コード例 #1
ファイル: VkWindow.cs プロジェクト: jpbruyere/vke.net
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the minimum vulkan objects to quickly start a new application. The folowing objects are created:
        /// - Vulkan Instance with extensions present in the `EnabledInstanceExtensions` property.
        /// - Vulkan Surface for the GLFW native window.
        /// - Vulkan device for the selected physical one with configured enabledFeatures and extensions present in `EnabledDeviceExtensions` list. Selection of the default physical device
        ///   may be replaced by the `selectPhysicalDevice` method override.
        /// - Create a default Graphic Queue with presentable support. The default queue creation may be customized by overriding the `createQueues` method.
        /// - Default vulkan Swapchain creation. Some swapchain's parameters are controled through static fields of the `SwapChain` class (ex: `SwapChain.PREFERED_FORMAT`).
        /// - Create a default command pool for the `presentQueue` family index.
        /// - Create an empty command buffer collection (`cmds`).
        /// - Create one unsignaled vulkan semaphore (named `drawComplete` per swapchain image used to control presentation submission to the graphic queue.
        /// - Create a signaled vulkan fence (`drawFence`). (TODO: improve this.
        /// With all these objects, vulkan application programming startup is reduced to the minimal.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void initVulkan()
            List <string> instExts = new List <string> (Glfw3.GetRequiredInstanceExtensions());

            if (EnabledInstanceExtensions != null)

            instance = new Instance(instExts.ToArray());

            hSurf = instance.CreateSurface(hWin);


            VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures enabledFeatures = default;

            configureEnabledFeatures(phy.Features, ref enabledFeatures);

            //First create the c# device class
            dev = new Device(phy);
            dev.debugUtilsEnabled = instance.debugUtilsEnabled;            //store a boolean to prevent testing against the extension string presence.

            //create queue class

            //activate the device to have effective queues created accordingly to what's available
            dev.Activate(enabledFeatures, EnabledDeviceExtensions);

            swapChain = new SwapChain(presentQueue as PresentQueue, Width, Height, SwapChain.PREFERED_FORMAT,
                                      VSync ? VkPresentModeKHR.FifoKHR : VkPresentModeKHR.ImmediateKHR);

            Width  = swapChain.Width;
            Height = swapChain.Height;

            cmdPool = new CommandPool(dev, presentQueue.qFamIndex, VkCommandPoolCreateFlags.ResetCommandBuffer);

            cmds         = new PrimaryCommandBuffer[swapChain.ImageCount];
            drawComplete = new VkSemaphore[swapChain.ImageCount];
            drawFence    = new Fence(dev, true, "draw fence");

            for (int i = 0; i < swapChain.ImageCount; i++)
                drawComplete[i] = dev.CreateSemaphore();
                drawComplete[i].SetDebugMarkerName(dev, "Semaphore DrawComplete" + i);

            cmdPool.SetName("main CmdPool");