public string AddLabeledData() { string TrainingDataUrl; CloudStorageAccount StorageAccount = _Engine.StorageAccount; CloudBlobClient BlobClient = StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); //*****TODO***** externalize labeled data container name. CloudBlobContainer LabeledDataContainer = BlobClient.GetContainerReference("labeleddata"); foreach (IListBlobItem item in LabeledDataContainer.ListBlobs(null, false)) { if (item.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlockBlob)) { CloudBlockBlob dataCloudBlockBlob = (CloudBlockBlob)item; TrainingDataUrl = dataCloudBlockBlob.Uri.ToString(); string BindingHash = dataCloudBlockBlob.Properties.ContentMD5.ToString(); if (BindingHash == null) { //compute the file hash as this will be added to the meta data to allow for file version validation string BlobMd5 = FrameworkBlob.CalculateMD5Hash(dataCloudBlockBlob.ToString()); if (BlobMd5 == null) { _Log.LogInformation("\nWarning: Blob Hash calculation failed and will not be included in file information blob, continuing operation."); } else { dataCloudBlockBlob.Properties.ContentMD5 = BlobMd5; } } //trim the 2 "equals" off the trailing end of the hash or the http send will fail either using the client or raw http calls. BindingHash = BindingHash.Substring(0, BindingHash.Length - 2); //Get the content from the bound JSON file and instanciate a JsonBlob class then retrieve the labels collection from the Json to add to the image. JsonBlob boundJson = (JsonBlob)_Search.GetBlob("json", BindingHash, _Log); string trainingDataLabels = Uri.EscapeDataString(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(boundJson.Labels)); //construct and call model URL then fetch response // the model always sends the label set in the message body with the name LabelsJson. If your model needs other values in the URL then use //{ {environment variable name}}. // So the example load labels function in the sameple model package would look like this: //{{ProjectID}} // The orchestration engine appends the labels json file to the message body. // http://localhost:7071/api/LoadImageTags/?projectID=8d9d12d1-5d5c-4893-b915-4b5b3201f78e&labelsJson={%22Labels%22:[%22Hemlock%22,%22Japanese%20Cherry%22]} string AddLabeledDataUrl = boundJson.BlobInfo.Url; AddLabeledDataUrl = ConstructModelRequestUrl(AddLabeledDataUrl, trainingDataLabels, _Log); _Response = _Client.GetAsync(AddLabeledDataUrl).Result; _ResponseString = _Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ResponseString)) { throw (new MissingRequiredObject($"\nresponseString not generated from URL: {AddLabeledDataUrl}")); } //the code below is for passing labels and conent as http content and not on the URL string. //Format the Data Labels content //HttpRequestMessage Request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, new Uri(AddLabeledDataUrl)); //HttpContent DataLabelsStringContent = new StringContent(trainingDataLabels, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); //MultipartFormDataContent LabeledDataContent = new MultipartFormDataContent(); //LabeledDataContent.Add(DataLabelsStringContent, "LabeledData"); //Format the data cotent //*****TODO***** move to an async architecture //*****TODO***** need to decide if there is value in sending the data as a binary stream in the post or if requireing the model data scienctist to accept URLs is sufficient. If accessing the data blob with a SAS url requires Azure classes then create a configuration to pass the data as a stream in the post. If there is then this should be a configurable option. //MemoryStream dataBlobMemStream = new MemoryStream(); //dataBlob.DownloadToStream(dataBlobMemStream); //HttpContent LabeledDataHttpContent = new StreamContent(dataBlobMemStream); //LabeledDataContent.Add(LabeledDataContent, "LabeledData"); //Make the http call and get a response //string AddLabelingTagsEndpoint = Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("LabeledDataServiceEndpoint", log); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AddLabelingTagsEndpoint)) throw (new EnvironmentVariableNotSetException("LabeledDataServiceEndpoint environment variable not set")); //string ResponseString = Helper.GetEvaluationResponseString(AddLabelingTagsEndpoint, LabeledDataContent, log); //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResponseString)) throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nresponseString not generated from URL: " + AddLabelingTagsEndpoint)); _Log.LogInformation($"Successfully added blob: {dataCloudBlockBlob.Name} with labels: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(boundJson.Labels)}"); } } return("Completed execution of AddLabeledData. See logs for success/fail details."); }
public string EvaluateData(string blobName) { try { string PendingEvaluationStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingEvaluationStorageContainerName", _Log); string EvaluatedDataStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("evaluatedDataStorageContainerName", _Log); string JsonStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("jsonStorageContainerName", _Log); string PendingSupervisionStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingSupervisionStorageContainerName", _Log); string LabeledDataStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("labeledDataStorageContainerName", _Log); string ModelValidationStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("modelValidationStorageContainerName", _Log); string PendingNewModelStorageContainerName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("pendingNewModelStorageContainerName", _Log); string StorageConnection = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureWebJobsStorage", _Log); string ConfidenceJsonPath = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("confidenceJSONPath", _Log); string DataTagsBlobName = _Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("dataTagsBlobName", _Log); double ConfidenceThreshold = Convert.ToDouble(_Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("confidenceThreshold", _Log)); double ModelVerificationPercent = Convert.ToDouble(_Engine.GetEnvironmentVariable("modelVerificationPercentage", _Log)); //------------------------This section retrieves the blob needing evaluation and calls the evaluation service for processing.