/** * Create an InflaterInputStream with the specified decompresseor * and a specified buffer size. * * @param in the InputStream to read bytes from * @param inf the decompressor used to decompress data read from in * @param size size of the buffer to use */ public InflaterInputStream(Stream _in, Inflater inf, int size) : base(_in) { if (_in == null) throw new System.Exception("in may not be null"); if (inf == null) throw new System.Exception("inf may not be null"); if (size < 0) throw new System.Exception("size may not be negative"); this.inf = inf; this.buf = new byte[size]; }
public InflateStream(int sz, Stream inp, Inflater inf):base(inp,inf) { }
/** * Create an InflaterInputStream with the specified decompresseor * and a default buffer size. * * @param in the InputStream to read bytes from * @param inf the decompressor used to decompress data read from in */ public InflaterInputStream(Stream _in, Inflater inf) : this(_in, inf, 4096) { }