コード例 #1
		public static Info Parse(string path)
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			Info fontInfo = new Info();
	        XmlNode nodeCommon = doc.SelectSingleNode("/font/common");
			fontInfo.scaleW = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "scaleW");
			fontInfo.scaleH = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "scaleH");
			fontInfo.lineHeight = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "lineHeight");
			int pages = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "pages");
			if (pages != 1)
				EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Fatal error", "Only one page supported in font. Please change the setting and re-export.", "Ok");
				return null;
			fontInfo.numPages = pages;
			fontInfo.texturePaths = new string[pages];
			for (int i = 0; i < pages; ++i) fontInfo.texturePaths[i] = string.Empty;

			foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/font/pages/page"))
				int id = ReadIntAttribute(node, "id");
				fontInfo.texturePaths[id] = ReadStringAttribute(node, "file");
			foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes(("/font/chars/char")))
				Char thisChar = new Char();
				thisChar.id = ReadIntAttribute(node, "id");
	            thisChar.x = ReadIntAttribute(node, "x");
	            thisChar.y = ReadIntAttribute(node, "y");
	            thisChar.width = ReadIntAttribute(node, "width");
	            thisChar.height = ReadIntAttribute(node, "height");
	            thisChar.xoffset = ReadIntAttribute(node, "xoffset");
	            thisChar.yoffset = ReadIntAttribute(node, "yoffset");
	            thisChar.xadvance = ReadIntAttribute(node, "xadvance");
				thisChar.texOverride = false;
				if (thisChar.id == -1) thisChar.id = 0;
			foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/font/kernings/kerning"))
				Kerning thisKerning = new Kerning();
				thisKerning.first = ReadIntAttribute(node, "first");
				thisKerning.second = ReadIntAttribute(node, "second");
				thisKerning.amount = ReadIntAttribute(node, "amount");
			return fontInfo;
コード例 #2
    bool ParseBMFont(string path, tk2dFontData fontData, tk2dFont source)
        float scale = 2.0f * source.sizeDef.OrthoSize / source.sizeDef.TargetHeight;

        tk2dEditor.Font.Info fontInfo = tk2dEditor.Font.Builder.ParseBMFont(path);
        if (fontInfo != null)
            return(tk2dEditor.Font.Builder.BuildFont(fontInfo, fontData, scale, source.charPadX, source.dupeCaps, source.flipTextureY, source.gradientTexture, source.gradientCount));
コード例 #3
ファイル: tk2dFontBuilder.cs プロジェクト: edwonia/Not-Alone
        static Info ParseBMFontXml(XmlDocument doc)
            Info fontInfo = new Info();

            XmlNode nodeCommon = doc.SelectSingleNode("/font/common");
            fontInfo.scaleW = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "scaleW");
            fontInfo.scaleH = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "scaleH");
            fontInfo.lineHeight = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "lineHeight");
            int pages = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "pages");
            if (pages != 1)
                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Fatal error", "Only one page supported in font. Please change the setting and re-export.", "Ok");
                return null;

            foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes(("/font/chars/char")))
                Char thisChar = new Char();
                thisChar.id = ReadIntAttribute(node, "id");
                thisChar.x = ReadIntAttribute(node, "x");
                thisChar.y = ReadIntAttribute(node, "y");
                thisChar.width = ReadIntAttribute(node, "width");
                thisChar.height = ReadIntAttribute(node, "height");
                thisChar.xoffset = ReadIntAttribute(node, "xoffset");
                thisChar.yoffset = ReadIntAttribute(node, "yoffset");
                thisChar.xadvance = ReadIntAttribute(node, "xadvance");

                thisChar.texOverride = false;


            foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/font/kernings/kerning"))
                Kerning thisKerning = new Kerning();
                thisKerning.first = ReadIntAttribute(node, "first");
                thisKerning.second = ReadIntAttribute(node, "second");
                thisKerning.amount = ReadIntAttribute(node, "amount");


            return fontInfo;
コード例 #4
ファイル: tk2dFontBuilder.cs プロジェクト: edwonia/Not-Alone
        static Info ParseBMFontText(string path)
            Info fontInfo = new Info();

