public void ShowEvaluation() { //SetProperty(GetControlByName(prioExplanationLabelName), "EnableVisible", true); SetProperty(GetControlByName(prevButtonName), "EnableVisible", false); SetProperty(GetControlByName(nextButtonName), "EnableVisible", false); SetProperty(GetControlByName(inspectionReportButtonName), "EnableVisible", true); SetProperty(GetControlByName(errorReportButtonName), "EnableVisible", true); SetProperty(GetControlByName(evalButtonName), "EnableVisible", false); SetProperty(GetControlByName(introductionLabelName), "EnableVisible", true); SetProperty(GetControlByName(resultLabelName), "EnableVisible", true); SetProperty(GetControlByName(evalBoxName), "EnableVisible", true); SetProperty(GetControlByName(evalHeaderName), "EnableVisible", true); SetProperty(GetControlByName(evalResultLabel), "EnableVisible", true); SetProperty(GetControlByName(evalResultLabel),"Label", eval.finalerg); SetProperty(GetControlByName(resultLabelName), "Label", "Bestandene Kriterien: " + eval.passCount + "/" + eval.criteriaCount); container = createScrollableContainerResult(100, 40, 255, 180, scrollContainerResultName); //util.Debug.GetAllProperties(container as XControl); //container.SetVisible(true); }
private void addFailTestPoints(ScrollableContainer SC, Criterion cr) { if (cr.Rec.Type == CriterionType.all || cr.Rec.Type == CriterionType.count|| { for (int i = 0; i < cr.Res.Rating.Count; i++) { if (cr.Res.Rating[i] == 0) { var testPoint = CreateFixedLabel("-" + cr.Rec.Items[i].Desc + cr.Rec.Items[i].VarText, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, null, "item" + i); SetProperty(testPoint, "MultiLine", true); var l = SC.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(testPoint as XControl, "item" + i, 5, 5); testPointsMap.Add("item" + i, l); } } } if (cr.Rec.Type == CriterionType.rating) { var testPoint = CreateFixedLabel("-" + cr.Rec.Items[0].Desc + cr.Rec.Items[0].VarText+" (Ratingergebnis "+cr.Res.ratingerg* 100+"%)", 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, null, "item" + 0); SetProperty(testPoint, "MultiLine", true); var l = SC.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(testPoint as XControl, "item" + 0, 5, 5); testPointsMap.Add("item" + 0, l); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public void ShowDialog() { //this = null; try { InitalizeDialog("TestDialog_name", "OpenOffice Test Dialog", 380, 380, 102, 41); createWindowPeer(); #region Step 0 always visible createScrollableContainer(0, 0, 200, 3000); index = -1; activeLabel = null; //Creation of the Members var header1 = InsertFixedText("", 106, 6, 300, headerName); SetProperty(header1, "FontWeight", h1_fontWeight); var prioritaet1 = InsertFixedLabel("", 318, 6, 300, prioritaetName); var descBox1 = insertGroupBox(100, 20, 100, 250, descBoxName); var descText1 = InsertFixedLabel("", 105, 35, 200, 80, 0, null, descTextName); SetProperty(descText1, "MultiLine", true); var helpBox1 = insertGroupBox(100, 130, 100, 250, helpBoxName); var helpText1 = InsertFixedLabel("", 105, 145, 200, 80, 0, null, helpTextName); SetProperty(helpText1, "MultiLine", true); var recomBox1 = insertGroupBox(100, 240, 100, 250, recomBoxName); var commentLabel = InsertFixedText("Kommentar", 105, 290, 100, "commentLabel"); var commentField = InsertEditField("", 105, 300, 200, this, this, this, "commentField"); //experiment //var checkboxIsImportant = insertCheckBox(this, 200, 200, 100, "isImportant"); //SetProperty(checkboxIsImportant, "EnableVisible", false); //SetProperty(checkboxIsImportant,"TriState",) SetProperty(commentLabel, "EnableVisible", false); SetProperty(commentField, "EnableVisible", false); //util.Debug.GetAllProperties(commentField); SetProperty(descBox1, "TabIndex", ((short)(0))); SetProperty(helpBox1, "TabIndex", ((short)(0))); SetProperty(recomBox1, "TabIndex", ((short)(0))); #endregion #region Step 7 Introduction var header = GetControlByName(headerName); if (header != null) { SetProperty(header, "Label", "Einführung"); SetProperty(header, "TabIndex ", 0); } var mediumLabel = InsertFixedText("Medium:", 105, 145, 30); var mediumRadio0 = insertRadioButton(this, 145, 145, 100,"All","All"); mediumRadio0.setState(true); var mediumRadio1 = insertRadioButton(this, 145, 153, 100, "Schwellpapier", "Schwellpapier"); var mediumRadio2 = insertRadioButton(this, 145, 161, 100, "Tiger", "Tiger"); var mediumRadio3 = insertRadioButton(this, 145, 169, 100, "Stiftplatte", "Stiftplatte"); SetStepProperty(mediumLabel, 7); SetStepProperty(mediumRadio0, 7); SetStepProperty(mediumRadio1, 7); SetStepProperty(mediumRadio2, 7); SetStepProperty(mediumRadio3, 7); if (mediumRadio0 is XWindow) { (mediumRadio0 as XWindow).setFocus(); } #endregion #region checkboxen + radiobuttons /* Position of the Items(RadioButtons, Checkboxen, ....) */ int yPosCB = 247; int yPosRB = 247; int yPosRatingBox = 247; /* Creation of checkboxen for type all or count */ for (int s = 0; s <= maxCountOfItemsTypeAll; s++) { yPosCB = yPosCB + 8; var checkBox1 = insertCheckBox(this, 105, yPosCB, 300, "CheckBox" + s.ToString()); SetStepProperty(checkBox1, 1); SetProperty(checkBox1, "TriState", false); SetProperty(checkBox1, "EnableVisible", false); var checkBoxStep3 = insertCheckBox(this, 105, yPosCB, 300, "CheckBoxStep3" + s.ToString()); SetProperty(checkBoxStep3, "TriState", false); SetProperty(checkBoxStep3,"EnableVisible", false); SetStepProperty(checkBoxStep3, 3); } /* Creation of RadioButtons */ for (int s = 0; s <= maxCountOfItemsTypeOne; s++) { yPosRB = yPosRB+8; var radioButton1 = insertRadioButton(this, 105, yPosRB, 250, "label"+s, "RadioButton" + s.ToString()); //SetProperty(radioButton1, "Name", "RadioButton" + Convert.ToString(s)); // util.Debug.GetAllProperties(radioButton1); SetStepProperty(radioButton1, 2); SetProperty(radioButton1, "EnableVisible", false); SetProperty(radioButton1, "Enabled", true); SetProperty(radioButton1, "Tabstop", true); SetProperty(radioButton1, "TabIndex", ((short)(s + 1))); //util.Debug.GetAllProperties(radioButton1); //util.Debug.GetAllInterfacesOfObject(radioButton1); //util.Debug.GetAllServicesOfObject(radioButton1); } /* Creation of the RatingBoxes */ for(int s = 0; s< maxCountOfRatingItems;s++){ yPosRatingBox = yPosRatingBox + 8; insertRatingGroup(this, 105, yPosRatingBox, 100, 4, String.Empty, "RatingBox" + s.ToString()); // SetProperty(GetControlByName("RatingBox" + s.ToString()), "EnableVisible", false ); } // hide the Rating items hideRatingStep3(); //insertRatingGroup(this, 10, 10, 100, 3, String.Empty, ); //SetProperty(helpBox1, "EnableVisible", false); //SetProperty(descBox1, "EnableVisible", false); //SetProperty(recomBox1, "EnableVisible", false); #endregion #region buttons var buttonGoToCriterion = insertButton(this, 110, 343, 50,"Zum Kriterium",0, toCriterionButtonName); SetStepProperty(buttonGoToCriterion, 5); var buttonNext = insertButton(this, 280, 360, 70, "Weiter", 0, nextButtonName); SetProperty(buttonNext, "TabIndex ", ((short)(2))); var buttonPrev = insertButton(this, 100, 360, 70, "Zurück", 0, prevButtonName); SetProperty(buttonPrev, "EnableVisible", false); SetProperty(buttonPrev, "TabIndex ", ((short)(3))); var buttonSubmit = insertButton(this, 190, 360, 70, "Auswerten", 0, evalButtonName); SetProperty(buttonSubmit, "TabIndex ", ((short)(4))); var loadbutton = insertButton(this, 200, 200, 100, "Prüfbericht laden",7, earlLoadButtonName); SetStepProperty(loadbutton, 7); var inspectionReportButton = insertButton(this, 285, 363, 80, "Prüfbericht exportieren", 0, inspectionReportButtonName); SetStepProperty(inspectionReportButton, 5); var errorReportButton = insertButton(this, 200, 363, 80, "Fehlerbericht exportieren", 0, errorReportButtonName); SetStepProperty(errorReportButton, 5); #endregion #region evaluation //Step 5 for evalutaion Member var headerEvaluation = InsertFixedText("Ergebnis: ", 106, 6, 300, evalHeaderName); //var prioExplanationLabel = InsertFixedText("Prioritäten: 1-Hoch 2-Mittel 