コード例 #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns a y-axis that is suitable for drawing the data.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns>A suitable y-axis.</returns>
            public Axis SuggestYAxis()
                double min_l;
                double max_l;
                double min_h;
                double max_h;

                if (this.rows_ == null)
                    Utils.ArrayMinMax((System.Collections.IList)lowData_, out min_l, out max_l);
                    Utils.ArrayMinMax((System.Collections.IList)highData_, out min_h, out max_h);
                    Utils.RowArrayMinMax(this.rows_, out min_l, out max_l, (string)this.lowData_);
                    Utils.RowArrayMinMax(this.rows_, out min_h, out max_h, (string)this.highData_);

                Axis a = new LinearAxis( min_l, max_h );
                a.IncreaseRange( 0.08 );
                return a;
コード例 #2
        public void PlotWavelet()
            string lines = "Wavelet Example. Demonstrates -   * Reversing axes, setting number of tick marks on axis explicitly.";
            infoBox.Text = lines;

            // Create a new line plot from array data via the ArrayAdapter class.
            LinePlot lp = new LinePlot();
            lp.DataSource = makeDaub(256);
            lp.Color = Color.Green;
            lp.Label = "Daubechies Wavelet"; // no legend, but still useful for copy data to clipboard.

            Grid myGrid = new Grid();
            myGrid.VerticalGridType = Grid.GridType.Fine;
            myGrid.HorizontalGridType = Grid.GridType.Coarse;

            // And add it to the plot surface
            this.plotSurface.Add( lp );
            this.plotSurface.Title = "Reversed / Upside down Daubechies Wavelet";

            // Ok, the above will produce a decent default plot, but we would like to change
            // some of the Y Axis details. First, we'd like lots of small ticks (10) between
            // large tick values. Secondly, we'd like to draw a grid for the Y values. To do
            // this, we create a new LinearAxis (we could also use Label, Log etc). Rather than
            // starting from scratch, we use the constructor that takes an existing axis and
            // clones it (values in the superclass Axis only are cloned). PlotSurface2D
            // automatically determines a suitable axis when we add plots to it (merging
            // current requirements with old requirements), and we use this as our starting
            // point. Because we didn't specify which Y Axis we are using when we added the
            // above line plot (there is one on the left - YAxis1 and one on the right - YAxis2)
            // PlotSurface2D.Add assumed we were using YAxis1. So, we create a new axis based on
            // YAxis1, update the details we want, then set the YAxis1 to be our updated one.
            LinearAxis myAxis = new LinearAxis( this.plotSurface.YAxis1 );
            myAxis.NumberOfSmallTicks = 2;
            this.plotSurface.YAxis1 = myAxis;

            // We would also like to modify the way in which the X Axis is printed. This time,
            // we'll just modify the relevant PlotSurface2D Axis directly.
            this.plotSurface.XAxis1.WorldMax = 100.0f;

            this.plotSurface.PlotBackColor = Color.OldLace;
            this.plotSurface.XAxis1.Reversed = true;
            this.plotSurface.YAxis1.Reversed = true;

            // Force a re-draw of the control.
コード例 #3
        public void PlotLogAxis()
            string lines = "Log Example. Demonstrates -  * How to chart data against log axes and linear axes at the same time.";
            infoBox.Text = lines;


            // draw a fine grid.
            Grid fineGrid = new Grid();
            fineGrid.VerticalGridType = Grid.GridType.Fine;
            fineGrid.HorizontalGridType = Grid.GridType.Fine;
            plotSurface.Add( fineGrid );

            const int npt = 101;
            float[] x = new float[npt];
            float[] y = new float[npt];
            float step = 0.1f;
            for (int i=0; i<npt; ++i)
                x[i] = i*step - 5.0f;
                y[i] = (float)Math.Pow( 10.0, x[i] );
            float xmin = x[0];
            float xmax = x[npt-1];
            float ymin = (float)Math.Pow( 10.0, xmin );
            float ymax = (float)Math.Pow( 10.0, xmax );

            LinePlot lp = new LinePlot();
            lp.OrdinateData = y;
            lp.AbscissaData = x;
            lp.Pen = new Pen( Color.Red );
            plotSurface.Add( lp );

            LogAxis loga = new LogAxis( plotSurface.YAxis1 );
            loga.WorldMin = ymin;
            loga.WorldMax = ymax;
            loga.AxisColor = Color.Red;
            loga.LabelColor = Color.Red;
            loga.TickTextColor = Color.Red;
            loga.LargeTickStep = 1.0f;
            loga.Label = "10^x";
            plotSurface.YAxis1 = loga;

