// //ページの初期化(新規追加) // public override void PageRefresh() { customer = new DB.m_customer(); member = new DB.m_member(); familyList = new List <DB.m_family>(); //Comboboxの設定 co_Sex.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Utile.Data.性別)); co_Visit_motive.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Utile.Data.来店動機)); co_Registered_store.DataSource = DB.m_store.getStoreNameList(); co_Rank.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Utile.Data.ランク)); co_Membership_type.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Utile.Data.会員種別)); //データを設定 t_Pref_city_town_village_name.Text = ""; t_Address2.Text = ""; t_Apartment_mansion.Text = ""; da_Birthday.Value = DateTime.Now.Date; t_Customer_code.Text = ""; ch_DM_Available.Checked = false; t_Fax.Text = ""; t_Free_item1.Text = ""; t_Free_item2.Text = ""; t_Free_item3.Text = ""; t_mail.Text = ""; t_name.Text = ""; t_name_kana.Text = ""; t_Phone_number1.Text = ""; t_Phone_number2.Text = ""; t_Phone_number3.Text = ""; t_Postal_code.Text = ""; co_Visit_motive.SelectedIndex = 0; t_Remark.Text = ""; ch_Sample.Checked = false; co_Sex.SelectedIndex = 0; t_surname.Text = ""; t_surname_kana.Text = ""; da_Customer_wedding_anniversary.Value = DateTime.Now.Date; da_Registration_date.Value = da_Registration_date.MinDate; co_Membership_type.SelectedIndex = 0; co_Rank.SelectedIndex = 0; t_Registration_officer.Text = ""; co_Registered_store.SelectedIndex = 0; dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); //変更チェックリセット mod.reset(); //入力チェックリセット chk.clear(); //一覧クリア dataGridView2.Rows.Clear(); dataGridView4.Rows.Clear(); listView1.Items.Clear(); }
public override void PageRefresh() { //写真選択フォームをすべて閉じる selectPanel.Controls.Clear(); //写真格納フォルダ取得 photoDirList = DB.t_shooting_data.getPhotoDir(MainForm.session_t_reception.reception_code); //二次選択フォルダ取得 DB.t_selection selection = DB.t_selection.getFirst(MainForm.session_t_reception.reception_code); if (selection == null) { int index = 1; DB.m_customer customer = DB.m_customer.getSingle(MainForm.session_t_reception.customer_code); Save_dir = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "-" + index.ToString() + "-" + customer.surname; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (sb.Length == 0) { using (var dbc = new DB.DBConnect()) { dbc.npg.Open(); sb.Append("select count(s.folder_name) as count "); sb.Append("from t_selection as s "); sb.Append("where s.folder_name = '@folder_name'".Replace("@folder_name", Save_dir)); NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(sb.ToString(), dbc.npg); var dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { if ((long)dataReader["count"] != 0) { index++; Save_dir = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + index.ToString() + customer.name; sb.Clear(); } } } } } else { Save_dir = selection.folder_name; } //サムネイル一覧初期化 thumbnailListRefresh(); //DBからタグ一覧へ格納 db2tag(); //サムネイル一覧タグ付け thumbnailListTagRefresh(); }
private void b_print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //DBに登録 collect(); //顧客情報格納 string table = "Order_list1"; Dictionary <string, string> item = new Dictionary <string, string>(); item.Add("customerCode", MainForm.session_t_reception.customer_code.ToString()); item.Add("folderName", Save_dir.Trim()); DB.m_customer cus = DB.m_customer.getSingle(MainForm.session_t_reception.customer_code.ToString()); item.Add("customerSurnameKana", cus.surname_kana); item.Add("customerNameKana", cus.name_kana); item.Add("customerSurName", cus.surname); item.Add("customerName", cus.name); item.Add("orderEntryDate", MainForm.session_t_reception.receipt_date.