedDate = ExchangeHelper.GetDateTimeField(Rec.Fields["nw:js:needdate"]); NeedQty = ExchangeHelper.GetDoubleField(Rec.Fields["nw:js:needqty"]); OrderNo = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:js:no"]); OrderStatus = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:js:status"]); Material = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:material"]); ItemName = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:partname"]); ItemNo = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:partno"]); ItemType = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:parttype"]); ActiveLocation = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:js:activelocation"]); Item = Item.Load(ItemNo); }
private void InitFromExchange(ADODB.Record Rec) { ItemNo = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:partno"]); ItemName = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:partname"]); ItemType = ExchangeHelper.GetStringField(Rec.Fields["nw:parttype"]); Qty = ExchangeHelper.GetDoubleField(Rec.Fields["nw:inv:totalqty"]); QAQty = ExchangeHelper.GetDoubleField(Rec.Fields["nw:inv:qaqty"]); DefectQty = ExchangeHelper.GetDoubleField(Rec.Fields["nw:inv:defectqty"]); }
public GridScheme(DataRow row, ADODB db) { tf_schemeId = row.IsNull("tf_schemeId") ? "" : (string)row["tf_schemeId"]; tf_schemeName = row.IsNull("tf_schemeName") ? "" : (string)row["tf_schemeName"]; tf_schemeGroups = GridSchemeGroup.getlstdata(tf_schemeId, db); }
/// <summary> /// Copies the contents of an ADO Recordset object onto a worksheet, beginning at the upper-left corner of the specified range. /// If the Recordset object contains fields with OLE objects in them, this method fails. /// </summary> /// <param name="recordset">A wrapped ADODB.Recordset object representing the data to copy</param> /// <param name="maxRows">The maximum number of records to copy onto the worksheet. If this argument is omitted, all the records in the Recordset object are copied.</param> /// <param name="maxColumns">The maximum number of fields to copy onto the worksheet. If this argument is omitted, all the fields in the Recordset object are copied.</param> /// <returns>?</returns> public int CopyFromRecordset(ADODB.Recordset recordset, int? maxRows, int? maxColumns) { return CopyFromRecordset(recordset.InternalObject, maxRows, maxColumns); }
private string doString(ref string lString, ref ADODB.Recordset rs) { string functionReturnValue = null; string lString1 = null; string lString2 = null; string lText = null; if (Strings.Len(lString) > 15) { lText = Strings.Mid(lString, 16); if (Strings.InStr(lText, "NAME 1 CENTER")) { lString1 = rs.Fields("PersonName").Value; splitString(ref Strings.Len(lText), ref lString1, ref lString2); functionReturnValue = Strings.Left(lString, 15) + doCenter(ref lText, ref lString1); return functionReturnValue; } if (Strings.InStr(lText, "DATE")) { lString1 = Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Now, "yymm"); functionReturnValue = Strings.Left(lString, 15) + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Now, "yymm"); return functionReturnValue; } if (Strings.InStr(lText, "BARCODE")) { if (doCheckSum(ref rs.Fields("Person_QuickAccess").Value)) { } else { functionReturnValue = Strings.Left(lString, 15) + rs.Fields("Person_QuickAccess").Value; } return functionReturnValue; } if (Strings.InStr(lText, "600106007141")) { if (doCheckSum(ref rs.Fields("Person_QuickAccess").Value)) functionReturnValue = Strings.Left(lString, 15) + rs.Fields("Person_QuickAccess").Value; return functionReturnValue; } functionReturnValue = lString; } else { functionReturnValue = lString; } return functionReturnValue; }
private void UpdateDBVersion(ADODB.Connection mycn) { var myUpdate = @"Update tblCaptions Set mdbVersion = '1.01.09'"; var myCmd = new ADODB.Command { ActiveConnection = mycn, CommandText = myUpdate }; myCmd.CommandType = CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText; object dummy = Type.Missing; ADODB.Recordset rs = myCmd.Execute(out dummy, ref dummy, 0); }