            LinePlot lp1 = new LinePlot();
            lp1.OrdinateData = y;
            lp1.AbscissaData = x;
            lp1.Pen = new Pen( Color.Blue );
            plotSurface.Add( lp1, PlotSurface2D.XAxisPosition.Bottom, PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Right );
            LinearAxis lin = new LinearAxis( plotSurface.YAxis2 );
            lin.WorldMin = ymin;
            lin.WorldMax = ymax;
            lin.AxisColor = Color.Blue;
            lin.LabelColor = Color.Blue;
            lin.TickTextColor = Color.Blue;
            lin.Label = "10^x";
            plotSurface.YAxis2 = lin;

            LinearAxis lx = (LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1;
            lx.WorldMin = xmin;
            lx.WorldMax = xmax;
            lx.Label = "x";

            //((LogAxis)plotSurface.YAxis1).LargeTickStep = 2;

            plotSurface.Title = "Mixed Linear/Log Axes";

            plotSurface.XAxis1.LabelOffset = 0;
            plotSurface.YAxis1.LabelOffset = 0;
コード例 #4
 private void chart3_InteractionOccured(object sender)
     LinearAxis axis1 = new LinearAxis(chart3.XAxis1);
     axis1.Label = "";
     axis1.HideTickText = true;
     this.chart2.XAxis1 = axis1;
     LinearAxis axis2 = new LinearAxis(chart3.XAxis1);
     axis2.Label = "";
     axis2.HideTickText = true;
     this.chart1.XAxis1 = axis2;
コード例 #5
 private void chart2_InteractionOccured(object sender)
     LinearAxis axis1 = new LinearAxis(chart2.XAxis1);
     axis1.Label = "";
     axis1.HideTickText = true;
     this.chart1.XAxis1 = axis1;
     LabelAxis axis2 = new LabelAxis(chart2.XAxis1);
     int tick = 1;
     if (chart2.XAxis1.WorldMax - chart2.XAxis1.WorldMin > 30)
         tick = 2;
     for (int i = (int)chart2.XAxis1.WorldMin; i <= chart2.XAxis1.WorldMax; i+=tick)
         int j = i % 24;
         if (j < 0) j += 24;
         axis2.AddLabel(Convert.ToString(j), i);
     axis2.Label = "Time:Hour";
     axis2.HideTickText = false;
     chart3.XAxis1 = axis2;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a y-axis that is suitable for drawing this plot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A suitable y-axis.</returns>
        public Axis SuggestYAxis()
            if ( this.isStacked_ )
                double tmpMax = 0.0f;
                ArrayList adapterList = new ArrayList();

                HistogramPlot currentPlot = this;
                    adapterList.Add( new SequenceAdapter(
                        currentPlot.AbscissaData )
                } while ((currentPlot = currentPlot.stackedTo_) != null);

                SequenceAdapter[] adapters =

                for (int i=0; i<adapters[0].Count; ++i)
                    double tmpHeight = 0.0f;
                    for (int j=0; j<adapters.Length; ++j)
                        tmpHeight += adapters[j][i].Y;
                    tmpMax = Math.Max(tmpMax, tmpHeight);

                Axis a = new LinearAxis(0.0f,tmpMax);
                // TODO make 0.08 a parameter.
                a.IncreaseRange( 0.08 );
                return a;
                SequenceAdapter data =
                    new SequenceAdapter( this.DataSource, this.DataMember, this.OrdinateData, this.AbscissaData );

                return data.SuggestYAxis();
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method for Clone.
        /// </summary>
        protected void DoClone( LinearAxis b, LinearAxis a )
            Axis.DoClone( b, a );

            a.numberSmallTicks_ = b.numberSmallTicks_;
            a.largeTickValue_ = b.largeTickValue_;
            a.largeTickStep_ = b.largeTickStep_;

            a.offset_ = b.offset_;
            a.scale_ = b.scale_;
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Deep copy of LinearAxis.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A copy of the LinearAxis Class</returns>
 public override object Clone()
     LinearAxis a = new LinearAxis();
     // ensure that this isn't being called on a derived type. If it is, then oh no!
     if (this.GetType() != a.GetType())
         throw new NPlotException( "Clone not defined in derived type. Help!" );
     this.DoClone( this, a );
     return a;