private void SaveFile(OnlinePayment payment) { string path; var communityId = new Matter.Matter(payment.MatterId).Find().CommunityAssociationId; var ca = new Matter.CommunityAssociation { CommunityAssociationId = communityId }; var clientNumber = ca.Find().ClientNumber; path = string.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DocumentArchive"] + "{0}\\{1}\\Acctng {2}\\OnlinePayment_{3}.txt", clientNumber, payment.MatterId, payment.MatterId, payment.TransactionId); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path)) { writer.WriteLine("Payment Id: " + payment.TransactionId); writer.WriteLine("Matter Id: " + payment.MatterId); writer.WriteLine("Payment: " + payment.Amount); writer.WriteLine("Convenience Fee: " + payment.Fee); writer.WriteLine("Total Amount: " + payment.TotalAmount); writer.WriteLine("Payment Type: " + payment.PaymentType); writer.WriteLine("Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")); } } catch (Exception e) { throw; } }
public bool IsLoginAllowed() { using (var ProLiveContext = new ProLiveDbContext()) { Matter record = ProLiveContext.Matter.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MatterId == MatterId && x.IsActive && x.CloseDate == null && x.IsOwnerWebAccessible); return(record != null); } }
public Tuple <bool, string> IsValid(long registrationId) { using (var ProLiveContext = new ProLiveDbContext()) { Matter record = ProLiveContext.Matter.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MatterId == MatterId); if (record == null) { return(new Tuple <bool, string>(false, "This Matter Id is not recognized. Please verify you've typed in the correct Id and contact Customer Support if the problem continues.")); } else if (!record.IsOwnerWebAccessible || record.CloseDate != null || !record.IsActive) { return(new Tuple <bool, string>(false, "This Matter Id is not eligible for access. Please contact Customer Support.")); } var sourceRegistrationId = record.CreateDt.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmm"); if (registrationId.ToString() != sourceRegistrationId.ToString()) { return(new Tuple <bool, string>(false, "Matter Id / Registration Id mismatch. Please verify you have typed the correct numbers")); } return(new Tuple <bool, string>(true, null)); } }