            System.IO.FileInfo finfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(path);
            System.IO.StreamReader reader = finfo.OpenText();
            string line;
            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] tokens = line.Split( ' ' );

                if (tokens[0] == "common")
                    fontInfo.lineHeight = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "lineHeight") );
                    fontInfo.scaleW = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "scaleW") );
                    fontInfo.scaleH = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "scaleH") );
                    int pages = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "pages") );
                    if (pages != 1)
                        EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Fatal error", "Only one page supported in font. Please change the setting and re-export.", "Ok");
                        return null;
                else if (tokens[0] == "char")
                    Char thisChar = new Char();
                    thisChar.id = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "id"));
                    thisChar.x = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "x"));
                    thisChar.y = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "y"));
                    thisChar.width = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "width"));
                    thisChar.height = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "height"));
                    thisChar.xoffset = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "xoffset"));
                    thisChar.yoffset = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "yoffset"));
                    thisChar.xadvance = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "xadvance"));
                else if (tokens[0] == "kerning")
                    Kerning thisKerning = new Kerning();
                    thisKerning.first = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "first"));
                    thisKerning.second = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "second"));
                    thisKerning.amount = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "amount"));

            return fontInfo;
コード例 #5
ファイル: tk2dFontBuilder.cs プロジェクト: edwonia/Not-Alone
        public static bool BuildFont(Info fontInfo, tk2dFontData target, float scale, int charPadX, bool dupeCaps, bool flipTextureY, Texture2D gradientTexture, int gradientCount)
            float texWidth = fontInfo.scaleW;
            float texHeight = fontInfo.scaleH;
            float lineHeight = fontInfo.lineHeight;

            target.lineHeight = lineHeight * scale;

            // Get number of characters (lastindex + 1)
            int maxCharId = 0;
            int maxUnicodeChar = 100000;
            foreach (var theChar in fontInfo.chars)
                if (theChar.id > maxUnicodeChar)
                    // in most cases the font contains unwanted characters!
                    Debug.LogError("Unicode character id exceeds allowed limit: " + theChar.id.ToString() + ". Skipping.");

                if (theChar.id > maxCharId) maxCharId = theChar.id;

            // decide to use dictionary if necessary
            // 2048 is a conservative lower floor
            bool useDictionary = maxCharId > 2048;

            Dictionary<int, tk2dFontChar> charDict = (useDictionary)?new Dictionary<int, tk2dFontChar>():null;
            tk2dFontChar[] chars = (useDictionary)?null:new tk2dFontChar[maxCharId + 1];
            int minChar = 0x7fffffff;
            int maxCharWithinBounds = 0;
            int numLocalChars = 0;
            float largestWidth = 0.0f;
            foreach (var theChar in fontInfo.chars)
                tk2dFontChar thisChar = new tk2dFontChar();
                int id = theChar.id;
                int x = theChar.x;
                int y = theChar.y;
                int width = theChar.width;
                int height = theChar.height;
                int xoffset = theChar.xoffset;
                int yoffset = theChar.yoffset;
                int xadvance = theChar.xadvance + charPadX;

                // special case, if the width and height are zero, the origin doesn't need to be offset
                // handles problematic case highlighted here:
                // http://2dtoolkit.com/forum/index.php/topic,89.msg220.html
                if (width == 0 && height == 0)
                    xoffset = 0;
                    yoffset = 0;

