public override void Draw() { foldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(foldout, FOLD_NAME); if (!foldout) { return; } HierarchyUtil.CreateGroup(() => { HierarchyUtil.CreateInfo(INFO); this.enabled = HierarchyUtil.Toggle("Enabeld", this.enabled, @"Enable/Disable all features from this section"); HierarchyUtil.BeginHorizontal(() => { this.prefix = HierarchyUtil.TextField("Prefix", this.prefix, @"Prefix string for separator in GameObject's name"); HierarchyUtil.Button("Reset", ResetPrefix); }); HierarchyUtil.BeginHorizontal(() => { this.color = HierarchyUtil.ColorField("Color", this.color, @"Color of the separator"); HierarchyUtil.Button("Reset", ResetColor); }); this.drawFill = HierarchyUtil.Toggle("Draw Fill", this.drawFill, @"Draw separator from start all the way to the end"); }); }