public bool responseWaiters(int tableID) { profileDataContext myContext = new profileDataContext(); restaurantTable rTable = new restaurantTable(); // Query the database for the row to be updated. var query = from tord in myContext.restaurantTables where tord.tableID == tableID select tord; // Execute the query, and change the column values // you want to change. foreach (restaurantTable tord in query) { tord.callWaiter = false; // Insert any additional changes to column values. } // Submit the changes to the database. try { myContext.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); // Provide for exceptions. return(false); } return(false); }
public List <orderTablePrice> getTableOrder(int tableID) { List <orderTablePrice> a = new List <orderTablePrice>(); a = null; profileDataContext myContext = new profileDataContext(); var menuItemList = from toi in myContext.tableOrderItems from mi in myContext.menuItems from tto in myContext.tableOrders where tto.tableID.Equals(tableID) where toi.menuItemID.Equals(mi.menuItemID) where tto.isPaid.Equals("False") where tto.tableOrderID.Equals(toi.tableOrderID) select new orderTablePrice { itemName = mi.itemName, quantity = toi.quantity.Value, totalPrice = mi.price.Value * toi.quantity.Value }; if (menuItemList.ToList() != null) { a = menuItemList.ToList(); } return(a); }
public bool setMenu(Int32 id, String name) { profileDataContext myContext = new profileDataContext(); menu m = new menu(); m.menuID = id; //float.Parse(latitude, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); m.menuName = name; //float.Parse(longitude, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); myContext.menus.InsertOnSubmit(m); myContext.SubmitChanges(); return(true); }
public List <string> getTableName() { List <string> a = new List <string>(); a = null; profileDataContext myContext = new profileDataContext(); // CURRENT_LOCATION getLocation = new CURRENT_LOCATION(); var tableName = from i in myContext.restaurantTables select i.tableName; // getLocation = locationContext; if (tableName.ToList() != null) { a = tableName.ToList(); } return(a); }
public List <string> getMenuName() { List <string> a = new List <string>(); a = null; profileDataContext myContext = new profileDataContext(); // CURRENT_LOCATION getLocation = new CURRENT_LOCATION(); var menuName = from i in myContext.menus select i.menuName; // getLocation = locationContext; if (menuName.ToList() != null) { a = menuName.ToList(); } return(a); }
public List <menuItem> getMenuItemList(int menuID) { List <menuItem> a = new List <menuItem>(); a = null; profileDataContext myContext = new profileDataContext(); // CURRENT_LOCATION getLocation = new CURRENT_LOCATION(); var menuItemList = from i in myContext.menuItems where i.menuID.Equals(menuID) select i; // getLocation = locationContext; if (menuItemList.ToList() != null) { a = menuItemList.ToList(); } return(a); }
public bool takeReceipt(int tableID) { profileDataContext myContext = new profileDataContext(); tableOrder tOrder = new tableOrder(); if (getTableOrder(tableID) != null) { // Query the database for the row to be updated. var query = from tord in myContext.tableOrders where tord.tableID == tableID select tord; // Execute the query, and change the column values // you want to change. foreach (tableOrder tord in query) { tord.isPaid = true; // Insert any additional changes to column values. } // Submit the changes to the database. try { myContext.SubmitChanges(); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); // Provide for exceptions. return(false); } } return(false); }