コード例 #1
        public static string GenerateRandElement(string str, int count)
            //choose random element index
            int r = rand.Next(0, gram.Count);

            //create element
            Element e = gram[r];

            e.name = e.type + "_" + varCount;

            //choose random way to append to dom
            string[] domAppend = { "createTextNode", "appendChild", "insertBefore", "replaceChild" };

            //initialize element in string
            String block = "var " + e.name + " = " + "document.createElement(\"" + e.type + "\");\n";

            //optional - make element by calling method from another element

            /*if(rand.Next() > 0.5)//happens ~1/2 the time
             * {
             * }*/

            //append element to dom
            string appendTo = "";

            if (e.name.IndexOf("_0") != -1) //append first element to body
                appendTo = "body";
                appendTo = createdEl[rand.Next(createdEl.Count)].name;
            block += "document." + appendTo + "." + domAppend[rand.Next(domAppend.Length)] + "(" + e.name + ");\n";

            //if has children, can replace or remove children

            //random number of attributes will be assigned
            int numA = rand.Next(e.attributes.Count);

            for (int j = 0; j < numA; j++)
                //choose random attribute
                EleAtt at   = e.attributes[rand.Next(e.attributes.Count)];
                string valA = "";
                if (at.values != null)
                    //choose random value from array of values
                    valA = at.values[rand.Next(at.values.Length)];
                block += e.name + "." + at.name + " = \"" + valA + "\";\n";
            //add element to list of created elements

            //random number of methods to be called
            int numM = rand.Next(e.methods.Count);

            for (int j = 0; j < numM; j++)
                //choose random method + call method on element
                int      randM = rand.Next(e.methods.Count);
                string[] p     = e.methods[randM].parameters.ToArray();

                //for each parameter, find another element with attributes or methods of the correct type
                block += e.name + "." + e.methods[randM].name.Trim() + "("; //start of method string
                string block2 = "";
                foreach (string param in p)
                    string value = "";
                    //if the method requires parameters
                    if (param != "")
                        //list of all possible elements
                        string[] values = { };
                        //search for created element of correct type - should be fixed so that not the last in list
                        foreach (Element el in createdEl)
                            //see if any methods return the correct type
                            foreach (EleMethod m in el.methods)
                                foreach (string s in m.re)
                                    if (s.Trim().Equals(param.Trim()))
                                        value = el.name + "." + m + "add parameters here";
                            //see if any attributes are correct type
                            foreach (EleAtt a in el.attributes)
                                if (a.type == param)
                                    value = el.name + "." + a;
                        //see if any matches in createdJSEL
                        if (values.Length == 0)
                            foreach (JSElement jel in createdJSEl)
                                if (jel.type == param)
                                    if (jel.name == null)
                                        jel.name = jel.type + "_" + varCount;
                                    value = jel.name;
                        //if there were no matches in createdEl, make a new js object with attributes or methods of correct type
                        if (values.Length == 0)
                            JSElement newEl = new JSElement(param + "_" + varCount, param);
                            block2 += "var " + newEl.name + " = new " + newEl.type + "();\n";
                            value   = newEl.name;
                            //randomly choose from list of possible elements
                            value = values[rand.Next(values.Length)];
                    //commas between parameters in method string
                    block += value + ", ";
                //end of method string
                block  = block.Substring(0, block.Length - 2); //to remove ", "
                block += ");\n";
                block  = block2 + block;
コード例 #2
        public static List <Element> ReadGram()
            string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Morga\Documents\Github\simpleFuzzer\grammar.txt");
            //List<Element> elements = new List<Element>();//list of elements in grammar
            Element temp = new Element();

            foreach (string line in lines)
                if (temp != null && line.Trim() != null)
                    bool inherit = false;

                    if (line.IndexOf("::") != -1)  //if heading line of grammar
                    //start of new element: add previous element to gram
                        if (gram.Count() > 0)

                            //search for inheritance
                            for (int i = 0; i < gram.Count(); i++)
                                //if there is an element to inherit from within the grammar
                                if (gram[i].type.IndexOf(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("::") + 2).Trim()) != -1)
                                    temp      = new Element(line.Trim().Substring(0, line.Trim().IndexOf("::")), gram[i]);
                                    temp.name = temp.type + "_gram";
                                    inherit   = true;
                                    i         = gram.Count();//end loop
                        //if no inheritance
                        if (!inherit)
                            temp = new Element(line.Trim().Substring(0, line.Trim().IndexOf("::")));
                    else if (line.IndexOf("M: ") != -1)
                        //create method object w/name
                        int       start = line.IndexOf("M: ") + 2;
                        EleMethod m     = new EleMethod(line.Trim().Substring(start, line.Trim().IndexOf("|") - start));

                        //add parameters to method object
                        int    pstart = line.IndexOf("|") + 2;
                        int    plen   = line.IndexOf("-->") - pstart;
                        string ptemp  = line.Substring(pstart, plen);
                        if (ptemp.IndexOf(",") != -1 && ptemp.Trim().Length > 2)
                            m.parameters.Add(ptemp.Substring(0, ptemp.IndexOf(",")).Trim());
                            ptemp = ptemp.Substring(ptemp.IndexOf(",")).Trim().TrimStart(',');

                        //add return types to method object
                        int    rstart = line.IndexOf("-->");
                        int    rlen   = line.Length - rstart;
                        string rtemp  = line.Substring(rstart, rlen);
                        if (rtemp.IndexOf(",") != -1 && rtemp.Trim().Length > 2)
                            m.re.Add(rtemp.Substring(0, ptemp.IndexOf(",")).Trim());
                            rtemp = rtemp.Substring(rtemp.IndexOf(",") + 1);
                        if (rtemp.Trim() != "")

                        //add method object to element object
                    else if (line.IndexOf("A: ") != -1)
                        //create attribute object
                        int      Astart = line.IndexOf("A: ") + 3;
                        int      Amid   = line.IndexOf("|") - 5;
                        int      Aend   = line.IndexOf("--");
                        string   nameA  = line.Substring(Astart, Amid);
                        string   typeA  = line.Substring(Amid + 7, Aend - Amid - 7);
                        string   vals   = line.Substring(Aend + 2);
                        string[] valA   = new string[] { };
                        while (vals.Trim().Length > 0 && vals.IndexOf(",") != -1)
                            string[] tempVal = { vals.Substring(0, vals.IndexOf(", ")) };
                            valA = valA.Union(tempVal).ToArray();
                            vals = vals.Substring(vals.IndexOf(", ") + 1).Trim();
                        if (vals.Trim() == "")  //if no values, assign random values
                        //generate random string
                            string randomStr = "";
                            for (int k = 0; k < rand.Next(5, 25); k++)
                                int dec = rand.Next(0, 254);
                                randomStr += Convert.ToChar(dec).ToString();
                            valA = new string[] { "abc", "123", "true", randomStr };
                            valA = new string[] { vals };
                        EleAtt a = new EleAtt(nameA, typeA, valA);