3-Niedrig",106,26,150,prioExplanationLabelName); var ergString = InsertFixedLabel("", 135, 6, 200, 80, 0, null, evalResultLabel); SetProperty(ergString, "MultiLine", true); SetProperty(ergString, "FontWeight", FontWeight.BOLD); var evalBox1 = insertGroupBox(100, 220, 140, 265, "Details", evalBoxName); var resultLabel = InsertFixedText("", 290, 30, 100, resultLabelName); var introductionLabel = InsertFixedText("Für Fehlerdetails, klicken Sie ein Kriterium in der oberen Box an.",150, 260,200,introductionLabelName); SetStepProperty(resultLabelName, 5); //var testPointSkala = InsertProgressBar(200, 260, 100, 10, testPointsSkalaName); var testPointHeader = InsertFixedText("Nicht erfüllte Prüfpunkte:", 110, 250, 200, testPointHeaderName); //var testPointLabel = InsertFixedText("", 280,250 , 50, testPointLabelName); var criterionHeaderResult = InsertFixedText("",110, 230, 250, 30, criterionHeaderResultName); var commentarResultLabel = InsertFixedText("Kommentar des Prüfers:", 110, 307,200, commentarResultLabelName); commentarResultContainer = createScrollableCommentarResultContainer(110,317, 220, 20, commentarResultContainerName); //SetProperty(testPointHeader, "FontWeight", FontWeight.BOLD); SetProperty(criterionHeaderResult, "FontWeight", FontWeight.BOLD); SetStepProperty(testPointHeader, 5); SetProperty(criterionHeaderResult, "MultiLine", true); //SetStepProperty(prioExplanationLabel, 5); SetStepProperty(commentarResultLabel, 5); SetStepProperty(headerEvaluation, 5); SetStepProperty(evalBox1, 5); //SetStepProperty(testPointLabel, 5); SetStepProperty(introductionLabel, 5); SetStepProperty(resultLabel, 5); SetStepProperty(criterionHeaderResult, 5); SetStepProperty(ergString, 5); SetStepProperty(commentarResultContainerName, 5); testPointsContainer = createScrollableContainerTestPoints(110,260 ,220 ,40, scrollContainerTestPointsName); #endregion showIntroduction(); ExecuteDialogWithembeddedExampleSnippets(); } catch ( ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("uno.Exception:"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex); } catch (System.Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("System.Exception:"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { //make sure always to dispose the component and free the memory! if (this != null) { if (MXComponent != null) { MXComponent.dispose(); } } } }
private void setTestPoints(ScrollableContainer testPointsContainer, Criterion cr) { foreach (XControl entry in testPointsMap.Values) { entry.dispose(); } testPointsMap.Clear(); addFailTestPoints(testPointsContainer,cr); }
private ScrollableContainer createScrollableContainerTestPoints(int _nPosX, int _nPosY, int _nWidth, int _nHeight, String sName) { ScrollableContainer SC = new ScrollableContainer( MXDlgContainer, MXDlgModelNameContainer, MXContext, MXMcf ); SC.CreateScrollableContainer(_nPosX, _nPosY, _nWidth, _nHeight, sName); //addFailTestPoints(SC); //addResults(SC); return SC; }
private ScrollableContainer createScrollableContainer(int _nPosX, int _nPosY, int _nWidth, int _nHeight, String sName = "") { ScrollableContainer SC = new ScrollableContainer( MXDlgContainer, MXDlgModelNameContainer, MXContext, MXMcf ); SC.CreateScrollableContainer(_nPosX, _nPosY, _nWidth, _nHeight, sName); addNavList(SC); return SC; }
private void addResults(ScrollableContainer SC) { criteriaResultLabelMap = new OrderedDictionary(); var catHeader = CreateFixedLabel("Kategorien", 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, null, "headerresultsscrollbar"); SC.