public void setvalues(MapLayer ml) { = t_layername.Text; ml.Translucency = (int)n_layerlucency.Value; ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleX = (double)n_px.Value; ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleY = (double)n_py.Value; }
private void renderEntities(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer ml, int px, int py) { int mtx = px / 16; int mty = py / 16; int mtox = px & 15; int mtoy = py & 15; int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2; int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2; foreach (MapEntity me in ParentMap.Entities) { int tx = me.TileX; int ty = me.TileY; if (tx >= mtx && tx <= mtx + tw && ty >= mty && ty <= mty + th) { int cx = -mtox + (tx - mtx) * 16; int cy = -mtoy + (ty - mty) * 16; Render.renderColoredTile_50Alpha(backBuffer, cx, cy, Preferences.Current.EntsColor); Render.renderNumber(backBuffer, cx + 4, cy + 4, me.ID, unchecked ((int)0xFFFFFFFF)); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="fi"></param> /// <param name="map"></param> public static Map ReadMap2(FileInfo fi) { FileStream fs = fi.OpenRead(); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] Buffer = br.ReadBytes((int)fi.Length); br.Close(); Map map = new Map(); map.FileOnDisk = fi; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Buffer); br = new BinaryReader(ms); if (Buffer[0] != 77 || Buffer[1] != 65 || Buffer[2] != 80 || Buffer[3] != 249 || Buffer[4] != 53 || Buffer[5] != 0) { Errors.Error("InputOutput", "File is not a VERGE2 Map"); return(null); } // 6 bytes signature // 4 bytes unknown?? // --- // advance 10 bytes br.ReadBytes(10); // 60 bytes VSP FileName FileInfo vspfile = new FileInfo(Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(60))); if (!vspfile.Exists) { // TODO: give the option to create a vsp in this case Errors.Error("InputOutput", "VSP was not found. New VSP created."); map.vsp = new Vsp24(); } else { map.vsp = ReadVsp(vspfile.FullName); } // 60 bytes music filename map.MusicFileName = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(60)); // 20 bytes render string string dontcare = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(20)); // 4 bytes, start position map.PlayerStartX = (int)br.ReadInt16(); map.PlayerStartY = (int)br.ReadInt16(); // 51 bytes, unknown br.ReadBytes(51); // 1 byte, number of layers int layerCount = (int)br.ReadByte(); for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++) { // 12 bytes per layer discriptor MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(map); ml.type = LayerType.Tile; = "Layer " + i.ToString(); int mx, dx, my, dy; mx = (int)br.ReadByte(); dx = (int)br.ReadByte(); my = (int)br.ReadByte(); dy = (int)br.ReadByte(); double dmx, dmy; dmx = 1.0 * mx / dx; dmy = 1.0 * my / dy; ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleX = dmx; ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleY = dmy; /* * ml.parallaxInfo.MultiplyX = (int)br.ReadByte(); * ml.parallaxInfo.DivideX = (int)br.ReadByte(); * ml.parallaxInfo.MultiplyY = (int)br.ReadByte(); * ml.parallaxInfo.DivideY = (int)br.ReadByte(); */ int w = (int)br.ReadInt16(); int h = (int)br.ReadInt16(); ml.size(w, h); ml.Translucency = (int)br.ReadByte(); ml.HLine = (int)br.ReadByte(); // padding br.ReadInt16(); map.Layers.Add(ml); } for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++) { int rleLength = br.ReadInt32(); ushort[] layerdata = InputOutput.DecompressData16(Helper.BytesToWords(br.ReadBytes(rleLength))); MapLayer ml = (MapLayer)map.Layers[i]; ml.Data = new short[ml.Width * ml.Height]; for (int j = 0; j < ml.Width * ml.Height; j++) { ml.Data[j] = (short)layerdata[j]; } } int obsDataLength = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] obsdata = InputOutput.DecompressData8(br.ReadBytes(obsDataLength)); map.ObsLayer = new MapLayer(map); map.ObsLayer.type = LayerType.Obs; map.ObsLayer.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height); = "Obstructions"; map.ObsLayer.Data = new short[map.ObsLayer.Width * map.ObsLayer.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < map.ObsLayer.Width * map.ObsLayer.Height; i++) { map.ObsLayer.Data[i] = obsdata[i]; } int zoneDataLength = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] zonedata = InputOutput.DecompressData8(br.ReadBytes(zoneDataLength)); map.ZoneLayer = new MapLayer(map); map.ZoneLayer.type = LayerType.Zone; map.ZoneLayer.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height); = "Zones"; map.ZoneLayer.Data = new short[map.ZoneLayer.Width * map.ZoneLayer.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < map.ZoneLayer.Width * map.ZoneLayer.Height; i++) map.ZoneLayer.Data[i] = zonedata[i]; }
public void init(MapLayer ml) { n_w.Value = ml.Width; n_h.Value = ml.Height; l_dims.Text = "Original Size - " + ml.Width.ToString() + " x " + ml.Height.ToString(); }
public LPanel(Panel lTool, MapLayer ml, bool render, bool write, int layer) { SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint,true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint,true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer,true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque,true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserMouse,true); LayerRef = layer; mLayerRef = ml; Cursor = Cursors.Hand; if(mLayerRef is MapLayerSpecial) Size = new Size(lTool.Width-4,16); else Size = new Size(lTool.Width-4, 25); Render=render; Write=write; if ( Write ) Global.lpSelection = this; if( ml.type != LayerType.Tile ) return; cmenu = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem m_properties = new MenuItem("Properties", new EventHandler(properties_menu)); cmenu.MenuItems.Add(m_properties); cmenu.Popup += new EventHandler(cmenu_Popup); ContextMenu = cmenu; }
public static Map ReadMap2(FileInfo fi) { FileStream fs = fi.OpenRead(); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] Buffer = br.ReadBytes((int)fi.Length); br.Close(); Map map = new Map(); map.FileOnDisk = fi; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Buffer); br = new BinaryReader(ms); if (Buffer[0] != 77 || Buffer[1] != 65 || Buffer[2] != 80 || Buffer[3] != 249 || Buffer[4] != 53 || Buffer[5] != 0) { Errors.Error("InputOutput", "File is not a VERGE2 Map"); return null; } // 6 bytes signature // 4 bytes unknown?? // --- // advance 10 bytes br.ReadBytes(10); // 60 bytes VSP FileName FileInfo vspfile = new FileInfo(Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(60))); if (!vspfile.Exists) { // TODO: give the option to create a vsp in this case Errors.Error("InputOutput", "VSP was not found. New VSP created."); map.vsp = new Vsp24(); } else { map.vsp = ReadVsp(vspfile.FullName); } // 60 bytes music filename map.MusicFileName = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(60)); // 20 bytes render string string dontcare = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(20)); // 4 bytes, start position map.PlayerStartX = (int)br.ReadInt16(); map.PlayerStartY = (int)br.ReadInt16(); // 51 bytes, unknown br.ReadBytes(51); // 1 byte, number of