public int createReportPeriod(DateTime dtFrom, DateTime dtTo, int userId) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); int cnt = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate >= dtFrom && x.timeTrackHead.tDate <= dtTo && x.reportPeriodId == null).Count(); if (cnt == 0) { return(0); } DateTime minDate = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate >= dtFrom && x.timeTrackHead.tDate <= dtTo && x.reportPeriodId == null).Min(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate); int reportPeriodId = createReportPeriodRow(minDate, dtTo, userId); string sSql = "update tr " + " set reportPeriodId = @reportPeriodId " + " from timeTrackRow tr " + " join timeTrackHead th on tr.timeTrackHeadID = th.timeTrackHeadID " + " where th.tDate between @dFrom and @dTo " + " and tr.reportPeriodId is null "; SqlConnection conn = (SqlConnection)db.Database.Connection; SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(sSql, conn); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reportPeriodId", reportPeriodId); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dFrom", dtFrom); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dTo", dtTo); conn.Open(); cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); return(cnt); }
public bool emailAvailable(string email) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); int countEmail = db.userTbl.Where(u => == email).Count(); return(countEmail == 0); }
private int addTimeTrackHead(CTimeTrack tt, int userId) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); if (tt.customerID == 0) { timeTrackHead tth2 = db.timeTrackHead.FirstOrDefault(x => x.timeTrackHeadID == tt.timeTrackHeadID); if (tth2 != null) { tt.customerID = tth2.customerID; } } timeTrackHead tth = db.timeTrackHead.FirstOrDefault(x => x.customerID == tt.customerID && x.tDate == tt.tDate && x.userId == userId); if (tth != null) { return(tth.timeTrackHeadID); } int ttHeadId = db.timeTrackHead.Max(x => x.timeTrackHeadID); ttHeadId++; tth = new timeTrackHead(); tth.timeTrackHeadID = ttHeadId; tth.customerID = tt.customerID; tth.tDate = tt.tDate; tth.userId = userId; db.timeTrackHead.Add(tth); db.SaveChanges(); return(tth.timeTrackHeadID); }
public DateTime getFirstReportDate() { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); DateTime dtFirstDate = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.reportPeriodId == null).Min(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate); return(dtFirstDate); }
public bool userNameAvailable(string userName) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); int countUsers = db.userTbl.Where(u => u.userName == userName).Count(); return(countUsers == 0); }
public SelectList getSubProjects(int projectID) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); List <subProject2> projList = db.subProject2.Where(x => x.projectID == projectID).ToList(); SelectList sl = new SelectList(projList, "subProjectID", "subProjectName"); return(sl); }
public SelectList getMyCustomers2(int userId, int customerId) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); string sSql = ""; if (userId == 0) { sSql = "select c.customerID, c.custName " + " from customer c"; } else { sSql = "select distinct c.customerID, c.custName " + " from userProject up " + " join project p on up.projectId = p.projectID " + " join customer c on p.customerID = c.customerID " + " where up.userId = @userId " + " and = 1 " + " and = 1 " + " order by c.custName "; } SqlConnection cn = (SqlConnection)db.Database.Connection; SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(sSql, cn); if (userId != 0) { SqlParameter pUserId = new SqlParameter("@userId", userId); cm.Parameters.Add(pUserId); } SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); List <SelectListItem> list = new List <SelectListItem>(); string s = ""; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { SelectListItem sl = new SelectListItem(); sl.Text = row["custName"].ToString(); sl.Value = row["customerID"].ToString(); sl.Selected = (Convert.ToInt32(row["customerID"]) == customerId); if (sl.Selected) { s = "selected"; } list.Add(sl); } return(new SelectList(list, "Value", "Text")); }
private void deleteTimeTrackHead(int timeTrackHeadId) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); int cnt = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHeadID == timeTrackHeadId).Count(); if (cnt == 0) { timeTrackHead th = db.timeTrackHead.FirstOrDefault(x => x.timeTrackHeadID == timeTrackHeadId); db.timeTrackHead.Remove(th); db.SaveChanges(); } }
