protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { IsLoad = false; JsApiPay jsApiPay = new JsApiPay(this); try { //定义一个回调地址 //ViewState["callbackurl"] = ""; //调用【网页授权获取用户信息】接口获取用户的openid和access_token jsApiPay.GetOpenidAndAccessToken(); //获取收货地址js函数入口参数 //wxEditAddrParam = jsApiPay.GetEditAddressParameters(); ViewState["openid"] = jsApiPay.openid; //ViewState["access_token"] = jsApiPay.access_token; string resToken = HttpService.Get(""); LitJson.JsonData jdata = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject(resToken); WxPayData data = new WxPayData(); data.SetValue("access_token", jdata["access_token"]); data.SetValue("openid", jsApiPay.openid); string url = "" + data.ToUrl(); string result = HttpService.Get(url); jdata = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject(result); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jdata["subscribe"].ToString())) { if (jdata["subscribe"].ToString() == "1") { Session["openid"] = jsApiPay.openid; //关注该公众账号,进行推荐处理 if (Request["reference"] != null) { string reference = Request["reference"].ToString(); } //Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "您已关注本公众号" + "</span>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('您尚未关注该公众号')</script>"); // Response.Write("<script>window.location.href='weixin://';</script>"); Server.Transfer("./pic.aspx"); return; } } //Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + result + jsApiPay.openid + "</span>"); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("<script>alert('系统出了点小问题,请您稍后再试')"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GoodsServer server = new GoodsServer(); SinglePayServer sinserver = new SinglePayServer(); //string goodid = ""; Log.Info(this.GetType().ToString(), "page load"); if (!IsPostBack) { //if (Request["GoodId"] != null){ // goodid=Request["GoodId"]; // goods = server.GetGoods(goodid); // string price = goods.GPrice.ToString(); // string name = goods.GName; // ViewState["goodsprice"] = price; // ViewState["name"] = name; //} //string GoodId = Request["GoodId"]; JsApiPay jsApiPay = new JsApiPay(this); //jsApiPay.QueryId = GoodId; try { //调用【网页授权获取用户信息】接口获取用户的openid和access_token jsApiPay.GetOpenidAndAccessToken(); //获取收货地址js函数入口参数 wxEditAddrParam = jsApiPay.GetEditAddressParameters(); ViewState["openid"] = jsApiPay.openid; //dic.Add(jsApiPay.openid,goodid); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "页面加载出错,请重试" + ex.Message + "</span>"); Button1.Visible = false; // Button2.Visible = false; Label1.Visible = false; // Label2.Visible = false; } if (Request["count"] != null && ViewState["openid"] != null && Request["GoodId"] != null) { SinglePay sin = new SinglePay(); sin.OpenID = ViewState["openid"].ToString(); sin.GID = Request["GoodId"].ToString(); sin.GCount = Convert.ToInt32(Request["count"].ToString()); Session["sid"] = sinserver.AddSinglePay(sin); goodid = Request["GoodId"]; ViewState["count"] = Request["count"]; goods = server.GetGoods(goodid); string price = goods.GPrice.ToString(); string name = goods.GName; ViewState["goodsprice"] = price; ViewState["name"] = name; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { GoodsServer server = new GoodsServer(); goodslist_JYJ = server.GetGoodsList("JYJ"); JsApiPay jsApiPay = new JsApiPay(this); jsApiPay.GetOpenidAndAccessToken(); Session["openid"] = jsApiPay.openid; } }
} //H5调起JS API参数 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Log.Info(this.GetType().ToString(), "page load"); if (!IsPostBack) { string openid = Request.QueryString["openid"]; string total_fee = Request.QueryString["total_fee"]; //检测是否给当前页面传递了相关参数 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(openid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(total_fee)) { Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "页面传参出错,请返回重试" + "</span>"); Log.