public Discount getStoreDiscount(int id, int storeId) { //SqlConnection connection = Connector.getInstance().getSQLConnection(); var discountEntry = connection.Query <DiscountEntry>("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Discount] WHERE id=@id AND storeId=@storeId", new { id, storeId = storeId }).First(); DiscountEntry d = (DiscountEntry)discountEntry; int discountId = d.getId(); DiscountComponentEntry component = (DiscountComponentEntry)connection.Query <DiscountComponentEntry>("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DiscountComponent] WHERE id=@id", new { id = discountId }).First(); connection.Close(); bool isPartOfComplex = false; if (component.getIsPartOfComplex() == 1) { isPartOfComplex = true; } if (d.getType() == "Visible") { VisibleDiscount v = new VisibleDiscount(component.getId(), isPartOfComplex, component.getPercentage(), component.getDuration(), d.getVisibleType(), component.getStoreId()); return(v); } else { ReliantDiscount r = null; if (d.getReliantType() == "totalAmount") { r = new ReliantDiscount(component.getId(), isPartOfComplex, component.getPercentage(), component.getDuration(), d.getTotalAmount(), component.getStoreId()); } return(r); } }
public void removeDiscount(int discountID) { foreach (DiscountComponent d in discountList) { if (d.getId() == discountID) { // discountList.Remove(d); if (d is ReliantDiscount) { ReliantDiscount r = (ReliantDiscount)d; if (r.getProduct() != null) { r.getProduct().removeReliantDiscount(); } } if (d is VisibleDiscount) { VisibleDiscount v = (VisibleDiscount)d; if (v.getProduct() != null) { v.getProduct().removeDiscount(); } } if (d is DiscountComposite) { removeChildren((DiscountComposite)d); } break; } } }
private void removeChildren(DiscountComposite d) { foreach (DiscountComponent child in d.getChildren()) { if (child is DiscountComposite) { removeChildren((DiscountComposite)child); } else { if (child is ReliantDiscount) { ReliantDiscount r = (ReliantDiscount)child; if (r.getProduct() != null) { r.getProduct().removeReliantDiscount(); } } if (child is VisibleDiscount) { VisibleDiscount v = (VisibleDiscount)child; if (v.getProduct() != null) { v.getProduct().removeDiscount(); } } } } }
public void addStoreVisibleDiscount(double percentage, string duration) { VisibleDiscount v = new VisibleDiscount(percentage, duration, "StoreVisibleDiscount", store.getStoreID()); DBDiscount.getInstance().addDiscount(v); store.addDiscount(v); }
public void setDiscount(VisibleDiscount discount) { = discount; // this.discountID = discount.getId(); //DBProduct.getInstance().update(this); //store.addDiscount(discount); }
public void addProductVisibleDiscount(Product product, double percentage, string duration) { Store store = product.getStore(); VisibleDiscount discount = new VisibleDiscount(percentage, duration, "ProductVisibleDiscount", store.getStoreID()); store.addDiscount(discount); discount.setProduct(product); product.setDiscount(discount); DBDiscount.getInstance().addDiscount(discount); }
public Discount getProductDiscount(int storeId, int productId) { try { //SqlConnection connection = Connector.getInstance().getSQLConnection(); lock (connection) { connection.Open(); var discountEntry = connection.Query <DiscountEntry>("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Discount] WHERE storeId=@storeId AND productId=@productId", new { storeId = storeId, productId = productId }).First(); connection.Close(); DiscountEntry d = (DiscountEntry)discountEntry; DiscountComponent dis = getDiscountByID(d.getId()); if (dis != null) { return((Discount)dis); } int discountId = d.getId(); DiscountComponentEntry component = (DiscountComponentEntry)connection.Query <DiscountComponentEntry>("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DiscountComponent] WHERE id=@id", new { id = discountId }).First(); bool isPartOfComplex = false; if (component.getIsPartOfComplex() == 1) { isPartOfComplex = true; } if (d.getType() == "Visible") { VisibleDiscount v = new VisibleDiscount(component.getId(), isPartOfComplex, component.getPercentage(), component.getDuration(), d.getVisibleType(), component.getStoreId()); Product p = DBProduct.getInstance().getProductByID(d.getProductId()); v.setProduct(p); discounts.AddFirst(v); connection.Close(); return(v); } else { int productID = d.getProductId(); ReliantDiscount r = null; if (d.getReliantType() == "sameProduct") { Product p = DBProduct.getInstance().getProductByID(productID); r = new ReliantDiscount(component.getId(), isPartOfComplex, component.getPercentage(), component.getDuration(), d.getNumOfProducts(), p, component.getStoreId()); discounts.AddFirst(r); } return(r); } } } catch (Exception) { if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed) { connection.Close(); } return(null); } }
public void removeDiscount() { if (discount == null) { throw new DoesntExistException("Error: Discount does not exist so it cannot be removed"); } else { discount = null; } }
public Product(string productName, string productCategory, int price, int rank, int quantityLeft, Store store) { this.productID = DBProduct.getNextProductID(); this.productName = productName; this.productCategory = productCategory; this.price = price; this.rank = rank; this.quantityLeft = quantityLeft; = store; //this.numberOfRanking = 0; = null; }