                // precompute required data
                float px = xoffset * scale;
                float py = (lineHeight - yoffset) * scale;

                if (theChar.texOverride)
                    int w = theChar.texW;
                    int h = theChar.texH;
                    if (theChar.texFlipped)
                        h = theChar.texW;
                        w = theChar.texH;

                    thisChar.p0 = new Vector3(px + theChar.texOffsetX * scale, py - theChar.texOffsetY * scale, 0);
                    thisChar.p1 = new Vector3(px + (theChar.texOffsetX + w) * scale, py - (theChar.texOffsetY + h) * scale, 0);

                    thisChar.uv0 = new Vector2((theChar.texX) / texWidth, (theChar.texY + theChar.texH) / texHeight);
                    thisChar.uv1 = new Vector2((theChar.texX + theChar.texW) / texWidth, (theChar.texY) / texHeight);

                    thisChar.flipped = theChar.texFlipped;
                    thisChar.p0 = new Vector3(px, py, 0);
                    thisChar.p1 = new Vector3(px + width * scale, py - height * scale, 0);
                    if (flipTextureY)
                        thisChar.uv0 = new Vector2(x / texWidth, y / texHeight);
                        thisChar.uv1 = new Vector2(thisChar.uv0.x + width / texWidth, thisChar.uv0.y + height / texHeight);
                        thisChar.uv0 = new Vector2(x / texWidth, 1.0f - y / texHeight);
                        thisChar.uv1 = new Vector2(thisChar.uv0.x + width / texWidth, thisChar.uv0.y - height / texHeight);

                    thisChar.flipped = false;
                thisChar.advance = xadvance * scale;
                largestWidth = Mathf.Max(thisChar.advance, largestWidth);

                // Needs gradient data
                if (gradientTexture != null)
                    // build it up assuming the first gradient
                    float x0 = (float)(0.0f / gradientCount);
                    float x1 = (float)(1.0f / gradientCount);
                    float y0 = 1.0f;
                    float y1 = 0.0f;

                    // align to glyph if necessary

                    thisChar.gradientUv = new Vector2[4];
                    thisChar.gradientUv[0] = new Vector2(x0, y0);
                    thisChar.gradientUv[1] = new Vector2(x1, y0);
                    thisChar.gradientUv[2] = new Vector2(x0, y1);
                    thisChar.gradientUv[3] = new Vector2(x1, y1);

                if (id <= maxCharId)
                    maxCharWithinBounds = (id > maxCharWithinBounds) ? id : maxCharWithinBounds;
                    minChar = (id < minChar) ? id : minChar;

                    if (useDictionary)
                        charDict[id] = thisChar;
                        chars[id] = thisChar;


            // duplicate capitals to lower case, or vice versa depending on which ones exist
            if (dupeCaps)
                for (int uc = 'A'; uc <= 'Z'; ++uc)
                    int lc = uc + ('a' - 'A');

                    if (useDictionary)
                        if (charDict.ContainsKey(uc))
                            charDict[lc] = charDict[uc];
                        else if (charDict.ContainsKey(lc))
                            charDict[uc] = charDict[lc];
                        if (chars[lc] == null) chars[lc] = chars[uc];
                        else if (chars[uc] == null) chars[uc] = chars[lc];

            // share null char, same pointer
            var nullChar = new tk2dFontChar();
            nullChar.gradientUv = new Vector2[4]; // this would be null otherwise

            target.largestWidth = largestWidth;
            if (useDictionary)
                // guarantee at least the first 256 characters
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
                    if (!charDict.ContainsKey(i))
                        charDict[i] = nullChar;

                target.chars = null;
                target.useDictionary = true;
                target.chars = new tk2dFontChar[maxCharId + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i <= maxCharId; ++i)
                    target.chars[i] = chars[i];
                    if (target.chars[i] == null)
                        target.chars[i] = nullChar; // zero everything, null char

                target.charDict = null;
                target.useDictionary = false;

