コード例 #1
ファイル: JoystickRawState.cs プロジェクト: sycomix/Win10Bot
        /// <summary>
        /// needed for detecting a change in joystick state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)

            JoystickRawState jsObj = (JoystickRawState)obj;

            if (X != jsObj.X || Y != jsObj.Y || Z != jsObj.Z ||
                XR != jsObj.XR || YR != jsObj.YR ||
                LT != jsObj.LT || RT != jsObj.RT ||
                DpadDirection != jsObj.DpadDirection)

            for (int i = 0; i < buttons.Length && i < jsObj.buttons.Length; i++)
                if (buttons[i] != jsObj.buttons[i])

            // all state elements we were interested in are the same
コード例 #2
ファイル: XboxHidController.cs プロジェクト: sycomix/Win10Bot
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for processing/filtering input from the controller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">HidDevice handle to the controller</param>
        /// <param name="args">InputReport received from the controller</param>
        private void inputReportReceived(HidDevice sender, HidInputReportReceivedEventArgs args)
            int dPad = (int)args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x39).Value;

            ControllerDpadDirection dpadDirection = (ControllerDpadDirection)dPad;

            // see http://sviluppomobile.blogspot.com/2013/11/hid-communication-for-windows-81-store.html

            // Adjust X/Y so (0,0) is neutral position

            // sticks - left and right:
            int _leftStickX = (int)(args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x30).Value);
            int _leftStickY = (int)(args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x31).Value);

            int _rightStickX = (int)(args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x33).Value);
            int _rightStickY = (int)(args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x34).Value);

            // triggers - left and right:
            int _LT = (int)Math.Max(0, args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x32).Value - 32768);
            int _RT = (int)Math.Max(0, (-1) * (args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x32).Value - 32768));

            JoystickRawState jss = new JoystickRawState()
                X             = _leftStickX, Y = _leftStickY, Z = 0,
                XR            = _rightStickX, YR = _rightStickY,
                LT            = _LT, RT = _RT,
                DpadDirection = dpadDirection

             * Buttons Boolean ID's mapped to 0-9 array
             * A (button1) - 5
             * B (button2) - 6
             * X (button3) - 7
             * Y (button4) - 8
             * LB (Left Bumper, button5) - 9
             * RB (Right Bumper, button6) - 10
             * Back (button7) - 11
             * Start (button8) - 12
             * LStick - 13
             * RStick - 14
            foreach (var btn in args.Report.ActivatedBooleanControls)
                // both press and release button event processed here:
                jss.Buttons[btn.Id - 5] = btn.IsActive;

            // only invoke event if there was a change:
            if (!jss.Equals(jssLast))
                jssLast = jss;
                //Debug.WriteLine("--------- HID: Joystick event");
                JoystickDataChanged?.Invoke(this, new JoystickEventArgs(jss));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for processing/filtering input from the controller
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">HidDevice handle to the controller</param>
        /// <param name="args">InputReport received from the controller</param>
        private void inputReportReceived(HidDevice sender, HidInputReportReceivedEventArgs args)
            int dPad = (int)args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x39).Value;

            ControllerDpadDirection dpadDirection = (ControllerDpadDirection)dPad;

            // see http://sviluppomobile.blogspot.com/2013/11/hid-communication-for-windows-81-store.html

            // Adjust X/Y so (0,0) is neutral position

            // sticks - left and right:
            int _leftStickX = (int)(args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x30).Value);
            int _leftStickY = (int)(args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x31).Value);

            int _rightStickX = (int)(args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x33).Value);
            int _rightStickY = (int)(args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x34).Value);

            // triggers - left and right:
            int _LT = (int)Math.Max(0, args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x32).Value - 32768);
            int _RT = (int)Math.Max(0, (-1) * (args.Report.GetNumericControl(0x01, 0x32).Value - 32768));

            JoystickRawState jss = new JoystickRawState()
                X = _leftStickX, Y = _leftStickY, Z = 0,
                XR = _rightStickX, YR = _rightStickY,
                LT = _LT, RT = _RT,
                DpadDirection = dpadDirection

            * Buttons Boolean ID's mapped to 0-9 array
            * A (button1) - 5 
            * B (button2) - 6
            * X (button3) - 7
            * Y (button4) - 8
            * LB (Left Bumper, button5) - 9
            * RB (Right Bumper, button6) - 10
            * Back (button7) - 11
            * Start (button8) - 12
            * LStick - 13
            * RStick - 14
            foreach (var btn in args.Report.ActivatedBooleanControls)
                // both press and release button event processed here:
                jss.Buttons[btn.Id - 5] = btn.IsActive;

            // only invoke event if there was a change:
            if (!jss.Equals(jssLast))
                jssLast = jss;
                //Debug.WriteLine("--------- HID: Joystick event");
                JoystickDataChanged?.Invoke(this, new JoystickEventArgs(jss));