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(catHeader as XControl, "categorie_HEADER", h1_leftMargin,5,SC.Width-190,20); SetProperty(catHeader, "FontHeight", h1_fontHieght); SetProperty(catHeader, "FontWeight", h1_fontWeight); SetProperty(catHeader, "MultiLine", true); //util.Debug.GetAllProperties(catHeader); var critHeader = CreateFixedLabel("Kriterien erfüllt", 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, null, "header_criterion"); SC.AddElement(critHeader as XControl, "criterion_Header", SC.Width - 175, 10,100, 15); SetProperty(critHeader, "FontHeight", h2_fontHieght); SetProperty(critHeader, "FontWeight", h1_fontWeight); int caCount = 0; foreach (Category ca in getCategoriesFromMap()) { /******************************************** * * ScrollableContainer Test * * ******************************************/ var catLable = CreateFixedLabel(++caCount + ". " +ca.Name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, null, ca.Id + "result"); //SetProperty(introduction, "Tag", s.ToString()); //TODO: add the tag for the introduction SetProperty(catLable, "FontHeight", h2_fontHieght); SetProperty(catLable, "FontWeight", h2_fontWeight); //SetProperty(catLable, "HelpText", ca.Id + "result"); SetProperty(catLable, "MultiLine", true); //TODO: function to leave the with as ist was set var placesControll = SC.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(catLable as XControl, "criterion_LABEL", h1_leftMargin, 7, SC.Width-190); /********************************************************/ /* PROGRESS BAR TEST */ /********************************************************/ Rectangle pos = new Rectangle(0, 0, 150, 15); if (placesControll != null && placesControll is XWindow2) { Rectangle lablePos = ((XWindow2)placesControll).getPosSize(); pos.Y = lablePos.Y; pos.X = SC.Width - pos.Width - 30; } var rating = ProgressBarControll.CreateProgressBar("pb", 0, 0, 0, 0, ca.Criteria.Count, ca.CountPassCategories(), false); var ratingLabel = CreateFixedLabel(ca.CountPassCategories() + "/" + ca.Criteria.Count, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null); //util.OoUtils.SetProperty(rating, "ProgressValue", 2); //util.OoUtils.SetProperty(rating, "FillColor", OoUtils.getColor(100, 0, 0)); //util.OoUtils.SetProperty(rating, "BackgroundColor", OoUtils.getColor(0, 100, 0)); //util.OoUtils.SetProperty(rating, "BorderColor", OoUtils.getColor(0, 0, 100)); //util.Debug.GetAllProperties(rating); var placedRating = SC.AddElement(rating as XControl, OoUtils.GetStringProperty(rating, "Name"), pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Width, pos.Height); OoUtils.SetBooleanProperty(placedRating, "EnableVisible", true); var placedRatingLabel = SC.AddElement(ratingLabel as XControl, OoUtils.GetStringProperty(ratingLabel, "Name"), SC.Width - 20 - 3, pos.Y, 20, 15); if (placedRating != null && placedRating is XWindow2) { ((XWindow2)placedRating).setPosSize(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Width, pos.Height, PosSize.POSSIZE); } bool failLabeExsist = false; bool warningLabelExsist = false; int crCount = 1; Dictionary<int, Criterion> warning = new Dictionary<int,Criterion>(); foreach (Criterion cr in ca.Criteria) { if (cr.Res.resultType == { if (failLabeExsist == false) { var failLabel = CreateFixedLabel("Nicht erfüllte Kriterien:", 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, null,""); SetProperty(failLabel, "FontHeight", 12); SetProperty(failLabel, "FontWeight", 150); SetProperty(failLabel, "FontSlant", FontSlant.ITALIC); SetProperty(failLabel, "FontUnderline", FontUnderline.SINGLE); SC.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(failLabel as XControl, "", h3_leftMargin+3, 2); failLabeExsist = true; } var crLabel = CreateFixedLabel("- " + caCount + "." + crCount + ". " + cr.Name + " (Priorität:" + cr.Priority + ")", 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, this, "result" +cr.Id); SetProperty(crLabel, "MultiLine", true); var l = SC.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(crLabel as XControl, "result"+cr.Id, h4_lefMargin+10, 5); criteriaResultLabelMap.Add(cr.Id,l); SetProperty(crLabel, "HelpText", "result" + cr.Id); SetProperty(crLabel, "HelpURL", "10"); } if (cr.Res.resultType == ResultType.passwithwarning) { warning.Add(crCount, cr); } /********************************************************/ /* PROGRESS BAR TEST END */ /********************************************************/ crCount++; } foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Criterion> entry in warning) { if (warningLabelExsist == false) { var failLabel2 = CreateFixedLabel("Verbesserungswürdige Kriterien:", 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, null,""); SetProperty(failLabel2, "FontHeight", 12); SetProperty(failLabel2, "FontWeight", 150); SetProperty(failLabel2, "FontSlant", FontSlant.ITALIC); SetProperty(failLabel2, "FontUnderline", FontUnderline.SINGLE); SC.