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日")); Utile.RepoerDB rdb = new Utile.RepoerDB(table); rdb.deleteAll(); rdb.insert(item); //写真データ格納 table = "Order_list2"; rdb = new Utile.RepoerDB(table); rdb.deleteAll(); using (var dbc = new DB.DBConnect()) { dbc.npg.Open(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"select * "); sb.Append(@"from t_selection as s "); sb.Append(@"where s.reception_code = '@reception_code' ".Replace("@reception_code", MainForm.session_t_reception.reception_code)); NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(sb.ToString(), dbc.npg); var dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { if ((int)dataReader["images"] != 0) { string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Secondary_Select_dir, dataReader["folder_name"].ToString().Trim(), ((int)dataReader["color"]).ToString()); foreach (string fpath in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { item = new Dictionary <string, string>(); item.Add("product", dataReader["color"].ToString() + " - " + dataReader["product_name"].ToString()); //会計処理が未実装のため""をいれる item.Add("unit", ""); item.Add("photo", System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(fpath)); rdb.insert(item); } } } } PrintForm p = new PrintForm(); p.PrintReport.Load(@"./Asset/Format/Order_list.flxr", "発注内容一覧"); p.c1FlexViewer.DocumentSource = p.PrintReport; p.Show(); }
private void b_okiniiri_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //情報をデータベースに登録 collect(); // 顧客情報格納 string table = "ContactSheet"; Utile.RepoerDB rdb = new Utile.RepoerDB(table); rdb.deleteAll(); //レポート作成用DBにタグにチェックがついている写真情報を格納する foreach (tagControl tc in this.tagsPanel.Controls) { if (tc.d_tag.Checked && tc.d_tagName.SelectedIndex == 0) { using (var dbc = new DB.DBConnect()) { //毎回読むのも非効率かな? dbc.npg.Open(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"select * "); sb.Append(@"from t_selection as s "); sb.Append(@"where s.reception_code = '@reception_code'".Replace("@reception_code", MainForm.session_t_reception.reception_code)); NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand(sb.ToString(), dbc.npg); var dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { var color = (int)dataReader["color"]; if (tc.tagId == color) { var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Secondary_Select_dir, ((string)dataReader["folder_name"]).Trim(), tc.tagId.ToString()); var count = 0; Dictionary <string, string> item = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (string fpath in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(path, "*", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { count++; //写真のファイル名フルパスの取得 var fname = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fpath); if (count % 3 == 1) { item.Add("customerCode", MainForm.session_t_reception.customer_code.ToString()); item.Add("folderName", Save_dir.Trim()); DB.m_customer cus = DB.m_customer.getSingle(MainForm.session_t_reception.customer_code.ToString()); item.Add("customerSurnameKana", cus.surname_kana); item.Add("customerNameKana", cus.name_kana); item.Add("customerSurName", cus.surname); item.Add("customerName", cus.name); item.Add("orderEntryDate", MainForm.session_t_reception.receipt_date.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日")); item.Add("filename1", fname); item.Add("image1", System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(fpath)); } else if (count % 3 == 2) { item.Add("filename2", fname); item.Add("image2", System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(fpath)); } else { item.Add("filename3", fname); item.Add("image3", System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(fpath)); count = 0; rdb.insert(item); item.Clear(); } } if (count != 0) { rdb.insert(item); } } } } } } PrintForm p = new PrintForm(); p.PrintReport.Load(@"./Asset/Format/ContactSheet.flxr", "ContactSheet"); p.c1FlexViewer.DocumentSource = p.PrintReport; p.Show(); }
