public static void AddAnimal() { // Add a new animal you've just seen Console.WriteLine("What animal have you just seen?"); var animalSpecies = Console.ReadLine(); var newAnimal = new SeenAnimals { Species = animalSpecies }; var db = new SafariVacationContext(); if (animalSpecies == "") { Console.WriteLine("Nothing to Add"); } else { db.SeenAnimalsTable.Add(newAnimal); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Keep it up, nice job!"); Greeting(); } }
public static void UpdateAnimal() { // Update the CountOfTimesSeen and LocationOfLastSeen for an animal Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("What animal do you want to upgrade?"); var db = new SafariVacationContext(); var picked = Console.ReadLine(); var animalToUpdate = db.SeenAnimalsTable.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Species == picked); Console.WriteLine($"Ok, you picked {picked}. What do you want to update?"); Console.WriteLine($"(S)pecies"); Console.WriteLine($"(C)ount of Times Seen"); Console.WriteLine($"(L)ocation of Last Seen"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); var playerSelects = Console.ReadLine(); if (playerSelects == "S") { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("What is the new species name?"); var speciesName = Console.ReadLine(); animalToUpdate.Species = speciesName; Console.WriteLine("Cool, what else?"); Greeting(); } else if (playerSelects == "C") { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("How many times have you seen this species?"); var speciesCount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); animalToUpdate.CountOfTimeSeen = speciesCount; Console.WriteLine("Great, what else?"); Greeting(); } else if (playerSelects == "L") { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Where did you last see this species?"); var speciesLocation = Console.ReadLine(); animalToUpdate.LocationOfLastSeen = speciesLocation; Console.WriteLine("Awesome, what else?"); Greeting(); } else { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Next time pick one of the three! Grrrrrr"); } db.SaveChanges(); }
public static void RemoveAnimal() { // Remove Animal Console.WriteLine("Which animal do you want to remove?"); var db = new SafariVacationContext(); var picked = Console.ReadLine(); var AnimalToRemove = db.SeenAnimalsTable.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Species == picked); Console.WriteLine($"Bye bye {picked}"); db.SeenAnimalsTable.Remove(AnimalToRemove); db.SaveChanges(); Greeting(); }
public static void RandomStuffAskedByMark() { // Display all animals seen in the Jungle Console.WriteLine("What do you want to do?"); Console.WriteLine($"(D)isplay all animals seen in the Jungle"); Console.WriteLine($"(R)emove all animals that I have seen in the Desert"); Console.WriteLine($"(A)dd all the CountOfTimeSeen and get a total number of animals seen"); Console.WriteLine($"(G)et the CountOfTimeSeen of lions, tigers and bears"); var playerSelects = Console.ReadLine(); if (playerSelects == "D") { Console.WriteLine("The animals you've seen in the jungle are:"); var db = new SafariVacationContext(); var animals = db.SeenAnimalsTable.Where(f => f.LocationOfLastSeen == "Jungle"); foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine($"{animal.Species}"); } Greeting(); } else if (playerSelects == "R") { Console.WriteLine("The animals you've seen in the desert are:"); var db = new SafariVacationContext(); var animals = db.SeenAnimalsTable.Where(f => f.LocationOfLastSeen == "Desert"); foreach (var animal in animals) { Console.WriteLine($"{animal.Species}"); db.SeenAnimalsTable.Remove(animal); } Console.WriteLine("And now they are gone... Sad, but true..."); db.SaveChanges(); Greeting(); } else if (playerSelects == "A") { var db = new SafariVacationContext(); var animals = db.SeenAnimalsTable.Where(f => f.CountOfTimeSeen >= 1); var numberOfRecords = 0; var numberOfAnimalsSeen = 0; foreach (var animal in animals) { numberOfRecords++; numberOfAnimalsSeen += animal.CountOfTimeSeen; } Console.WriteLine("The total of Animals seen is: " + numberOfRecords.ToString()); Console.WriteLine($"You have seen a total of {numberOfAnimalsSeen} animals"); } else if (playerSelects == "G") { var db = new SafariVacationContext(); var animals = db.SeenAnimalsTable.Where(f => f.CountOfTimeSeen >= 1); var numberOfSpecialAnimalsSeen = 0; var LionsTigersBears = db.SeenAnimalsTable.Where(animal => animal.Species == "Lion" || animal.Species == "Tiger" || animal.Species == "Bear"); foreach (var animal in LionsTigersBears) { numberOfSpecialAnimalsSeen += animal.CountOfTimeSeen; } Console.WriteLine($"You have seen a total of {numberOfSpecialAnimalsSeen} Lions, Tigers and Bears"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Common, pick carefully next time."); } }