public static void SaveRounds(IDbConnection conn, GroupCoords coords, CalendarResult result) { var transaction = conn.BeginTransaction(); try { var dbGroup = conn.Get <StageGroup>(coords.IdGroup); if (dbGroup == null) { throw new Exception("Error.NotFound"); } if ((dbGroup.Flags & (int)StageGroupFlags.HasGeneratedCalendar) > 0) { throw new Exception("Tournament.AlreadyHasCalendar"); } foreach (var day in result.Days) { InsertDay(conn, transaction, day); } dbGroup.Flags = dbGroup.Flags | (int)StageGroupFlags.HasGeneratedCalendar; conn.Update(dbGroup, transaction); transaction.Commit(); } catch (System.Exception) { transaction.Rollback(); throw; } }
public IActionResult Delete([FromBody] GroupCoords coords) { return(DbTransaction((c, t) => { if (!IsOrganizationAdmin()) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(); } CalendarStorer.DeleteGroupRounds(c, t, coords); return true; })); }
public static List <List <Match> > CreateRounds(IList <long> teamIds, GroupCoords coords, int numTeams) { var num = teamIds.Count == 0 ? numTeams : teamIds.Count; var numDays = (int)Math.Log(num, 2); var result = new List <List <Match> >(); var teams = teamIds; for (var i = numDays; i > 0; --i) { var day = CreateRoundMatches((1 << i) / 2, coords, teams); teams = null; // Only fill teamids in the first round result.Add(day); } return(result); }
public static void SpreadMatchesInCalendar( CalendarResult result, List <List <Match> > matchRounds, DailySlot[][] weekdaySlots, DateTime startDate, IList <long> fieldIds, int numSlots, int gameDuration, bool wantsRandom, GroupCoords coords, DateTime[] forbiddenDays, IEnumerable <TeamLocationPreference> fieldPreferences, Func <int, string> roundNameCallback) { var days = new List <PlayDay>(); //var fieldIds = GetFieldIds(fields); var roundNumber = 1; // First, spread the rounds in days in the calendar foreach (var matchRound in matchRounds) { startDate = GetUnforbiddenStartDate(startDate, weekdaySlots, forbiddenDays); var slots = GetRoundSlots(startDate, weekdaySlots, numSlots, gameDuration, fieldIds); var roundName = roundNameCallback(roundNumber); var round = CreateAndFillRound(result, matchRound, slots, coords, fieldPreferences, roundName); round.IdTournament = coords.IdTournament; round.IdStage = coords.IdStage; round.IdGroup = coords.IdGroup; round.Name = roundName; round.SequenceOrder = roundNumber; days.Add(round); startDate = startDate.AddDays(7); roundNumber++; } result.Days = days; }
public static int DeleteGroupRounds(IDbConnection c, IDbTransaction t, GroupCoords coords) { var tournament = c.Get <Tournament>(coords.IdTournament, t); if (tournament == null) { throw new Exception("Error.NotFound"); } if (tournament.Status >= (int)TournamentStatus.Playing) { throw new Exception("Tournament.AlreadyStarted"); } var sql = @" DELETE FROM matches m JOIN playdays p ON p.idMatch = WHERE p.idGroup = @idGroup; "; var result = c.Execute(sql, new { idGroup = coords.IdGroup }, t); return(result); }
private static List <Match> CreateRoundMatches(int numMatches, GroupCoords coords, IList <long> teamIds) { var result = new List <Match>(numMatches); for (int i = 0; i < numMatches; ++i) { var match = new Match { IdTournament = coords.IdTournament, IdStage = coords.IdStage, IdGroup = coords.IdGroup }; if (teamIds != null && teamIds.FirstOrDefault() != 0) { match.IdHomeTeam = teamIds[i * 2]; match.IdVisitorTeam = teamIds[i * 2 + 1]; } result.Add(match); } return(result); }
public static PlayDay CreateAndFillRound(CalendarResult result, List <Match> matchesInRound, IList <CalendarSlot> slots, GroupCoords coords, IEnumerable <TeamLocationPreference> fieldPreferences, string roundName) { // Round Id -1: when saving to the database, will have to set proper ID here and to the matches. var day = new PlayDay { Id = -1, Matches = new List <Match>() }; // Spread fieldPreferences in the slots (consuming them). Then fill the rest of the matches. AssignPreferencesToSlots(result, matchesInRound, slots, fieldPreferences, roundName); foreach (var match in matchesInRound) { match.IdTournament = coords.IdTournament; match.IdStage = coords.IdStage; match.IdGroup = coords.IdGroup; match.Status = (int)MatchStatus.Created; match.IdDay = day.Id; match.Status = (int)MatchStatus.Created; if (IsFillerMatch(match)) { // Add match, but do not consume slot match.Status = (int)MatchStatus.Skip; day.Matches.Add(match); continue; } // If the match doesn't already have time if (match.StartTime == default(DateTime)) { if (slots.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Error.Calendar.NotEnoughHours"); } // Assign first available slot and remove from the list. var slot = slots[0]; slot.AssignToMatch(match); slots.RemoveAt(0); } day.Matches.Add(match); } day.SetDatesFromDatesList(); return(day); }