public void init() { try { //SqlConnection connection = Connector.getInstance().getSQLConnection(); lock (connection) { connection.Open(); var products = connection.Query <Product>("SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Product]"); if (products.Count() == 0) { connection.Close(); return; } foreach (Product product in products) { // if(product.discountID != -1) // = DBDiscount.getInstance().getDiscount(product.discountID); productList.AddFirst(product); Discount d = DBDiscount.getInstance().getProductDiscount(product.getStore().getStoreID(), product.getProductID()); if (d != null) { if (d is VisibleDiscount) { VisibleDiscount v = (VisibleDiscount)d; product.setDiscount(v); } if (d is ReliantDiscount) { ReliantDiscount r = (ReliantDiscount)d; product.setReliantDiscountSameProduct(r); } } if (product.getProductID() > nextProductID) { nextProductID = product.getProductID(); } } connection.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { connection.Close(); throw e; } nextProductID++; }
//added public Product(int productID, string productName, string productCategory, int price, int rank, int quantityLeft, int storeID) { this.productID = productID; this.productName = productName; this.productCategory = productCategory; this.price = price; this.rank = rank; this.storeID = storeID; this.quantityLeft = quantityLeft; = null; //this.discountID = discountID; }
private void addVisibleDiscount(VisibleDiscount v) { //SqlConnection connection = Connector.getInstance().getSQLConnection(); int id = v.getId(); string type = "Visible"; string reliantType = "-1"; string visibleType; int productId; int storeId = v.getStoreId(); if (v.getProduct() == null) { visibleType = "StoreVisibleDiscount"; productId = -1; } else { visibleType = "ProductVisibleDiscount"; productId = v.getProduct().getProductID(); } //not reliantdiscount int numOfProducts = -1; int totalAmount = -1; string sql = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Discount] (id, type, reliantType, visibleType, productId, storeId, numOfProducts, totalAmount)" + " VALUES (@id, @type, @reliantType, @visibleType, @productId, @storeId, @numOfProducts, @totalAmount)"; connection.Execute(sql, new { id, type, reliantType, visibleType, productId, storeId, numOfProducts, totalAmount }); }
public double getActualTotalPrice() { productsActualPrice = new Dictionary <Product, double>(); fillActualPriceDic(); double sum = 0; LinkedList <DiscountComponent> discounts = store.getDiscounts(); foreach (DiscountComponent dis in discounts) { if (dis is DiscountComposite) { if (dis.checkCondition(productList, productsActualPrice) && dis.checkDate()) { dis.setComplexCondition(true, productList, productsActualPrice); } else { if (!dis.checkDate()) { // discount is invalid - date has passed store.removeDiscount(dis.getId()); } dis.setComplexCondition(false, productList, productsActualPrice); } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <Product, int> entry in productList) { Product p = entry.Key; double actualPrice = p.getActualPrice(entry.Value); sum += (entry.Value * actualPrice); } foreach (DiscountComponent dis in discounts) { if (dis is ReliantDiscount) { ReliantDiscount r = (ReliantDiscount)dis; if (!r.getIsPartOfComplex()) { if (r.isTotalAmountDiscount() && sum >= r.getTotalAmount()) { sum = sum * (1 - r.getPercentage()); } } } } foreach (DiscountComponent dis in discounts) { if (dis is VisibleDiscount) { VisibleDiscount v = (VisibleDiscount)dis; if (!v.getIsPartOfComplex() && v.isStoreVisibleDiscount()) { if (v.isStoreVisibleDiscount()) { sum = sum * (1 - v.getPercentage()); } } } } return(sum); }
public void setDiscount(VisibleDiscount discount) { = discount; }
public void addDiscount(DiscountComponent d) { try { //SqlConnection connection = Connector.getInstance().getSQLConnection(); lock (connection) { connection.Open(); string sql = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[DiscountComponent] (id, percentage, duration, type, storeId, isPartOfComplex)" + " VALUES (@id,@percentage, @duration, @type, @storeId, @isPartOfComplex)"; int isPartOfComplex; if (d.getIsPartOfComplex()) { isPartOfComplex = 1; } else { isPartOfComplex = 0; } if (d is Discount) { connection.Execute(sql, new { id = d.getId(), percentage = d.getPercentage(), duration = d.getDuration(), type = "Discount", storeId = d.getStoreId(), isPartOfComplex }); if (d is VisibleDiscount) { VisibleDiscount v = (VisibleDiscount)d; addVisibleDiscount(v); } if (d is ReliantDiscount) { ReliantDiscount r = (ReliantDiscount)d; addReliantDiscount(r); } } if (d is DiscountComposite) { DiscountComposite composite = (DiscountComposite)d; connection.Execute(sql, new { id = d.getId(), percentage = d.getPercentage(), duration = d.getDuration(), type = "Composite", storeId = d.getStoreId(), isPartOfComplex }); foreach (DiscountComponent child in composite.getChildren()) { string sql2 = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[DiscountComposite] (id, childid, type)" + " VALUES (@id, @childid, @type)"; connection.Execute(sql2, new { id = d.getId(), childid = child.getId(), type = composite.getType() }); } } connection.Close(); discounts.AddFirst(d); } } catch (Exception e) { connection.Close(); throw e; } }
public void addProductVisibleDiscount(Product product, int percentage, string duration) { VisibleDiscount discount = new VisibleDiscount(percentage, duration); product.setDiscount(discount); }
public void setVisibleDiscount(VisibleDiscount v) { = v; }
public void addStoreVisibleDiscount(int percentage, string duration) { VisibleDiscount v = new VisibleDiscount(percentage, duration); store.addDiscount(v); }