public Forum(int forumID) { umbraco.DataLayer.IRecordsReader dr = Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT * FROM forumForums WHERE ID = @id", Data.SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@id", forumID)); if (dr.Read()) { Node n = new Node(dr.GetInt("id")); Forum f = new Forum(); Id = dr.GetInt("id"); Title = n.Name; if(n.GetProperty("forumDescription") != null) Description = n.GetProperty("forumDescription").Value; Exists = true; TotalComments = dr.GetInt("totalComments"); TotalTopics = dr.GetInt("totalTopics"); //Latest private vals _latestAuthorID = dr.GetInt("latestAuthor"); _latestCommentID = dr.GetInt("latestComment"); _latestTopicID = dr.GetInt("latestTopic"); LatestPostDate = dr.GetDateTime("latestPostDate"); } else Exists = false; dr.Close(); dr.Dispose(); }
public static string GetMenuTitle(Node node) { if (node != null) { return node.GetPropertyValue("navigationTitle", node.Name); } return string.Empty; }
protected void SendEmail(object sender, EventArgs e) { Node n = new Node(int.Parse(base.Request.QueryString["id"])); if (((n.NodeTypeAlias == "Event") && ((int.Parse(n.GetProperty("owner").Value) == this.m.Id) || (this.m.Id == 0x4ae))) && (this.MaxNumberOfEmails > this.EmailsSent(n))) { Event event2 = new Event(n.Id); List<Member> list = new List<Member>(); string selectedValue = this.rbl_receivers.SelectedValue; if (selectedValue != null) { if (!(selectedValue == "coming")) { if (selectedValue == "waiting") { list.AddRange(RelationToMember(EventRelation.GetPeopleWaiting(n.Id, event2.OnWaitingList))); } else if (selectedValue == "both") { list.AddRange(RelationToMember(EventRelation.GetPeopleSignedUpLast(n.Id, event2.SignedUp))); list.AddRange(RelationToMember(EventRelation.GetPeopleWaiting(n.Id, event2.OnWaitingList))); } } else { list.AddRange(RelationToMember(EventRelation.GetPeopleSignedUpLast(n.Id, event2.SignedUp))); } } MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); string str = "<p>\r\n You receive this email because you have signed up \r\n for an event on the umbraco community site</p>\r\n\r\n <p>You can view the event page \r\n <a href='" + library.NiceUrl(n.Id) + "'>here</a></p>"; message.Subject = this.tb_subject.Text; message.Body = this.tb_body.Text + str; message.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Our Umbraco - Events"); message.ReplyToList.Add(new MailAddress(this.m.Email)); message.IsBodyHtml = true; foreach (Member member in list) { try { message.Bcc.Add(new MailAddress(member.Email, member.Text)); } catch { } } new SmtpClient().Send(message); Document document = Document.MakeNew(this.tb_subject.Text, DocumentType.GetByAlias("EventNews"), new User(0), n.Id); document.getProperty("bodyText").Value = this.tb_body.Text; document.getProperty("subject").Value = this.tb_subject.Text; document.getProperty("sender").Value = this.m.Id; document.Publish(new User(0)); library.UpdateDocumentCache(document.Id); document.Save(); base.Response.Redirect(n.NiceUrl); } }
private static string safeProperty(umbraco.presentation.nodeFactory.Node n, string alias) { if (n.GetProperty(alias) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.GetProperty(alias).Value)) { return(n.GetProperty(alias).Value); } else { return(string.Empty); } }
private void GetNodesOfType(Node parent, string NodeTypeAlias, List<Node> nodeList) { foreach (Node child in parent.Children) { GetNodesOfType(child, NodeTypeAlias, nodeList); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeTypeAlias) || child.NodeTypeAlias == NodeTypeAlias) { nodeList.Add(child); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { library.RegisterJavaScriptFile("tinyMce", "/scripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_src.js"); Node n = new Node(int.Parse(base.Request.QueryString["id"])); if ((n.NodeTypeAlias == "Event") && ((int.Parse(n.GetProperty("owner").Value) == this.m.Id) || (this.m.Id == 0x4ae))) { this.ph_holder.Visible = true; this.MaxNumberOfEmails -= this.EmailsSent(n); if (this.MaxNumberOfEmails <= 0) { this.bt_submit.Enabled = false; } } }
