protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); worksheet.ColumnHeaders[2].Width = 100; worksheet.ColumnHeaders[4].Width = 120; worksheet.SetRangeDataFormat(4, 3, 1, 1, DataFormat.CellDataFormatFlag.Percent, DataFormat.NumberDataFormatter.NoDecimalDigitsArgument); worksheet.SetRangeDataFormat(7, 3, 1, 1, DataFormat.CellDataFormatFlag.Percent, DataFormat.NumberDataFormatter.NoDecimalDigitsArgument); worksheet[4, 4] = new SlideCell(); worksheet[4, 4] = .5d; worksheet[4, 3] = "=E5"; worksheet[7, 4] = new SlideCell(); worksheet[7, 4] = .5d; worksheet[7, 2] = new NumericProgressCell(); worksheet[7, 2] = "=E8"; worksheet[7, 3] = "=E8"; worksheet[6, 2] = "計算式でE8セルの値を読み込むように設定:=E8"; worksheet[2, 3] = "スライドを移動してみてください。"; // link worksheet.MergeRange(12, 0, 1, 7); worksheet[11, 0] = "カスタマイズしたセルについて詳しくは:"; worksheet[12, 0] = new unvell.ReoGrid.CellTypes.HyperlinkCell( "", true); }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); worksheet.ColumnHeaders[2].Width = 100; worksheet.ColumnHeaders[4].Width = 120; worksheet.SetRangeDataFormat(4, 3, 1, 1, DataFormat.CellDataFormatFlag.Percent, DataFormat.NumberDataFormatter.NoDecimalDigitsArgument); worksheet.SetRangeDataFormat(7, 3, 1, 1, DataFormat.CellDataFormatFlag.Percent, DataFormat.NumberDataFormatter.NoDecimalDigitsArgument); worksheet[4, 4] = new SlideCell(); worksheet[4, 4] = .5d; worksheet[4, 3] = "=E5"; worksheet[7, 4] = new SlideCell(); worksheet[7, 4] = .5d; worksheet[7, 2] = new NumericProgressCell(); worksheet[7, 2] = "=E8"; worksheet[7, 3] = "=E8"; worksheet[6, 2] = "bind by '=E8'"; worksheet[2, 3] = "Try slide the green thumb below..."; // link worksheet.MergeRange(12, 0, 1, 7); worksheet[11, 0] = "More info about Custom Cell:"; worksheet[12, 0] = new unvell.ReoGrid.CellTypes.HyperlinkCell( "", true); }
public NumericProgressForm() { InitializeComponent(); var rand = new Random(); grid[1, 2] = "Try change the value below: "; for (int r = 3; r <= 7; r++) { // set the cell with customized body grid.SetCellBody(r, 2, new NumericProgressCell()); // set formula to get data from the cell of right side grid[r, 2] = "=" + new ReoGridPos(r, 3).ToStringCode(); // e.g. D3 // set data format as percent grid.SetRangeDataFormat(new ReoGridRange(r, 3, 1, 1), DataFormat.CellDataFormatFlag.Percent, null); // generate a random value grid[r, 3] = rand.Next(100); } // change selection forward direction to down grid.SelectionForwardDirection = SelectionForwardDirection.Down; // put focus on cell grid.FocusPos = new ReoGridPos(3, 3); // link grid.MergeRange(12, 0, 1, 7); grid[11, 0] = "More info about Custom Cell:"; grid[12, 0] = new HyperlinkCell( "", true); }
public BuiltInTypesForm() { InitializeComponent(); // set grid cursor to windows default grid.SetRangeStyle(ReoGridRange.EntireRange, new ReoGridRangeStyle { Flag = PlainStyleFlag.FontName, FontName = "Arial", }); grid.CellsSelectionCursor = Cursors.Default; grid.SetSettings(ReoGridSettings.View_ShowGridLine, false); grid.SelectionMode = ReoGridSelectionMode.Cell; grid.SelectionStyle = ReoGridSelectionStyle.FocusRect; var middleStyle = new ReoGridRangeStyle { Flag = PlainStyleFlag.Padding | PlainStyleFlag.HorizontalAlign, Padding = new Padding(2), HAlign = ReoGridHorAlign.Center, }; var grayTextStyle = new ReoGridRangeStyle { Flag = PlainStyleFlag.TextColor, TextColor = Color.DimGray }; grid.MergeRange(1, 1, 1, 6); grid.SetRangeStyle(1, 1, 1, 6, new ReoGridRangeStyle { Flag = PlainStyleFlag.TextColor | PlainStyleFlag.FontSize, TextColor = Color.DarkGreen, FontSize = 18, }); grid[1, 1] = "Built-in Cell Bodies"; grid.SetColsWidth(1, 1, 100); grid.SetColsWidth(2, 1, 30); grid.SetColsWidth(3, 1, 100); grid.SetColsWidth(6, 2, 65); // button grid.MergeRange(3, 2, 1, 2); var btn = new ButtonCell("Hello"); grid[3, 1] = new object[] { "Button: ", btn }; btn.Click += (s, e) => ShowText("Button clicked."); // link grid.MergeRange(5, 2, 1, 2); var link = new HyperlinkCell(""); grid[5, 1] = new object[] { "Hyperlink", link }; link.Click += (s, e) => System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(grid.GetCellText(5, 2)); // checkbox var checkbox = new CheckBoxCell(); grid.SetRangeStyle(7, 2, 1, 1, middleStyle); grid.SetRangeStyle(8, 2, 1, 1, grayTextStyle); grid[7, 1] = new object[] { "Check box", checkbox, "Auto destroy after 5 minutes." }; grid[8, 2] = "(Keyboard is also supported to change the status of control)"; checkbox.CheckChanged += (s, e) => ShowText("Check box switch to " + checkbox.ButtonState.ToString()); // radio & radio group grid[10, 1] = "Radio Button"; grid.SetRangeStyle(10, 2, 3, 1, middleStyle); var radioGroup = new RadioButtonGroup(); grid[10, 2] = new object[,] { {new RadioButtonCell() { RadioGroup = radioGroup }, "Apple"}, {new RadioButtonCell() { RadioGroup = radioGroup }, "Orange"}, {new RadioButtonCell() { RadioGroup = radioGroup }, "Banana"} }; grid[13, 2] = "(By adding into RadioGroup will make it toggled automatically)"; grid.SetRangeStyle(13, 2, 1, 1, grayTextStyle); // dropdown grid.MergeRange(15, 2, 1, 3); var dropdown = new DropdownCell(new object[] { "Apple", "Orange", "Banana", "Pear", "Pumpkin", "Cherry", "Coconut" }); grid[15, 1] = new object[] { "Dropdown", dropdown }; grid.SetRangeBorder(15, 2, 1, 3, ReoGridBorderPos.Outline, ReoGridBorderStyle.SolidGray); // image grid.MergeRange(2, 6, 5, 2); grid[2, 6] = new ImageCell(Resources.computer_laptop); // information cell grid.SetRangeBorder(19, 0, 1, 10, ReoGridBorderPos.Top, ReoGridBorderStyle.SolidGray); }