public override void PageRefresh() { //顧客情報設定 if (MainForm.session_t_reception != null) { DB.m_customer cus = DB.m_customer.getSingle(MainForm.session_t_reception.customer_code); l_customer_code.Text = cus.customer_code; l_customer_name.Text = $"{cus.surname} {cus.name}"; l_birthday.Text = cus.birthday.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日"); l_age.Text = GetAge(cus.birthday, DateTime.Now).ToString(); l_sex.Text = ((Utile.Data.性別)(int.Parse(cus.sex))).ToString(); l_postal_code.Text = cus.postal_code; l_address1.Text = cus.address1; l_address2.Text = cus.address2; l_address3.Text = cus.address3; l_phone_number1.Text = cus.phone_number1; l_phone_number2.Text = cus.phone_number2; l_phone_number3.Text = cus.phone_number3; l_mail_address.Text = cus.mail_address; } else { l_customer_code.Visible = false; l_customer_name.Visible = false; l_birthday.Visible = false; l_age.Visible = false; l_sex.Visible = false; l_postal_code.Visible = false; l_address1.Visible = false; l_address2.Visible = false; l_address3.Visible = false; l_phone_number1.Visible = false; l_phone_number2.Visible = false; l_phone_number3.Visible = false; l_mail_address.Visible = false; } //コンボボックス設定 d_tenpomei.DataSource = DB.m_store.getStoreNameList(); d_shisetumei.DataSource = DB.m_facility.getFacilityNameList(facility_reservation.store_code); d_satueisya.DataSource = DB.m_staff.getStaffNameList(facility_reservation.store_code); d_select_name.DataSource = DB.m_staff.getStaffNameList(facility_reservation.store_code); d_tasukukubun.DataSource = DB.m_task.getTaskNameList(); d_satsueimokuteki.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Utile.Data.撮影目的)); // 初期値設定 d_tenpomei.SelectedIndex = d_tenpomei.FindStringExact(DB.m_store.getSingle(facility_reservation.store_code).store_name); if (facility_reservation.facility_code == MainForm.Reservation_timetable.scheduleLabel) { d_shisetumei.SelectedIndex = -1; } else { d_shisetumei.SelectedIndex = d_shisetumei.FindStringExact(DB.m_facility.getSingle(facility_reservation.store_code, facility_reservation.facility_code).facility_name); } var staff = DB.m_staff.getSingleName(facility_reservation.store_code, facility_reservation.photographer); if (staff != null) { d_satueisya.SelectedIndex = d_satueisya.FindStringExact(staff.staff_name); d_select_name.SelectedIndex = d_select_name.FindStringExact(staff.staff_name); } else { d_satueisya.SelectedIndex = -1; d_select_name.SelectedIndex = -1; } DB.m_task task = DB.m_task.getSingle(facility_reservation.task_class); if (task != null) { d_tasukukubun.SelectedIndex = d_tasukukubun.FindStringExact(task.task_name); } else { d_tasukukubun.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (facility_reservation.shooting_purpose == null) { d_satsueimokuteki.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { d_satsueimokuteki.SelectedIndex = d_satsueimokuteki.FindStringExact(facility_reservation.shooting_purpose); } //テキスト・カレンダー設定 d_start_date.Value = facility_reservation.start_date; d_start_time.Text = facility_reservation.start_time.ToString(@"hh\:mm"); if (facility_reservation.end_date != DateTime.MinValue) { d_end_date.Value = facility_reservation.end_date; } else { d_end_date.Value = DateTime.Today.Date; } if (facility_reservation.end_time != TimeSpan.MinValue) { d_end_time.Text = (facility_reservation.start_time + TimeSpan.FromHours(1)).ToString(@"hh\:mm"); } else { d_end_time.Text = ""; } if (facility_reservation.selection_start_date != null && facility_reservation.selection_start_date.Value != DateTime.MinValue) { d_select_start_date.Value = facility_reservation.selection_start_date.Value; } else { d_select_start_date.Value = facility_reservation.start_date; } if (facility_reservation.selection_start_time != null && facility_reservation.selection_start_time.Value != TimeSpan.MinValue) { d_select_start_time.Text = facility_reservation.selection_start_time.Value.ToString(@"hh\:mm"); } else { d_select_start_time.Text = facility_reservation.start_time.ToString(@"hh\:mm"); }; if (facility_reservation.selection_end_date != null && facility_reservation.selection_end_date.Value != DateTime.MinValue) { d_select_end_date.Value = facility_reservation.selection_end_date.Value; } else { d_select_end_date.Value = facility_reservation.end_date; } if (facility_reservation.selection_end_time != null && facility_reservation.selection_end_time.Value != TimeSpan.MinValue) { d_select_end_time.Text = facility_reservation.selection_end_time.Value.ToString(@"hh\:mm"); } else { d_select_end_time.Text = (facility_reservation.start_time + TimeSpan.FromHours(1)).ToString(@"hh\:mm"); }; d_yoyakusya.Text = facility_reservation.reservator; if (facility_reservation.cancellation_date != null && facility_reservation.cancellation_date.Value != DateTime.MinValue) { d_tyushi.Value = facility_reservation.cancellation_date.Value; d_tyushi.Checked = true; } else { d_tyushi.Value = DateTime.Today.Date; d_tyushi.Checked = false; } d_tekiyou.Text = facility_reservation.remarks; //リスト更新 if (MainForm.session_t_reception != null) { setYoyakuTabList(MainForm.session_t_reception.reception_code); } sescheduleTabList(facility_reservation.start_date, facility_reservation.store_code); //スケジュール切り替え if (facility_reservation.facility_code == MainForm.Reservation_timetable.scheduleLabel) { d_check.Checked = true; } else { d_check.Checked = false; } changeSchedule(); //変更チェックリセット mod.reset(); //入力チェックリセット chk.clear(); }
private void b_search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //表,変数の初期化 dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); //結果格納クエリーの初期化 NpgsqlDataReader customerReader = null; using (var db = new DB.DBConnect()) { //条件文の設定 String strSQLWHERE = ""; //顧客コード strSQLWHERE = t_customer_code.Text != "" ? "c.customer_code LIKE" + "'%" + t_customer_code.Text + "%'" : ""; //お客様姓名 strSQLWHERE += t_customer_name.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += t_customer_name.Text != "" ? "c.surname || c.name LIKE " + "'%" + t_customer_name.Text + "%'" : ""; //お客様姓名 カナ strSQLWHERE += t_Customer_name_kana.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += t_Customer_name_kana.Text != "" ? "c.surname_kana || c.name_kana LIKE " + "'%" + t_Customer_name_kana.Text + "%'" : ""; //電話番号 strSQLWHERE += t_phone_number.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += t_phone_number.Text != "" ? "c.phone_number1 LIKE " + "'%" + t_phone_number.Text + "%'" : ""; //性別 strSQLWHERE += d_seibetsu.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += d_seibetsu.Text != "" ? "c.sex = " + "'" + d_seibetsu.SelectedIndex + "'" : ""; //DM発送可 strSQLWHERE += d_DM_shipping.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += d_DM_shipping.Text != "" ? "c.dm_delivery = " + "'" + d_DM_shipping.SelectedIndex + "'" : ""; //結婚記念日 strSQLWHERE += wedding_anniversary_from != null && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += wedding_anniversary_from != null ? "c.wedding_anniversary >= " + "'" + wedding_anniversary_from + "'" : ""; strSQLWHERE += wedding_anniversary_to != null && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += wedding_anniversary_to != null ? "c.birthday <= " + "'" + wedding_anniversary_to + "'" : ""; //生年月日 strSQLWHERE += birthday_from != null && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += birthday_from != null ? "c.birthday >= " + "'" + birthday_from + "'" : ""; strSQLWHERE += birthday_to != null && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += birthday_to != null ? "c.birthday <= " + "'" + birthday_to + "'" : ""; if (c_member_search.Checked) { //ランク string member_lank = d_member_lank.SelectedIndex.ToString(); strSQLWHERE += d_member_lank.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += d_member_lank.Text != "" ? "m.rank = " + "'" + member_lank + "'" : ""; //会員種別 string membership_type = (d_member_type.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString(); strSQLWHERE += d_member_type.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += d_member_type.Text != "" ? "m.rank = " + "'" + membership_type + "'" : ""; } if (c_family_search.Checked) { //家族続柄 strSQLWHERE += t_family_zokugara.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += t_family_zokugara.Text != "" ? "f.relationship LIKE " + "'%" + t_family_zokugara.Text + "%'" : ""; //お客様家族姓名 strSQLWHERE += t_family_name.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += t_family_name.Text != "" ? "f.surname || f.name LIKE " + "'%" + t_family_name.Text + "%'" : ""; //お客様家族姓名かな strSQLWHERE += t_family_name_kana.