private void InitializeCustomerSettings(ADODB.Connection mycn) { var myInsert = @"INSERT INTO tblCustomerSettings ( CustomerID, BillingMethodID, MobileCarrierID ) SELECT tblCustomers.CustomerID, 0 AS bmID, 0 AS mcID FROM tblCustomers;"; var myCmd = new ADODB.Command {ActiveConnection = mycn, CommandText = myInsert}; myCmd.CommandType = CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText; object dummy = Type.Missing; ADODB.Recordset rs = myCmd.Execute(out dummy, ref dummy,0); }
/// <summary> /// Copies the contents of an ADO Recordset object onto a worksheet, beginning at the upper-left corner of the specified range. /// If the Recordset object contains fields with OLE objects in them, this method fails. /// </summary> /// <param name="recordset">A wrapped ADODB.Recordset object representing the data to copy</param> /// <returns>?</returns> public int CopyFromRecordset(ADODB.Recordset recordset) { return CopyFromRecordset(recordset.InternalObject); }
public FormgroupFields(DataRow row, ADODB db) { tf_fieldName = row.IsNull("tf_fieldName") ? "" : (string)row["tf_fieldName"]; tf_colspan = row.IsNull("tf_colspan") ? 1 : (int)row["tf_colspan"]; tf_isEndRow = row.IsNull("tf_isEndRow") ? false : (Boolean)row["tf_isEndRow"]; }
private void adoPrimaryRS_MoveComplete(ADODB.EventReasonEnum adReason, ADODB.Error pError, ref ADODB.EventStatusEnum adStatus, ADODB.Recordset pRecordset) { //This will display the current record position for this recordset }
/// <summary> /// Executes a query against the give ADODB connection to populate a lookup /// dictionary to be used by construction notes. /// </summary> /// <param name="processConnection">ADODB connection (PX)</param> /// <param name="Keys">Column(s) constrained to be unique</param> /// <param name="Value">Column to be used as the value</param> /// <param name="Table">Table to be queried</param> /// <param name="nameLookup">Dictionary to return the results</param> private static Dictionary<string, string> QueryLookupTable(ADODB.Connection processConnection, string[] Keys, string Value, string Table) { Dictionary<string, string> nameLookup = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (Keys == null || Keys.Length < 1 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Value) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Table)) return null; #region Build the Query string columns = string.Join(",", Keys); //set up statement string sql = string.Format("SELECT {0},{1} FROM {2}", //ScsConstants.FIELD_WMSCODE, //ScsConstants.FIELD_CUNAME, //ScsConstants.FIELD_ALTDESC, //ScsConstants.TABLE_CU); columns, Value, Table); #endregion Recordset recordSet = null; try { #region Execute the Query try { if (processConnection.ConnectionString.Contains(".mdb")) sql = sql.Replace("PROCESS.", ""); recordSet = GetRecordSet(processConnection, sql); recordSet.MoveFirst(); } catch (Exception ex) { //throw, noting the SQL throw new Exception("Error executing sql statement: " + sql, ex); } #endregion string[] vals = new string[Keys.Length]; while (!recordSet.EOF) { #region Process the results string altdesc = ""; try { object oval = null; //The alternate description isn't allowed to be null, this //would cause undesirable results in the construction notes oval = recordSet.Fields[Value].Value; if (oval == null || oval == DBNull.Value) continue; altdesc = oval.ToString(); //The pieces in the composite key are allowed to contain //null values, if they are we give them a special value for (int i = 0; i < Keys.Length; i++) { oval = recordSet.Fields[Keys[i]].Value; if (oval == null || oval == DBNull.Value) vals[i] = "<Null>"; else vals[i] = oval.ToString().ToUpper(); } /* oval = recordSet.Fields[ScsConstants.FIELD_WMSCODE].Value; if (oval == null || oval == DBNull.Value) wmscode = "<Null>"; else wmscode = oval.ToString().ToUpper(); oval = recordSet.Fields[ScsConstants.FIELD_CUNAME].Value; if (oval == null || oval == DBNull.Value) name = "<Null>"; else name = oval.ToString().ToUpper(); */ string key = string.Join("\t", vals); if (!nameLookup.ContainsKey(key)) nameLookup.Add(key, altdesc); } finally { //move next recordSet.MoveNext(); } #endregion } } finally { if (recordSet != null) recordSet.Close(); recordSet = null; } return nameLookup; }