public override void Convert(Harness harness) { var target = new MacBCLTarget() { Harness = harness, MonoPath = harness.MONO_PATH, TestName = Name, }; target.Convert(); }
public virtual void Convert(Harness harness) { var target = new BCLTarget() { Harness = harness, MonoPath = harness.MONO_PATH, TestName = Name, WatchMonoPath = harness.WATCH_MONO_PATH }; target.Convert(); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { var harness = new Harness(); Action showHelp = null; var os = new OptionSet() { { "h|?|help", "Displays the help", (v) => showHelp() }, { "v|verbose", "Show verbose output", (v) => harness.Verbosity++ }, // Configure { "mac", "Configure for Xamarin.Mac instead of iOS.", (v) => harness.Mac = true }, { "configure", "Creates project files and makefiles.", (v) => harness.Action = HarnessAction.Configure }, { "autoconf", "Automatically decide what to configure.", (v) => harness.AutoConf = true }, { "rootdir=", "The root directory for the tests.", (v) => harness.RootDirectory = v }, { "project=", "Add a project file to process. This can be specified multiple times.", (v) => harness.TestProjects.Add(v) }, { "watchos-container-template=", "The directory to use as a template for a watchos container app.", (v) => harness.WatchOSContainerTemplate = v }, { "watchos-app-template=", "The directory to use as a template for a watchos app.", (v) => harness.WatchOSAppTemplate = v }, // Run { "run=", "Executes a project.", (v) => { harness.Action = HarnessAction.Run; harness.TestProjects.Add(v); } }, { "install=", "Installs a project.", (v) => { harness.Action = HarnessAction.Install; harness.TestProjects.Add(v); } }, { "sdkroot=", "Where Xcode is", (v) => harness.SdkRoot = v }, { "target=", "Where to run the project ([ios|watchos|tvos]-[device|simulator|simulator-32|simulator-64]).", (v) => harness.Target = v }, { "configuration=", "Which configuration to run (defaults to Debug).", (v) => harness.Configuration = v }, { "logfile=", "Where to store the log.", (v) => harness.LogFile = v }, { "timeout=", "Timeout for a test run (in minutes). Default is 10 minutes.", (v) => harness.Timeout = double.Parse(v) }, }; showHelp = () => { os.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); System.Environment.Exit(0); }; var input = os.Parse(args); if (input.Count > 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown arguments: {0}", string.Join(", ", input.ToArray()))); } if (harness.Action == HarnessAction.None) { showHelp(); } return(harness.Execute()); }
public static IEnumerable <string> GetLabels(Harness harness, int pull_request) { var info = DownloadPullRequestInfo(harness, pull_request); using (var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(info, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas())) { var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(reader); var rv = new List <string> (); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/root/labels/item/name")) { rv.Add(node.InnerText); } return(rv); } }
void CreateTodayExtensionProject() { var csproj = inputProject; var suffix = Suffix + "-extension"; csproj.SetProjectTypeGuids("{EE2C853D-36AF-4FDB-B1AD-8E90477E2198};" + LanguageGuid); csproj.SetOutputPath("bin\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + suffix); csproj.SetIntermediateOutputPath("obj\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + suffix); csproj.SetImport(IsFSharp ? "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Xamarin\\iOS\\Xamarin.iOS.AppExtension.FSharp.targets" : "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Xamarin\\iOS\\Xamarin.iOS.AppExtension.CSharp.targets"); csproj.FixInfoPListInclude(suffix); csproj.SetOutputType("Library"); csproj.AddAdditionalDefines("XAMCORE_2_0;XAMCORE_3_0;TODAY_EXTENSION"); var ext = IsFSharp ? "fs" : "cs"; csproj.AddCompileInclude("TodayExtensionMain." + ext, Path.Combine(Harness.TodayExtensionTemplate, "TodayExtensionMain." + ext), true); csproj.AddInterfaceDefinition(Path.Combine(Harness.TodayExtensionTemplate, "TodayView.storyboard").Replace('/', '\\')); csproj.SetExtraLinkerDefs("extra-linker-defs" + ExtraLinkerDefsSuffix + ".xml"); csproj.FixProjectReferences("-today"); if (MonoNativeInfo != null) { MonoNativeInfo.AddProjectDefines(csproj); csproj.AddAdditionalDefines("MONO_NATIVE_TODAY"); } Harness.Save(csproj, TodayExtensionProjectPath); TodayExtensionGuid = csproj.GetProjectGuid(); XmlDocument info_plist = new XmlDocument(); var target_info_plist = Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, $"Info{suffix}.plist"); info_plist.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess(Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, "Info.plist")); BundleIdentifier = info_plist.GetCFBundleIdentifier() + "-today"; info_plist.SetCFBundleIdentifier(BundleIdentifier + ".todayextension"); info_plist.SetMinimumOSVersion(GetMinimumOSVersion("8.0")); info_plist.AddPListStringValue("CFBundlePackageType", "XPC!"); info_plist.SetCFBundleDisplayName(Name); info_plist.AddPListKeyValuePair("NSExtension", "dict", @" <key>NSExtensionMainStoryboard</key> <string>TodayView</string> <key>NSExtensionPointIdentifier</key> <string></string> "); Harness.Save(info_plist, target_info_plist); }
public void Convert() { var inputProject = new XmlDocument(); var xml = File.ReadAllText(TemplatePath); inputProject.LoadXmlWithoutNetworkAccess(xml); inputProject.SetOutputPath("bin\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + FlavorSuffix); inputProject.SetIntermediateOutputPath("obj\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + FlavorSuffix); inputProject.SetAssemblyName(inputProject.GetAssemblyName() + FlavorSuffix); AddProjectDefines(inputProject); Convert(inputProject); Harness.Save(inputProject, ProjectPath); }
public override void Convert() { var inputProject = new XmlDocument(); var xml = File.ReadAllText(TemplatePath); xml = xml.Replace("#FILES#", GetFileList()); inputProject.LoadXmlWithoutNetworkAccess(xml); // The csproj template is Xamarin.Mac/Full, so make it Modern instead inputProject.SetTargetFrameworkIdentifier("Xamarin.Mac"); inputProject.SetTargetFrameworkVersion("v2.0"); inputProject.RemoveNode("UseXamMacFullFramework"); inputProject.AddAdditionalDefines("MOBILE;XAMMAC"); inputProject.AddReference("Mono.Security"); Harness.Save(inputProject, ProjectPath); }
void CreateWatchOSLibraryProject() { var csproj = inputProject; csproj.SetProjectTypeGuids("{FC940695-DFE0-4552-9F25-99AF4A5619A1};" + LanguageGuid); csproj.SetOutputPath("bin\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + Suffix); csproj.SetIntermediateOutputPath("obj\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + Suffix); csproj.RemoveTargetFrameworkIdentifier(); csproj.SetPlatformAssembly("Xamarin.WatchOS"); csproj.SetImport(IsBindingProject ? BindingsImports : Imports); csproj.AddAdditionalDefines("XAMCORE_2_0;XAMCORE_3_0"); csproj.FixProjectReferences(Suffix); csproj.SetExtraLinkerDefs("extra-linker-defs" + Suffix + ".xml"); csproj.FixTestLibrariesReferences(Platform); Harness.Save(csproj, WatchOSProjectPath); WatchOSGuid = csproj.GetProjectGuid(); }
public static string GetPullRequestTargetBranch(Harness harness, int pull_request) { if (pull_request <= 0) { return(string.Empty); } var info = DownloadPullRequestInfo(harness, pull_request); if (info.Length == 0) { return(string.Empty); } using (var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(info, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas())) { var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(reader); return(doc.SelectSingleNode("/root/base/ref").InnerText); } }
public override void Convert() { var testName = TestName == "mscorlib" ? "corlib" : TestName; var main_test_sources = Path.Combine(MonoPath, "mcs", "class", testName, testName + "_test.dll.sources"); var main_test_files = File.ReadAllLines(main_test_sources); var template_path = Path.Combine(Harness.RootDirectory, "bcl-test", TestName, TestName + "-mac.csproj.template"); var csproj_input = File.ReadAllText(template_path); var project_path = Path.Combine(Harness.RootDirectory, "bcl-test", TestName, TestName + "-mac.csproj"); var csproj_output = project_path; var sb = new StringBuilder[2] { new StringBuilder(), new StringBuilder() }; Process(main_test_sources, main_test_files, "", sb, 1); Harness.Save(csproj_input.Replace("#FILES#", sb[0].ToString()), csproj_output); }
public void Convert() { var inputProject = new XmlDocument(); var xml = File.ReadAllText(TemplatePath); inputProject.LoadXmlWithoutNetworkAccess(xml); inputProject.SetOutputPath("bin\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + FlavorSuffix); inputProject.SetIntermediateOutputPath("obj\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + FlavorSuffix); inputProject.SetAssemblyName(inputProject.GetAssemblyName() + FlavorSuffix); var template_info_plist = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(TemplatePath), inputProject.GetInfoPListInclude()); var target_info_plist = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(template_info_plist), "Info" + TemplateSuffix + FlavorSuffix + ".plist"); SetInfoPListMinimumOSVersion(template_info_plist, target_info_plist); inputProject.FixInfoPListInclude(FlavorSuffix, newName: Path.GetFileName(target_info_plist)); AddProjectDefines(inputProject); Harness.Save(inputProject, ProjectPath); }
void CreateWatchOSContainerProject() { var csproj = new XmlDocument(); csproj.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess(Path.Combine(Harness.WatchOSContainerTemplate, "Container.csproj")); csproj.FindAndReplace("%CONTAINER_PATH%", Path.GetFullPath(Harness.WatchOSContainerTemplate).Replace('/', '\\') + "\\"); csproj.FindAndReplace("%WATCHAPP_CSPROJ%", Path.GetFileName(WatchOSAppProjectPath)); csproj.SetProjectReferenceValue(Path.GetFileName(WatchOSAppProjectPath), "Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(WatchOSAppProjectPath)); WatchOSGuid = "{" + Harness.NewStableGuid().ToString().ToUpper() + "}"; csproj.SetProjectGuid(WatchOSGuid); Harness.Save(csproj, WatchOSProjectPath); XmlDocument info_plist = new XmlDocument(); var target_info_plist = Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, "Info-watchos.plist"); info_plist.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess(Path.Combine(Harness.WatchOSContainerTemplate, "Info.plist")); info_plist.SetCFBundleIdentifier(BundleIdentifier); info_plist.SetCFBundleName(Name); Harness.Save(info_plist, target_info_plist); }
static byte[] DownloadPullRequestInfo(Harness harness, int pull_request) { var path = Path.Combine(harness.LogDirectory, "pr" + pull_request + ".log"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(harness.LogDirectory); using (var client = CreateClient()) { byte [] data; try { data = client.DownloadData($"{pull_request}"); File.WriteAllBytes(path, data); return(data); } catch (WebException we) { harness.Log("Could not load pull request info: {0}\n{1}", we, new StreamReader(we.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()); File.WriteAllText(path, string.Empty); return(new byte [0]); } } } return(File.ReadAllBytes(path)); }
protected override void ExecuteInternal() { if (MonoNativeInfo == null) { return; } MonoNativeInfo.AddProjectDefines(inputProject); inputProject.AddAdditionalDefines("MONO_NATIVE_IOS"); inputProject.FixInfoPListInclude(Suffix); inputProject.SetExtraLinkerDefs("extra-linker-defs" + ExtraLinkerDefsSuffix + ".xml"); Harness.Save(inputProject, ProjectPath); XmlDocument info_plist = new XmlDocument(); var target_info_plist = Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, "Info" + Suffix + ".plist"); info_plist.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess(Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, "Info.plist")); info_plist.SetMinimumOSVersion(GetMinimumOSVersion(info_plist.GetMinimumOSVersion())); Harness.Save(info_plist, target_info_plist); }
void CreateWatchOSAppProject() { var csproj = new XmlDocument(); csproj.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess(Path.Combine(Harness.WatchOSAppTemplate, "App.csproj")); csproj.FindAndReplace("%WATCHAPP_PATH%", Path.GetFullPath(Harness.WatchOSAppTemplate).Replace('/', '\\') + "\\"); csproj.FindAndReplace("%WATCHEXTENSION_CSPROJ%", Path.GetFileName(WatchOSExtensionProjectPath)); csproj.SetProjectReferenceValue(Path.GetFileName(WatchOSExtensionProjectPath), "Project", WatchOSExtensionGuid); csproj.SetProjectReferenceValue(Path.GetFileName(WatchOSExtensionProjectPath), "Name", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(WatchOSExtensionProjectPath)); WatchOSAppGuid = "{" + Harness.NewStableGuid().ToString().ToUpper() + "}"; csproj.SetProjectGuid(WatchOSAppGuid); Harness.Save(csproj, WatchOSAppProjectPath); XmlDocument info_plist = new XmlDocument(); var target_info_plist = Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, "Info-watchos-app.plist"); info_plist.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess(Path.Combine(Harness.WatchOSAppTemplate, "Info.plist")); info_plist.SetCFBundleIdentifier(BundleIdentifier + ".watchkitapp"); info_plist.SetPListStringValue("WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier", BundleIdentifier); info_plist.SetPListStringValue("CFBundleName", Name); Harness.Save(info_plist, target_info_plist); }
public static IEnumerable <string> GetModifiedFiles(Harness harness, int pull_request) { var path = Path.Combine(harness.LogDirectory, "pr" + pull_request + "-files.log"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { var rv = GetModifiedFilesLocally(harness, pull_request); if (rv == null || rv.Count() == 0) { rv = GetModifiedFilesRemotely(harness, pull_request); if (rv == null) { rv = new string [] { } } ; } File.WriteAllLines(path, rv.ToArray()); return(rv); } return(File.ReadAllLines(path)); }
public static void ResolveAllPaths(this XmlDocument csproj, string project_path) { var dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(project_path); var nodes_with_paths = new string [] { "AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile", "CodesignEntitlements", "TestLibrariesDirectory", "HintPath", }; var attributes_with_paths = new string [] [] { new string [] { "None", "Include" }, new string [] { "Compile", "Include" }, new string [] { "ProjectReference", "Include" }, new string [] { "InterfaceDefinition", "Include" }, new string [] { "BundleResource", "Include" }, new string [] { "EmbeddedResource", "Include" }, new string [] { "ImageAsset", "Include" }, new string [] { "GeneratedTestInput", "Include" }, new string [] { "GeneratedTestOutput", "Include" }, new string [] { "TestLibrariesInput", "Include" }, new string [] { "TestLibrariesOutput", "Include" }, new string [] { "TestLibrariesOutput", "Include" }, new string [] { "Content", "Include" }, new string [] { "ObjcBindingApiDefinition", "Include" }, new string [] { "ObjcBindingCoreSource", "Include" }, new string [] { "ObjcBindingNativeLibrary", "Include" }, new string [] { "ObjcBindingNativeFramework", "Include" }, }; var nodes_with_variables = new string [] { "MtouchExtraArgs", }; Func <string, string> convert = (input) => { if (input [0] == '/') { return(input); // This is already a full path. } input = input.Replace('\\', '/'); // make unix-style input = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, input)); input = input.Replace('/', '\\'); // make windows-style again return(input); }; foreach (var key in nodes_with_paths) { var nodes = csproj.SelectElementNodes(key); foreach (var node in nodes) { node.InnerText = convert(node.InnerText); } } foreach (var key in nodes_with_variables) { var nodes = csproj.SelectElementNodes(key); foreach (var node in nodes) { node.InnerText = node.InnerText.Replace("${ProjectDir}", Harness.Quote(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(project_path))); } } foreach (var kvp in attributes_with_paths) { var element = kvp [0]; var attrib = kvp [1]; var nodes = csproj.SelectElementNodes(element); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { var a = node.Attributes [attrib]; if (a == null) { continue; } // Fix any default LogicalName values (but don't change existing ones). var ln = node.SelectElementNodes("LogicalName")?.SingleOrDefault(); var links = node.SelectElementNodes("Link"); if (ln == null && !links.Any()) { ln = csproj.CreateElement("LogicalName", MSBuild_Namespace); node.AppendChild(ln); string logicalName = a.Value; switch (element) { case "BundleResource": if (logicalName.StartsWith("Resources\\", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { logicalName = logicalName.Substring("Resources\\".Length); } break; default: break; } ln.InnerText = logicalName; } a.Value = convert(a.Value); } } }
public static int Main(string[] args) { var harness = new Harness(); Action showHelp = null; var os = new OptionSet() { { "h|?|help", "Displays the help", (v) => showHelp() }, { "v|verbose", "Show verbose output", (v) => harness.Verbosity++ }, { "use-system:", "Use the system version of Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.Mac or the locally build version. Default: the locally build version.", (v) => harness.UseSystem = v == "1" || v == "true" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(v) }, // Configure { "mac", "Configure for Xamarin.Mac instead of iOS.", (v) => harness.Mac = true }, { "configure", "Creates project files and makefiles.", (v) => harness.Action = HarnessAction.Configure }, { "autoconf", "Automatically decide what to configure.", (v) => harness.AutoConf = true }, { "rootdir=", "The root directory for the tests.", (v) => harness.RootDirectory = v }, { "project=", "Add a project file to process. This can be specified multiple times.", (v) => harness.IOSTestProjects.Add(new TestProject(v)) }, { "watchos-container-template=", "The directory to use as a template for a watchos container app.", (v) => harness.WatchOSContainerTemplate = v }, { "watchos-app-template=", "The directory to use as a template for a watchos app.", (v) => harness.WatchOSAppTemplate = v }, // Run { "run=", "Executes a project.", (v) => { harness.Action = HarnessAction.Run; harness.IOSTestProjects.Add(new TestProject(v)); } }, { "install=", "Installs a project.", (v) => { harness.Action = HarnessAction.Install; harness.IOSTestProjects.Add(new TestProject(v)); } }, { "uninstall=", "Uninstalls a project.", (v) => { harness.Action = HarnessAction.Uninstall; harness.IOSTestProjects.Add(new TestProject(v)); } }, { "sdkroot=", "Where Xcode is", (v) => harness.SdkRoot = v }, { "target=", "Where to run the project ([ios|watchos|tvos]-[device|simulator|simulator-32|simulator-64]).", (v) => harness.Target = v.ParseAsAppRunnerTarget() }, { "configuration=", "Which configuration to run (defaults to Debug).", (v) => harness.Configuration = v }, { "logdirectory=", "Where to store logs.", (v) => harness.LogDirectory = v }, { "logfile=", "Where to store the log.", (v) => harness.LogFile = v }, { "timeout=", "Timeout for a test run (in minutes). Default is 10 minutes.", (v) => harness.Timeout = double.Parse(v) }, { "jenkins:", "Execute test run for jenkins.", (v) => { harness.JenkinsConfiguration = v; harness.Action = HarnessAction.Jenkins; } }, { "dry-run", "Only print what would be done.", (v) => harness.DryRun = true }, { "setenv:", "Set the specified environment variable when running apps.", (v) => { var split = v.Split('='); harness.EnvironmentVariables [split [0]] = split [1]; } }, }; showHelp = () => { os.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); System.Environment.Exit(0); }; var input = os.Parse(args); if (input.Count > 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown arguments: {0}", string.Join(", ", input.ToArray()))); } if (harness.Action == HarnessAction.None) { showHelp(); } // XS sets this, which breaks pretty much everything if it doesn't match what was passed to --sdkroot. Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("XCODE_DEVELOPER_DIR_PATH", null); return(harness.Execute()); }
public async Task EndCaptureAsync(TimeSpan timeout) { // Check for crash reports var crash_report_search_done = false; var crash_report_search_timeout = timeout.TotalSeconds; var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); do { var end_crashes = await Harness.CreateCrashReportsSnapshotAsync(Log, !Device, DeviceName); end_crashes.ExceptWith(InitialSet); Reports = end_crashes; if (end_crashes.Count > 0) { Log.WriteLine("Found {0} new crash report(s)", end_crashes.Count); List <LogFile> crash_reports; if (!Device) { crash_reports = new List <LogFile> (end_crashes.Count); foreach (var path in end_crashes) { Logs.AddFile(path, $"Crash report: {Path.GetFileName (path)}"); } } else { // Download crash reports from the device. We put them in the project directory so that they're automatically deleted on wrench // (if we put them in /tmp, they'd never be deleted). var downloaded_crash_reports = new List <LogFile> (); foreach (var file in end_crashes) { var name = Path.GetFileName(file); var crash_report_target = Logs.Create(name, $"Crash report: {name}"); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(" --download-crash-report=").Append(StringUtils.Quote(file)); sb.Append(" --download-crash-report-to=").Append(StringUtils.Quote(crash_report_target.Path)); sb.Append(" --sdkroot ").Append(StringUtils.Quote(Harness.XcodeRoot)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DeviceName)) { sb.Append(" --devname ").Append(StringUtils.Quote(DeviceName)); } var result = await ProcessHelper.ExecuteCommandAsync(Harness.MlaunchPath, sb.ToString(), Log, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); if (result.Succeeded) { Log.WriteLine("Downloaded crash report {0} to {1}", file, crash_report_target.Path); crash_report_target = await Harness.SymbolicateCrashReportAsync(Logs, Log, crash_report_target); downloaded_crash_reports.Add(crash_report_target); } else { Log.WriteLine("Could not download crash report {0}", file); } } crash_reports = downloaded_crash_reports; } foreach (var cp in crash_reports) { Harness.LogWrench("@MonkeyWrench: AddFile: {0}", cp.Path); Log.WriteLine(" {0}", cp.Path); } crash_report_search_done = true; } else { if (watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds > crash_report_search_timeout) { crash_report_search_done = true; } else { Log.WriteLine("No crash reports, waiting a second to see if the crash report service just didn't complete in time ({0})", (int)(crash_report_search_timeout - watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds)); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); } } } while (!crash_report_search_done); }
public async Task StartCaptureAsync() { InitialSet = await Harness.CreateCrashReportsSnapshotAsync(Log, !Device, DeviceName); }
public static void CreateSolution(Harness harness, IEnumerable <Target> targets, Target exeTarget, string infix) { var folders = new StringBuilder(); var srcDirectory = Path.Combine(harness.RootDirectory, "..", "src"); var sln_path = exeTarget == null?Path.Combine(harness.RootDirectory, "tests-" + infix + ".sln") : Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(exeTarget.ProjectPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(exeTarget.ProjectPath) + ".sln"); using (var writer = new StringWriter()) { writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00"); writer.WriteLine("# Visual Studio 2010"); foreach (var target in targets) { var relatedProjects = target.GetRelatedProjects(); var hasRelatedProjects = relatedProjects != null; var folderGuid = string.Empty; var useFolders = hasRelatedProjects && target.IsExe && exeTarget == null; if (hasRelatedProjects && target.IsExe) { if (exeTarget == null) { CreateSolution(harness, targets, target, infix); // create a solution for just this test project as well } else if (exeTarget != target) { continue; } } if (useFolders) { folderGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpperInvariant(); writer.WriteLine("Project(\"{{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}}\") = \"{0}\", \"{0}\", \"{{{1}}}\"", target.Name, folderGuid); writer.WriteLine("EndProject"); } writer.WriteLine("Project(\"{3}\") = \"{0}\", \"{1}\", \"{2}\"", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(target.ProjectPath), FixProjectPath(sln_path, Path.GetFullPath(target.ProjectPath)), target.ProjectGuid, target.LanguageGuid); writer.WriteLine("EndProject"); if (hasRelatedProjects && target.IsExe) { foreach (var rp in relatedProjects) { writer.WriteLine("Project(\"{3}\") = \"{0}\", \"{1}\", \"{2}\"", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rp.ProjectPath), FixProjectPath(sln_path, Path.GetFullPath(rp.ProjectPath)), rp.Guid, target.LanguageGuid); writer.WriteLine("EndProject"); } } if (useFolders) { folders.AppendFormat("\t\t{0} = {{{1}}}\n", target.ProjectGuid, folderGuid); foreach (var rp in relatedProjects) { folders.AppendFormat("\t\t{0} = {{{1}}}\n", rp.Guid, folderGuid); } } } // Add reference to MonoTouch.NUnitLite project string configuration; var proj_path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(srcDirectory, "MonoTouch.NUnitLite." + infix + ".csproj")); if (!File.Exists(proj_path)) { proj_path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(srcDirectory, "MonoTouch.NUnitLite.csproj")); } AddProjectToSolution(harness, sln_path, writer, proj_path, out configuration); writer.WriteLine("Global"); writer.WriteLine("\tGlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tDebug|iPhoneSimulator = Debug|iPhoneSimulator"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tRelease|iPhoneSimulator = Release|iPhoneSimulator"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tDebug|iPhone = Debug|iPhone"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tRelease|iPhone = Release|iPhone"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tRelease-bitcode|iPhone = Release-bitcode|iPhone"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tDebug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tRelease|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU"); writer.WriteLine("\tEndGlobalSection"); writer.WriteLine("\tGlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution"); var exePlatforms = new string[] { "iPhone", "iPhoneSimulator" }; var configurations = new string[] { "Debug", "Release", "Release-bitcode" }; foreach (var target in targets) { if (target.IsExe && exeTarget != null && target != exeTarget) { continue; } foreach (var conf in configurations) { if (target.IsExe) { foreach (var platform in exePlatforms) { writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.{1}|{2}.ActiveCfg = {1}|{2}", target.ProjectGuid, conf, platform); writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.{1}|{2}.Build.0 = {1}|{2}", target.ProjectGuid, conf, platform); } } else { foreach (var platform in new string[] { "Any CPU", "iPhone", "iPhoneSimulator" }) { writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.{1}|{2}.ActiveCfg = {1}|Any CPU", target.ProjectGuid, conf, platform); writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.{1}|{2}.Build.0 = {1}|Any CPU", target.ProjectGuid, conf, platform); } } } if (target.IsExe) { var relatedProjects = target.GetRelatedProjects(); if (relatedProjects != null) { foreach (var rp in relatedProjects) { foreach (var conf in configurations) { foreach (var platform in exePlatforms) { writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.{1}|{2}.ActiveCfg = {1}|{2}", rp.Guid, conf, platform); writer.WriteLine("\t\t{0}.{1}|{2}.Build.0 = {1}|{2}", rp.Guid, conf, platform); } } } } } } writer.Write(configuration); writer.WriteLine("\tEndGlobalSection"); if (folders.Length > 0) { writer.WriteLine("\tGlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution"); writer.Write(folders.ToString()); writer.WriteLine("\tEndGlobalSection"); } writer.WriteLine("EndGlobal"); harness.Save(writer, sln_path); } }
void CreateWatchOSExtensionProject() { var csproj = inputProject; var suffix = Suffix + "-extension"; // Remove unused configurations csproj.DeleteConfiguration("iPhone", "Release-bitcode"); csproj.DeleteConfiguration("iPhone", "Release64"); csproj.DeleteConfiguration("iPhone", "Debug64"); csproj.FixArchitectures("i386", "ARMv7k", "iPhone", "Release32"); csproj.FixArchitectures("i386", "ARMv7k", "iPhone", "Debug32"); // add Release64_32 and set the correct architecture csproj.CloneConfiguration("iPhone", "Release", "Release64_32"); csproj.FixArchitectures("i386", "ARM64_32", "iPhone", "Release64_32"); // add Debug64_32 and set the correct architecture csproj.CloneConfiguration("iPhone", "Debug", "Debug64_32"); csproj.FixArchitectures("i386", "ARM64_32", "iPhone", "Debug64_32"); csproj.FixArchitectures(SimulatorArchitectures, DeviceArchitectures, "iPhoneSimulator", "Debug"); csproj.FixArchitectures(SimulatorArchitectures, DeviceArchitectures, "iPhoneSimulator", "Release"); csproj.FixArchitectures(SimulatorArchitectures, DeviceArchitectures, "iPhone", "Debug"); csproj.FixArchitectures(SimulatorArchitectures, DeviceArchitectures, "iPhone", "Release"); csproj.SetProjectTypeGuids("{1E2E965C-F6D2-49ED-B86E-418A60C69EEF};" + LanguageGuid); csproj.SetOutputPath("bin\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + suffix); csproj.SetIntermediateOutputPath("obj\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + suffix); csproj.RemoveTargetFrameworkIdentifier(); csproj.SetPlatformAssembly("Xamarin.WatchOS"); csproj.SetImport(IsFSharp ? "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Xamarin\\WatchOS\\Xamarin.WatchOS.AppExtension.FSharp.targets" : "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Xamarin\\WatchOS\\Xamarin.WatchOS.AppExtension.CSharp.targets"); csproj.FixProjectReferences("-watchos"); csproj.FixInfoPListInclude(suffix); csproj.SetOutputType("Library"); csproj.AddAdditionalDefines("BITCODE", "iPhone", "Release"); csproj.AddAdditionalDefines("XAMCORE_2_0;XAMCORE_3_0;FEATURE_NO_BSD_SOCKETS;MONOTOUCH_WATCH;"); csproj.RemoveReferences("OpenTK-1.0"); var ext = IsFSharp ? "fs" : "cs"; csproj.AddCompileInclude("InterfaceController." + ext, Path.Combine(Harness.WatchOSExtensionTemplate, "InterfaceController." + ext)); csproj.SetExtraLinkerDefs("extra-linker-defs" + ExtraLinkerDefsSuffix + ".xml"); csproj.SetMtouchUseBitcode(true, "iPhone", "Release"); csproj.SetMtouchUseLlvm(true, "iPhone", "Release"); if (MonoNativeInfo != null) { csproj.AddAdditionalDefines("MONO_NATIVE_WATCH"); MonoNativeHelper.AddProjectDefines(csproj, MonoNativeInfo.Flavor); MonoNativeHelper.RemoveSymlinkMode(csproj); } // Not linking a watch extensions requires passing -Os to the native compiler. // var configurations = new string [] { "Debug", "Debug32", "Debug64_32", "Release", "Release32", "Release64_32" }; foreach (var c in configurations) { var flags = "-fembed-bitcode-marker"; if (csproj.GetMtouchLink("iPhone", c) == "None") { flags += " -Os"; } csproj.AddExtraMtouchArgs($"--gcc_flags='{flags}'", "iPhone", c); } Harness.Save(csproj, WatchOSExtensionProjectPath); WatchOSExtensionGuid = csproj.GetProjectGuid(); XmlDocument info_plist = new XmlDocument(); var target_info_plist = Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, $"Info{Suffix}-extension.plist"); info_plist.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess(Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, "Info.plist")); BundleIdentifier = info_plist.GetCFBundleIdentifier() + "_watch"; if (BundleIdentifier.Length >= 58) { BundleIdentifier = BundleIdentifier.Substring(0, 57); // If the main app's bundle id is 58 characters (or sometimes more), then the watch extension crashes at launch. radar #29847128. } info_plist.SetCFBundleIdentifier(BundleIdentifier + ".watchkitapp.watchkitextension"); info_plist.SetMinimumOSVersion(GetMinimumOSVersion("2.0")); info_plist.SetUIDeviceFamily(4); info_plist.AddPListStringValue("RemoteInterfacePrincipleClass", "InterfaceController"); info_plist.AddPListKeyValuePair("NSExtension", "dict", string.Format( @" <key>NSExtensionAttributes</key> <dict> <key>WKAppBundleIdentifier</key> <string>{0}.watchkitapp</string> </dict> <key>NSExtensionPointIdentifier</key> <string></string> ", BundleIdentifier)); if (!info_plist.ContainsKey("NSAppTransportSecurity")) { info_plist.AddPListKeyValuePair("NSAppTransportSecurity", "dict", @" <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> <true/> " ); } Harness.Save(info_plist, target_info_plist); }
static IEnumerable <string> GetModifiedFilesRemotely(Harness harness, int pull_request) { var path = Path.Combine(harness.LogDirectory, "pr" + pull_request + "-remote-files.log"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(harness.LogDirectory); using (var client = CreateClient()) { var rv = new List <string> (); var url = $"{pull_request}/files?per_page=100"; // 100 items per page is max do { byte [] data; try { data = client.DownloadData(url); } catch (WebException we) { harness.Log("Could not load pull request files: {0}\n{1}", we, new StreamReader(we.Response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()); File.WriteAllText(path, string.Empty); return(new string [] { }); } var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(data, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas()); var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(reader); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/root/item/filename")) { rv.Add(node.InnerText); } url = null; var link = client.ResponseHeaders ["Link"]; try { if (link != null) { var ltIdx = link.IndexOf('<'); var gtIdx = link.IndexOf('>', ltIdx + 1); while (ltIdx >= 0 && gtIdx > ltIdx) { var linkUrl = link.Substring(ltIdx + 1, gtIdx - ltIdx - 1); if (link [gtIdx + 1] != ';') { break; } var commaIdx = link.IndexOf(',', gtIdx + 1); string rel; if (commaIdx != -1) { rel = link.Substring(gtIdx + 3, commaIdx - gtIdx - 3); } else { rel = link.Substring(gtIdx + 3); } if (rel == "rel=\"next\"") { url = linkUrl; break; } if (commaIdx == -1) { break; } ltIdx = link.IndexOf('<', commaIdx); gtIdx = link.IndexOf('>', ltIdx + 1); } } } catch (Exception e) { harness.Log("Could not paginate github response: {0}: {1}", link, e.Message); } } while (url != null); File.WriteAllLines(path, rv.ToArray()); return(rv); } } return(File.ReadAllLines(path)); }
public MacBCLTestInfo(Harness harness, string testName) : base(harness, testName) { }
void CreateWatchOSExtensionProject() { var csproj = inputProject; var suffix = "-watchos-extension"; csproj.SetProjectTypeGuids("{1E2E965C-F6D2-49ED-B86E-418A60C69EEF};" + LanguageGuid); csproj.SetOutputPath("bin\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + suffix); csproj.SetIntermediateOutputPath("obj\\$(Platform)\\$(Configuration)" + suffix); csproj.RemoveTargetFrameworkIdentifier(); csproj.SetPlatformAssembly("Xamarin.WatchOS"); csproj.SetImport(IsFSharp ? "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Xamarin\\WatchOS\\Xamarin.WatchOS.AppExtension.FSharp.targets" : "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Xamarin\\WatchOS\\Xamarin.WatchOS.AppExtension.CSharp.targets"); csproj.FixProjectReferences("-watchos"); csproj.FixArchitectures("i386", "ARMv7k"); csproj.FixInfoPListInclude(suffix); csproj.SetOutputType("Library"); csproj.AddAdditionalDefines("BITCODE", "iPhone", "Release"); csproj.AddAdditionalDefines("XAMCORE_2_0;XAMCORE_3_0;FEATURE_NO_BSD_SOCKETS"); csproj.RemoveReferences("OpenTK-1.0"); var ext = IsFSharp ? "fs" : "cs"; csproj.AddCompileInclude("InterfaceController." + ext, Path.Combine(Harness.WatchOSExtensionTemplate, "InterfaceController." + ext)); csproj.SetExtraLinkerDefs("extra-linker-defs" + Suffix + ".xml"); csproj.SetMtouchUseBitcode(true, "iPhone", "Release"); csproj.SetMtouchUseLlvm(true, "iPhone", "Release"); Harness.Save(csproj, WatchOSExtensionProjectPath); WatchOSExtensionGuid = csproj.GetProjectGuid(); XmlDocument info_plist = new XmlDocument(); var target_info_plist = Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, "Info-watchos-extension.plist"); info_plist.LoadWithoutNetworkAccess(Path.Combine(TargetDirectory, "Info.plist")); BundleIdentifier = info_plist.GetCFBundleIdentifier() + "-watch"; if (BundleIdentifier.Length >= 58) { BundleIdentifier = BundleIdentifier.Substring(0, 57); // If the main app's bundle id is 58 characters (or sometimes more), then the watch extension crashes at launch. radar #29847128. } info_plist.SetCFBundleIdentifier(BundleIdentifier + ".watchkitapp.watchkitextension"); info_plist.SetMinimumOSVersion("2.0"); info_plist.SetUIDeviceFamily(4); info_plist.AddPListStringValue("RemoteInterfacePrincipleClass", "InterfaceController"); info_plist.AddPListKeyValuePair("NSExtension", "dict", string.Format( @" <key>NSExtensionAttributes</key> <dict> <key>WKAppBundleIdentifier</key> <string>{0}.watchkitapp</string> </dict> <key>NSExtensionPointIdentifier</key> <string></string> ", BundleIdentifier)); if (!info_plist.ContainsKey("NSAppTransportSecurity")) { info_plist.AddPListKeyValuePair("NSAppTransportSecurity", "dict", @" <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> <true/> " ); } Harness.Save(info_plist, target_info_plist); }
public MonoNativeInfo(Harness harness, MonoNativeFlavor flavor) { Harness = harness; Flavor = flavor; }
public MacMonoNativeInfo(Harness harness, MonoNativeFlavor flavor) : base(harness, flavor) { }
public static void CreateSolution(Harness harness, IEnumerable <Target> targets, string infix) { CreateSolution(harness, targets, null, infix); }
public BCLTestInfo(Harness harness, string testName) { Harness = harness; TestName = testName; }
public static int Main(string[] args) { var harness = new Harness(); Action showHelp = null; var os = new OptionSet() { { "h|?|help", "Displays the help", (v) => showHelp() }, { "v|verbose", "Show verbose output", (v) => harness.Verbosity++ }, { "use-system:", "Use the system version of Xamarin.iOS/Xamarin.Mac or the locally build version. Default: the locally build version.", (v) => harness.UseSystem = v == "1" || v == "true" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(v) }, // Configure { "mac", "Configure for Xamarin.Mac instead of iOS.", (v) => harness.Mac = true }, { "configure", "Creates project files and makefiles.", (v) => harness.Action = HarnessAction.Configure }, { "autoconf", "Automatically decide what to configure.", (v) => harness.AutoConf = true }, { "rootdir=", "The root directory for the tests.", (v) => harness.RootDirectory = v }, { "project=", "Add a project file to process. This can be specified multiple times.", (v) => harness.IOSTestProjects.Add(new iOSTestProject(v)) }, { "watchos-container-template=", "The directory to use as a template for a watchos container app.", (v) => harness.WatchOSContainerTemplate = v }, { "watchos-app-template=", "The directory to use as a template for a watchos app.", (v) => harness.WatchOSAppTemplate = v }, // Run { "run=", "Executes a project.", (v) => { harness.Action = HarnessAction.Run; harness.IOSTestProjects.Add(new iOSTestProject(v)); } }, { "install=", "Installs a project.", (v) => { harness.Action = HarnessAction.Install; harness.IOSTestProjects.Add(new iOSTestProject(v)); } }, { "uninstall=", "Uninstalls a project.", (v) => { harness.Action = HarnessAction.Uninstall; harness.IOSTestProjects.Add(new iOSTestProject(v)); } }, { "sdkroot=", "Where Xcode is", (v) => harness.SdkRoot = v }, { "sdkroot94=", "Where Xcode 9.4 is", (v) => harness.SdkRoot94 = v }, { "target=", "Where to run the project ([ios|watchos|tvos]-[device|simulator|simulator-32|simulator-64]).", (v) => harness.Target = v.ParseAsAppRunnerTarget() }, { "configuration=", "Which configuration to run (defaults to Debug).", (v) => harness.Configuration = v }, { "logdirectory=", "Where to store logs.", (v) => harness.LogDirectory = v }, { "logfile=", "Where to store the log.", (v) => harness.LogFile = v }, { "timeout=", "Timeout for a test run (in minutes). Default is 10 minutes.", (v) => harness.Timeout = double.Parse(v) }, { "jenkins:", "Execute test run for jenkins.", (v) => { harness.JenkinsConfiguration = v; harness.Action = HarnessAction.Jenkins; } }, { "dry-run", "Only print what would be done.", (v) => harness.DryRun = true }, { "setenv:", "Set the specified environment variable when running apps.", (v) => { var split = v.Split('='); harness.EnvironmentVariables [split [0]] = split [1]; } }, { "label=", "Comma-separated list of labels to select which tests to run.", (v) => { harness.Labels.UnionWith(v.Split(new char [] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); } }, { "markdown-summary=", "The path where a summary (in Markdown format) will be written.", (v) => harness.MarkdownSummaryPath = v }, { "periodic-command=", "A command to execute periodically.", (v) => harness.PeriodicCommand = v }, { "periodic-command-arguments=", "Arguments to the command to execute periodically.", (v) => harness.PeriodicCommandArguments = v }, { "periodic-interval=", "An interval (in minutes) between every attempt to execute the periodic command.", (v) => harness.PeriodicCommandInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(double.Parse(v)) }, { "include-system-permission-tests:", "If tests that require system permissions (which could cause the OS to launch dialogs that hangs the test) should be executed or not. Default is to include such tests.", (v) => harness.IncludeSystemPermissionTests = ParseBool(v, "include-system-permission-tests") }, }; showHelp = () => { os.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); System.Environment.Exit(0); }; var input = os.Parse(args); if (input.Count > 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Unknown arguments: {0}", string.Join(", ", input.ToArray()))); } if (harness.Action == HarnessAction.None) { showHelp(); } // XS sets this, which breaks pretty much everything if it doesn't match what was passed to --sdkroot. Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("XCODE_DEVELOPER_DIR_PATH", null); return(harness.Execute()); }