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(failLabel2 as XControl, "", h3_leftMargin, 5); warningLabelExsist = true; } var crLabel = CreateFixedLabel("- "+caCount + "." + entry.Key + ". " + entry.Value.Name + " (Priorität:" + entry.Value.Priority + ")", 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, this, "result"+ entry.Value); SetProperty(crLabel, "MultiLine", true); var l = SC.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(crLabel as XControl,"result"+ entry.Value.Id, h4_lefMargin+5, 5); SetProperty(crLabel, "HelpText", "result"+entry.Value.Id); SetProperty(crLabel, "HelpURL", "10"); criteriaResultLabelMap.Add(entry.Value.Id,l); } //if (ca.resultType == ResultType.pass) //{ // var catLable = CreateFixedLabel(++caCount + ". " + ca.Name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, null, ca.Id + "result"); // //SetProperty(introduction, "Tag", s.ToString()); //TODO: add the tag for the introduction // SetProperty(catLable, "FontHeight", h2_fontHieght); // SetProperty(catLable, "FontWeight", h2_fontWeight); // //SetProperty(catLable, "HelpText", ca.Id + "result"); // SetProperty(catLable, "MultiLine", true); // SC.addElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(catLable as XControl, "criterion_LABEL", h1_leftMargin, 7); //} ////util.Debug.GetAllProperties(catLable); ////var progressbar = InsertProgressBar(0,0,100,ca.Criteria.Count,ca.Id+"progressbar"); ////SC.addElementAndAdoptTheSize(progressbar as XControl, "progressBar", 100, 100); //if (ca.resultType == //{ // var catLable2 = CreateFixedLabel(++caCount + ". " + ca.Name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, null, ca.Id + "result"); // //SetProperty(introduction, "Tag", s.ToString()); //TODO: add the tag for the introduction // SetProperty(catLable2, "FontHeight", h2_fontHieght); // SetProperty(catLable2, "FontWeight", h2_fontWeight); // //SetProperty(catLable2, "HelpText", ca.Id + "result"); // SetProperty(catLable2, "MultiLine", true); // SC.addElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(catLable2 as XControl, "criterion_LABEL", h1_leftMargin, 7); // bool failLabelexsist = false; // bool warningLabel = false; // int crCount = 1; // foreach (Criterion cr in ca.Criteria) // { // if (cr.Res.resultType == // { // if (failLabelexsist == false) // { // var failLabel = CreateFixedLabel("Nicht erfüllte Kriterien", 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, null, cr.Id + "result"); // SetProperty(failLabel, "FontHeight", 10); // SetProperty(failLabel, "FontWeight", 1000); // SC.addElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(failLabel as XControl, "", h3_leftMargin, 5); // failLabelexsist = true; // } // var crLabel = CreateFixedLabel(caCount + "." + crCount + ". " + cr.Name + " (Priorität:" + cr.Priority + ")", 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, this, cr.Id+"result"); // SetProperty(crLabel, "MultiLine", true); // SC.addElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(crLabel as XControl, "", h4_lefMargin, 5); // SetProperty(crLabel, "HelpText", cr.Id); // } // if (cr.Res.resultType == ResultType.passwithwarning) // { // } // crCount++; // } //} } }
private void addCommentarLabel(ScrollableContainer SC,String commentar) { if (commentResult != null) { commentResult.dispose(); } var commentResultLabel = CreateFixedLabel(commentar,0,0,0,0,20,null,"comment"); SetProperty(commentResultLabel, "MultiLine", true); commentResult = SC.AddElementToTheEndAndAdoptTheSize(commentResultLabel as XControl, "comment", 5, 5,350); }