            // kerning
            target.kerning = new tk2dFontKerning[fontInfo.kernings.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < target.kerning.Length; ++i)
                tk2dFontKerning kerning = new tk2dFontKerning();
                kerning.c0 = fontInfo.kernings[i].first;
                kerning.c1 = fontInfo.kernings[i].second;
                kerning.amount = fontInfo.kernings[i].amount * scale;
                target.kerning[i] = kerning;

            return true;
コード例 #6
		public static Info Parse(string path)
			Info fontInfo = new Info();
			System.IO.FileInfo finfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(path);
			System.IO.StreamReader reader = finfo.OpenText();
			string line;
			while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) 
				string[] tokens = line.Split( ' ' );
				if (tokens[0] == "common")
					fontInfo.lineHeight = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "lineHeight") );
					fontInfo.scaleW = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "scaleW") );
					fontInfo.scaleH = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "scaleH") );
					int pages = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "pages") );
					if (pages != 1)
						EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Fatal error", "Only one page supported in font. Please change the setting and re-export.", "Ok");
						return null;
					fontInfo.numPages = pages;
					if (FindKeyValue(tokens, "packed") != "")
						fontInfo.isPacked = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "packed")) != 0;
					fontInfo.texturePaths = new string[pages];
					for (int i = 0 ; i < pages; ++i)
						fontInfo.texturePaths[i] = string.Empty;
				else if (tokens[0] == "page")
					int id = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "id"));
					string file = FindKeyValue(tokens, "file");
					if (file[0] == '"' && file[file.Length - 1] == '"') {
						file = file.Substring(1, file.Length - 2);
					else if (file[0] == '"' && file[file.Length - 1] != '"') {
						System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(line, "file[\\s]*=[\\s]*\"([^\"]*)\"");
						try {
							file = match.Groups[1].Value;
						catch {
							file = "";
					fontInfo.texturePaths[id] = file;
				else if (tokens[0] == "char")
					Char thisChar = new Char();
					thisChar.id = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "id"));
					thisChar.x = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "x"));
					thisChar.y = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "y"));
					thisChar.width = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "width"));
					thisChar.height = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "height"));
					thisChar.xoffset = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "xoffset"));
					thisChar.yoffset = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "yoffset"));
					thisChar.xadvance = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "xadvance"));
					if (fontInfo.isPacked)
						int chnl = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "chnl"));
						thisChar.channel = (int)Mathf.Round(Mathf.Log(chnl) / Mathf.Log(2));
					if (thisChar.id == -1) thisChar.id = 0;
				else if (tokens[0] == "kerning")
					Kerning thisKerning = new Kerning();
					thisKerning.first = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "first"));
					thisKerning.second = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "second"));
					thisKerning.amount = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "amount"));
			return fontInfo;
コード例 #7
        public static Info Parse(string path)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            Info fontInfo = new Info();

            XmlNode nodeCommon = doc.SelectSingleNode("/font/common");

            fontInfo.scaleW     = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "scaleW");
            fontInfo.scaleH     = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "scaleH");
            fontInfo.lineHeight = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "lineHeight");
            int pages = ReadIntAttribute(nodeCommon, "pages");

            if (pages != 1)
                EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Fatal error", "Only one page supported in font. Please change the setting and re-export.", "Ok");
            fontInfo.numPages     = pages;
            fontInfo.texturePaths = new string[pages];
            for (int i = 0; i < pages; ++i)
                fontInfo.texturePaths[i] = string.Empty;

            foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/font/pages/page"))
                int id = ReadIntAttribute(node, "id");
                fontInfo.texturePaths[id] = ReadStringAttribute(node, "file");

            foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes(("/font/chars/char")))
                Char thisChar = new Char();
                thisChar.id       = ReadIntAttribute(node, "id");
                thisChar.x        = ReadIntAttribute(node, "x");
                thisChar.y        = ReadIntAttribute(node, "y");
                thisChar.width    = ReadIntAttribute(node, "width");
                thisChar.height   = ReadIntAttribute(node, "height");
                thisChar.xoffset  = ReadIntAttribute(node, "xoffset");
                thisChar.yoffset  = ReadIntAttribute(node, "yoffset");
                thisChar.xadvance = ReadIntAttribute(node, "xadvance");

                thisChar.texOverride = false;

                if (thisChar.id == -1)
                    thisChar.id = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("/font/kernings/kerning"))
                Kerning thisKerning = new Kerning();
                thisKerning.first  = ReadIntAttribute(node, "first");
                thisKerning.second = ReadIntAttribute(node, "second");
                thisKerning.amount = ReadIntAttribute(node, "amount");


