public void copy(Command cmd, CompareSideType sideType) { if (cmd.HasHelp) { if (sideType == CompareSideType.copy) { stdio.WriteLine("copy schema or records from table1 to table2, support table name wildcards"); stdio.WriteLine("copy table1 [table2] [/s]"); } else if (sideType == CompareSideType.sync) { stdio.WriteLine("synchronize schema or records from table1 to table2"); stdio.WriteLine("sync table1 [table2] [/s] : sync table1' records to table2"); } else if (sideType == { stdio.WriteLine("compare schema or records from table1 to table2"); stdio.WriteLine("comp table1 [table2] [/s] : sync table1' records to table2"); } stdio.WriteLine("support table name wildcards"); stdio.WriteLine("[/s] : table schema, default table records"); return; } CancelableWork.CanCancel(cts => { PathBothSide both = new PathBothSide(mgr, cmd); var dname2 = mgr.GetPathFrom<DatabaseName>(both.ps2.Node); if (both.ps1.MatchedTables == null) return; foreach (var tname1 in both.ps1.MatchedTables) { if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) return; TableName tname2 = mgr.GetPathFrom<TableName>(both.ps2.Node); if (tname2 == null) { tname2 = new TableName(dname2, tname1.SchemaName, tname1.ShortName); } var adapter = new CompareAdapter(both.ps1.side, both.ps2.side); //stdio.WriteLine("start to {0} from {1} to {2}", sideType, tname1, tname2); var sql = adapter.CompareTable(cmd.IsSchema ? ActionType.CompareSchema : ActionType.CompareData, sideType, tname1, tname2, mgr.Configuration.PK, cmd.Columns); if (sideType == { if (sql == string.Empty) { stdio.WriteLine("source {0} and destination {1} are identical", tname1, tname2); } continue; } if (sql == string.Empty) { stdio.WriteLine("nothing changes made on destination {0}", tname2); } else { bool exists = tname2.Exists(); try { var sqlcmd = new SqlCmd(both.ps2.side.Provider, sql); int count = sqlcmd.ExecuteNonQueryTransaction(); if (exists) { if (count >= 0) stdio.WriteLine("{0} row(s) changed at destination {1}", count, tname2); else stdio.WriteLine("command(s) completed successfully at destination {1}", count, tname2); } else stdio.WriteLine("table {0} created at destination", tname2); } catch (Exception ex) { stdio.ErrorFormat(ex.Message); return; } } } // loop for return; }); }
private bool DoSingleLineCommand(string text) { text = text.Trim(); if (text == string.Empty) return false; Command cmd = new Command(text, cfg); switch (cmd.Action) { case "set": commandee.set(cmd); return true; case "let": commandee.let(cmd); return true; case "md": case "mkdir": commandee.mkdir(cmd); return true; case "rd": case "rmdir": commandee.rmdir(cmd); return true; } switch (cmd.Action) { case "ls": case "dir": commandee.dir(cmd); return true; case "cd": case "chdir": if (cmd.arg1 != null || cmd.HasHelp) chdir(cmd); else stdio.WriteLine(mgr.ToString()); return true; case "type": commandee.type(cmd); return true; case "del": case "erase": commandee.del(cmd); return true; case "ren": case "rename": commandee.rename(cmd); return true; case "attrib": commandee.attrib(cmd); return true; case "echo": stdio.WriteLine(text); return true; case "rem": return true; case "ver": stdio.WriteLine("sqlcon [Version {0}]", SysExtension.ApplicationVerison); return true; case "show": if (cmd.arg1 != null) Show(cmd.arg1.ToLower(), cmd.arg2); else stdio.ErrorFormat("invalid argument"); return true; case "find": if (cmd.arg1 != null) theSide.FindName(cmd.arg1); else stdio.ErrorFormat("find object undefined"); return true; case "save": if (cmd.arg1 == "output") { if (!File.Exists(this.cfg.OutputFile)) { stdio.ErrorFormat("no output file found : {0}", this.cfg.OutputFile); break; } using (var reader = new StreamReader(this.cfg.OutputFile)) { string data = reader.ReadToEnd(); System.Windows.Clipboard.SetText(data); stdio.WriteLine("copied to clipboard"); } } return true; case "execute": commandee.execute(cmd, theSide); return true; case "open":, cfg); return true; case "compare": { PathBothSide both = new PathBothSide(mgr, cmd); using (var writer = cfg.OutputFile.NewStreamWriter()) { ActionType type; if (cmd.IsSchema) type = ActionType.CompareSchema; else type = ActionType.CompareData; if (both.Invalid) { return true; } var adapter = new CompareAdapter(both.ps1.side, both.ps2.side); var sql = adapter.Run(type, both.ps1.MatchedTables, both.ps2.MatchedTables, cfg, cmd.Columns); writer.Write(sql); } stdio.WriteLine("completed"); return true; } case "copy": commandee.copy(cmd, CompareSideType.copy); return true; case "sync": commandee.copy(cmd, CompareSideType.sync); return true; case "comp": commandee.copy(cmd,; return true; case "xcopy": commandee.xcopy(cmd); return true; //example: run func(id=20) case "run": { VAL result = Context.Evaluate(cmd.args); if (result.IsNull) stdio.ErrorFormat("undefined query function"); else if (result.IsInt) { //show error code } else { if (!result.IsList && result.Size != 2) { stdio.ErrorFormat("invalid format, run query like >run query(id=1)"); return true; } try { DataSet ds = new SqlCmd(theSide.Provider, (string)result[0]).ParseParameters(result[1]).FillDataSet(); if (ds != null) { foreach (DataTable dt in ds.Tables) dt.ToConsole(); } else stdio.ErrorFormat("cannot retrieve data from server"); } catch (Exception ex) { stdio.ErrorFormat("{0}", ex.Message); return true; } } } return true; case "export": commandee.export(cmd, cfg, this); return true; case "clean": commandee.clean(cmd, cfg); return true; case "mount": commandee.mount(cmd, cfg); return true; case "umount": commandee.umount(cmd, cfg); return true; case "edit": commandee.edit(cmd, theSide); return true; default: break; } return false; }
public void xcopy(Command cmd) { if (cmd.HasHelp) { stdio.WriteLine("xcopy large size records, support table/database name wildcards"); stdio.WriteLine(" table must have same structure"); stdio.WriteLine("xcopy database1 [database2]"); stdio.WriteLine("xcopy table1 [table2]"); stdio.WriteLine(" /col:c1[=d1],c2[=d2],... copy selected columns (mapping)"); stdio.WriteLine(" /s compare table schema"); stdio.WriteLine("note that: to xcopy selected records of table, mkdir locator first, example:"); stdio.WriteLine(@" \local\NorthWind\Products> md ProductId<2000"); stdio.WriteLine(@" \local\NorthWind\Products> xcopy 1 \local\db"); return; } CancelableWork.CanCancel(cts => { PathBothSide both = new PathBothSide(mgr, cmd); var dname2 = mgr.GetPathFrom<DatabaseName>(both.ps2.Node); if (both.ps1.MatchedTables == null) return; foreach (var tname1 in both.ps1.MatchedTables) { if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) return; TableName tname2 = mgr.GetPathFrom<TableName>(both.ps2.Node); if (tname2 == null) tname2 = new TableName(dname2, tname1.SchemaName, tname1.ShortName); if (cmd.IsSchema) { string result = Compare.TableSchemaDifference(, tname1, tname2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { stdio.ErrorFormat("destination table is not compatible or doesn't exist"); continue; } } List<SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping> maps = new List<SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping>(); if (cmd.Columns.Length > 0) { SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping mapping; foreach (var column in cmd.Columns) { string[] items = column.Split('='); if (items.Length == 2) mapping = new SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(items[0], items[1]); else mapping = new SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping(column, column); maps.Add(mapping); } } TableReader tableReader; if (both.ps1.Node.Item is Locator) { Locator locator = mgr.GetCombinedLocator(both.ps1.Node); string where = locator.Path; tableReader = new TableReader(tname1, where.Inject()); } else tableReader = new TableReader(tname1); int count = tableReader.Count; stdio.Write("copying {0}", tname1.Name); using (var progress = new ProgressBar { Count = count }) { TableBulkCopy bulkCopy = new TableBulkCopy(tableReader); bulkCopy.CopyTo(tname2, maps.ToArray(), cts, progress); if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) progress.Report(count); } if (!cts.IsCancellationRequested) stdio.WriteLine(", Done."); } }); }