----------------------- // Create Reference to Azure Storage Account and the container for data that is pending evaluation by the model. CloudStorageAccount StorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(StorageConnection); CloudBlobClient BlobClient = StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer Container = BlobClient.GetContainerReference(PendingEvaluationStorageContainerName); //Get a reference to a container, if the container does not exist create one then get the reference to the blob you want to evaluate." CloudBlockBlob RawDataBlob = _Search.GetBlob(StorageAccount, JsonStorageContainerName, blobName, _Log); DataBlob DataEvaluating = new DataBlob(RawDataBlob.Properties.ContentMD5, _Log); if (DataEvaluating == null) { throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nMissing dataEvaluating blob object.")); } //compute the file hash as this will be added to the meta data to allow for file version validation string BlobMd5 = FrameworkBlob.CalculateMD5Hash(DataEvaluating.ToString()); if (BlobMd5 == null) { _Log.LogInformation("\nWarning: Blob Hash calculation failed and will not be included in file information blob, continuing operation."); } else { DataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Properties.ContentMD5 = BlobMd5; } //****Currently only working with public access set on blob folders //Generate a URL with SAS token to submit to analyze image API //string dataEvaluatingSas = GetBlobSharedAccessSignature(dataEvaluating); string DataEvaluatingUrl = DataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Uri.ToString(); //+ dataEvaluatingSas; //string dataEvaluatingUrl = "test"; //package the file contents to send as http request content //MemoryStream DataEvaluatingContent = new MemoryStream(); //DataEvaluating.AzureBlob.DownloadToStreamAsync(DataEvaluatingContent); //HttpContent DataEvaluatingStream = new StreamContent(DataEvaluatingContent); var content = new MultipartFormDataContent(); //content.Add(DataEvaluatingStream, "name"); //Make a request to the model service passing the file URL string ResponseString = Helper.GetEvaluationResponseString(DataEvaluatingUrl, content, _Log); if (ResponseString == "") { throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nresponseString not generated from URL: " + DataEvaluatingUrl)); } //deserialize response JSON, get confidence score and compare with confidence threshold JObject AnalysisJson = JObject.Parse(ResponseString); string StrConfidence = (string)AnalysisJson.SelectToken(ConfidenceJsonPath); double Confidence = (double)AnalysisJson.SelectToken(ConfidenceJsonPath); if (StrConfidence == null) { throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nNo confidence value at " + ConfidenceJsonPath + " from environment variable ConfidenceJSONPath.")); } //--------------------------------This section processes the results of the analysis and transferes the blob to the container responsible for the next appropriate stage of processing.------------------------------- //model successfully analyzed content if (Confidence >= ConfidenceThreshold) { CloudBlockBlob EvaluatedData = _Search.GetBlob(StorageAccount, EvaluatedDataStorageContainerName, blobName, _Log); if (EvaluatedData == null) { throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nMissing evaluatedData " + blobName + " destination blob in container " + EvaluatedDataStorageContainerName)); } _Engine.CopyAzureBlobToAzureBlob(StorageAccount, DataEvaluating.AzureBlob, EvaluatedData, _Log).Wait(); //pick a random number of successfully analyzed content blobs and submit them for supervision verification. Random Rnd = new Random(); if (Math.Round(Rnd.NextDouble(), 2) <= ModelVerificationPercent) { CloudBlockBlob ModelValidation = _Search.GetBlob(StorageAccount, ModelValidationStorageContainerName, blobName, _Log); if (ModelValidation == null) { _Log.LogInformation("\nWarning: Model validation skipped for " + blobName + " because of missing evaluatedData " + blobName + " destination blob in container " + ModelValidationStorageContainerName); } else { _Engine.MoveAzureBlobToAzureBlob(StorageAccount, DataEvaluating.AzureBlob, ModelValidation, _Log).Wait(); } } DataEvaluating.AzureBlob.DeleteIfExistsAsync(); } //model was not sufficiently confident in its analysis else { CloudBlockBlob PendingSupervision = _Search.GetBlob(StorageAccount, PendingSupervisionStorageContainerName, blobName, _Log); if (PendingSupervision == null) { throw (new MissingRequiredObject("\nMissing pendingSupervision " + blobName + " destination blob in container " + PendingSupervisionStorageContainerName)); } _Engine.MoveAzureBlobToAzureBlob(StorageAccount, DataEvaluating.AzureBlob, PendingSupervision, _Log).Wait(); } //----------------------------This section collects information about the blob being analyzied and packages it in JSON that is then written to blob storage for later processing----------------------------------- JObject BlobAnalysis = new JObject( new JProperty("id", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), new JProperty("blobInfo", new JObject( new JProperty("name", blobName), new JProperty("url", DataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Uri.ToString()), new JProperty("modified", DataEvaluating.AzureBlob.Properties.LastModified.ToString()), new JProperty("hash", BlobMd5) ) ) ); //create environment JSON object JProperty BlobEnvironment = _Engine.GetEnvironmentJson(_Log); BlobAnalysis.Add(BlobEnvironment); BlobAnalysis.Merge(AnalysisJson); //Note: all json files get writted to the same container as they are all accessed either by discrete name or by azure search index either GUID or Hash. CloudBlockBlob JsonBlob = _Search.GetBlob(StorageAccount, JsonStorageContainerName, (string)BlobAnalysis.SelectToken("") + ".json", _Log); JsonBlob.Properties.ContentType = "application/json"; string SerializedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(BlobAnalysis, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { }); Stream MemStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SerializedJson)); if (MemStream.Length != 0) { JsonBlob.UploadFromStreamAsync(MemStream); } else { throw (new ZeroLengthFileException("\nencoded JSON memory stream is zero length and cannot be writted to blob storage")); } _Log.LogInformation($"C# Blob trigger function Processed blob\n Name:{blobName}"); } catch (MissingRequiredObject e) { _Log.LogInformation("\n" + blobName + " could not be analyzed with message: " + e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { _Log.LogInformation("\n" + blobName + " could not be analyzed with message: " + e.Message); } return($"Evaluate data completed evaluating data blob: {blobName}"); }