コード例 #8
        public static bool BuildFont(Info fontInfo, tk2dFontData target, float scale, int charPadX, bool dupeCaps, bool flipTextureY, Texture2D gradientTexture, int gradientCount)
            float texWidth   = fontInfo.scaleW;
            float texHeight  = fontInfo.scaleH;
            float lineHeight = fontInfo.lineHeight;
            float texScale   = fontInfo.textureScale;

            target.version    = tk2dFontData.CURRENT_VERSION;
            target.lineHeight = lineHeight * scale;
            target.texelSize  = new Vector2(scale, scale);
            target.isPacked   = fontInfo.isPacked;

            // Get number of characters (lastindex + 1)
            int maxCharId      = 0;
            int maxUnicodeChar = 100000;

            foreach (var theChar in fontInfo.chars)
                if (theChar.id > maxUnicodeChar)
                    // in most cases the font contains unwanted characters!
                    Debug.LogError("Unicode character id exceeds allowed limit: " + theChar.id.ToString() + ". Skipping.");

                if (theChar.id > maxCharId)
                    maxCharId = theChar.id;

            // decide to use dictionary if necessary
            // 2048 is a conservative lower floor
            bool useDictionary = maxCharId > 2048;

            Dictionary <int, tk2dFontChar> charDict = (useDictionary)?new Dictionary <int, tk2dFontChar>():null;

            tk2dFontChar[] chars               = (useDictionary)?null:new tk2dFontChar[maxCharId + 1];
            int            minChar             = 0x7fffffff;
            int            maxCharWithinBounds = 0;
            int            numLocalChars       = 0;
            float          largestWidth        = 0.0f;

            foreach (var theChar in fontInfo.chars)
                tk2dFontChar thisChar = new tk2dFontChar();
                int          id       = theChar.id;
                int          x        = theChar.x;
                int          y        = theChar.y;
                int          width    = theChar.width;
                int          height   = theChar.height;
                int          xoffset  = theChar.xoffset;
                int          yoffset  = theChar.yoffset;
                int          xadvance = theChar.xadvance + charPadX;

                // special case, if the width and height are zero, the origin doesn't need to be offset
                // handles problematic case highlighted here:
                // http://2dtoolkit.com/forum/index.php/topic,89.msg220.html
                if (width == 0 && height == 0)
                    xoffset = 0;
                    yoffset = 0;

                // precompute required data
                if (theChar.texOverride)
                    float w = theChar.texW / texScale;
                    float h = theChar.texH / texScale;
                    if (theChar.texFlipped)
                        h = theChar.texW / texScale;
                        w = theChar.texH / texScale;

                    float px = (xoffset + theChar.texOffsetX * texScale) * scale;
                    float py = (lineHeight - yoffset - theChar.texOffsetY * texScale) * scale;

                    thisChar.p0 = new Vector3(px, py, 0);
                    thisChar.p1 = new Vector3(px + w * scale, py - h * scale, 0);

                    thisChar.uv0 = new Vector2((theChar.texX) / texWidth, (theChar.texY + theChar.texH) / texHeight);
                    thisChar.uv1 = new Vector2((theChar.texX + theChar.texW) / texWidth, (theChar.texY) / texHeight);
                    if (flipTextureY)
                        float tmp = 0;
                        if (theChar.texFlipped)
                            tmp            = thisChar.uv1.x;
                            thisChar.uv1.x = thisChar.uv0.x;
                            thisChar.uv0.x = tmp;
                            tmp            = thisChar.uv1.y;
                            thisChar.uv1.y = thisChar.uv0.y;
                            thisChar.uv0.y = tmp;