layers int layerCount = (int)br.ReadByte(); for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++) { // 12 bytes per layer discriptor MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(map); ml.type = LayerType.Tile; = "Layer " + i.ToString(); int mx, dx, my, dy; mx = (int)br.ReadByte(); dx = (int)br.ReadByte(); my = (int)br.ReadByte(); dy = (int)br.ReadByte(); double dmx, dmy; dmx = 1.0 * mx / dx; dmy = 1.0 * my / dy; ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleX = dmx; ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleY = dmy; /* ml.parallaxInfo.MultiplyX = (int)br.ReadByte(); ml.parallaxInfo.DivideX = (int)br.ReadByte(); ml.parallaxInfo.MultiplyY = (int)br.ReadByte(); ml.parallaxInfo.DivideY = (int)br.ReadByte(); */ int w = (int)br.ReadInt16(); int h = (int)br.ReadInt16(); ml.size(w, h); ml.Translucency = (int)br.ReadByte(); ml.HLine = (int)br.ReadByte(); // padding br.ReadInt16(); map.Layers.Add(ml); } for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++) { int rleLength = br.ReadInt32(); ushort[] layerdata = InputOutput.DecompressData16(Helper.BytesToWords(br.ReadBytes(rleLength))); MapLayer ml = (MapLayer)map.Layers[i]; ml.Data = new short[ml.Width * ml.Height]; for (int j = 0; j < ml.Width * ml.Height; j++) ml.Data[j] = (short)layerdata[j]; } int obsDataLength = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] obsdata = InputOutput.DecompressData8(br.ReadBytes(obsDataLength)); map.ObsLayer = new MapLayer(map); map.ObsLayer.type = LayerType.Obs; map.ObsLayer.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height); = "Obstructions"; map.ObsLayer.Data = new short[map.ObsLayer.Width * map.ObsLayer.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < map.ObsLayer.Width * map.ObsLayer.Height; i++) map.ObsLayer.Data[i] = obsdata[i]; int zoneDataLength = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] zonedata = InputOutput.DecompressData8(br.ReadBytes(zoneDataLength)); map.ZoneLayer = new MapLayer(map); map.ZoneLayer.type = LayerType.Zone; map.ZoneLayer.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height); = "Zones"; map.ZoneLayer.Data = new short[map.ZoneLayer.Width * map.ZoneLayer.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < map.ZoneLayer.Width * map.ZoneLayer.Height; i++) map.ZoneLayer.Data[i] = zonedata[i]; MapLayer el = new MapLayer(map); el.type = LayerType.Entity; = "Entities"; map.Layers.Add(el); map.EntLayer = el; MapLayerSpecial rl = new MapLayerSpecial(map); rl.type = LayerType.Special_Retrace; map.Layers.Add(rl); map.Layers.Add(map.ObsLayer); map.Layers.Add(map.ZoneLayer); int zoneCount = br.ReadInt32(); // 50 bytes per zone for (int i = 0; i < zoneCount; i++) { MapZone mz = new MapZone(); mz.ID = i; mz.Name = Helper.CharsToString(br.ReadChars(40)); //Errors.Error(mz.Name); mz.PlayerScript = ""; br.ReadInt16(); mz.Rate = (int)br.ReadInt16(); mz.Delay = (int)br.ReadInt16(); mz.Flags = (int)br.ReadInt16(); mz.EntityScript = ""; br.ReadInt16(); map.Zones.Add(mz); } if (zoneCount == 0) { MapZone mz = new MapZone(); mz.ID = 0; mz.Name = "NULL_ZONE"; map.Zones.Add(mz); } int chrCount = (int)br.ReadByte(); ArrayList al_chrs = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < chrCount; i++) { MapChr mc = new MapChr(); try { mc.Name = Helper.BytesToFileString(br.ReadBytes(60)); } catch (Exception e) { mc.Name = ""; /// there's no error log in maped3 yet. I'll discuss this with the boys. For now, ANNOYING MESSAGE BOX! /// -gru Errors.Error("I/O", "Bad filename for MapChr(" + i + "): " + e.Message + "\nDefaulting to empty string for file name."); } mc.ID = i; if (mc.Name.Length > 0) { FileInfo mcfi = new FileInfo(mc.Name); if (ReadCHR(mcfi, mc) == 0) mc.bImageAvailable = true; } al_chrs.Add(mc); } int entCount = (int)br.ReadByte(); //Errors.Error(entCount.ToString() + ", "+br.BaseStream.Position.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < entCount; i++) { MapEntity me = new MapEntity(); me.TileX = (int)br.ReadInt32(); me.TileY = (int)br.ReadInt32(); int xx = (int)br.ReadInt16(); int xy = (int)br.ReadInt16(); //Errors.Error(""+ me.TileX+","+me.TileY+":"+xx+","+xy); // ignore //br.ReadBytes(4); me.Facing = (int)br.ReadByte(); if (me.Facing == 0) me.Facing = 2; me.Moving = (int)br.ReadByte(); // ignore br.ReadByte(); me.BottomLineFrame = (int)br.ReadByte(); me.SpecialFrameSet = (int)br.ReadByte(); int cidx = (int)br.ReadByte(); // assign chr // dont do this //me.Chr = ((MapChr)al_chrs[cidx]).Clone(); me.ChrName = string.Copy(((MapChr)al_chrs[cidx]).Name); me.Reset = (int)br.ReadByte(); me.ObeyObstruction = (int)br.ReadByte(); me.IsObstruction = (int)br.ReadByte(); me.Speed = (int)br.ReadByte(); switch (me.Speed) { case 1: me.Speed = 25; break; case 2: me.Speed = 33; break; case 3: me.Speed = 50; break; case 4: me.Speed = 100; break; case 5: me.Speed = 200; break; case 6: me.Speed = 300; break; case 7: me.Speed = 400; break; } // ignore br.ReadBytes(10); // entspeedcnt(1), anim frame delay(1), anim script(4), move script(4) //32 me.AutoFace = (int)br.ReadByte(); me.ActivationMode = (int)br.ReadByte(); me.MoveType = (int)br.ReadByte(); if (me.MoveType > 1) me.MoveType--; me.__movescript = (int)br.ReadByte(); // ignore br.ReadBytes(2); // subtile move ctr, mode flag me.WanderSteps = (int)br.ReadInt16(); me.WanderDelay = (int)br.ReadInt16(); // ignore br.ReadBytes(4); // step ctr, delay ctr me.ID = i; br.ReadBytes(2); // WTF IS THIS!! for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { me.UserData[j] = br.ReadInt16(); } me.WanderRectangle.x0 = me.UserData[1]; me.WanderRectangle.y0 = me.UserData[2]; me.WanderRectangle.x1 = me.UserData[4]; me.WanderRectangle.y1 = me.UserData[5]; // ignore br.ReadBytes(20); // a lot of shiznit me.Description = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(20)); //Errors.Error(me.Description); //br.ReadBytes(2); // WTF IS THIS!! me.ID = i; map.Entities.Add(me); } int movescriptCount = (int)br.ReadByte(); int movescriptBuffersize = (int)br.ReadInt32(); ArrayList al_scripts = new ArrayList(); // ignore br.ReadBytes(4 * movescriptCount); string script = ""; while (movescriptBuffersize > 0) { char c = br.ReadChar(); if (c == (char)0) { al_scripts.Add(string.Copy(script)); script = ""; } else script += c; movescriptBuffersize--; } // add all the scripts to their respective entities and trash the movescript array foreach (MapEntity me in map.Entities) { me.MoveScript = (string)al_scripts[me.__movescript]; } br.Close(); string rs2 = ""; foreach (char c in dontcare) { if (rs2.Length != 0) rs2 += ","; rs2 += c; } map.RenderString = rs2; return map; }