public void sumHours(DateTime dFrom, DateTime dTo, int userID, int customerID, int projectID, ref decimal sumBefore, ref decimal sumInPeriod, ref decimal sumAfter) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); sumBefore = 0; sumAfter = 0; if (projectID == 0 && customerID == 0) { int cnt = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate >= dFrom && x.timeTrackHead.tDate <= dTo && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Count(); if (cnt > 0) { sumInPeriod = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate >= dFrom && x.timeTrackHead.tDate <= dTo && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Sum(x => x.hours); } } else if (customerID > 0 && projectID == 0) { int cnt = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate < dFrom && x.subProject2.project.customerID == customerID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Count(); if (cnt > 0) { sumBefore = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate < dFrom && x.subProject2.project.customerID == customerID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Sum(x => x.hours); } cnt = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate >= dFrom && x.timeTrackHead.tDate <= dTo && x.subProject2.project.customerID == customerID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Count(); if (cnt > 0) { sumInPeriod = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate >= dFrom && x.timeTrackHead.tDate <= dTo && x.subProject2.project.customerID == customerID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Sum(x => x.hours); } cnt = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate > dTo && x.subProject2.project.customerID == customerID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Count(); if (cnt > 0) { sumAfter = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate > dTo && x.subProject2.project.customerID == customerID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Sum(x => x.hours); } } else if (projectID > 0) { int cnt = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate < dFrom && x.subProject2.projectID == projectID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Count(); if (cnt > 0) { sumBefore = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate < dFrom && x.subProject2.projectID == projectID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Sum(x => x.hours); } cnt = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate >= dFrom && x.timeTrackHead.tDate <= dTo && x.subProject2.projectID == projectID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Count(); if (cnt > 0) { sumInPeriod = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate >= dFrom && x.timeTrackHead.tDate <= dTo && x.subProject2.projectID == projectID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Sum(x => x.hours); } cnt = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate > dTo && x.subProject2.projectID == projectID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Count(); if (cnt > 0) { sumAfter = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.timeTrackHead.tDate > dTo && x.subProject2.projectID == projectID && x.timeTrackHead.userId == userID).Sum(x => x.hours); } } return; }
public List <CProject> getProjListForReportPeriod(int reportPeriodId, int customerId) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); List <CProject> projList = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.reportPeriodId == reportPeriodId && x.timeTrackHead.customerID == customerId).Select(x => new CProject { projectID = x.subProject2.projectID, projectName = x.subProject2.project.projectName }).Distinct().ToList(); projList.OrderBy(x => x.projectName); return(projList); }
public int createReportPeriodRow(DateTime dFrom, DateTime dTo, int userId) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); reportPeriod rp = new reportPeriod(); rp.fromDate = dFrom; rp.toDate = dTo; rp.regDate = System.DateTime.Now; rp.regUserId = userId; db.reportPeriod.Add(rp); db.SaveChanges(); return(rp.reportPeriodId); }
public List <CCustomer> getCustListForReportPeriod(int reportPeriodId) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); List <CCustomer> custList = db.timeTrackRow.Where(x => x.reportPeriodId == reportPeriodId) .Select(x => new CCustomer { customerID = x.timeTrackHead.customerID, custName = x.timeTrackHead.customer.custName }).Distinct().ToList(); custList.OrderBy(x => x.custName); return(custList); }
public string addStdActivity(int projectID) { string errorStr = ""; string subProjName = ""; try { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: subProjName = "Programmering"; break; case 1: subProjName = "Test"; break; case 2: subProjName = "Buggfix"; break; case 3: subProjName = "Möte"; break; case 4: subProjName = "Leverans"; break; } subProject2 p = new subProject2(); p.projectID = projectID; p.subProjectName = subProjName; db.subProject2.Add(p); } db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { errorStr = "Error while inserting standard activities. Error message : " + ex.Message; } return(errorStr); }
