public async Task IdAsync(cMethodControl pMC, cId pClientId, cTrace.cContext pParentContext) { var lContext = pParentContext.NewMethod(nameof(cSession), nameof(IdAsync), pMC, pClientId); if (mDisposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(cSession)); } if (_ConnectionState < eConnectionState.notauthenticated || _ConnectionState > eConnectionState.selected) { throw new InvalidOperationException(kInvalidOperationExceptionMessage.NotConnected); } // install the permanent response data processor if (mIdResponseDataProcessor == null) { mIdResponseDataProcessor = new cIdDataProcessor(mSynchroniser); mPipeline.Install(mIdResponseDataProcessor); } using (var lBuilder = new cCommandDetailsBuilder()) { if (!_Capabilities.QResync) { lBuilder.Add(await mSelectExclusiveAccess.GetBlockAsync(pMC, lContext).ConfigureAwait(false)); // block select if mailbox-data delivered during the command would be ambiguous } lBuilder.Add(await mMSNUnsafeBlock.GetBlockAsync(pMC, lContext).ConfigureAwait(false)); // this command is msnunsafe lBuilder.Add(kIdCommandPart); if (pClientId == null || pClientId.Count == 0) { lBuilder.Add(cCommandPart.Nil); } else { lBuilder.BeginList(eListBracketing.bracketed); foreach (var lPair in pClientId) { lBuilder.Add(mCommandPartFactory.AsString(lPair.Key)); lBuilder.Add(mCommandPartFactory.AsNString(lPair.Value)); } lBuilder.EndList(); } var lResult = await mPipeline.ExecuteAsync(pMC, lBuilder.EmitCommandDetails(), lContext).ConfigureAwait(false); if (lResult.ResultType == eCommandResultType.ok) { lContext.TraceInformation("id success"); return; } throw new cProtocolErrorException(lResult,, lContext); } }
private static bool ZGetId(cBytesCursor pCursor, out cId rServerId, cTrace.cContext pParentContext) { var lContext = pParentContext.NewMethod(nameof(cIdDataProcessor), nameof(ZGetId)); if (pCursor.SkipBytes(cBytesCursor.Nil)) { rServerId = null; return(true); } if (!pCursor.SkipByte(cASCII.LPAREN)) { rServerId = null; return(false); } Dictionary <string, string> lDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { bool lFirst = true; while (true) { if (pCursor.SkipByte(cASCII.RPAREN)) { break; } if (lFirst) { lFirst = false; } else if (!pCursor.SkipByte(cASCII.SPACE)) { rServerId = null; return(false); } if (!pCursor.GetString(out string lField) || !pCursor.SkipByte(cASCII.SPACE)) { rServerId = null; return(false); } if (!pCursor.GetNString(out string lValue)) { rServerId = null; return(false); } lDictionary[lField] = lValue; } rServerId = new cId(lDictionary); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { lContext.TraceException("error when constructing the id dictionary", e); rServerId = null; return(false); } }
public override eProcessDataResult ProcessData(cBytesCursor pCursor, cTrace.cContext pParentContext) { var lContext = pParentContext.NewMethod(nameof(cIdDataProcessor), nameof(ProcessData)); if (pCursor.SkipBytes(kIdSpace)) { if (ZGetId(pCursor, out var lServerId, lContext) && pCursor.Position.AtEnd) { lContext.TraceVerbose("got id: {0}", lServerId); mServerId = lServerId; mSynchroniser.InvokePropertyChanged(nameof(cIMAPClient.ServerId), lContext); return(eProcessDataResult.processed); } lContext.TraceWarning("likely malformed id response"); } return(eProcessDataResult.notprocessed); }