private unsafe void paint(Graphics g) { g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighSpeed; g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; g.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100); if (Global.ActiveMap != null && Controller != null) { // get map Map map = Global.ActiveMap; // get base layer MapLayer BaseLayer = (MapLayer)Global.ActiveMap.Layers[0]; // get the vsp Vsp24 mapVsp = Global.ActiveVsp; int vw = 200, vh = 200; if (BaseLayer.Width > BaseLayer.Height) { vh = (int)(vh * ((float)BaseLayer.Height / (float)BaseLayer.Width)); } else { vw = (int)(vw * ((float)BaseLayer.Width / (float)BaseLayer.Height)); } float ratio_x = (float)BaseLayer.Width / vw; float ratio_y = (float)BaseLayer.Height / vh; float ratio_xn = (float)vw / (BaseLayer.Width * 16); float ratio_yn = (float)vh / (BaseLayer.Height * 16); mapView mv = Controller.MapView; int pw = BaseLayer.Width * 16; int ph = BaseLayer.Height * 16; //zero 1/18/03 - note the zoom alterations here int nw = mv.Width * vw / Controller.ZoomLevel / pw; int nh = mv.Height * vh / Controller.ZoomLevel / ph; r.Width = nw; r.Height = nh; int ox = (int)(Controller.hScrollBar.Value * ratio_xn); int oy = (int)(Controller.vScrollBar.Value * ratio_yn); r.X = ox; r.Y = oy; if (bNeedsRedraw) { BitmapData bmpd = bmp.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb); int * imgptr = (int *)bmpd.Scan0.ToPointer(); if (mapVsp != null && mapVsp.tileCount > 0) { for (int l = 0; l < map.Layers.Count; l++) { MapLayer layer = (MapLayer)map.Layers[l]; if (layer.type != LayerType.Tile) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < vh; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < vw; j++) { int tx = (int)(ratio_x * j); int ty = (int)(ratio_y * i); if (tx >= layer.Width || tx < 0 || ty >= layer.Height || ty < 0) { continue; } int tidx = layer.Data[ty * layer.Width + tx]; if ((l == 0 || tidx != 0) && 0 < tidx && tidx < mapVsp.Tiles.Count) { imgptr[i * 200 + j] = ((Vsp24Tile)mapVsp.Tiles[tidx]).ColorAverage; } } } } } bmp.UnlockBits(bmpd); bNeedsRedraw = false; } int xx = (200 - vw) / 2; int yy = (200 - vh) / 2; r.X += xx + 1; r.Y += yy + 1; // flicker reduce hack g.Clip = new Region(new Rectangle(xx, yy, vw + 1, vh + 1)); g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, xx, yy, vw, vh); g.Clip = new Region(new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200)); // g.DrawRectangle(rectPen, r); g.DrawRectangle(rectPenW, xx - 2, yy - 2, vw + 4, vh + 4); } else { g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, Width, Height); } }
private void renderObstructionLayer(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer mapLayer, int px, int py) { int mtx = px / 16; int mty = py / 16; int mtox = px & 15; int mtoy = py & 15; //we add 2; one for the case where we are scrolled a little bit //(and so parts of two tiles are drawn instead of one complete) //and one for the case where the screen is a funny size and a remainder bit is shown int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2; int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2; int layerWidth = mapLayer.Width; int layerHeight = mapLayer.Height; int cpx = -mtox; int cpy = -mtoy; tw = System.Math.Min(tw, layerWidth - mtx); th = System.Math.Min(th, layerHeight - mty); int tp; int tile; int xmin = -mtox; int xmax = xmin + tw * 16; short[] tileMap = mapLayer.Data; if (Global.RenderOptions.bTranslucentEffects) { for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) { tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx; for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) { tile = tileMap[tp++]; if (0 < tile && tile < ParentMap.vsp.ObstructionTiles.Count) { Render.renderObsTile(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, ((VspObstructionTile)ParentMap.vsp.ObstructionTiles[tile]).Image, false, Preferences.Current.ObsColor); } } } } else { for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) { tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx; for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) { tile = tileMap[tp++]; if (0 < tile && tile < ParentMap.vsp.ObstructionTiles.Count) { Render.renderObsTileFast(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, ((VspObstructionTile)ParentMap.vsp.ObstructionTiles[tile]).Image, false); } } } } }
private void b_layeradd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { NewLayerWindow nlw = new NewLayerWindow(); MapLayer bl = null; foreach (MapLayer ml in Global.ActiveMap.Layers) if (ml.type == LayerType.Tile) { bl = ml; break; } if (bl == null) nlw.init(100, 100); else nlw.init(bl.Width, bl.Height); if (nlw.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; MapLayer mlz = new MapLayer(Global.ActiveMap); mlz.type = LayerType.Tile; mlz.size(nlw.SelectedSize.Width, nlw.SelectedSize.Height); = "Layer " + (Global.ActiveMap.Layers.Count - 3); mlz.parallaxInfo = new ParallaxInfo(); // lpAddLayer(mlz, true,false, ); Global.ActiveMap.AddLayer(mlz); lpUpdate(Global.ActiveMap, mlz); }
public void DeleteLayer(MapLayer ml) { if (ml.type != LayerType.Tile) return; UIState.RemoveLayer(ml); RenderManager.Layers.Remove(ml); Layers.Remove(ml); }
public int AddLayer(MapLayer ml) { if (this == Global.ActiveMap) UIState.AddLayer(ml); RenderManager.AddLayer(ml); Layers.Add(ml); return Layers.Count - 1; }
protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { if (!live || ParentMap.IsBrush) { return; } mdown = true; if (Global.editedLayer.type == LayerType.Entity) { if (Global.SelectedEntity != null) { Global.SelectedEntity.TileX = Global.MapCursorLocation.X; Global.SelectedEntity.TileY = Global.MapCursorLocation.Y; } return; } currMapPlugin = Global.toolPalette.currMapPlugin; if (currMapPlugin == null) { return; } //get the tool to be used currMapTool = currMapPlugin.getTool( e.Button == MouseButtons.Left, e.Button == MouseButtons.Right, ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0), ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0), ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Alt) != 0) ); if (currMapTool == null) { return; } //ensure that the tool to be used works with the current edited layer MapLayer ml = null; foreach (LayerType t in currMapTool.layerTypes) { if (t == Global.editedLayer.type) { ml = Global.editedLayer; } } if (ml == null) { currMapTool = null; return; } Capture = true; bDragging = true; ParentMap.bUpdating = true; //setup eventinfo currMapEventInfo = new Plugins.MapEventInfo(); //currMapEventInfo.invalidateEvent += new EventHandler(invalidateEvent); currMapEventInfo.editedMap = ParentMap; currMapEventInfo.editedLayer = ml; currMapEventInfo.editedLayerIndex = ParentMap.Layers.IndexOf(ml); = ((e.Button & MouseButtons.Left) > 0); currMapEventInfo.rb = ((e.Button & MouseButtons.Right) > 0); currMapEventInfo.opManager = Global.opManager; setupMapCursorLocation(ref currMapEventInfo.start, e.X, e.Y); setupMapCursorLocation(ref currMapEventInfo.current, e.X, e.Y); setupMapCursorLocation(ref currMapEventInfo.previous, e.X, e.Y); currMapEventInfo.bDirty = false; if (currMapTool is Plugins.IMapDragTool) { bDraggingTool = true; currMapDragTool = (Plugins.IMapDragTool)currMapTool; currMapDragTool.MouseDown(currMapEventInfo); currMapDragTool.MouseMove(currMapEventInfo); if (currMapDragTool is Plugins.IMapDragTileTool) { ((Plugins.IMapDragTileTool)currMapDragTool).MouseMoveTile(currMapEventInfo); } } if (currMapTool is Plugins.IMapClickTool) { ((Plugins.IMapClickTool)currMapTool).MouseClick(currMapEventInfo); } if (currMapEventInfo.bDirty) { Invalidate(); } currMapEventInfo.bDirty = false; }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { if (!live) { return; } int xScroll = hscrollbar.Value; int yScroll = vscrollbar.Value; Map currMap = ParentMap; pr2.IRenderImage img = pr2.RenderImage.LockBitmap(bmp); img.Clear(unchecked ((int)0xFF000000)); Map mOld = null; MapLayer mlOld = null; if (currMapTool is Plugins.IMapTweaker) { mOld = currMapEventInfo.editedMap; mlOld = currMapEventInfo.editedLayer; currMapEventInfo.editedMap = mOld.tileCopy(); currMapEventInfo.editedLayer = currMapEventInfo.editedMap.findLayer(; currMap = currMapEventInfo.editedMap; currMapEventInfo.bTweak = true; ((Plugins.IMapTweaker)currMapTool).tweakMap(currMapEventInfo); currMapEventInfo.bTweak = false; } bool bottomlayer = false; bool blayerfound = false; for (int c = 0; c < ParentMap.RenderManager.Layers.Count; c++) { MapLayer mlCurr = (MapLayer)ParentMap.RenderManager.Layers[c]; if (!blayerfound && mlCurr.type == LayerType.Tile) { bottomlayer = true; blayerfound = true; } if (!ParentMap.IsBrush) { if (!ParentMap.UIState[c].bRender) { continue; } } if (mlCurr.type == LayerType.Entity) { renderEntities(img, mlCurr, xScroll, yScroll); } if (mlCurr.type == LayerType.Tile || mlCurr.type == LayerType.Obs || mlCurr.type == LayerType.Zone) { if (bDragging && currMapEventInfo.editedLayerIndex == c && currMapTool is Plugins.IMapPainter) { //if(Global.editedLayer == mlCurr && currMapTool is Plugins.IMapPainter) { MapLayer mlOld2 = currMapEventInfo.editedLayer; MapLayer mlTemp = mlOld2.copy(); currMapEventInfo.editedLayer = mlTemp; currMapEventInfo.bTweak = true; ((Plugins.IMapPainter)currMapTool).tweakLayer(currMapEventInfo); currMapEventInfo.editedLayer = mlOld2; currMapEventInfo.bTweak = false; renderLayer(img, mlTemp, xScroll, yScroll, bottomlayer); ((Plugins.IMapPainter)currMapTool).paintMap(currMapEventInfo, img); } else { renderLayer(img, mlCurr, xScroll, yScroll, bottomlayer); } if (bottomlayer) { bottomlayer = false; } } } if (currMapTool is Plugins.IMapTweaker) { currMapEventInfo.editedMap = mOld; currMapEventInfo.editedLayer = mlOld; } img.Dispose(); e.Graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighSpeed; e.Graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; e.Graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy; e.Graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed; e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, 0, 0, bmp.Width * ZoomLevel, bmp.Height * ZoomLevel); if (!bDragging && bMouseContained) { Pen p = new Pen(Color.White, 2.0f); Plugins.MapCursorLocation mcl = new winmaped2.Plugins.MapCursorLocation(); setupMapCursorLocation(ref mcl, cursorX, cursorY); int dx = (mcl.tx * 16 - xScroll); int dy = (mcl.ty * 16 - yScroll); // if(dx != last_cursorX || dy != last_cursorY) //if (cursorX > 0 && cursorX < Size.Width && cursorY>0 && cursorY<Size.Height) e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(p, dx * ZoomLevel, dy * ZoomLevel, 16 * ZoomLevel, 16 * ZoomLevel); // last_cursorX = dx; // last_cursorY = dy; } if (currMapTool is Plugins.IMapPainter) { ((Plugins.IMapPainter)currMapTool).paintWindow(currMapEventInfo, e.Graphics); } }
private void renderTileLayer(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer layer, Vsp24 vsp, int px, int py, bool drawZero) { int mtx = px / 16; int mty = py / 16; int mtox = px & 15; int mtoy = py & 15; //we add 2; one for the case where we are scrolled a little bit //(and so parts of two tiles are drawn instead of one complete) //and one for the case where the screen is a funny size and a remainder bit is shown int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2; int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2; int layerWidth = layer.Width; int layerHeight = layer.Height; int cpx = -mtox; int cpy = -mtoy; tw = System.Math.Min(tw, layerWidth - mtx); th = System.Math.Min(th, layerHeight - mty); int tp; int tile; int xmin = -mtox; int xmax = xmin + tw * 16; short[] tileMap = layer.Data; if (Global.RenderOptions.bTranslucentEffects) { for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) { tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx; for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) { tile = tileMap[tp++]; if (Global.RenderOptions.bAnimate) { tile = Global.FrameCalc.getframe(tile); } if ((drawZero || tile != 0) && tile < vsp.tileCount) { Render.renderAlpha(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, vsp.GetTile(tile).Image, 100 - layer.Translucency, false); } } } } else { for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) { tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx; for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) { tile = tileMap[tp++]; if (Global.RenderOptions.bAnimate) { tile = Global.FrameCalc.getframe(tile); } if (drawZero || tile != 0 && tile < vsp.tileCount) { Render.render(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, vsp.GetTile(tile).Image, false); } } } } }
private void MoveToCursor(MouseEventArgs e) { if (Global.ActiveMap != null && lDown == true && Controller != null) { // get map Map map = Global.ActiveMap; // get base layer MapLayer BaseLayer = (MapLayer)Global.ActiveMap.Layers[0]; // get the vsp Vsp24 mapVsp = Global.ActiveVsp; // get the mapview mapView mv = Global.MainMapController.MapView; int vw = 200, vh = 200; if (BaseLayer.Width > BaseLayer.Height) { vh = (int)(vh * ((float)BaseLayer.Height / (float)BaseLayer.Width)); } else { vw = (int)(vw * ((float)BaseLayer.Width / (float)BaseLayer.Height)); } float ratio_x = (float)BaseLayer.Width / vw; float ratio_y = (float)BaseLayer.Height / vh; int x = (200 - vw) / 2; int y = (200 - vh) / 2; int nx = (int)(ratio_x * (e.X - x) * 16); int ny = (int)(ratio_y * (e.Y - y) * 16); nx -= (mv.Width / Controller.ZoomLevel / 2); ny -= (mv.Height / Controller.ZoomLevel / 2); nx += x; ny += y; if (nx < 0) { nx = 0; } if (ny < 0) { ny = 0; } if (nx > Controller.hScrollBar.Maximum - mv.Width / Controller.ZoomLevel) { nx = Controller.hScrollBar.Maximum - mv.Width / Controller.ZoomLevel; } if (ny > Controller.vScrollBar.Maximum - mv.Height / Controller.ZoomLevel) { ny = Controller.vScrollBar.Maximum - mv.Height / Controller.ZoomLevel; } if (nx >= Controller.hScrollBar.Minimum) { Controller.hScrollBar.Value = nx; } //Controller.hScrollBar.Value = nx; if (ny >= Controller.vScrollBar.Minimum) { Controller.vScrollBar.Value = ny; } //Controller.vScrollBar.Value = ny; repaint(); } }
private void miNewLayer_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Global.ActiveMap != null) { NewLayerWindow nlw = new NewLayerWindow(); DialogResult dr = nlw.ShowDialog(); if (dr != DialogResult.OK) { return; } // add the layer MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(Global.ActiveMap); int w = nlw.SelectedSize.Width; int h = nlw.SelectedSize.Height; //ml.Height = h; //ml.Width = w; ml.size(w, h); ml.parallaxInfo = new ParallaxInfo(); ml.Translucency = 0; Global.ActiveMap.Layers.Add(ml); lpAddLayer(ml, true, false, (Global.ActiveMap.Layers.Count - 1)); // create a render state for this layer Global.ActiveMap.UIState.AddLayer(ml); // Global.ForceRedraws(); } ui_update(); }
