コード例 #1
        //non-default constructor
        public TicketSums(NightlySum totals, double adultPrice, double studentPrice, double seniorPrice, double parPassPrice)
            //assign values
            this.Adults = totals.adults;
            this.Students = totals.students;
            this.Seniors = totals.seniors;
            this.ParPass = totals.parPass;

            this.adultPrice = adultPrice;
            this.studentPrice = studentPrice;
            this.seniorPrice = seniorPrice;
            this.parPassPrice = parPassPrice;
コード例 #2
        private NightlySum showTotal()
            //create nightly sum to hold total
            NightlySum totalSum = new NightlySum();

            //for each night
            for (int i = 1; i <= show.htNights2Nights.Count; i++)
                //get the nightly sum
                NightlySum thisSum = (NightlySum)sumNight((Night)show.htNights2Nights[i]);

                //add night's sum to total sum
                totalSum.tickets += thisSum.tickets;
                totalSum.adults += thisSum.adults;
                totalSum.students += thisSum.students;
                totalSum.seniors += thisSum.seniors;
                totalSum.comps += thisSum.comps;
                totalSum.parPass += thisSum.parPass;
            }//end for

            //return the total
            return totalSum;
コード例 #3
        private void updateNightLabels(NightlySum sum)
            //create object to perform math. more for cleanliness than anything else
            TicketSums sums = new TicketSums(sum, Ticket.adultCost, Ticket.studentCost, Ticket.seniorCost, Ticket.parPassCost);

            //assign the values to the labels
            lblNightTixTot1.Text = sum.tickets.ToString();
            lblNightAdTix1.Text = sum.adults.ToString();
            lblNightStudTix1.Text = sum.students.ToString();
            lblNightSenTix1.Text = sum.seniors.ToString();
            lblNightCompTix1.Text = sum.comps.ToString();
            lblNightParPassTix1.Text = sum.parPass.ToString();

            lblNightTaken1.Text = "$ " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", sums.total());
            lblNightSenTaken1.Text = "$ " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", sums.totalSenior());
            lblNightAdTaken1.Text = "$ " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", sums.totalAdult());
            lblNightStudTaken1.Text = "$ " + String.Format("{0:0.00}", sums.totalStudent());
コード例 #4
        private NightlySum sumNight(Night nightTable)
            //declare placeholders
            int tickets = 0;
            int adults = 0;
            int students = 0;
            int seniors = 0;
            int comps = 0;
            int parPass = 0;

            foreach (string key in SeatNumbers.seatNums)
                //create a local object for each seat
                Seat seat = (Seat)nightTable.htSeats2Bits[key];

                //no need to include it if it is not reserved
                if (seat.reserved == true)
                    //increment total

                    //increment each type
                    if (seat.ticket.type == "Adult")
                    }//end if

                    else if (seat.ticket.type == "Student")
                    }//end if

                    else if (seat.ticket.type == "Senior")
                    }//end if

                    else if (seat.ticket.type == "Comp")
                    }//end if

                    else if (seat.ticket.type == "Parent Pass")
                    }//end if

                }//end outer if
            }//end foreach

            //create a new object to hold the sum
            NightlySum sum = new NightlySum(tickets, adults, students, seniors, comps, parPass);

            //return that object
            return sum;