public void addTimeTrack(CTimeTrack tt, int userId) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); int timeTrackHeadId = addTimeTrackHead(tt, userId); int ttRowId = db.timeTrackRow.Max(x => x.timeTrackRowID); ttRowId++; timeTrackRow ttr = new timeTrackRow(); ttr.timeTrackRowID = ttRowId; ttr.hours = tt.hours; ttr.note = tt.note; ttr.regDate = System.DateTime.Now; ttr.subProjectID = tt.subProjectID; ttr.timeTrackHeadID = timeTrackHeadId; db.timeTrackRow.Add(ttr); db.SaveChanges(); }
public List <CUser> getUserListForReportPeriod(int reportPeriodId, int customerId, int projectId) { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); string sSql = "select distinct u.userId, u.userName" + " from userTbl u " + " join timeTrackHead tth on u.userId = tth.userId " + " join timeTrackRow ttr on tth.timeTrackHeadID = ttr.timeTrackHeadID " + " join subProject2 sp2 on ttr.subProjectID = sp2.subProjectID " + " where ttr.reportPeriodId = @reportPeriodId " + " and tth.customerId = @customerId "; if (projectId != 0) { sSql += " and sp2.projectId = @projectId "; } sSql += " order by u.userName"; SqlConnection cn = (SqlConnection)db.Database.Connection; SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(sSql, cn); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reportPeriodId", reportPeriodId); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerId", customerId); if (projectId != 0) { cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@projectId", projectId); } SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); List <CUser> userList = new List <CUser>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { CUser u = new CUser(); u.userId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["userId"]); u.userName = dr["userName"].ToString(); userList.Add(u); } return(userList); }
public List <CReportPeriod> getReportPeriods() { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); List <CReportPeriod> periodList = db.reportPeriod.Select(x => new CReportPeriod { reportPeriodId = x.reportPeriodId, fromDate = x.fromDate, toDate = x.toDate, regDate = x.regDate, regUserId = x.regUserId, userName = x.userTbl.userName }).OrderByDescending(x => x.reportPeriodId).ToList(); foreach (CReportPeriod cr in periodList) { cr.reportPeriodDescr = cr.fromDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + cr.toDate.ToShortDateString(); } return(periodList); }
public void editTimeTrack(CTimeTrack tt, int userId) { int timeTrackHeadId = addTimeTrackHead(tt, userId); pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); timeTrackRow ttr = db.timeTrackRow.FirstOrDefault(x => x.timeTrackRowID == tt.timeTrackRowID); if (ttr != null) { ttr.hours = tt.hours; ttr.note = tt.note; ttr.subProjectID = tt.subProjectID; int deleteTTH = 0; if (ttr.timeTrackHeadID != timeTrackHeadId) { deleteTTH = ttr.timeTrackHeadID; ttr.timeTrackHeadID = timeTrackHeadId; } db.SaveChanges(); if (deleteTTH != 0) { deleteTimeTrackHead(deleteTTH); } } }
private SqlConnection getConn() { pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); return((SqlConnection)db.Database.Connection); }
public DataSet getReportPeriodHoursDT(int reportPeriodId, int customerId, int projectId, bool onDateLevel, bool showSubProject, int userId, ref string error) { string sSql = " select c.custName " + " , p.projectName "; if (showSubProject) { sSql += " , sp2.subProjectName "; } if (onDateLevel) { sSql += " , th.tDate " + " , tr.timeTrackRowId "; } sSql += " , sum(tr.hours) hours " + " from TimeTrackRow tr " + " join TimeTrackHead th on tr.timeTrackHeadID = th.timeTrackHeadID " + " join reportPeriod rp on rp.reportPeriodId = tr.reportPeriodId " + " join subProject2 sp2 on tr.subProjectID = sp2.subProjectID " + " join project p on sp2.projectID = p.projectID " + " join customer c on th.customerID = c.customerID " + " where rp.reportPeriodId = @reportPeriodId " + " and c.customerID = @customerID "; if (projectId != 0) { sSql += " and sp2.projectID = @projectID "; } if (userId != 0) { sSql += " and th.userId = @userId "; } sSql += " group by p.projectName "; if (showSubProject) { sSql += " , sp2.subProjectName "; } if (onDateLevel) { sSql += " , th.tDate " + " , tr.timeTrackRowId "; } sSql += " , c.custName "; if (onDateLevel) { sSql += " order by th.tDate, p.projectName"; } else { sSql += " order by p.projectName"; } pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); SqlConnection cn = (SqlConnection)db.Database.Connection; SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(sSql, cn); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reportPeriodId", reportPeriodId); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerID", customerId); if (projectId != 0) { cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@projectID", projectId); } if (userId != 0) { cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", userId); } SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); DataTable dt = new DataTable("timeTrackRows"); DataTable dtHead = new DataTable("head"); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); List <CReportPeriodHours> periodList = new List <CReportPeriodHours>(); string sSqlNote = " select note from timeTrackRow " + " where timeTrackRowId = @timeTrackRowId "; SqlCommand cmNote = new SqlCommand(sSqlNote, cn); cmNote.Parameters.Add("@timeTrackRowId", SqlDbType.Int); Decimal sumHours = 0; try { cn.Open(); da.Fill(dt); DataColumn dcNote = new DataColumn("note", System.Type.GetType("System.String")); dt.Columns.Add(dcNote); foreach (DataRow dr2 in dt.Rows) { dr2["note"] = ""; if (onDateLevel) { dr2["note"] = getNote(cmNote, Convert.ToInt32(dr2["timeTrackRowId"])); } sumHours += Convert.ToDecimal(dr2["hours"]); } cn.Close(); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["custName"] = ""; if (showSubProject) { dr["subProjectName"] = ""; } if (onDateLevel) { dr["tDate"] = System.DateTime.Today; dr["note"] = ""; } dr["projectName"] = "Summa timmar"; dr["hours"] = sumHours; dt.Rows.Add(dr); int antal = dt.Rows.Count; reportPeriod rp = db.reportPeriod.Where(x => x.reportPeriodId == reportPeriodId).FirstOrDefault(); string period = rp.fromDate.ToShortDateString() + " - " + rp.toDate.ToShortDateString(); vodTimeControl.Models.customer c = db.customer.Where(x => x.customerID == customerId).FirstOrDefault(); string customer = c.custName; dtHead.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("period")); dtHead.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("customer")); dtHead.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("onDateLevel", System.Type.GetType("System.Boolean"))); dtHead.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("showSubProject", System.Type.GetType("System.Boolean"))); dtHead.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("userName")); DataRow dtHeadRow = dtHead.NewRow(); dtHeadRow["period"] = period; dtHeadRow["customer"] = customer; dtHeadRow["onDateLevel"] = onDateLevel; dtHeadRow["showSubProject"] = showSubProject; dtHeadRow["userName"] = ""; if (userId != 0) { userTbl ut = db.userTbl.FirstOrDefault(x => x.userId == userId); dtHeadRow["userName"] = ut.userName; } dtHead.Rows.Add(dtHeadRow); } catch (Exception ex) { error = ex.Message; } ds.Tables.Add(dt); ds.Tables.Add(dtHead); return(ds); }
public List <CUserProject> getUserProject(DataTablesParam param, int userId, int sortOrder, string sortDir, ref int countToDisplay, ref int totalCount) { int pageNo = 1; string crit = ""; if (param.sSearch != null) { crit = param.sSearch.ToUpper(); } if (param.iDisplayStart >= param.iDisplayLength) { pageNo = (param.iDisplayStart / param.iDisplayLength) + 1; } int iSortCol = param.iSortCol_0 + 1; string sSortCol = ""; switch (iSortCol) { case 1: sSortCol = "custName"; break; case 2: sSortCol = "projectName"; break; case 3: sSortCol = "projectName"; break; } string sSql = "select c.custName, p.projectName, 0 active, p.projectID" + " from project p " + " join customer c on p.customerID = c.customerID" + " where not exists(select 'x' " + " from userProject up " + " where up.projectId = p.projectID " + " and up.userId = @userId) " + " and = 1 " + " and = 1 " + " union " + " select c.custName, p.projectName, 1, p.projectID" + " from project p " + " join customer c on p.customerID = c.customerID" + " where exists( select 'x' " + " from userProject up " + " where up.projectId = p.projectID " + " and up.userId = @userId )" + " and = 1 " + " and = 1 " + " order by " + iSortCol.ToString() + " " + param.sSortDir_0 + " "; pdsTidRedLiveEntities db = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities(); SqlConnection cn = (SqlConnection)db.Database.Connection; SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(sSql, cn); SqlParameter pUserId = cm.Parameters.Add("@userId", SqlDbType.Int); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); pUserId.Value = userId; da.Fill(dt); totalCount = dt.Rows.Count; DataTable dtResult = new DataTable(); if (crit != "") { crit = "%" + crit + "%"; DataRow[] drs = dt.Select("projectName like '" + crit + "' or custName like '" + crit + "'", sSortCol + " " + param.sSortDir_0); if (drs != null && drs.Length > 0) { dtResult = drs.CopyToDataTable(); } else { dtResult.Rows.Clear(); } } else { dtResult = dt.Copy(); } int start = ((pageNo - 1) * param.iDisplayLength) + 1; if (start > dtResult.Rows.Count) { start = dtResult.Rows.Count; } int end = param.iDisplayLength + start - 1; if (end > dtResult.Rows.Count) { end = dtResult.Rows.Count; } List <CUserProject> cuList = new List <CUserProject>(); if (dtResult.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { DataRow dr = dtResult.Rows[i - 1]; CUserProject cu = new CUserProject(); cu.projectId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["projectID"]); cu.projectName = dr["projectName"].ToString(); cu.custName = dr["custName"].ToString(); = false; if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["active"]) == 1) { = true; } cuList.Add(cu); } } countToDisplay = dtResult.Rows.Count; return(cuList); }