public void lpSwapLayer(MapLayer oldLayer, MapLayer newLayer) { foreach (Control lp in lPanel.Controls) { if (lp is LPanel) { if (((LPanel)lp).LayerRef == oldLayer) { ((LPanel)lp).LayerRef = newLayer; } } } }
public int findLayerIndex(MapLayer ml) { for (int i = 0; i < Layers.Count; i++) if (Layers[i] == ml) return i; return -1; }
private void renderEntities(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer ml, int px, int py) { int mtx = px / 16; int mty = py / 16; int mtox = px & 15; int mtoy = py & 15; int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2; int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2; foreach (MapEntity me in ParentMap.Entities) { int tx = me.TileX; int ty = me.TileY; if (tx >= mtx && tx <= mtx + tw && ty >= mty && ty <= mty + th) { int cx = -mtox + (tx - mtx) * 16; int cy = -mtoy + (ty - mty) * 16; Render.renderColoredTile_50Alpha(backBuffer, cx, cy, Preferences.Current.EntsColor); Render.renderNumber(backBuffer, cx + 4, cy + 4, me.ID, unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFFF)); } } }
public void ModifyTile(MapLayer ml, int x, int y, int newtile) { ml.setTile(x, y, newtile); }
private void renderZoneLayer(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer mapLayer, int px, int py) { int mtx = px / 16; int mty = py / 16; int mtox = px & 15; int mtoy = py & 15; //we add 2; one for the case where we are scrolled a little bit //(and so parts of two tiles are drawn instead of one complete) //and one for the case where the screen is a funny size and a remainder bit is shown int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2; int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2; int layerWidth = mapLayer.Width; int layerHeight = mapLayer.Height; int cpx = -mtox; int cpy = -mtoy; tw = System.Math.Min(tw, layerWidth - mtx); th = System.Math.Min(th, layerHeight - mty); int tp; int tile; int xmin = -mtox; int xmax = xmin + tw * 16; const int WHITE = unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFFF); short[] tileMap = mapLayer.Data; for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) { tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx; if (Global.RenderOptions.bTranslucentEffects) { for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) { if ((tile = tileMap[tp++]) != 0) { Render.renderColoredTile_50Alpha(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, Preferences.Current.ZonesColor); Render.renderNumber(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, tile, WHITE); } } } else { for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) { if ((tile = tileMap[tp++]) != 0) { Render.renderColoredTile(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, Preferences.Current.ZonesColor); Render.renderNumber(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, tile, WHITE); } } } } }
public MapLayer copy() { MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(parentmap); ml.type = type; ml._Width = Width; ml._Height = Height; ml.parallaxInfo = parallaxInfo; ml.HLine = HLine; = name; ml.Translucency = Translucency; if (Data != null) ml.Data = (short[])Data.Clone(); return ml; }
public MapLayer copyRange(int x0, int y0, int w, int h) { MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(parentmap); ml.type = type; ml.parallaxInfo = parallaxInfo; ml.HLine = HLine; = name; ml.Translucency = Translucency; ml._Width = 0; ml._Height = 0; if (Data != null) { ml._Width = w; ml._Height = h; ml.Data = new short[w * h]; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) if (x + x0 < Width && y + y0 < Height && x + x0 >= 0 && y + y0 >= 0) ml.Data[w * y + x] = Data[Width * (y + y0) + x + x0]; else ml.Data[w * y + x] = 0; } return ml; }
public static unsafe Map ReadMap3(FileInfo fi) { byte[] m3s = new byte[] { (byte)'V', (byte)'3', (byte)'M', (byte)'A', (byte)'P', (byte)0 }; FileStream fs = fi.OpenRead(); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); Map map = new Map(); map.FileOnDisk = fi; // Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(map.FileOnDisk.Directory.FullName); byte[] sig = br.ReadBytes(m3s.Length); for (int i = 0; i < m3s.Length; i++) if (sig[i] != m3s[i]) return null; int version = br.ReadInt32(); int vcofs = br.ReadInt32(); if (version >= 3) { int numNotes = br.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < numNotes; i++) { Map.Note note = new Map.Note(); note.x = br.ReadInt32(); note.y = br.ReadInt32(); int strlen = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] bytes = br.ReadBytes(strlen); note.note = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes); map.Notes.Add(note); } } byte[] formal = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] vspname = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] musicname = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] renderstring = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] aexec = br.ReadBytes(256); string vspf = Helper.BytesToString(vspname); FileInfo vspfile; try { vspfile = new FileInfo(vspf); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new Exception("VSP file is inaccessible. Requested file was '" + vspf + "'"); } if (!vspfile.Exists) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult dr = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unable to load requested VSP file. Create a blank vsp?", "Load Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) map.vsp = new Vsp24(); else if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) return null; else return null; } else { map.vsp = ReadVsp(vspfile.FullName); } map.FormalName = Helper.BytesToString(formal); map.MusicFileName = Helper.BytesToString(musicname); //map.RenderString = Helper.BytesToString(renderstring); string rs = Helper.BytesToString(renderstring); map.AutoExecEvent = Helper.BytesToString(aexec); map.PlayerStartX = br.ReadInt16(); map.PlayerStartY = br.ReadInt16(); int layercount = br.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < layercount; i++) { MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(map); = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); ml.type = LayerType.Tile; ml.parallaxInfo = new ParallaxInfo(); ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleX = br.ReadDouble(); ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleY = br.ReadDouble(); int w = br.ReadInt16(); int h = br.ReadInt16(); ml.size(w, h); ml.Translucency = br.ReadByte(); int len = br.ReadInt32(); int zlen = br.ReadInt32(); ml.Data = ZLIB.DecodeShorts(br.ReadBytes(zlen), len); map.Layers.Add(ml); } MapLayer ol = new MapLayer(map); ol.type = LayerType.Obs; = "Obstructions"; ol.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height); int ol_lenn = br.ReadInt32(); int ol_len = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] obsdata = ZLIB.Decode(br.ReadBytes(ol_len), ol_lenn); //patch up total garbage obstruction data for (int i = 0; i < obsdata.Length; i++) { ol.Data[i] = obsdata[i]; #if ASTRAL if (ol.Data[i] >= 16) //NUM_OBS ol.Data[i] = 15; #endif } map.ObsLayer = ol; int zl_lenn = br.ReadInt32(); int zl_len = br.ReadInt32(); MapLayer zl = new MapLayer(map); zl.type = LayerType.Zone; = "Zones"; zl.