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), "This page have not get params, cannot be inited, exit..."); //submit.Visible = false; return; } //若传递了相关参数,则调统一下单接口,获得后续相关接口的入口参数 JsApiPay jsApiPay = new JsApiPay(this); jsApiPay.openid = openid; jsApiPay.total_fee = int.Parse(total_fee); //JSAPI支付预处理 try { WxPayData unifiedOrderResult = jsApiPay.GetUnifiedOrderResult(); wxJsApiParam = jsApiPay.GetJsApiParameters();//获取H5调起JS API参数 Log.Debug(this.GetType().ToString(), "wxJsApiParam : " + wxJsApiParam); //在页面上显示订单信息 //将订单信息详情更新至数据库 //Response.Write("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:20px'>订单详情:</span><br/>"); //Response.Write("<span style='color:#00CD00;font-size:20px'>" + unifiedOrderResult.ToPrintStr() + "</span>"); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "下单失败,请返回重试" + "</span>"); //submit.Visible = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Log.Info(this.GetType().ToString(), "page load"); if (!IsPostBack) { //string GoodId = Request["GoodId"]; JsApiPay jsApiPay = new JsApiPay(this); //jsApiPay.QueryId = GoodId; try { //调用【网页授权获取用户信息】接口获取用户的openid和access_token jsApiPay.GetOpenidAndAccessToken(); //获取收货地址js函数入口参数 wxEditAddrParam = jsApiPay.GetEditAddressParameters(); ViewState["openid"] = jsApiPay.openid; string openid = jsApiPay.openid; ShoppingCarServer server = new ShoppingCarServer(); Carlist = server.QueryShoppingCar(openid); Goodslist = server.QueryGoods(openid); //dic.Add(jsApiPay.openid,goodid); CartOrder car = new CartOrder(); car.Openid = ViewState["openid"].ToString(); CartOrderServer server1 = new CartOrderServer(); Session["glid"] = server1.GetGLid(car); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "页面加载出错,请重试" + ex.Message + "</span>"); Button1.Visible = false; // Button2.Visible = false; //Label1.Visible = false; // Label2.Visible = false; } } }
//public static string wxEditAddrParam { get; set; } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Log.Info(this.GetType().ToString(), "page load"); #region 预加载处理 if (!IsPostBack) { IsLoad = false; JsApiPay jsApiPay = new JsApiPay(this); try { //定义一个回调地址 //ViewState["callbackurl"] = ""; //调用【网页授权获取用户信息】接口获取用户的openid和access_token jsApiPay.GetOpenidAndAccessToken(); //获取收货地址js函数入口参数 //wxEditAddrParam = jsApiPay.GetEditAddressParameters(); ViewState["openid"] = jsApiPay.openid; //ViewState["access_token"] = jsApiPay.access_token; string resToken = HttpService.Get(""); LitJson.JsonData jdata = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject(resToken); WxPayData data = new WxPayData(); data.SetValue("access_token", jdata["access_token"]); data.SetValue("openid", jsApiPay.openid); string url = "" + data.ToUrl(); string result = HttpService.Get(url); jdata = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject(result); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jdata["subscribe"].ToString())) { if (jdata["subscribe"].ToString() == "1") { //Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "您已关注本公众号" + "</span>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('您尚未关注该公众号')</script>"); // Response.Write("<script>window.location.href='weixin://';</script>"); Server.Transfer("./pic.aspx"); return; } } //Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + result + jsApiPay.openid + "</span>"); } catch (Exception ex) { //Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "页面加载出错,请重试" + ex.Message + "</span>"); } } #endregion else { Random r = new Random(); if (Request["user-sex"] == null || Request["user-name"] == null) { // Response.Write("<span style='color:#FF0000;font-size:20px'>" + "页面加载出错~~~" + "</span>"); return; } string test = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["user-sex"]) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["user-name"])) { string sex = Request["user-sex"]; string name = Request["user-name"]; for (int i = 0; i < name.Length; i++) { if (business.SqlServer.IsContain(name[i] + sex)) { business.SqlServer.Search(name[i] + sex); int[] temp = business.SqlServer.Search(name[i] + sex); for (int j = 0; j < list1.Length; j++) { list1[j] += temp[j]; } } else { int[] temp = new int[9]; for (int j = 0; j < list1.Length; j++) { temp[j] = r.Next(40, 120); if (temp[j] >= 100) { temp[j] = 100; } list1[j] += temp[j]; } business.SqlServer.Add(name[i] + sex, temp); } } sum = 0; list = list1; for (int j = 0; j < list1.Length; j++) { list[j] = list1[j] / name.Length; sum += list[j]; } sum = sum / 9; IsLoad = true; if (name == "纪春光") { for (int j = 0; j < list.Length; j++) { list[j] = r.Next(98, 101); sum = 99; } } } } }