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += t_family_name_kana.Text != "" ? "f.surname_kana || f.name_kana LIKE " + "'%" + t_family_name_kana.Text + "%'" : ""; //家族性年月日 strSQLWHERE += family_birthday_from != null && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += family_birthday_from != null ? "f.birthday >= " + "'" + family_birthday_from + "'" : ""; strSQLWHERE += family_birthday_to != null && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += family_birthday_to != null ? "f.birthday <= " + "'" + family_birthday_to + "'" : ""; //家族性別 strSQLWHERE += d_family_seibetsu.Text != "" && strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " and " : ""; strSQLWHERE += d_family_seibetsu.Text != "" ? "f.sex = " + "'" + d_family_seibetsu.SelectedIndex + "'" : ""; } strSQLWHERE = strSQLWHERE.Length > 0 ? " WHERE " + strSQLWHERE : ""; //DBオープン db.npg.Open(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //SQL文の生成 //家族情報を検索に含めてしまうと、一意に決まらないために //家族検索時だけ家族情報をリンクするように変更。 if (c_family_search.Checked) { sb.Append(@"SELECT c.customer_code as customer_code, c.surname as surname, c.surname_kana as surname_kana, c.name as name, c.name_kana as name_kana, c.birthday as birthday, c.sex as sex, c.dm_delivery as dm_delivery, c.sample_availability as sample_availability, c.postal_code as postal_code, c.address1 as address1, c.address2 as address2, c.address3 as address3, c.mail_address as mail_address, c.phone_number1 as phone_number1, c.phone_number2 as phone_number2, c.phone_number3 as phone_number3, c.fax_number as fax_number, c.wedding_anniversary as wedding_anniversary, c.remarks as remarks, c.free_item1 as free_item1, c.free_item2 as free_item2, c.free_item3 as free_item3, c.reasons as reasons, m.date as dateofregistration, m.rank as rank, m.membership_type as membership_type, f.relationship as relationship, f.surname as f_surname, f.surname_kana as f_surname_kana, f.name as f_name, f.name_kana as f_name_kana, f.birthday as f_birthday, f.sex as f_sex, r.status as status "); sb.Append(@"FROM m_customer AS c LEFT JOIN m_member AS m ON c.customer_code = m.customer_code LEFT JOIN m_family AS f ON c.customer_code = f.customer_code LEFT JOIN ( SELECT status,customer_code from t_reception WHERE status = '3') AS r ON c.customer_code = r.customer_code "); sb.Append(@strSQLWHERE); sb.Append(@" ORDER BY c.customer_code"); } else { sb.Append(@"SELECT c.customer_code as customer_code, c.surname as surname, c.surname_kana as surname_kana, c.name as name, c.name_kana as name_kana, c.birthday as birthday, c.sex as sex, c.dm_delivery as dm_delivery, c.sample_availability as sample_availability, c.postal_code as postal_code, c.address1 as address1, c.address2 as address2, c.address3 as address3, c.mail_address as mail_address, c.phone_number1 as phone_number1, c.phone_number2 as phone_number2, c.phone_number3 as phone_number3, c.fax_number as fax_number, c.wedding_anniversary as wedding_anniversary, c.remarks as remarks, c.free_item1 as free_item1, c.free_item2 as free_item2, c.free_item3 as free_item3, c.reasons as reasons, m.date as dateofregistration, m.rank as rank, m.membership_type as membership_type, r.status as status "); sb.Append(@"FROM m_customer AS c LEFT JOIN m_member AS m ON c.customer_code = m.customer_code LEFT JOIN ( SELECT status,customer_code from t_reception WHERE status = '3' group by customer_code,status) AS r ON c.customer_code = r.customer_code "); sb.Append(@strSQLWHERE); sb.Append(@" ORDER BY c.customer_code"); } var command = new NpgsqlCommand(sb.ToString(), db.npg); customerReader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (customerReader.HasRows) { while (customerReader.Read()) { //内規情報フラグ var naiki = customerReader["status"].ToString() == "3" ? "★" : ""; //顧客コード var customer_code = customerReader["customer_code"].ToString(); //名前 var fullname = customerReader["surname"].ToString() + customerReader["name"].ToString(); //名前カナ var fullname_kana = customerReader["surname_kana"].ToString() + customerReader["name_kana"].ToString(); //電話番号 var phone_number = customerReader["phone_number1"].ToString(); //誕生日 DateTime.TryParse(customerReader["birthday"].ToString(), out DateTime birthday); //性別 int intVal1 = int.Parse(customerReader["sex"].ToString()); var sex = (Utile.Data.