public List<string> getpropertyitems(string PropertyName, int NodeId, string NodeTypeAlias, bool UseParent) { string cachekey = PRE_CACHE_KEY + PropertyName + "_" + NodeId.ToString() + "_" +NodeTypeAlias; if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[cachekey] != null) { return (List<string>)HttpContext.Current.Cache[cachekey]; } else { List<string> propertyList = new List<string>(); Node startNode; if (UseParent) { startNode = new Node(NodeId).Parent; } else { startNode = new Node(NodeId); } if (startNode != null) { string nodeListCacheKey = PRE_CACHE_KEY + NodeId.ToString() + "_" +NodeTypeAlias; List<Node> nodeList; if (HttpContext.Current.Cache[nodeListCacheKey] != null) { nodeList = (List<Node>)HttpContext.Current.Cache[nodeListCacheKey]; } else { nodeList = new List<Node>(); GetNodesOfType(startNode, NodeTypeAlias, nodeList); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(nodeListCacheKey, nodeList, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0), CacheItemPriority.Normal, null); } foreach (Node n in nodeList) { if (n.GetProperty(PropertyName) != null) { propertyList.Add(n.GetProperty(PropertyName).Value); } } } propertyList.Sort(); HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add(cachekey, propertyList.Distinct().ToList(), null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0), CacheItemPriority.Normal, null); return propertyList.Distinct().ToList(); } }
public static Node GetNode(int nodeId) { Node node = null; try { node = new Node(nodeId); } catch (Exception) { return null; } if (node.Id == 0) { return null; } return node; }
public static string GetNodeUrl(Node node) { return GetNodeUrl(node, string.Empty); }
private static Package convertToPackageFromNode(Node packageNode) { if (packageNode != null && packageNode.NodeTypeAlias == _projectAlias) { Package retVal = new Package(); retVal.Text = packageNode.Name; retVal.RepoGuid = new Guid(safeProperty(packageNode,"packageGuid")); retVal.Description = safeProperty(packageNode,"description"); retVal.Protected = false; retVal.Icon = ""; retVal.Thumbnail = safeProperty(packageNode, "defaultScreenshotPath"); retVal.Demo = ""; retVal.IsModule = false; if (safeProperty(packageNode, "isModule") == "1") retVal.IsModule = true; if (umbraco.library.NiceUrl(packageNode.Id) != "") { retVal.Url = umbraco.library.NiceUrl(packageNode.Id); retVal.Accepted = true; } retVal.HasUpgrade = false; return retVal; } return null; }
void Forum_AfterCreate(object sender, CreateEventArgs e) { //WB added to show these events are firing... umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Debug, -1, "Forum_AfterCreate in NotificationsWeb.EventHandlers.Forum() class is starting"); //subscribe project owner to created forum uForum.Businesslogic.Forum f = (uForum.Businesslogic.Forum)sender; Node n = new Node(f.ParentId); if (n.NodeTypeAlias == "Project") { NotificationsWeb.BusinessLogic.Forum.Subscribe( f.Id, Convert.ToInt32(n.GetProperty("owner").Value)); } //WB added to show these events are firing... umbraco.BusinessLogic.Log.Add(umbraco.BusinessLogic.LogTypes.Debug, -1, "Forum_AfterCreate in NotificationsWeb.EventHandlers.Forum() class is finishing"); }
public static string GetNodeUrl(Node node, string alternateTemplate) { return GetNodeUrl(node, alternateTemplate, false); }
public formResponse sendForm(formRequest request) { formResponse nr = new formResponse(); nr.Result = "1"; nr.Msg = string.Empty; try { // start Node Factory Node page = new Node(request.Id); string autoResponderId = page.GetProperty("emailField").Value; string autoResponderEmail = string.Empty; // construct the email message int rowCount = 0; string message = "<html><head></head><body><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; color: #222; border-collapse: collapse;\">"; for (int i = 0; i < request.Values.Length; i++) { string name = request.Names[i]; int index = request.FieldIds[i].LastIndexOf('_') + 1; if (index > 0) { string fullId = request.FieldIds[i].Substring(index, request.FieldIds[i].Length - index); if (fullId == autoResponderId) { autoResponderEmail = request.Values[i]; } int id; if (int.TryParse(fullId, out id)) { Node node = new Node(id); if (node != null) { if (node.GetProperty("label").Value.Length > 0) { name = node.GetProperty("label").Value; } else if (node.NodeTypeAlias == "PliableText") { if (node.GetProperty("defaultValue").Value.Length > 0) { name = node.GetProperty("defaultValue").Value; } } } } } if (name.Length > 0) { rowCount++; if (rowCount % 2 == 0) { message += string.Format("<tr><td style=\"background-color: #ffffff; padding: 4px 8px; vertical-align: top; width: 120px;\">{0}</td><td style=\"background-color: #ffffff; padding: 4px 8px; vertical-align: top;\">{1}</td></tr>", name, request.Values[i]); } else { message += string.Format("<tr><td style=\"background-color: #ebf5ff; padding: 4px 8px; vertical-align: top; width: 120px;\">{0}</td><td style=\"background-color: #ebf5ff; padding: 4px 8px; vertical-align: top;\">{1}</td></tr>", name, request.Values[i]); } } } message += "</table></body></html>"; // determine the to address string emailTo = page.GetProperty("toAddress").Value; if (emailTo == null || emailTo.Length < 1) { emailTo = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PliableForm.defaultToAddress"); if (emailTo == null) { emailTo = umbraco.library.GetDictionaryItem("PliableForm.defaultToAddress"); } } string subject = page.GetProperty("emailSubject").Value; if (subject == null || subject.Length < 1) { subject = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("PliableForm.defaultEmailSubject"); if (subject == null) { subject = umbraco.library.GetDictionaryItem("PliableForm.defaultEmailSubject"); } } req = request; MatchEvaluator reEval = new MatchEvaluator(this.replaceFields); // send the email SendEmailMessage(emailTo, message, Regex.Replace(subject, "{([^}]+)}", reEval), true); nr.Result = "2"; // send the autoresponder email if (autoResponderEmail.Length > 4) { string ARbody = page.GetProperty("autoResponderText").Value; bool ARisHtml = false; if (ARbody.Length < 1) { ARbody = page.GetProperty("autoResponderHtml").Value; ARisHtml = true; } ARbody = Regex.Replace(ARbody, "{([^}]+)}", reEval); SendEmailMessage(autoResponderEmail, ARbody, Regex.Replace(page.GetProperty("autoResponderSubject").Value, "{([^}]+)}", reEval), ARisHtml); } } catch (Exception ex) { nr.Result = "3"; nr.Msg = ex.Message; } return nr; }
public static string GetNodeUrl(Node node, string alternateTemplate, bool includeDomain) { // If node is null, just return an empty.String if (node == null) { return string.Empty; } // Check to see if the node is a redirect node. if (node.NodeTypeAlias == Configuration.ConfigurationManager.DocumentTypeAliases.Redirect.Value) { // Is it an internel link, then change node. int umbracoRedirectNodeId = node.GetPropertyValue("umbracoRedirect", -1); if (umbracoRedirectNodeId > -1) { node = UmbracoUtil.GetNode(umbracoRedirectNodeId); if (node == null) { return string.Empty; } } else // check to see if we should do an external link { string externalUrl = node.GetPropertyValue("externalLink", string.Empty); if (externalUrl != string.Empty) { return externalUrl; } } } bool umbracoUseDirectoryUrls = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["umbracoUseDirectoryUrls"] == "true"; string url = string.Empty; string umbracoUrlAlias = node.GetPropertyValue("umbracoUrlAlias"); if (umbracoUrlAlias != string.Empty && alternateTemplate == string.Empty) { if (umbracoUseDirectoryUrls == false && umbracoUrlAlias.EndsWith(".aspx") == false) // Running the site with .aspx extension { url = "/" + umbracoUrlAlias + ".aspx"; } else // Running the site with directory urls { url = "/" + umbracoUrlAlias; } } else { int nodeLevel = node.Level(); if (nodeLevel <= 2) // If we are on the frontpage of the site. (or below) { url = "/"; } else { url = umbraco.library.NiceUrl(node.Id); if (alternateTemplate != string.Empty) { if (umbracoUseDirectoryUrls) // Running the site with-out .aspx extension { url += "/" + alternateTemplate; } else // Running the site with directory urls { url = url.Replace(".aspx", "/" + alternateTemplate + ".aspx"); } } } } if (includeDomain) { if (HttpContext.Current != null) { if (HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] != null) { string domain = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"]; string protocol = "http://"; if (HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTPS"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTPS"] == "ON") { protocol = "https://"; } url = string.Concat(protocol, domain, url); } } } return url; }
