コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relationType"></param>
 /// <param name="contentNodeId">id sourced from the Content / Media / Member</param>
 /// <param name="pickerNodeId">id sourced from the MultiPicker</param>
 /// <param name="reverseIndexing">if true, reverses the parentId and child Id</param>
 /// <param name="instanceIdentifier">JSON string with id of MultiPicker Relations property instance</param>
 private static void CreateRelation(RelationType relationType, int contentNodeId, int pickerNodeId, bool reverseIndexing, string instanceIdentifier)
     if (reverseIndexing)
         Relation.MakeNew(pickerNodeId, contentNodeId, relationType, instanceIdentifier);
         Relation.MakeNew(contentNodeId, pickerNodeId, relationType, instanceIdentifier);
コード例 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Check to see if the content id side of the relation type is valid (doesn't check the node picker id side)
		/// </summary>
        /// <param name="contextUmbracoObjectType">Type of the content object (content/ media or member)</param>
		/// <param name="relationType">Type of the relation.</param>
		/// <returns>
		/// 	<c>true</c> if [is content object type valid] [the specified content object type]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
		/// </returns>
        public bool IsContextUmbracoObjectTypeValid(uQuery.UmbracoObjectType contextUmbracoObjectType, RelationType relationType)
            bool isContextObjectTypeValid = false;

            if (!relationType.Dual && this.options.ReverseIndexing)
                // expects the current context to be the child in the relation
                if (contextUmbracoObjectType == relationType.GetChildUmbracoObjectType())
                    isContextObjectTypeValid = true;
                // expects the current context to be the parent in the relation
                if (contextUmbracoObjectType == relationType.GetParentUmbracoObjectType())
                    isContextObjectTypeValid = true;

            return isContextObjectTypeValid;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the UmbracoObjectType associated as defined by the supplied relation type, and if reverse indexing has been enabled
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relationType">associated RealationType</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public uQuery.UmbracoObjectType GetPickerUmbracoObjectType(RelationType relationType)
            uQuery.UmbracoObjectType pickerUmbracoObjectType = uQuery.UmbracoObjectType.Unknown;

            if (!relationType.Dual && this.options.ReverseIndexing)
                pickerUmbracoObjectType = relationType.GetParentUmbracoObjectType();
                pickerUmbracoObjectType = relationType.GetChildUmbracoObjectType();

            return pickerUmbracoObjectType;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a string "Property '[propertyAlias]' with RelationType '[relationTypeName]"
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetMappingDetails()
            string mappingDetails = string.Empty;

            UmbracoContent currentContentNode = new UmbracoContent(this.CurrentContentId);
            Property pickerProperty = currentContentNode.getProperty(this.options.PropertyAlias);

            if (pickerProperty != null)
                RelationType relationType = new RelationType(this.options.RelationTypeId); // Does it still exist ? TODO: check

                if (this.IsContextUmbracoObjectTypeValid(this.CurrentContextObjectType, relationType))
                    mappingDetails = "Property '<strong>" + pickerProperty.PropertyType.Name + "</strong>' with " + 
                                     "Relation Type '<strong>" + relationType.Name + "</strong>'";

                        mappingDetails += " <i>(Reverse Index)</i>";
                    throw new Exception("Conflict with this Content Object Type and that expected by the Relation Type '" + relationType.Name  + "'");
                throw new Exception("Can't find a Property with the Alias '" + this.options.PropertyAlias + "'");

            return mappingDetails;
コード例 #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Delete all relations using the content node for a given RelationType
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="relationType"></param>
		/// <param name="contentNodeId"></param>
		/// <param name="reverseIndexing"></param>
		/// <param name="instanceIdentifier">NOT USED ATM</param>
		private static void DeleteRelations(RelationType relationType, int contentNodeId, bool reverseIndexing, string instanceIdentifier)
			//if relationType is bi-directional or a reverse index then we can't get at the relations via the API, so using SQL
			string getRelationsSql = "SELECT id FROM umbracoRelation WHERE relType = " + relationType.Id.ToString() + " AND ";

			if (reverseIndexing || relationType.Dual)
				getRelationsSql += "childId = " + contentNodeId.ToString();
			if (relationType.Dual) // need to return relations where content node id is used on both sides
				getRelationsSql += " OR ";
			if (!reverseIndexing || relationType.Dual)
				getRelationsSql += "parentId = " + contentNodeId.ToString();

			getRelationsSql += " AND comment = '" + instanceIdentifier + "'";

			using (IRecordsReader relations = uQuery.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(getRelationsSql))
				//clear data
				Relation relation;
				while (relations.Read())
					relation = new Relation(relations.GetInt("id"));

