public static void UpdateCourse(PLCourse s) { SLCourse.Course newCourse = DTO_to_SL(s); SLCourse.ISLCourse SLCourse = new SLCourse.SLCourseClient(); string[] errors = new string[0]; SLCourse.UpdateCourseRequest request = new SLCourse.UpdateCourseRequest(newCourse, errors); SLCourse.UpdateCourse(request); }
public static void CreateCourse(PLCourse c) { SLCourse.Course newCourse = DTO_to_SL(c); SLCourse.ISLCourse SLCourse = new SLCourse.SLCourseClient(); string[] errors = new string[0]; SLCourse.InsertCourseRequest request = new SLCourse.InsertCourseRequest(newCourse, errors); SLCourse.InsertCourse(request); }
private static SLCourse.Course DTO_to_SL(PLCourse coursePL) { SLCourse.Course Course = new SLCourse.Course(); =; Course.title = coursePL.title; Course.level = coursePL.courseLevel; Course.units = coursePL.units; // we don't insert to the database return(Course); }
public static List <PLCourse> GetCourseList() { List <PLCourse> courseList = new List <PLCourse>(); SLCourse.ISLCourse client = new SLCourse.SLCourseClient(); string[] errors = new string[0]; SLCourse.GetCourseListRequest request = new SLCourse.GetCourseListRequest(errors); SLCourse.GetCourseListResponse response = client.GetCourseList(request); SLCourse.Course[] coursesLoaded = response.GetCourseListResult; if (coursesLoaded != null) { foreach (SLCourse.Course s in coursesLoaded) { PLCourse Course = DTO_to_PL(s); courseList.Add(Course); } } return(courseList); }
private static PLCourse DTO_to_PL(SLCourse.Course s) { PLCourse myCourse = new PLCourse(); =; myCourse.title = s.title; myCourse.description = s.description; myCourse.courseLevel = s.level; myCourse.units = s.units; if (s.prerequisite_list != null) { myCourse.prerequisiteList = new List <PLCourse>(); foreach (SLCourse.Course course in s.prerequisite_list) { PLCourse tmp = DTO_to_PL(course); myCourse.prerequisiteList.Add(tmp); } } return(myCourse); }