                    thisChar.flipped = theChar.texFlipped;
                    float px = xoffset * scale;
                    float py = (lineHeight - yoffset) * scale;

                    thisChar.p0 = new Vector3(px, py, 0);
                    thisChar.p1 = new Vector3(px + width * scale, py - height * scale, 0);
                    if (flipTextureY)
                        thisChar.uv0 = new Vector2(x / texWidth, y / texHeight);
                        thisChar.uv1 = new Vector2(thisChar.uv0.x + width / texWidth, thisChar.uv0.y + height / texHeight);
                        thisChar.uv0 = new Vector2(x / texWidth, 1.0f - y / texHeight);
                        thisChar.uv1 = new Vector2(thisChar.uv0.x + width / texWidth, thisChar.uv0.y - height / texHeight);

                    thisChar.flipped = false;
                thisChar.advance = xadvance * scale;
                thisChar.channel = theChar.channel;
                largestWidth     = Mathf.Max(thisChar.advance, largestWidth);

                // Needs gradient data
                if (gradientTexture != null)
                    // build it up assuming the first gradient
                    float x0 = (float)(0.0f / gradientCount);
                    float x1 = (float)(1.0f / gradientCount);
                    float y0 = 1.0f;
                    float y1 = 0.0f;

                    // align to glyph if necessary

                    thisChar.gradientUv    = new Vector2[4];
                    thisChar.gradientUv[0] = new Vector2(x0, y0);
                    thisChar.gradientUv[1] = new Vector2(x1, y0);
                    thisChar.gradientUv[2] = new Vector2(x0, y1);
                    thisChar.gradientUv[3] = new Vector2(x1, y1);

                if (id <= maxCharId)
                    maxCharWithinBounds = (id > maxCharWithinBounds) ? id : maxCharWithinBounds;
                    minChar             = (id < minChar) ? id : minChar;

                    if (useDictionary)
                        charDict[id] = thisChar;
                        chars[id] = thisChar;


            // duplicate capitals to lower case, or vice versa depending on which ones exist
            if (dupeCaps)
                for (int uc = 'A'; uc <= 'Z'; ++uc)
                    int lc = uc + ('a' - 'A');

                    if (useDictionary)
                        if (charDict.ContainsKey(uc))
                            charDict[lc] = charDict[uc];
                        else if (charDict.ContainsKey(lc))
                            charDict[uc] = charDict[lc];
                        if (chars[lc] == null)
                            chars[lc] = chars[uc];
                        else if (chars[uc] == null)
                            chars[uc] = chars[lc];

            // share null char, same pointer
            var nullChar = new tk2dFontChar();

            nullChar.gradientUv = new Vector2[4];             // this would be null otherwise
            nullChar.channel    = 0;

            target.largestWidth = largestWidth;
            if (useDictionary)
                // guarantee at least the first 256 characters
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
                    if (!charDict.ContainsKey(i))
                        charDict[i] = nullChar;

                target.chars = null;
                target.useDictionary = true;
                target.chars = new tk2dFontChar[maxCharId + 1];
                for (int i = 0; i <= maxCharId; ++i)
                    target.chars[i] = chars[i];
                    if (target.chars[i] == null)
                        target.chars[i] = nullChar;                         // zero everything, null char

                target.charDict      = null;
                target.useDictionary = false;

            // kerning
            target.kerning = new tk2dFontKerning[fontInfo.kernings.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < target.kerning.Length; ++i)
                tk2dFontKerning kerning = new tk2dFontKerning();
                kerning.c0        = fontInfo.kernings[i].first;
                kerning.c1        = fontInfo.kernings[i].second;
                kerning.amount    = fontInfo.kernings[i].amount * scale;
                target.kerning[i] = kerning;

コード例 #9
        public static Info Parse(string path)
            Info fontInfo = new Info();

