コード例 #1
        } /* push_down() */

*   Method:
*       push_up
*   Description:
*       Determines if character is on ground or air.

        public void push_up(character_type c)
            int y = ((c.physics.position.y >> 12) + c.physics.hit_box.Height) / Blocks.size.Height;

            c.ground_status      = char_status_enum.GROUND;
            c.physics.position.y = (((y * Blocks.size.Height) - c.physics.hit_box.Height) + 1) << 12;
        } /* push_up() */
コード例 #2
        } /* push_right() */

*   Method:
*       push_left
*   Description:
*       Push the character down one block.

        private void push_left(character_type c)
            int x = ((c.physics.position.x >> 12) + c.physics.hit_box.Width) / Blocks.size.Width;

            c.physics.acceleration.x = 0;
            c.physics.velocity.x     = 0;
            c.physics.position.x     = (((x * Blocks.size.Width) - c.physics.hit_box.Width) << 12) - 1;
        } /* push_left() */
コード例 #3
        } /* push_up() */

*   Method:
*       push_right
*   Description:
*       Push the character left one block.

        private void push_right(character_type c)
            int x = (c.physics.position.x >> 12) / Blocks.size.Width + 1;

            c.physics.acceleration.x = 0;
            c.physics.velocity.x     = 0;
            c.physics.position.x     = (x * Blocks.size.Width) << 12;
        } /* push_right() */
コード例 #4
        } /* update_hit_box() */

*   Method:
*       push_down
*   Description:
*       Push the character down one block.

        private void push_down(character_type c)
            int y = ((c.physics.position.y >> 12) / Blocks.size.Height) + 1;

            c.physics.acceleration.y = 0;
            c.physics.velocity.y     = 0;
            c.physics.position.y     = (y * Blocks.size.Height) << 12;

            c.ground_status = char_status_enum.AIR;
        } /* push_down() */
コード例 #5
*   Method:
*       update_hit_box
*   Description:
*       Determines if character is on ground or air.

        private void update_hit_box(character_type c)
*  Local variables
*  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
            int[] x = new int[2];
            int[] y = new int[2];
            int   suby;

*  Update y position and find character boundaries
*  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
            c.physics.position.y += c.physics.velocity.y;

            x[0] = (c.physics.position.x >> 12) / Blocks.size.Width;
            x[1] = ((c.physics.position.x >> 12) + c.physics.hit_box.Width) / Blocks.size.Width;
            y[0] = ((c.physics.position.y >> 12) + c.physics.hit_box.Height) / Blocks.size.Height;
            y[1] = (c.physics.position.y >> 12) / Blocks.size.Height;

            prev_location = c.ground_status;

*  Check for y collisions
*  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
            if (contains_block(x, y[1]))
                int x_hit;


                if (contains_block(x[1], y[1]) && model.level.mario.facing_right())
                    x_hit = x[1];
                else if (contains_block(x[0], y[1]) && !model.level.mario.facing_right())
                    x_hit = x[0];
                else if (contains_block(x[1], y[1]))
                    x_hit = x[1];
                    x_hit = x[0];

                if (model.level.map.blocks[x_hit, y[1]].hit_bottom())
                    c.physics.velocity.y = MarioPhysics.vy_hard_block;
            else if (contains_block(x, y[0]))
                c.ground_status = char_status_enum.AIR;

*  Update x position and find character boundaries
*  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
            c.physics.position.x += c.physics.velocity.x;

            x[0] = (c.physics.position.x >> 12) / Blocks.size.Width;
            x[1] = ((c.physics.position.x >> 12) + c.physics.hit_box.Width) / Blocks.size.Width;
            y[0] = ((c.physics.position.y >> 12) + c.physics.hit_box.Height) / Blocks.size.Height;
            y[1] = (c.physics.position.y >> 12) / Blocks.size.Height;
            suby = (c.physics.position.y >> 12) % Blocks.size.Height;

            if (c.ground_status == char_status_enum.GROUND)

*  Check for x collisions
*  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
            if (contains_block(x[0], y))
            else if (contains_block(x[1], y))

                *  Check for entering a horizontal pipe
                *  ----------------------------------------------------------*/
                if ((c.ground_status == char_status_enum.GROUND) &&
                    (model.game_status == game_status_enum.gameplay) &&
                    (KeyBinding.D_RIGHT_pressed) &&
                    (model.level.map.blocks[x[1], y[0]] != null) &&
                    (model.level.map.blocks[x[1], y[0]].GetType() == typeof(block_pipe_type)))
                    block_pipe_type p = (block_pipe_type)model.level.map.blocks[x[1], y[0]];

                    if (p.pipe.is_linked(c.physics.position.x, y[0] << 16))
                        model.game_status = game_status_enum.pipe_transition;
                        pipe_entered      = p.pipe;
                        init_frame        = Animations.frame_count;
                        model.pipe_status = pipe_status_enum.ENTER;
        } /* update_hit_box() */