					// TODO: [HR] check to see if an instance identifier is used
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Return all relation types
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable<RelationType> GetAll()
            var relationTypes = new List<RelationType>();

            using (IRecordsReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader("SELECT id, [dual], name, alias FROM umbracoRelationType"))
                while (dr.Read())
                    var rt = new RelationType();

            return relationTypes;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Relation.cs プロジェクト: elrute/Triphulcas
		public Relation(int Id)
			using (IRecordsReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader("select * from umbracoRelation where id = @id", SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@id", Id)))
                if (dr.Read())
                    this._id = dr.GetInt("id");
                    this._parentNode = new CMSNode(dr.GetInt("parentId"));
                    this._childNode = new CMSNode(dr.GetInt("childId"));
                    this._relType = RelationType.GetById(dr.GetInt("relType"));
                    this._comment = dr.GetString("comment");
                    this._datetime = dr.GetDateTime("datetime");
                    throw new ArgumentException("No relation found for id " + Id.ToString());
コード例 #8
ファイル: Relation.cs プロジェクト: elrute/Triphulcas
        public static Relation[] GetRelations(int NodeId, RelationType Filter)
            System.Collections.ArrayList tmp = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
			using (IRecordsReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader("select umbracoRelation.id from umbracoRelation inner join umbracoRelationType on umbracoRelationType.id = umbracoRelation.relType and umbracoRelationType.id = @relTypeId where umbracoRelation.parentId = @id or (umbracoRelation.childId = @id and umbracoRelationType.[dual] = 1)", SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@id", NodeId), SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@relTypeId", Filter.Id)))

            Relation[] retval = new Relation[tmp.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Count; i++) retval[i] = new Relation((int)tmp[i]);
            return retval;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Relation.cs プロジェクト: elrute/Triphulcas
        public static bool IsRelated(int ParentID, int ChildId, RelationType Filter) {
            int count = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT count(*) FROM umbracoRelation WHERE childId = @childId AND parentId = @parentId AND relType = @relType",
                 SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@childId", ChildId),
                 SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@parentId", ParentID),
                 SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@relType", Filter.Id) 

            return (count > 0);
コード例 #10
ファイル: Relation.cs プロジェクト: elrute/Triphulcas
		public static Relation MakeNew(int ParentId, int ChildId, RelationType RelType, string Comment) 
            // The method is synchronized
            SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO umbracoRelation (childId, parentId, relType, comment) VALUES (@childId, @parentId, @relType, @comment)",
                SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@childId", ChildId),
                SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@parentId", ParentId),
                SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@relType", RelType.Id),
                SqlHelper.CreateParameter("@comment", Comment));
            return new Relation(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT MAX(id) FROM umbracoRelation"));
コード例 #11
		/// <summary>
		/// On Load event
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender">this aspx page</param>
		/// <param name="e">EventArgs (expect empty)</param>
		protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
			int id;
			if (int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["id"], out id))
				this.relationType = new RelationType(id);
				if (this.relationType != null)
					// API doens't allow us to pull the object Type, so sql needed
					// this.parentObjectType = UmbracoHelper.GetUmbracoObjectType(uQuery.SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar<Guid>("SELECT parentObjectType FROM umbracoRelationType WHERE id = " + this.relationType.Id.ToString()));
					// this.childObjectType = UmbracoHelper.GetUmbracoObjectType(uQuery.SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar<Guid>("SELECT childObjectType FROM umbracoRelationType WHERE id = " + this.relationType.Id.ToString()));

					// uQuery has the above in a helper method, so no sql needed now
					this.parentObjectType = this.relationType.GetParentUmbracoObjectType();
					this.childObjectType = this.relationType.GetChildUmbracoObjectType();

					// -----------

					if (!this.IsPostBack)

						this.idLiteral.Text = this.relationType.Id.ToString();
						this.nameTextBox.Text = this.relationType.Name;
						this.aliasTextBox.Text = this.relationType.Alias;

						if (this.relationType.Dual)
							this.dualRadioButtonList.Items.FindByValue("1").Selected = true;
							this.dualRadioButtonList.Items.FindByValue("0").Selected = true;

						this.parentLiteral.Text = this.parentObjectType.GetFriendlyName(); // UmbracoHelper.GetFriendlyName(this.parentObjectType);
						this.childLiteral.Text = this.childObjectType.GetFriendlyName(); // UmbracoHelper.GetFriendlyName(this.childObjectType);

						this.relationsCountLiteral.Text = this.Relations.Count.ToString();

						this.relationsRepeater.DataSource = this.Relations;
					throw new Exception("Unable to get RelationType where ID = " + id.ToString());
				throw new Exception("Invalid RelationType ID");
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            HtmlGenericControl ul = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");

            ul.Attributes.Add("style", "list-style-type:none");

            RelationType relationType = new RelationType(this.options.RelationTypeId);
            if (relationType != null)
                foreach (Relation relation in relationType.GetRelations(this.CurrentContentId))
                    // this id could be a parent or child (or only the parent if is a one way relation)
                    if (relation.Parent.Id == this.CurrentContentId)

コード例 #13
 public static Relation[] GetRelations(int NodeId, RelationType Filter)
     return(ApplicationContext.Current.Services.RelationService.GetByParentOrChildId(NodeId, Filter.RelationTypeEntity.Alias)
            .Select(x => new Relation(x))
コード例 #14
 public static bool IsRelated(int ParentID, int ChildId, RelationType Filter)
     return(ApplicationContext.Current.Services.RelationService.AreRelated(ParentID, ChildId, Filter.Alias));