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height); zl.Data = ZLIB.DecodeShorts(br.ReadBytes(zl_len), zl_lenn); map.ZoneLayer = zl; MapLayer el = new MapLayer(map); el.type = LayerType.Entity; = "Entities"; map.EntLayer = el; map.Layers.Add(el); MapLayerSpecial rl = new MapLayerSpecial(map); rl.type = LayerType.Special_Retrace; map.Layers.Add(rl); map.Layers.Add(ol); map.Layers.Add(zl); int zonecount = br.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < zonecount; i++) { MapZone mz = new MapZone(); byte[] zname = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] pscript = br.ReadBytes(256); // byte[] escript = br.ReadBytes(256); mz.Name = Helper.BytesToString(zname); mz.PlayerScript = Helper.BytesToString(pscript); // mz.EntityScript = Helper.BytesToString(escript); mz.Rate = br.ReadByte(); mz.Delay = br.ReadByte(); mz.Flags = br.ReadByte(); mz.ID = i; map.Zones.Add(mz); } if (zonecount == 0) { MapZone mz = new MapZone(); mz.ID = 0; mz.Name = "NULL_ZONE"; map.Zones.Add(mz); } int entcount = br.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < entcount; i++) { MapEntity me = new MapEntity(); me.TileX = br.ReadInt16(); me.TileY = br.ReadInt16(); me.Facing = br.ReadByte(); me.ObeyObstruction = br.ReadByte(); me.IsObstruction = br.ReadByte(); me.AutoFace = br.ReadByte(); me.Speed = br.ReadInt16(); me.ActivationMode = br.ReadByte(); me.MoveType = br.ReadByte(); me.WanderRectangle.x0 = br.ReadInt16(); me.WanderRectangle.y0 = br.ReadInt16(); me.WanderRectangle.x1 = br.ReadInt16(); me.WanderRectangle.y1 = br.ReadInt16(); me.WanderDelay = br.ReadInt16(); int expand = br.ReadInt32(); me.MoveScript = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); me.ChrName = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); me.Description = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); me.onActivate = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); map.Entities.Add(me); me.ID = map.Entities.Count-1; } br.Close(); string rs2 = ""; if (version == 1) { foreach (char c in rs) { if (rs2.Length != 0) rs2 += ","; rs2 += c; } map.RenderString = rs2; } else map.RenderString = rs; return map; }
public void AddLayer(MapLayer ml) { if (ml.type != LayerType.Tile) return; for (int i = Layers.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { MapLayer mld = (MapLayer)Layers[i - 1]; if (mld.type == LayerType.Tile || i == 1) { Layers.Insert(i, ml); return; } } //Layers.Insert(0,ml); }
public static bool IsBaseLayer(MapLayer ml) { return (Global.ActiveMap.Layers.IndexOf(ml) == 0); }
public void MoveDown(MapLayer ml) { if (ml.type == LayerType.Obs || ml.type == LayerType.Zone) return; int idx = Layers.IndexOf(ml); MapLayer mlb = (MapLayer)Layers[idx + 1]; if (mlb.type == LayerType.Obs || mlb.type == LayerType.Zone) return; Layers[idx] = mlb; Layers[idx + 1] = ml; }
public unsafe static int WriteMap(FileInfo fi, Map map) { byte[] map3_signature = new byte[] { (byte)'V', (byte)'3', (byte)'M', (byte)'A', (byte)'P', (byte)0 }; if (map == null) { return(-1); } string vspname = Helper.GetRelativePath(map.FileOnDisk.Directory.FullName, map.vsp.FileOnDisk.FullName); if (vspname == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to resolve VSP path."); } fi = new FileInfo(fi.Name); if (fi.Exists) { fi.Delete(); } FileStream fs = fi.OpenWrite(); MemoryStream ms_outbuf = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw_o = new BinaryWriter(ms_outbuf); MemoryStream ms_outbuf2 = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms_outbuf2); bw_o.Write(map3_signature); bw_o.Write(Global.VERSIONINFO.MAPVERSION); bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(map.FormalName, 256)); bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(vspname, 256)); bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(map.MusicFileName, 256)); bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(map.RenderString, 256)); bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(map.AutoExecEvent, 256)); bw.Write((short)map.PlayerStartX); bw.Write((short)map.PlayerStartY); int special_count = 0; foreach (MapLayer ml in map.Layers) { if (ml.type != LayerType.Tile) { special_count++; } } bw.Write(map.Layers.Count - special_count); foreach (MapLayer ml in map.Layers) { if (ml.type != LayerType.Tile) { continue; } bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(, 256)); bw.Write(ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleX); bw.Write(ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleY); bw.Write((short)ml.Width); bw.Write((short)ml.Height); bw.Write((byte)ml.Translucency); fixed(short *ptr = ml.Data) { byte[] zdata = ZLIB.Encode((byte *)ptr, ml.Data.Length * 2); bw.Write(ml.Data.Length * 2); bw.Write(zdata.Length); bw.Write(zdata); } } MapLayer zl = map.ZoneLayer, ol = map.ObsLayer; byte[] obsdata = new byte[ol.Data.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < ol.Data.Length; j++) { obsdata[j] = (byte)ol.Data[j]; fixed(byte *ptr = obsdata) { byte[] zdata = ZLIB.Encode(ptr, obsdata.Length); bw.Write(obsdata.Length); bw.Write(zdata.Length); bw.Write(zdata); } fixed(short *ptr = zl.Data) { byte[] zdata = ZLIB.Encode((byte *)ptr, zl.Data.Length * 2); bw.Write(zl.Data.Length * 2); bw.Write(zdata.Length); bw.Write(zdata); } bw.Write(map.Zones.Count); foreach (MapZone mz in map.Zones) { bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(mz.Name, 256)); bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(mz.PlayerScript, 256)); // bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(mz.EntityScript,256)); bw.Write((byte)mz.Rate); bw.Write((byte)mz.Delay); bw.Write((byte)mz.AdjAct); } bw.Write(map.Entities.Count); foreach (MapEntity me in map.Entities) { bw.Write((short)me.TileX); bw.Write((short)me.TileY); bw.Write((byte)me.Facing); bw.Write((byte)me.ObeyObstruction); bw.Write((byte)me.IsObstruction); bw.Write((byte)me.AutoFace); bw.Write((short)me.Speed); bw.Write((byte)me.ActivationMode); bw.Write((byte)me.MoveType); bw.Write((short)me.WanderRectangle.x0); bw.Write((short)me.WanderRectangle.y0); bw.Write((short)me.WanderRectangle.x1); bw.Write((short)me.WanderRectangle.y1); bw.Write((short)me.WanderDelay); bw.Write((int)0);//expand bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(me.MoveScript, 256)); bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(me.ChrName, 256)); bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(me.Description, 256)); bw.Write(Helper.StringToPaddedByteArray(me.onActivate, 256)); } bw_o.Write((int)14 + (int)ms_outbuf2.Length); bw.Close(); bw_o.Close(); bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write(ms_outbuf.ToArray()); bw.Write(ms_outbuf2.ToArray()); //write number of compiled vc functions bw.Write((int)0); bw.Close(); return(0); }