private int EmailsSent(Node n) { int num = 0; foreach (Node node in n.Children) { if (node.NodeTypeAlias == "EventNews") { num++; } } return num; }
public NodeAxes(Node node) { this.node = node; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { umbraco.library.RegisterJavaScriptFile("tinyMce", "/scripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_src.js"); //edit? if (Page.IsPostBack == false && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["id"]) == false) { var node = new Node(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"])); //allowed? if (node.NodeTypeAlias == "Event" && int.Parse(node.GetProperty("owner").Value) == _member.Id) { tb_name.Text = node.Name; tb_desc.Text = node.GetProperty("description").Value; tb_venue.Text = node.GetProperty("venue").Value; tb_capacity.Text = node.GetProperty("capacity").Value; tb_lat.Value = node.GetProperty("latitude").Value; tb_lng.Value = node.GetProperty("longitude").Value; dp_startdate.Text = DateTime.Parse(node.GetProperty("start").Value).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy H:mm"); dp_enddate.Text = DateTime.Parse(node.GetProperty("end").Value).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy H:mm"); } } }
public Message(Node node) { // TODO }
protected void saveProject(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { Member m = Member.GetCurrentMember(); Document d; var memberHasEnoughReputation = MemberHasEnoughReputation(m); if (memberHasEnoughReputation == false) { holder.Visible = false; notallowed.Visible = true; } else { if (e.CommandName == "save") { int pId = int.Parse(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); d = new Document(pId); if ((int)d.getProperty("owner").Value == m.Id || Utils.IsProjectContributor(m.Id, d.Id)) { d.Text = tb_name.Text; d.getProperty("version").Value = tb_version.Text; d.getProperty("description").Value = tb_desc.Text; d.getProperty("stable").Value = cb_stable.Checked; d.getProperty("status").Value = tb_status.Text; d.getProperty("demoUrl").Value = tb_demoUrl.Text; d.getProperty("sourceUrl").Value = tb_sourceUrl.Text; d.getProperty("websiteUrl").Value = tb_websiteUrl.Text; d.getProperty("vendorUrl").Value = tb_purchaseUrl.Text; d.getProperty("licenseUrl").Value = tb_licenseUrl.Text; d.getProperty("licenseName").Value = tb_license.Text; d.getProperty("file").Value = dd_package.SelectedValue; d.getProperty("defaultScreenshot").Value = dd_screenshot.SelectedValue; if (dd_screenshot.SelectedIndex > -1) { d.getProperty("defaultScreenshotPath").Value = new WikiFile(int.Parse(dd_screenshot.SelectedValue)).Path; } else { d.getProperty("defaultScreenshotPath").Value = ""; } if (Request["projecttags[]"] != null) { CommunityController.SetTags(d.Id.ToString(), "project", Request["projecttags[]"].ToString()); } Node category = new Node(int.Parse(dd_category.SelectedValue)); //if we have a proper category, move the package if (category != null && category.NodeTypeAlias == "ProductGroup") ; { if (d.Parent.Id != category.Id) { d.Move(category.Id); } } if (d.getProperty("packageGuid") == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.getProperty("packageGuid").Value.ToString())) d.getProperty("packageGuid").Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); d.Save(); d.Publish(new User(0)); library.UpdateDocumentCache(d.Id); library.RefreshContent(); } } else { d = Document.MakeNew(tb_name.Text, new DocumentType(TypeId), new User(0), RootId); d.getProperty("version").Value = tb_version.Text; d.getProperty("description").Value = tb_desc.Text; d.getProperty("stable").Value = cb_stable.Checked; d.getProperty("demoUrl").Value = tb_demoUrl.Text; d.getProperty("sourceUrl").Value = tb_sourceUrl.Text; d.getProperty("websiteUrl").Value = tb_websiteUrl.Text; d.getProperty("licenseUrl").Value = tb_licenseUrl.Text; d.getProperty("licenseName").Value = tb_license.Text; d.getProperty("vendorUrl").Value = tb_purchaseUrl.Text; //d.getProperty("file").Value = dd_package.SelectedValue; d.getProperty("owner").Value = m.Id; d.getProperty("packageGuid").Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (Request["projecttags[]"] != null) { CommunityController.SetTags(d.Id.ToString(), "project", Request["projecttags[]"].ToString()); d.getProperty("tags").Value = Request["projecttags[]"].ToString(); } Node category = new Node(int.Parse(dd_category.SelectedValue)); //if we have a proper category, move the package if (category != null && category.NodeTypeAlias == "ProductGroup") ; { if (d.Parent.Id != category.Id) { d.Move(category.Id); } } d.Save(); d.Publish(new User(0)); library.UpdateDocumentCache(d.Id); library.RefreshContent(); } Response.Redirect(library.NiceUrl(GotoOnSave)); } }
internal static WikiFile PackageFileByGuid(Guid pack) { XPathNodeIterator xpn = umbraco.library.GetXmlNodeByXPath("descendant::* [@isDoc and translate(packageGuid,'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') = translate('" + pack.ToString() + "','ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')]"); if (xpn.MoveNext()) { if (xpn.Current is IHasXmlNode) { Node node = new Node(((IHasXmlNode)xpn.Current).GetNode()); string fileId = safeProperty(node, "file"); int _id; if (int.TryParse(fileId, out _id)) { string cookieName = "ProjectFileDownload" + fileId; //we clear the cookie on the server just to be sure the download is accounted for if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookieName] != null) { HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie(cookieName); myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d); HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } WikiFile wf = new WikiFile(_id); wf.UpdateDownloadCounter(true,true); return wf; } } } return null; }
public static List<Forum> Forums(int parentId) { List<Forum> lt = new List<Forum>(); umbraco.DataLayer.IRecordsReader dr; if (parentId > 0) { dr = Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader( "SELECT * FROM forumForums WHERE parentID = @parentId ORDER by sortOrder ASC", Data.SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@parentId", parentId) ); } else { dr = Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader( "SELECT * FROM forumForums ORDER by sortOrder ASC" ); } while (dr.Read()) { try { Node n = new Node(dr.GetInt("id")); if (n != null) { Forum f = new Forum(); f.Id = dr.GetInt("id"); f.ParentId = dr.GetInt("parentId"); f.Title = n.Name; if(n.GetProperty("forumDescription") != null) f.Description = n.GetProperty("forumDescription").Value; f.Exists = true; f.SortOrder = dr.GetInt("SortOrder"); //Latest private vals f._latestAuthorID = dr.GetInt("latestAuthor"); f._latestCommentID = dr.GetInt("latestComment"); f._latestTopicID = dr.GetInt("latestTopic"); f.LatestPostDate = dr.GetDateTime("latestPostDate"); f.TotalComments = dr.GetInt("totalComments"); f.TotalTopics = dr.GetInt("totalTopics"); lt.Add(f); } } catch(Exception ex) { Log.Add(LogTypes.Debug, -1, ex.ToString()); } } dr.Close(); dr.Dispose(); return lt; }
