public static void SaveStepPictureAsPNG(Step st, string file, ViewMaker vo) { // TODO clone tran and autozoom BitmapSource bit = MakeBitmap(st, vo); PngBitmapEncoder png = new PngBitmapEncoder(); png.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(bit)); File.Delete(file); using (Stream stm = File.Create(file)) { png.Save(stm); } }
public ViewMaker CloneSettings() { ViewMaker vo = new ViewMaker(); vo.width = this.width; vo.height = this.height; vo.bShowAnnotations = this.bShowAnnotations; vo.bShowFaceLabels = this.bShowFaceLabels; vo.bShowEndGrain = this.bShowEndGrain; vo.bShowHighlights = this.bShowHighlights; vo.bShowLines = this.bShowLines; vo.bStaticLines = this.bStaticLines; vo.bAnimate = this.bAnimate; vo.bShowAxes = this.bShowAxes; vo.bCloneTran = this.bCloneTran; vo.bAutoZoom = this.bAutoZoom; vo.transparencies = this.transparencies; vo.LineThickness = this.LineThickness; return(vo); }
private static FixedPage CreateFixedPageForStep(Step st, PrintStuff ps) { FixedPage page = new FixedPage(); page.Background = Brushes.White; page.Width = ps.dpi * ps.page_width; page.Height = ps.dpi * ps.page_height; double picWidth = 4; double picHeight = 4; ViewMaker vo = new ViewMaker(); vo.bAnimate = false; vo.bShowAnnotations = true; vo.bShowAxes = false; vo.bShowEndGrain = true; vo.bShowFaceLabels = true; vo.bShowHighlights = true; vo.bShowLines = true; vo.bStaticLines = true; vo.height = (int)(ps.dpi * picHeight); vo.width = (int)(ps.dpi * picWidth); vo.bCloneTran = true; vo.bAutoZoom = true; vo.transparencies = null; vo.MakeView(st); // Move the picture to the center of the area Rect r = wpfmisc.Get2DBoundingBox(vo.vp); vo.vp.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform((vo.vp.Width - r.Width) / 2 - r.Left, (vo.vp.Height - r.Height) / 2 - r.Top); Border b = new Border(); //b.Background = Brushes.Yellow; b.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1); b.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black; b.Child = vo.vp; FixedPage.SetLeft(b, ps.dpi * ps.margin_left); FixedPage.SetTop(b, ps.dpi * (ps.margin_left * 2)); page.Children.Add((UIElement)b); TextBlock tbTitle = new TextBlock(); tbTitle.Text = st.Description; tbTitle.FontSize = 24; tbTitle.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Arial"); FixedPage.SetLeft(tbTitle, ps.dpi * ps.margin_left); FixedPage.SetTop(tbTitle, ps.dpi * ps.margin_top); page.Children.Add((UIElement)tbTitle); TextBlock tbProse = new TextBlock(); tbProse.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; tbProse.MaxWidth = vo.width; tbProse.Text = st.prose; tbProse.FontSize = 12; tbProse.FontFamily = new FontFamily("serif"); FixedPage.SetLeft(tbProse, ps.dpi * ps.margin_left); FixedPage.SetTop(tbProse, ps.dpi * (ps.margin_top + 1)); page.Children.Add((UIElement)tbProse); FlowDocumentScrollViewer fdsv_notes = new FlowDocumentScrollViewer(); fdsv_notes.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled; fdsv_notes.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled; fdsv_notes.Width = ps.dpi * 3; fdsv_notes.Height = ps.dpi * 3; if (st.Notes != null) { // TODO fdsv_notes.Document = XamlReader.Load(new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(st.Notes))) as FlowDocument; } FixedPage.SetLeft(fdsv_notes, ps.dpi * ps.margin_left); FixedPage.SetTop(fdsv_notes, ps.dpi * 6); page.Children.Add((UIElement)fdsv_notes); TextBlock tbCredit = new TextBlock(new Run("")); tbCredit.FontSize = 10; tbCredit.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Arial"); FixedPage.SetRight(tbCredit, ps.dpi * ps.margin_right); FixedPage.SetBottom(tbCredit, ps.dpi * ps.margin_bottom); page.Children.Add(tbCredit); Size sz = new Size(ps.dpi * ps.page_width, ps.dpi * ps.page_height); page.Measure(sz); page.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(), sz)); page.UpdateLayout(); return(page); }