性別)Enum.ToObject(typeof(Utile.Data.性別), intVal1); //DM送付区分 int intVal2 = int.Parse(customerReader["dm_delivery"].ToString()); var dm_delivery = (Utile.Data.DM発送)Enum.ToObject(typeof(Utile.Data.DM発送), intVal2); //郵便番号 var postal_code = customerReader["postal_code"].ToString(); //結婚記念日 DateTime.TryParse(customerReader["wedding_anniversary"].ToString(), out DateTime wedding_anniversary); //登録日 DateTime.TryParse(customerReader["dateofregistration"].ToString(), out DateTime dateofregistration); var strdateofregistration = customerReader["dateofregistration"].ToString() != "" ? dateofregistration.ToShortDateString() : ""; //ランク int.TryParse(customerReader["rank"].ToString(), out int intVal3); var rank = (Utile.Data.ランク)Enum.ToObject(typeof(Utile.Data.ランク), intVal3); var strrank = strdateofregistration != "" ? rank.ToString() : ""; //会員種別 int.TryParse((customerReader["membership_type"].ToString()), out int intVal4); var membership_type = Enum.ToObject(typeof(Utile.Data.会員種別), intVal4).ToString(); var strmembership_type = strdateofregistration != "" ? membership_type.ToString() : ""; //家族検索時のみ string family_name = ""; string relationship = ""; string family_sex = ""; if (c_family_search.Checked == true) { //家族名前 family_name = customerReader["f_surname"].ToString() + customerReader["f_name"].ToString(); //続柄 relationship = customerReader["relationship"].ToString(); //性別 int.TryParse(customerReader["f_sex"].ToString(), out int intVal5); family_sex = family_name != ""?(string)Enum.ToObject(typeof(Utile.Data.性別), intVal5).ToString():""; } dataGridView1.Rows.Add( naiki, customer_code, fullname, fullname_kana, phone_number, birthday.ToShortDateString(), dm_delivery, sex, postal_code, wedding_anniversary.ToShortDateString(), strdateofregistration, strrank, strmembership_type, family_name, relationship, family_sex ); //セッションデータへの引継ぎ用のリスト作成 DB.m_customer m_Customer = new DB.m_customer(); m_Customer.customer_code = customerReader["customer_code"].ToString(); m_Customer.surname = customerReader["surname"].ToString(); m_Customer.surname_kana = customerReader["surname_kana"].ToString(); m_Customer.name = customerReader["name"].ToString(); m_Customer.name_kana = customerReader["name_kana"].ToString(); m_Customer.birthday = DateTime.Parse(customerReader["birthday"].ToString()); m_Customer.sex = customerReader["sex"].ToString(); m_Customer.dm_delivery = customerReader["dm_delivery"].ToString(); m_Customer.sample_availability = customerReader["sample_availability"].ToString(); m_Customer.postal_code = customerReader["postal_code"].ToString(); m_Customer.address1 = customerReader["address1"].ToString(); m_Customer.address2 = customerReader["address2"].ToString(); m_Customer.address3 = customerReader["address3"].ToString(); m_Customer.mail_address = customerReader["mail_address"].ToString(); m_Customer.phone_number1 = customerReader["phone_number1"].ToString(); m_Customer.phone_number2 = customerReader["phone_number2"].ToString(); m_Customer.phone_number3 = customerReader["phone_number3"].ToString(); m_Customer.fax_number = customerReader["fax_number"].ToString(); m_Customer.wedding_anniversary = DateTime.Parse(customerReader["wedding_anniversary"].ToString()); m_Customer.remarks = customerReader["remarks"].ToString(); m_Customer.free_item1 = customerReader["free_item1"].ToString(); m_Customer.free_item2 = customerReader["free_item2"].ToString(); m_Customer.free_item3 = customerReader["free_item3"].ToString(); m_Customer.reasons = customerReader["reasons"].ToString(); Customers.Add(m_Customer); } } else { MessageBox.Show("検索結果が0件でした。", "お知らせ", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } }