// Token: 0x0600030C RID: 780 RVA: 0x0002ECA0 File Offset: 0x0002CEA0 public static void Activate(string extraData) { TurboActivate.Native.ACTIVATE_OPTIONS activate_OPTIONS = new TurboActivate.Native.ACTIVATE_OPTIONS { sExtraData = extraData }; activate_OPTIONS.nLength = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(activate_OPTIONS); switch (TurboActivate.Native.ActivateEx(ref activate_OPTIONS)) { case 0: return; case 2: throw new InvalidProductKeyException(); case 4: throw new InternetException(); case 5: throw new PkeyMaxUsedException(); case 6: throw new PkeyRevokedException(); case 8: throw new ProductDetailsException(); case 11: throw new COMException(); case 13: throw new DateTimeException(false); case 17: throw new VirtualMachineException(); case 18: throw new ExtraDataTooLongException(); case 19: throw new InvalidArgsException(); case 20: throw new TurboFloatKeyException(); } throw new TurboActivateException("Failed to activate."); }
// Token: 0x0600030E RID: 782 RVA: 0x0002EDD4 File Offset: 0x0002CFD4 public static void ActivationRequestToFile(string filename, string extraData) { TurboActivate.Native.ACTIVATE_OPTIONS activate_OPTIONS = new TurboActivate.Native.ACTIVATE_OPTIONS { sExtraData = extraData }; activate_OPTIONS.nLength = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(activate_OPTIONS); int num = TurboActivate.Native.ActivationRequestToFileEx(filename, ref activate_OPTIONS); if (num <= 8) { switch (num) { case 0: return; case 1: break; case 2: throw new InvalidProductKeyException(); default: if (num == 8) { throw new ProductDetailsException(); } break; } } else { if (num == 11) { throw new COMException(); } switch (num) { case 18: throw new ExtraDataTooLongException(); case 19: throw new InvalidArgsException(); } } throw new TurboActivateException("Failed to save the activation request file."); }
public static extern int ActivationRequestToFileEx(string filename, ref TurboActivate.Native.ACTIVATE_OPTIONS options);
public static extern int ActivateEx(ref TurboActivate.Native.ACTIVATE_OPTIONS options);