public void MoveUp(MapLayer ml) { if (ml.type == LayerType.Obs || ml.type == LayerType.Zone) return; int idx = Layers.IndexOf(ml); if (idx == 0) return; Layers[idx] = Layers[idx - 1]; Layers[idx - 1] = ml; }
public unsafe static Map ReadMap3(FileInfo fi) { byte[] m3s = new byte[] { (byte)'V', (byte)'3', (byte)'M', (byte)'A', (byte)'P', (byte)0 }; FileStream fs = fi.OpenRead(); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); Map map = new Map(); map.FileOnDisk = fi; // Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(map.FileOnDisk.Directory.FullName); byte[] sig = br.ReadBytes(m3s.Length); for (int i = 0; i < m3s.Length; i++) { if (sig[i] != m3s[i]) { return(null); } } int version = br.ReadInt32(); int vcofs = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] formal = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] vspname = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] musicname = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] renderstring = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] aexec = br.ReadBytes(256); string vspf = Helper.BytesToString(vspname); FileInfo vspfile; try { vspfile = new FileInfo(vspf); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new Exception("VSP file is inaccessible. Requested file was '" + vspf + "'"); } if (!vspfile.Exists) { System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult dr = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Unable to load requested VSP file. Create a blank vsp?", "Load Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { map.vsp = new Vsp24(); } else if (dr == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { return(null); } else { return(null); } } else { map.vsp = ReadVsp(vspfile.FullName); } map.FormalName = Helper.BytesToString(formal); map.MusicFileName = Helper.BytesToString(musicname); //map.RenderString = Helper.BytesToString(renderstring); string rs = Helper.BytesToString(renderstring); map.AutoExecEvent = Helper.BytesToString(aexec); map.PlayerStartX = br.ReadInt16(); map.PlayerStartY = br.ReadInt16(); int layercount = br.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < layercount; i++) { MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(map); = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); ml.type = LayerType.Tile; ml.parallaxInfo = new ParallaxInfo(); ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleX = br.ReadDouble(); ml.parallaxInfo.MultipleY = br.ReadDouble(); int w = br.ReadInt16(); int h = br.ReadInt16(); ml.size(w, h); ml.Translucency = br.ReadByte(); int len = br.ReadInt32(); int zlen = br.ReadInt32(); ml.Data = ZLIB.DecodeShorts(br.ReadBytes(zlen), len); map.Layers.Add(ml); } MapLayer ol = new MapLayer(map); ol.type = LayerType.Obs; = "Obstructions"; ol.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height); int ol_lenn = br.ReadInt32(); int ol_len = br.ReadInt32(); byte[] obsdata = ZLIB.Decode(br.ReadBytes(ol_len), ol_lenn); for (int i = 0; i < obsdata.Length; i++) { ol.Data[i] = obsdata[i]; } map.ObsLayer = ol; int zl_lenn = br.ReadInt32(); int zl_len = br.ReadInt32(); MapLayer zl = new MapLayer(map); zl.type = LayerType.Zone; = "Zones"; zl.size(((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Width, ((MapLayer)map.Layers[0]).Height); zl.Data = ZLIB.DecodeShorts(br.ReadBytes(zl_len), zl_lenn); map.ZoneLayer = zl; MapLayer el = new MapLayer(map); el.type = LayerType.Entity; = "Entities"; map.EntLayer = el; map.Layers.Add(el); MapLayerSpecial rl = new MapLayerSpecial(map); rl.type = LayerType.Special_Retrace; map.Layers.Add(rl); map.Layers.Add(ol); map.Layers.Add(zl); int zonecount = br.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < zonecount; i++) { MapZone mz = new MapZone(); byte[] zname = br.ReadBytes(256); byte[] pscript = br.ReadBytes(256); // byte[] escript = br.ReadBytes(256); mz.Name = Helper.BytesToString(zname); mz.PlayerScript = Helper.BytesToString(pscript); // mz.EntityScript = Helper.BytesToString(escript); mz.Rate = br.ReadByte(); mz.Delay = br.ReadByte(); mz.AdjAct = br.ReadByte(); mz.ID = i; map.Zones.Add(mz); } if (zonecount == 0) { MapZone mz = new MapZone(); mz.ID = 0; mz.Name = "NULL_ZONE"; map.Zones.Add(mz); } int entcount = br.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < entcount; i++) { MapEntity me = new MapEntity(); me.TileX = br.ReadInt16(); me.TileY = br.ReadInt16(); me.Facing = br.ReadByte(); me.ObeyObstruction = br.ReadByte(); me.IsObstruction = br.ReadByte(); me.AutoFace = br.ReadByte(); me.Speed = br.ReadInt16(); me.ActivationMode = br.ReadByte(); me.MoveType = br.ReadByte(); me.WanderRectangle.x0 = br.ReadInt16(); me.WanderRectangle.y0 = br.ReadInt16(); me.WanderRectangle.x1 = br.ReadInt16(); me.WanderRectangle.y1 = br.ReadInt16(); me.WanderDelay = br.ReadInt16(); int expand = br.ReadInt32(); me.MoveScript = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); me.ChrName = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); me.Description = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); me.onActivate = Helper.BytesToString(br.ReadBytes(256)); me.ID = map.Entities.Add(me); } br.Close(); string rs2 = ""; if (version == 1) { foreach (char c in rs) { if (rs2.Length != 0) { rs2 += ","; } rs2 += c; } map.RenderString = rs2; } else { map.RenderString = rs; } return(map); }
public void AddLayer(MapLayer ml) { LayerState ls = new LayerState(); if (ml.HLine != 0) ls.drawMode = LayerState.DrawMode.Hline; else ls.drawMode = LayerState.DrawMode.None; ls.bRender = true; Layers.Add(ls); }
public void lpAddLayer(MapLayer ml, bool IsRendered, bool IsWrite, int layer) { LPanel lw = new LPanel(lPanel, ml, IsRendered, IsWrite, layer); lwLayers.Add(lw); lPanel.Controls.Add(lw); lPanel.SetControlLayouts(); }
public void RemoveLayer(MapLayer ml) { LayerState lsr = null; foreach (LayerState ls in Layers) { if (ls.mlayer == ml) lsr = ls; } if (lsr != null) Layers.Remove(lsr); }
public void lpUpdate(Map map, MapLayer select) { foreach (LPanel lw in lwLayers) { lw.Dispose(); } lwLayers.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < map.RenderManager.Layers.Count; i++) { MapLayer ml = (MapLayer)map.RenderManager.Layers[i]; lpAddLayer(ml, true, (ml == select), i); } l_rstring.Text = Global.ActiveMap.RenderManager.ToRenderString(); ui_update(); }
public void init(MapLayer ml) { mlayer = ml; updateui(); }
private unsafe void ImportTiles(bool repeat) { Vsp24 v = Global.ActiveMap.vsp; Vsp24 vsp = null; Bitmap bmp = null; int ic = 0; if (id.ISource == ImportSource.VSP) { if (!repeat) if (openVspDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; vsp = InputOutput.ReadVsp(openVspDialog.FileName); if (vsp == null) { Errors.Error("unable to load vsp"); return; } } else if (id.ISource == ImportSource.Image) { if (!repeat) if (openImageDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; using (var tempbmp = new Bitmap(openImageDialog.FileName)) bmp = (Bitmap)tempbmp.Clone(); } else if (id.ISource == ImportSource.Clipboard) { if (!WindowsClipboard.IsImage) { Errors.Error("There is no image in the clipboard."); return; } bmp = WindowsClipboard.getBitmap(); } ArrayList tiles = new ArrayList(); if (id.IDest == ImportDest.Tiles) { int tstart = 0; if (id.ISource == ImportSource.Image || id.ISource == ImportSource.Clipboard) { tiles = v.ImportTiles(bmp, id.bPadding ? 1 : 0); } else { tiles = v.GetTiles(vsp); } if (id.IMethod == ImportMethod.Append) { tstart = v.Tiles.Count; v.Tiles.AddRange(tiles); } else if (id.IMethod == ImportMethod.Insert) { tstart = id.InsertAt >= tiles.Count ? tiles.Count - 1 : id.InsertAt; v.Tiles.InsertRange(tstart, tiles); } else if (id.IMethod == ImportMethod.Replace) { if (MessageBox.Show("Warning, the current tiles will be wiped and replaced with imported tiles!", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Cancel) goto ABORT; v.Tiles.Clear(); v.Tiles.AddRange(tiles); vspController.ResetView(); tstart = 0; } if (id.bAddLayer && (id.ISource == ImportSource.Image || id.ISource == ImportSource.Clipboard)) { int tw = bmp.Width / Global.TILE_SIZE; int th = bmp.Height / Global.TILE_SIZE; MapLayer mlz = new MapLayer(Global.ActiveMap); mlz.type = LayerType.Tile; mlz.size(tw, th); = "Imported Layer "; //"Layer " + (Global.ActiveMap.Layers.Count - 3); mlz.parallaxInfo = new ParallaxInfo(); for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < tw; tx++) { mlz.Data[ty * tw + tx] = (short)(tstart + ((ty * tw) + tx)); } } Global.ActiveMap.AddLayer(mlz); lpUpdate(Global.ActiveMap, mlz); } } else if (id.IDest == ImportDest.Obs) { if (id.ISource == ImportSource.Image || id.ISource == ImportSource.Clipboard) tiles = v.ImportObstructionTiles(bmp, id.bPadding ? 1 : 0); else tiles = v.ImportObstructionTiles(vsp); if (id.IMethod == ImportMethod.Append) v.ObstructionTiles.AddRange(tiles); else if (id.IMethod == ImportMethod.Insert) { v.ObstructionTiles.InsertRange(id.InsertAt >= tiles.Count ? tiles.Count - 1 : id.InsertAt, tiles); } else if (id.IMethod == ImportMethod.Replace) { if (MessageBox.Show("Warning, the current obstruction tiles will be wiped and replaced with imported tiles!", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Cancel) goto ABORT; v.ObstructionTiles.Clear(); v.ObstructionTiles.AddRange(tiles); vspc_obs.ResetView(); } } ic = tiles.Count; statusBar.Panels[0].Text = ic.ToString() + " tiles imported to VSP"; miImportAgain.Enabled = true; ui_update(); ABORT: if(bmp != null) bmp.Dispose(); }
public static bool IsBaseLayer(MapLayer ml) { return(Global.ActiveMap.Layers.IndexOf(ml) == 0); }
void renderLayer(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer mapLayer, int px, int py, bool drawZero) { switch (mapLayer.type) { case LayerType.Tile: renderTileLayer(backBuffer, mapLayer, ParentMap.vsp, px, py, drawZero); break; case LayerType.Zone: renderZoneLayer(backBuffer, mapLayer, px, py); break; case LayerType.Obs: renderObstructionLayer(backBuffer, mapLayer, px, py); break; default: break; } }
private void renderTileLayer(pr2.IRenderImage backBuffer, MapLayer layer, Vsp24 vsp, int px, int py, bool drawZero) { int mtx = px / 16; int mty = py / 16; int mtox = px & 15; int mtoy = py & 15; //we add 2; one for the case where we are scrolled a little bit //(and so parts of two tiles are drawn instead of one complete) //and one for the case where the screen is a funny size and a remainder bit is shown int tw = backBuffer.Width / 16 + 2; int th = backBuffer.Height / 16 + 2; int layerWidth = layer.Width; int layerHeight = layer.Height; int cpx = -mtox; int cpy = -mtoy; tw = System.Math.Min(tw, layerWidth - mtx); th = System.Math.Min(th, layerHeight - mty); int tp; int tile; int xmin = -mtox; int xmax = xmin + tw * 16; short[] tileMap = layer.Data; if (Global.RenderOptions.bTranslucentEffects) { for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) { tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx; for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) { tile = tileMap[tp++]; if (Global.RenderOptions.bAnimate) { tile = Global.FrameCalc.getframe(tile); } if (drawZero || tile != 0 && tile < vsp.tileCount) { Render.renderAlpha(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, vsp.GetTile(tile).Image, 100 - layer.Translucency, false); } } } } else { for (int ty = 0; ty < th; ty++, cpy += 16) { tp = (ty + mty) * layerWidth + mtx; for (cpx = xmin; cpx < xmax; cpx += 16) { tile = tileMap[tp++]; if (Global.RenderOptions.bAnimate) { tile = Global.FrameCalc.getframe(tile); } if (drawZero || tile != 0 && tile < vsp.tileCount) { Render.render(backBuffer, cpx, cpy, vsp.GetTile(tile).Image, false); } } } } }
public Map CreateMap() { Map m = new Map(); int l_count = (int)n_layers.Value; int l_w = (int)n_w.Value; int l_h = (int)n_h.Value; bool bNewvsp = rb_new.Checked; for (int i = 0; i < l_count; i++) { MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(m); ml.size(l_w, l_h); = "Layer " + i; ml.type = LayerType.Tile; ml.parallaxInfo = new ParallaxInfo(); m.Layers.Add(ml); } MapLayer zl = new MapLayer(m); zl.type = LayerType.Zone; = "Zones"; zl.size(l_w, l_h); m.ZoneLayer = zl; MapLayer ol = new MapLayer(m); ol.type = LayerType.Obs; = "Obstructions"; ol.size(l_w, l_h); m.ObsLayer = ol; MapLayer el = new MapLayer(m); el.type = LayerType.Entity; = "Entities"; MapLayerSpecial rl = new MapLayerSpecial(m); rl.type = LayerType.Special_Retrace; m.Layers.Add(rl); m.Layers.Add(el); m.Layers.Add(ol); m.Layers.Add(zl); m.EntLayer = el; if (bNewvsp) { Vsp24 v = new Vsp24(); //v.AddTiles(100); v.Tiles.AddRange(v.GetTiles(100)); m.vsp = v; } else { Vsp24 v = InputOutput.ReadVsp(t_vspfile.Text); if (v == null) { Errors.Error("Warning", "An error occured when attempting to load the vsp file. A blank VSP has been created."); v = new Vsp24(); v.Tiles.Add(v.GetTiles(100)); m.vsp = v; } else { m.vsp = v; } } MapZone mz = new MapZone(); mz.ID = 0; mz.Name = "NULL_ZONE"; m.Zones.Add(mz); m.Init(); m.RenderString = ""; return(m); }
public Map CreateMap() { Map m = new Map(); int l_count = (int)n_layers.Value; int l_w = (int)n_w.Value; int l_h = (int)n_h.Value; bool bNewvsp = rb_new.Checked; for(int i=0;i<l_count;i++) { MapLayer ml = new MapLayer(m); ml.size(l_w,l_h); = "Layer " + i; ml.type = LayerType.Tile; ml.parallaxInfo = new ParallaxInfo(); m.Layers.Add(ml); } MapLayer zl = new MapLayer(m); zl.type = LayerType.Zone; = "Zones"; zl.size(l_w,l_h); m.ZoneLayer=zl; MapLayer ol = new MapLayer(m); ol.type = LayerType.Obs; = "Obstructions"; ol.size(l_w,l_h); m.ObsLayer = ol; MapLayer el = new MapLayer(m); el.type = LayerType.Entity; = "Entities"; MapLayerSpecial rl = new MapLayerSpecial(m); rl.type=LayerType.Special_Retrace; m.Layers.Add(rl); m.Layers.Add(el); m.Layers.Add(ol); m.Layers.Add(zl); m.EntLayer = el; if(bNewvsp) { Vsp24 v = new Vsp24(); //v.AddTiles(100); v.Tiles.AddRange(v.GetTiles(100)); m.vsp = v; } else { Vsp24 v = InputOutput.ReadVsp(t_vspfile.Text); if(v==null) { Errors.Error("Warning", "An error occured when attempting to load the vsp file. A blank VSP has been created."); v = new Vsp24(); v.Tiles.Add(v.GetTiles(100)); m.vsp = v; } else m.vsp = v; } MapZone mz = new MapZone(); mz.ID = 0; mz.Name = "NULL_ZONE"; m.Zones.Add(mz); m.Init(); m.RenderString = ""; return m; }