            System.IO.FileInfo     finfo  = new System.IO.FileInfo(path);
            System.IO.StreamReader reader = finfo.OpenText();
            string line;

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] tokens = line.Split(' ');

                if (tokens[0] == "common")
                    fontInfo.lineHeight = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "lineHeight"));
                    fontInfo.scaleW     = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "scaleW"));
                    fontInfo.scaleH     = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "scaleH"));
                    int pages = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "pages"));
                    if (pages != 1)
                        EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Fatal error", "Only one page supported in font. Please change the setting and re-export.", "Ok");
                    fontInfo.numPages = pages;
                    if (FindKeyValue(tokens, "packed") != "")
                        fontInfo.isPacked = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "packed")) != 0;
                    fontInfo.texturePaths = new string[pages];
                    for (int i = 0; i < pages; ++i)
                        fontInfo.texturePaths[i] = string.Empty;
                else if (tokens[0] == "page")
                    int    id   = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "id"));
                    string file = FindKeyValue(tokens, "file");
                    if (file[0] == '"' && file[file.Length - 1] == '"')
                        file = file.Substring(1, file.Length - 2);
                    fontInfo.texturePaths[id] = file;
                else if (tokens[0] == "char")
                    Char thisChar = new Char();
                    thisChar.id       = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "id"));
                    thisChar.x        = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "x"));
                    thisChar.y        = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "y"));
                    thisChar.width    = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "width"));
                    thisChar.height   = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "height"));
                    thisChar.xoffset  = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "xoffset"));
                    thisChar.yoffset  = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "yoffset"));
                    thisChar.xadvance = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "xadvance"));
                    if (fontInfo.isPacked)
                        int chnl = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "chnl"));
                        thisChar.channel = (int)Mathf.Round(Mathf.Log(chnl) / Mathf.Log(2));
                    if (thisChar.id == -1)
                        thisChar.id = 0;
                else if (tokens[0] == "kerning")
                    Kerning thisKerning = new Kerning();
                    thisKerning.first  = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "first"));
                    thisKerning.second = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "second"));
                    thisKerning.amount = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "amount"));

コード例 #10
        public static Info Parse(string path)
            Info fontInfo = new Info();

            System.IO.FileInfo finfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(path);
            System.IO.StreamReader reader = finfo.OpenText();
            string line;
            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                string[] tokens = line.Split( ' ' );

                if (tokens[0] == "common")
                    fontInfo.lineHeight = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "lineHeight") );
                    fontInfo.scaleW = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "scaleW") );
                    fontInfo.scaleH = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "scaleH") );
                    int pages = int.Parse( FindKeyValue(tokens, "pages") );
                    if (pages != 1)
                        EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Fatal error", "Only one page supported in font. Please change the setting and re-export.", "Ok");
                        return null;
                    fontInfo.numPages = pages;
                    fontInfo.texturePaths = new string[pages];
                    for (int i = 0 ; i < pages; ++i)
                        fontInfo.texturePaths[i] = string.Empty;
                else if (tokens[0] == "page")
                    int id = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "id"));
                    string file = FindKeyValue(tokens, "file");
                    if (file[0] == '"' && file[file.Length - 1] == '"')
                        file = file.Substring(1, file.Length - 2);
                    fontInfo.texturePaths[id] = file;
                else if (tokens[0] == "char")
                    Char thisChar = new Char();
                    thisChar.id = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "id"));
                    thisChar.x = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "x"));
                    thisChar.y = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "y"));
                    thisChar.width = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "width"));
                    thisChar.height = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "height"));
                    thisChar.xoffset = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "xoffset"));
                    thisChar.yoffset = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "yoffset"));
                    thisChar.xadvance = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "xadvance"));
                else if (tokens[0] == "kerning")
                    Kerning thisKerning = new Kerning();
                    thisKerning.first = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "first"));
                    thisKerning.second = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "second"));
                    thisKerning.amount = int.Parse(FindKeyValue(tokens, "amount"));

            return fontInfo;