// 選擇自動選號
        private ActionResult DoAutoSelect(複合彩DTO dto)
            // get the control object from the Session Object.
            control = (管理博彩Control)Session["ManageGambleControl"];

            dto.彩券號碼           = control.選號().ToString();
            ViewData["Result"] = "已自動選號。";

            return(View("Index", dto));
        // 選擇自動選號
        private ActionResult DoSave(複合彩DTO dto)
            // get the control object from the Session Object.
            control = (管理博彩Control)Session["ManageGambleControl"];

            ViewData["Result"] = "本複合彩組合已暫存。";

            return(View("Index", dto));
        // 選擇自動選號
        private ActionResult DoRestore()
            // get the control object from the Session Object.
            control = (管理博彩Control)Session["ManageGambleControl"];
            複合彩DTO dto;

            dto = control.還原選號();
            ViewData["Result"] = "已還原原來所選擇複合彩組合。";

            return(View("Index", dto));
        管理博彩Control control;        // declare a domain controller.

        // GET: Memento
        public ActionResult Index()
            if (Session["ManageGambleControl"] == null)
                control = new 管理博彩Control();                    // new a domain control instance.
                Session["ManageGambleControl"] = control;
                Session["ManageGambleControl"] = control;           // hold the control object as stateful.