private static Category convertToCategoryFromNode(Node categoryNode, bool includePackages) { if (categoryNode != null && categoryNode.NodeTypeAlias == _projectGroupAlias) { Category retVal = new Category(); retVal.Text = categoryNode.Name; retVal.Id = categoryNode.Id; retVal.Description = safeProperty(categoryNode,"description"); retVal.Url = umbraco.library.NiceUrl(categoryNode.Id); if(includePackages){ foreach(Node p in categoryNode.Children){ Package pack = convertToPackageFromNode(p); if(pack != null) retVal.Packages.Add(pack); } } return retVal; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Moves a Post if the Post Date Changes /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Document Being Published</param> /// <param name="e">Publish Event Args</param> void Document_BeforePublish(Document sender, umbraco.cms.businesslogic.PublishEventArgs e) { if (sender.ContentType.Alias == "BlogPost") //As this runs for every publish event, only proceed if this is BlogPost { Log.Add(LogTypes.Debug, sender.User, sender.Id, string.Format("Start Before Publish Event for Blog Post {0}", sender.Id)); if (sender.getProperty("PostDate") != null) //If no post date, skip { if (sender.Parent != null) //If top of tree, something is wrong. Skip. { try { DocumentVersionList[] postVersions = sender.GetVersions(); bool _versionCheck = true; DateTime postDate; postDate = System.Convert.ToDateTime(sender.getProperty("PostDate").Value); if (postVersions.Length > 1) //If it has been published, check post date info { //Length -1 is current version Length -2 is past version (if it exists) Guid previousVersion = postVersions[postVersions.Length - 2].Version; Document doc = new Document(sender.Id, previousVersion); DateTime previousPostDate = System.Convert.ToDateTime(doc.getProperty("PostDate").Value); _versionCheck = (postDate != previousPostDate); } if (_versionCheck) //Only do the date folder movement if the PostDate is changed or is new Post. { string[] strArray = { postDate.Year.ToString(), postDate.Month.ToString(), postDate.Day.ToString() }; if (strArray.Length == 3) { Node topBlogLevel = new Node(sender.Parent.Id); //Traverse up the tree to Find the Blog Node since we are likely in a Date Folder path while (topBlogLevel != null && topBlogLevel.NodeTypeAlias != "Blog") { if (topBlogLevel.Parent != null) { topBlogLevel = new Node(topBlogLevel.Parent.Id); } else { topBlogLevel = null; } } if (topBlogLevel != null) { Document document = null; Node folderNode = null; foreach (Node ni in topBlogLevel.Children) { if (ni.Name == strArray[0]) { folderNode = new Node(ni.Id); document = new Document(ni.Id); break; } } if (folderNode == null) { document = Document.MakeNew(strArray[0], DocumentType.GetByAlias("DateFolder"), sender.User, topBlogLevel.Id); document.Publish(sender.User); library.UpdateDocumentCache(document.Id); folderNode = new Node(document.Id); } Node folderNode2 = null; foreach (Node ni in folderNode.Children) { if (ni.Name == strArray[1]) { folderNode2 = new Node(ni.Id); break; } } if (folderNode2 == null) { Document document2 = Document.MakeNew(strArray[1], DocumentType.GetByAlias("DateFolder"), sender.User, folderNode.Id); document2.Publish(sender.User); library.UpdateDocumentCache(document2.Id); folderNode2 = new Node(document2.Id); } Document document3 = null; //As this is the last check, a document object is fine foreach (Node ni in folderNode2.Children) { if (ni.Name == strArray[2]) { document3 = new Document(ni.Id); break; } } if (document3 == null) { document3 = Document.MakeNew(strArray[2], DocumentType.GetByAlias("DateFolder"), sender.User, folderNode2.Id); document3.Publish(sender.User); library.UpdateDocumentCache(document3.Id); } if (sender.Parent.Id != document3.Id) { sender.Move(document3.Id); Log.Add(LogTypes.Debug, sender.User, sender.Id, string.Format("Move Required for BlogPost {0} for PostDate {1}. Moved Under Node {2}", sender.Id, postDate.ToShortDateString(), document3.Id)); } } else { Log.Add(LogTypes.Debug, sender.User, sender.Id, string.Format("Unable to determine top of Blog for BlogPost {0} while attempting to move to new Post Date", sender.Id)); } } } } catch (Exception Exp) { Log.Add(LogTypes.Debug, sender.User, sender.Id, string.Format("Error while Finding Blog Folders for BlogPost {0} while trying to move to new Post Date. Error: {1}", sender.Id, Exp.Message)); } umbraco.library.RefreshContent(); } } } }
public static string GetCategoryName(this IListingItem project) { var node = new Node(project.Id); return node.Parent.Name; }